Buck's Father

Gradient is now soundly asleep, as he is beginning to have some dreams of sorts. Of course, the dreams that he had gained are not good ones, and they would have haunted him, had Palette Roller not came in to help him with this situation.

Thanks to Palette Roller, he is able to manipulate dreams, and is able to give Gradient a good night sleep, especially since he has not slept much in his 2 years of working with Error404. Not that he needs it that much. But it is something that he think he should have, since he has nothing else to do inside anyway. But he feels like he should need this, since it means that he can feel a little bit refreshed. And Palette Roller was even able to enter his Dream, and watch over it so that a bad dream does indeed comes, in order to alter it and make it a happy dream, or simply use the power of dreams to be able to communicate and talk with each other, so that no one else can be able to hear them with what they have to say to each other. Though it is also a little bit sad, because the dream involves his past memories.

And needless to say, he is very happy with Palette being able to help him get through with this, especially with being able to give him good dreams. But he won't also deny the fact that Palette Roller is immensely powerful, and in the way he sees it, Palette Roller is is the second strongest spawn after Gradient himself, as Gradient embodies both Destruction and Creation, and Palette Roller is embodies the positive feeling of creation, due to being born from Dead!Dream and Hollow!Ink, not to mention the fact that he has inherited Hollow!Ink's physical strength and consumption powers, though he only consumed universes that are pure corrupted and evil, and if there are is even a single coupe of good in that universe, he would being them to the Omega Timeline.

Because of this, Palette is slowly getting more and more stronger, as he consumes more of the corrupted Alternate Universes, such as Underworld, and thankfully, Frisk and Flowey from that AU are fine, as they are able to be evacuated into the Omega Timeline, before he consumed it, and Killertale, with only Killer Sans present. Because of this, he was able to consume this universe, and Killer Sans still inside of it. Though that does not stop another Killer Sans from appearing, as there is still one that is working for the original nightmare, and it would not do so much, just makes it simply a little more annoying to Nightmare. He even consumed a universe where Killer Sans absorbed 7 human souls where it made him into a godly entity that is similar to Seraphim Sans, except much more ruthless and dangerous. Thankfully, Palette was able to consume this universe before Dead!Nightmare got his hands on that Sans. But even so, the universes that he had consumed are able to make him much more stronger than ever before, as well as the magic that he has. The only drawback, is that he lacks Ink's ability to transform, which is due to the fact that he has an apple that he inherited from Dead!Dream, that is combined with the essence of the soul of the entity. Though this might also due to the fact that Palette is unaware that he could be able to do it, or the fact that an one of the members of the entity's race that Ink had bonded to needs to control him in order for Palette to be able to access the transformation. Gradient does not know, but what he does know, is the fact that Palette is still his brother, and he is already happy with the fact that he is still here for him. But there is one thing that has been bothering Gradient, and it is when he is dreaming to talk to Dead!Palette Roller. Whenever he dreams, he has a feeling that they are not the only ones inside of the dreamworld, and that there is someone there with them, as if wanting to speak to them about something important.

But Gradient tries all that he can to not think about it too much, and tries the best he can to ignore the strange feeling that is in the dream that he has. In fact, it seems that talking to Palette seems to work, as the feeling seems to be forgotten by Gradient. But overtime...the feeling became more and more known, as the presence began to get more closer and closer. He feels like that there is another entity that is able to speak in dreams, but Gradient does not know what it is, nor does he know where it is coming from. All that he knows is that the presence is here, and that is is starting to get more and more closer to Gradient himself.

For now...he needs to only pay attention to his brothers, and only them. That way, they can live through the end of it all.


Dr. Buck is shown to be walking into the corridor that leads to the SCP-7131 instances, as she huffed a little bit.

Clearly, she is not very happy with the fact that she is going back to go and see SCP-7131-1, due to the fact that she has a strange feeling inside of her that she does not want to feel, especially since she is about to be interviewing an SCP, as usual. She usually does not like SCPs, due to the fact that she sees them as inhuman and should be locked away. As monstrosities that are not going to be tested as equals and as subhuman. But SCP-7131-1...it is different from the other SCPs. He is someone that is like SCP-343, not being able to stay contained, and is always able to get out, whenever the wants to. Only staying to watch over his brother, who need his protection. But there is another thing that made the SCP different in her opinion. In fact, there is something that she that she cannot get her mind off of, and what is considered to be nonsense in the way that she feels towards the SCP that she is interviewing.  

But as she went through the door and reached the SCP-7131-1 corridor, she was caught by surprise at a familiar face that is present there as well. And it is none other than Mr. Moore.

Dr. Buck is a little bit surprised to see him there, as he was supposed to be somewhere else. But she than walked up to Mr. Moore and spoke out.

"Mr. Moore, what are you doing here?"

He turns to look at Dr. Buck, and he than spoke out.

"Oh, hello, Dr. Buck. Well, I was bright here because of the fact that well...I was told and ordered to come here, along with...well...my old boss."

It didn't take long for Dr. Buck to speak out to Mr. Moore.

"You don't mean who I think it is, do you?"

Mr. Moore nodded his head in a very unhappy way.

"Yes. I do. I mean Dr. Numita, your father. He said that he has heard that SCP-7131-1 refuses to give any information, and has heard that you are unable to gain any information from him. So he wants to try and get the information out of SCP-7131-1. And since he himself is not going to give up on the information...well...I think you can see how he wants to play like this."

Dr. Buck looked a little unhappy with the fact that he own father, Dr. Numita, who is even more strict and unpleasant than even herself, is going to come here. She sighed, with a rather unhappy expression, as she than spoke out.

"Why is it that I have a feeling that this is something that is about to go wrong?"

About 10 minutes later...

Gradient is shown to be sitting onto his bed, as he is looking at a glitched screen of sorts, as he watches over a certain skeleton that is known as the first and most powerful destroyer, named Infected. But as he looked down...he sensed someone was going to come into his chamber. So he dissipates the screen, as he than looks up to see just in time a human having came in, before he can see the screen Gradient had. And Gradient has a good look at the human that is before his very eyes.

Before him is a man, possibly in his mid-to-50s, with pony tail coming down from behind his back, and is wearing a red suit of sorts, as well as having rectangular glasses on his face, and has an expression that is much more stern compared to even Dr. Buck. This is one other than her father, Dr. Numita. Gradient got his look at him, and it is annoying Gradient to no end, as he sat up straight up and whispered to him.

"Great, now I have to deal with another human that is coming for some stupid interviews."

Dr. Numita than spoke out to Gradient in a demanding and stern.

"Whatever it is the that are saying, you better say it clearly."

Gradient than looks at Dr. Numita in the eyes, as he glared at him, before he spoke back in a cold and equally stern tone, though his way of speaking is much more controlled.

"I am merely voicing myself of the displeasure of having to go through some unneeded and constantly annoying presenting of interviews with you humans. It is already getting on my nerves."

Dr. Numita glared at Gradient, not very happy at the way that he is speaking, while Gradient returned a glare of his own, though in a much more calm manner.

"That being said, subject, the foundation is not going to give up easily, as they desire to know what knowledge you have."

Gradient than looks at Dr. Numita, and spoke out.

"Than they are wasting their time. They are forgetting the fact that I will not budge easily, human. I am not telling them anything, nor will I tell you, anything that I myself know of."

As SCP-7131-1 and Dr. Numita continued to speak to each other, Matt Moore and Amelia Buck are looking at what is happening through the glass window, as they are observing the interview, which is acting more like an interrogation. And Matt Moore is being rather a little bit surprised at what he is seeing before his very eyes. He thought that the D-Class, Angelo, was a stubborn type, and while not as stubborn as Dr. Numita, due to complying with his demand at the respond of the doctor calling Angelo a pathetic worm, he is still persistent at being able to continue an argument with him, until Matt Moore had to put an end to all of it.

"It's rather strange...seeing these 2 meeting each other. Like...how does that even work. They are both refusing to back down and acting stubborn to one another."

He than looks down and his thoughts spoke out to himself.

'It is almost as though Dr. Numita is speaking to an anomalous reflection of himself.'

Dr. Buck, however, was paying a lot of attention to Dr. Numita and SCP-7131-1, as they see that they are speaking to each other, back and forth, as she looked a little bit...uneasy. She always wanted to have some form of goal that involves her father, due to him being a highly respected member of the foundation, but she does not like him, due to the fact what he was involved, perhaps even the reason that she had became the way that she is, being traumatized as a child, being claustrophobic, and having a fear of being seen as insignificant. And the thing is, SCP-7131-1 is shown to not be afraid of speaking back to him, and even acting stubborn at Dr. Numita. They are both very persistent, as Dr. Numita is not giving up on getting information from SCP-7131-1, while SCP-7131-1 is not going to give in and reveal what he knows to Dr. Numita. And the scary part about it is that they are both similar, as both are stern and ruthless, but Dr. Numita can lose his composure at times, while SCP-7131-1, even when he gets angry, barely seems to lose his composure at all. And this is making Dr. Buck worry a little bit, due to the fact that she has no idea what it is that is going to happen, because not the conversation seems to escalate with Sr. Numita finally yelling at SCP-7131-1

With SCP-7131-1...

SCP-7131-1 was not cooperating with Dr. Numita, which is not what the doctor was expecting. He had heard from researchers that SCP-7131-1 was stubborn, but he didn't think that he was going to be this stubborn, because he is refusing to answer. And this is continuing to irritate him, as he keeps referring to the skeleton as 'Subject', while SCP-7131-1 refers to Dr. Numita as 'Human.' And this is really annoying, because when he insults SCP-7131-1, he insults back, when he is demanding to know information, SCP-7131-1 refuses to comply. When he tries to give reasons, such as humans going to be affected by whatever problem that SCP-7131-1 might have been involved in, his response was that the welfare of humans does not matter to him, due to the fact that they are of little concern to him, and this is making Dr. Numita much more angrier than he already has been.

Dr. Numita finally loses his patients, as he than shouted out.

"Listen, you pathetic worm!! I am not having more of this stubborn trait of yours, and you will give us the information that you have!!"

But Gradient simply spoke back to Dr. Numita without making an expression on his face.

"I will never answer to a filthy bug like you."

This surprised Dr. Numita, as usually, the humanoid SCPs would be intimidated by the outbursts, and even Angelo, a D-Class would be intimidated, being forced to go down a hole in the ground while he is inside of SCP-093. But SCP-7131-1 was not intimidated. In fact, he looks rather...unamused. Almost as if this is the most pathetic move that a single much more colder Doctor such as him could do in a situation like this. This made Dr. Numita a little bit angry, as he than spoke out to SCP-7131-1.

"If you do not tell me, I will have to use the tesla mechanism inside of your containment chamber, in order to make you speak."

But SCP-7131-1 simply looks up at him and speaks out.

"Seriously, if that is the best that you can do, than it is pathetic. I have been tortured worse than some pathetic shocks that you foundation doctors can give to me. I do not care how many times that you can shock me, human, you are not getting answers out of me.

This made Dr. Numita frown even more than ever before, as the SCP is still not intimidated by the fact that he is going to get tortured with electric shocks, before he than spoke out to Gradient in an attempt to try and make sure that he'll speak up.

"Perhaps...but what if your so-called brothers. Perhaps it will make your cooperate and give me the information that you have when I can shock them."

The moment that Dr. Numita said that...was a very big mistake, because it had brought up a reaction that he was not prepared to do, nor a reaction that the SCP Foundation doctors and researchers had seen before, especially since it is the very first time that this sort of thing is going to now happen. Gradient had suddenly froze in his seat, and Dr. Numita thought that it did the trick. But than, Gradient, he began to slowly stand up from his chair, and his eyes are hidden beneath his hood, as Dr. Numita than spoke out in his demanding tone.

"Sit down, Subject, before I-"

But Gradient interrupted what he was going to say by speaking out one word, in a tone that he has only used on 2 people on the place that he had came from.


Gradient said, as his voice spoke out quietly and much more eerily and frighteningly calm, as Dr. Numita was caught off-guard by the tone that he had spoken out of. And before Dr. Nimita could even say a word to Gradient, the Deity of Creation and Destruction, he than spoke out to Dr. Numita, at the human that had dared to threaten his brothers the way he said he would do.

"How dare you put my brothers into whatever plan that you have for me?"

Gradient's body began to glitch erratically and much more frequently. His fists clenched, as Dr. Numita actually has a concerned expression on his face, as he than spoke out his next words, in the same eerily calm voice that he is using, due to the fact that he is now way beyond angry to even bother to shout, and instead, the tone that he speaks in is very surprising way, as he is very angry, and yet, unlike Dr. Numita, who gets angry, he does not shout, but becomes quieter than he once was before, and that is very unsettling to Dr. Numita himself.

I can deal...with whatever you all can throw right at my very face. I can deal with whatever title you give me, whatever insult that you speak out to me, and whatever opinion that you have on me. But you...if you are putting my brothers in my position and torturing them...then..."

He than raised his head a little bit, as his eyes are closed, before he than spoke out to Dr. Numita.

"You are gonna have...A HELLISH TIME."

His voice suddenly became distorted, and in that moment, Gradient's eyes opened, as his left plus-shaped pupil glowed purple and flared brightly, as errors filled his eye sockets. In that moment, Dr. Numita felt extremely agony in his head.


Dr. Numita cried in agony, as he fell into the floor, and held his head, as Gradient stares down at Dr. Numita in order to make sure that he suffers badly. He is not going to kill him, but the human that dares to threaten his brothers will pay dearly for what he has said, and he is going to make sure that he suffers so much that he will beg to die. Gradient's facial expression of pure rage, but he is very calm still, as he continues to glare at Dr. Numita, in order to cause as much pain to his mind as possible. But as he continued to do that, Mr. Moore and Dr. Buck came and barged.

"Gradient, please, that's enough."

Mr. Moore spoke out to Gradient, a she never thought the SCP was going to react in a manner such as that. But Gradient snapped his head up at the doctors, and the doctor flinched at the sight of his face, as they have no way to describe it. And the response that Gradient had made to the 2?

"It is not enough. It's never enough. It will be enough when I think it is."

Mr. Moore than spoke out.

"If you stop, we'll let you be with your brothers."

This made Gradient hesitate, as he than stopped. But the pain that he gave to Dr. Numita was too much for him, as he fell unconscious, before Gradient than spoke out.

"You better be promising. If not, you're next."

Mr. Moore nodded, as he than opened the door to the other one of Gradient's brothers, and Gradient without hesitation, ran to check them one at a time. Mr. Moore and Dr. Buck thanks picked Dr. Numita, as Mr. Moore spoke out, stressed.

"God, what was Dr. Numita thinking? Making an SCP as powerful as Gradient angry? Director Jones is not going to be happy about this. What do you think we should do, Dr. Buck? Uhhh...Dr. Buck?

Mr. Moore said, as Dr. Buck payed attention to trying to bring her father, Dr. Numita, into the medical bay, as she looked a little frightened at what she had just seen. Gradient also has some mental powers, which caused her father massive amounts of pain. But the worst part, was the way Gradient looked at them. His face was calm, but it was also in combination of a person who is extremely pissed off. And the worst part, was his voice. Despite being so utterly enraged, he does not raise it. And when he spoke, it is as though all warmth within Dr. Buck had slipped away, being drained from her very own physical form. The way he had acted, was actually very frighting for Dr. Buck to even stop thinking about this thing. This is an SCP that has a an anger so burning that it is very cold. Colder than any snow or any wind, colder than even the nighttime of Earth, and colder than even the cold heart that she possesses.

With Gradient...his left eye is now no longer glowing, as his eye changed back to normal. Gradient sighed, as he than puts his had on his face, in pure annoyance at what had just happened, his anger coming to pass, as he felt irritation that had originally replaced his extremely cold and frightening anger that he had demonstrated before. He than looks down at his left arm, and he looks to see that it is feeling weird. He than pulls up his sleeve...and on his arm...are multiple eyes, more than what the sleeve had done. There are eyes all over his bones, as they are grafted into his very skin, and the eyes have strange symbols on their pupils, as he than spoke out.

"I had nearly once failed my brothers, because of the fact that I did not have the strength to protect them, and the fact that I had nearly got them killed by their parents, especially with Ink, who had become way too powerful. I have already lost one member of the family, because of what had become of him...I am not letting this happen to any of you. It won't happen again. Never again.

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