Dr. Buck sighed, as she walks towards the cafeteria, where her friend, Molly and Lawrence are at. It has been a day since Gradient has put her father out of commission, and...luckily, he was able to wake up, but was a little bit sore from what it was that SCP-7131-1 had done. Luckily for Dr. Numita, he was never reprimanded, due to the fact that both Mr. Moore and Dr. Buck decided that it is best to talk not talk about it, and report it to Director Jones, only claiming that Dr. Numita failed to get SCP-7131-1 to reveal all that it knows, and this is just to spare Dr. Numita the trouble of having to get demoted and reprimanded for his actions. She does not like her father one bit, but even she knows that the SCP Foundation still needs Dr. Numita in order to make sure that everything in the experiments go smoothly.
She continues to walk, until she reaches the cafeteria area. And there, she sees Lawrence and Dr. Collingwood.
Molly looked and saw that Dr. Buck is present, and she smiled out and spoke out to her.
"Hello, Dr. Buck. Are you here to join us?"
Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she than spoke out to her friend.
"Yes, if that's alright to you."
Molly nodded her head, as she than spoke out.
"Of course you can, Dr. Buck."
Dr. Buck nodded, as she than sat down on the seats next to her friend and Lawrence, as she than took a sip of her coffee, as she than looked down, thinking back at the SCP that she had interacted from before.
"So, Dr. Buck, I heard you get to meet with SCP-7131-1. I heard rumors that he is very insane and I'm wondering if it's-"
Dr. Buck, however, sighed, as she than spoke out.
"Rumors are proven wrong, no matter how much if covers it. No, he was not insane or mad, but he is very resilient and stubborn in refusal of answering my questions, not to mention how he acted towards me."
Dr. Collingwood was curious at what she meant by that, as she than spoke out.
"What was he like?"
Dr. Buck sighed, as she doesn't like to say it, but she than spoke out.
"As much as I hate to admit it, SCP-7131-1, he is acting very similar to me, but even more so. Except that he is much more calmer and in control than I could ever be. Not to mention the fact that he does not seem to care about humans in general."
But than, Dr. Collingwood spoke out and speaks in a positive tone.
"Well...if he is like you, then perhaps he can become as friendly, just as I have done so to you, Dr. Buck. Besides, what can go wrong?"
Dr. Buck snorted, as she rolled her eyes a little. But Dr. Collingwood was idealistic, as she hopes that they are able to make the SCP much more sociable, and hopefully make him much more friendlier than before. And Dr. Buck, she looked down at her cut of coffee, as she sees her reflection from the brown liquid, as she felt that strange sensation again. But...for some reason, this warmth was strange. Because...she feels like...she has met SCP-7131-1 before, but this is impossible, as the first assignment that she had done is the first time seeing him. So why is it that she is feeling a strange sense of warmth coming from him? Well, it didn't matter to Dr. Buck, as she needs to focus on doing her interviews with SCP-7131-1 again by tomorrow, just so that she can try to get as much information as she could out of SCP-7131-1, and that is if he is goin fro be cooperative to her. But unbeknownst to both Dr. Collingwood and Dr. Buck, there was going to be someone getting in the way, and it is someone that SCP-7131-1 now hates with all of his very soul.
With BlueScreen...
BlueScreen...he has seen many things in his life, and he can remember them perfectly, just like the face of Hollow!Ink, his adoptive father, which he needs to remember...but this is the one that he will never forget, and really regrets having to do, due to 2 humans telling him to do it...well...more like a human that has told the one below his rank to bring him in for a sort of experiment.
Apparently, they want him to deal with an entity that they call the 'Hard-To-Destroy Reptile', and they need to use his powers in an attempt to try and terminate it. While he is a little bit unsure of it and even backed away, a human, going by the Dr. Numita, threatened him to not gain access to his brothers again, and BlueScreen was forced to comply. So he is not in front of the door to the SCP itself, but he is shaking so much that his bones are beginning to rattle.
On the observation room, there are 2 people present, observing to see what it is that is going to happen.
Dr. Numita and Mr.Moore are present there, and they are going to be observing how this will turn out in when it involves BlueScreen going up against one of the most troubling anomalies in the SCP Foundation, one that the foundation is actually trying to kill, rather than contain, due to how dangerous and persistent it is, as well as the fact the at it hates all life. Mr. Moore than pulls a microphone up to his mouth, and spoke out.
"Okay, BlueScreen, we are ready to begin the experiment. So, please enter the containment chamber, and get ready to face it. So, you easy to get inside of the chamber and face the anomaly.
Mr. Moore does not want to bring SCP-7131-3 into this, due to the fact that it is not brave, and the fact that it is a pacifist. But since Dr. Numita outranks him, he is gonna need to follow along, even though he knows in his heart that this is going to end in disaster.
BlueScreen than looks up and spoke out a yes. Though, out of his mouth instead came o a garble mess of multiple numbers and letters, all in one sound after another sound. Thankfully, they have a translator, as SCP-7131-3 responded with one sentence.
"Alright, BlueScreen. I'm ready to open the containment chamber now."
He than pressed the button, and Dr. Numita than took the turn to speak out through the Microphone.
"Proceed into the chamber, subject."
BlueScreen, a little nervous, sighed, as he knows that he cannot back out of this, before he than goes into the strange hallway...which than leads ti the chamber of the anomaly. And inside...he saw the most revolting thing that he has ever seen, physically as revolting as Hollow!Ink.
It is a creature that resembles a large reptile, but is covered in rotting skin, has bare limbs, and a bony mouth with spikes in the back, all the way to the tail. BlueScreen looks very nervous, as BlueScreen stepped back, but if he does step back, he will not be able to see his brothers again. So he sighed, but with a sad look on his face, as he continues forward. And as he does, the reptile, known only as SCP-682, looks at BlueScreen, as he snarled out.
" are nothing more than mincemeat to me. You shall die!!!"
SCP-682 than roared, as it than charged at BlueScreen, who than stepped backwards, with a horrified expression on his face, and as that happened, his BlueScreen Blasters appeared from behind them, and attacked SCP-682, with SCP-682 getting dangerously close to BlueScreen, and is within striking range.
With Dr. Numita and Mr. Moore, they are both hearing roaring and crying, both from SCP-682 and BlueScreen respectively, and this continue for a few minutes, before it than stopped. But the problem is that the cameras were deactivated, as to not get infected by BlueScreen's power when they are on. And once they have heard that the noises stopped, Dr. Numita than spoke out.
"Mr. Moore, turn on the cameras. I wish to see the results of what the experiment had lead to."
Mr. Moore nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"Ahh, yes, of course sir. Will do."
Mr. Moore looks and tries to activate the cameras, after it seeming to have been cut out. And after a little bit, he finally gets a good look and saw the aftermath of the battle between SCP-7131-3 and SCP-682. The Hard-To-Destroy reptile is frozen in place, as Binary Code and blue glitches are all over its body, and it is frozen in place. It is as though time has stopped in its position, and is keeping him as a statue. But SCP-7131-3 is in bad shape. Its clothes are torn and ripped, revealing the bones and the blocky parts of it underneath its clothing. There are bite marks all over the place, and even a small bit of its left arm at above the looked as though it was bitten away by something eating it like a cookie. And SCP-7131-1 has barely survived, as despite the dead-looking state it is in, he twitched a little bit from time to time, and Mr. Moore was really horrified at what he is seeing before his eyes. He felt very bad for the SCP, and sees that even though it is an anomaly, it feels fear and pain like every living being. And than, the moment was broken when someone spoke out to Mr. Moore.
"How is the subject and SCP-682?"
Dr. Numita said, as Mr. Moore spoke out, in order to avoid a tall that would likely be getting from Dr. Humors if he felt even a slight ounce of pity for the anomalies that they are experimenting on.
"SCP-7131-3, he's hurt pretty badly, but he is still in stable condition for now, and it did not suffer any fatal injuries of sort. But as for SCP-682, he's frozen, but he is still alive. But how frozen he will is unknown. Should we put SCP-7131-3 back into containment, and raise the acid within SCP-682's containment chamber again, so he does not escape from its chamber?"
Dr. Numita nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"We will, and we might need the SCP again, in order to experiment more, after all, SCP-7131-3 will be needed with the importance of trying to destroy and kill SCP-682."
Than...a voice spoke out from behind the 2 doctors, and it sounds very chilling to hear, especially to Dr. Numita.
And it was a voice that Dr. Numita was very familiar with. Mr. Moore and Dr. Numita turned around, and saw that a glitchy portal opened up, as Gradient was standing behind it, his rage filled eyes are present, as he than spoke out.
"Remember what I said? You are gonna have a Hellish Time."
He than held out his hands, and than, all of a sudden, red strings came out from his fingers, and wrapped around Dr. Numita, as he than spoke out.
"How did you-let me go!!!!"
Gradient than spoke out in that same menacing tone again.
"Once I am done with you, human...then I will let you go. You had nearly gotten my brother it is your turn to feel the pain that he's felt."
He than yanks the Dr. Numita into the portal, who cried out in pain do to how hard he pulled the strings, as he was sent into the portal.
Mr. Moore said, as he than ran over to go through the portal, only for Gradient to close it. Mr. Moore missed the portal, and was unable to reach the other side of it. Mr. Moore began to panic, as he held his face in his hands, as a radio than was heard from his belt, before he than took it.
"Mr. Moore? What is happening, why are you panicking? Did something happen in the test?"
It was Dr. Ahmad, and he seems very concerned. Mr. Moore than spoke out.
"Not in the test, but after it. SCP-7131-1 was unhappy that we exposed SCP-7131-3 to SCP-682, and he took Dr. Numita to a portal of sorts."
This god a reaction from Dr. Ahmad, as he than spoke out to Mr. Moore in a concerned and worried tone of voice at him.
"What? But how? We...this is not good. I'll inform Director Jones. Just get soldiers with armor protection in order bring SCP-7131-3 into the medical bay. The other MTF Soldiers will look around to try and see if SCP-7131-1 had sent Dr. Numita anywhere on Earth, and if not than...we'll have to wait for SCP-7131-1 to release Dr. Numita, and hopefully, he did not kill him."
Mr. Moore nodded, as he called some soldiers to come and retrieve SCP-7131-3 into bringing it to the medical bay in order to help it recover. But one thing's for that Dr. Buck is not going to be very happy about what happened to Dr. Numita.
The next 4 hours later...
Dr. Buck was walking down the hallway of the facility, as she had a very furious look on his face, due to the fact that she had heard the news of what had happened to her father. She could not believe that her father ended up doing something such as this, and now, now they have an incredibly pissed off Glitchy Skeleton who is now going to be extremely furious at what Dr. Numita had done, nearly getting one of his brothers killed. She is not a fond of anomalies, but even she would never get them killed like that.
And as she strolled down the hallway, she then heard Doctor Ahmad spoke out from behind her.
"Dr. Buck, there you are."
She turns around to see Dr. Ahmad coming towards her. She sighed, as she the spoke out to the Doctor coming to her.
"Dr. Ahmad. Is it news about yesterday?"
Dr. Ahmad nodded as he than spoke out.
"Yes, it is. We found...Dr. Numita, apparently SCP-7131-1 released him...but...he is not in good condition."
This made Dr. Buck look at Dr. Ahmad with a concerned expression on her face, as she than spoke out.
"What happened to Dr. Numita?"
Dr. Ahmad sighed, as he than rubbed his fingers, before speaking out.
"When we found him...there was so much lethal harm done. SCP-7131-1 had done a lot damage to Dr. Numita. He has lost 3 of his limbs, with his right arm still intact, his left ear and eye, and has lost a kidney, with a cut at his side. And there are red strings all over him. It is obvious that SCP-7131-1 had tortured him and kept him alive, while he had done this to him."
This made Dr. Buck horrified, as she than spoke out.
"Can I see him?"
Dr. Ahmad nodded, as he had an uncomfortable expression on his face.
"You can...but I highly doubt you'll like what you'll see, and you will not be able to talk to him. The medical staff claimed that it is highly unlikely that Dr. Numita is going to wake up from what SCP-7131-1 had done to him."
Dr. Buck nodded, but it does not stop her from going to the medical bay, and was able to get inside with her clearance. And once she got in there...she was able to get a good look of what happened to her father. And needless to say, Dr. Buck wishes that she would be able to un-see it. But she knows that she can't.
Just as Dr. Ahmad had said, Gradient had torn 3 of Dr. Numita's limbs off, with only the right arm still intact. His left ear and eyes are also gone, and there was a large cut in the torso, where the kidney should be in. It is as though those parts of Dr. Numita had been ripped off of his body, which is a very horrifying thing to imagine. Even Dr. Buck was unnerved at this. She had seen violent SCPs, many of them would kill humans without mercy. But this, right before her eyes, this is an even crueler form of mercy, by keeping them alive, as you are slowly torn apart by Gradient, which shows just how wrathful he can be, should you hurt any of his brothers. As Dr. Buck looked down at the body of her still alive father, Dr. Ahmad walked into the room, as Dr. Buck spoke out.
"Has there a noticeable change in SCP-7131-1's behavior?"
Dr. Ahmad nodded.
"There is, and not in a good way. He is now taking on a more threatening stance towards the Researchers that had attempt to enter their containment room by firing bones near them, though he didn't kill researchers, and even if he does not even try and hurt you, the researchers that are going to his area are said to be glared at by SCP-7131-1, and they said that the SCP looks scary when it flared, so much that it is like it is going to kill them at any moment, and has locked the doors with his anomalous effects, so that they do not take the other instances out, but only it can. And the 05s heard about what happened, and they are not happy. They even want to demote Dr. Numita for making an SCP that is, in their eyes, ready to destroy the Foundation at anytime. But since he will not wake up...that is not going to happen. He even attacked some of the medical staff in order to retrieve his brother back from the experiment, though he did not kill them.
Dr. Buck was silent, as she turned back to her father, as she than thought of one thing in her mind.
'Just what did we bring inside of the foundation?"
With Gradient...
Gradient is shown to be sitting next to BlueScreen, who is now laying on top of his bed, and he is all bandaged up after that near-fatal experiment with SCP-682. How dare that doctor do this to one of his kindest brothers, as he had nothing to do with what Dr. Numita think of Gradient. He sat him down, and had a sad look on his face, as he holds BlueScreen's hand, and spoke out.
"BlueScreen...I am so sorry. I didn't come for you on time. I won't happen to you again."
He holds BlueScreen's face, and used his pixel manipulation to repair his body, before he spoke again.
"...never again. I have already lost one, I do not need to lose another member of my family, even if you are not my full brother you are still family to me, and family, is not someone that I'm gonna have destroyed."
He than looks he frowned, before he than puts his hands on BlueScreen's skull, before he than used his powers to wipe out the memory of what had just happened. He than teleports out of his containment chamber, and than into Palette's containment chamber, before Palette spoke out.
"Gradient, what is it that you need? Is it involving BlueScreen?"
Gradient nodded, as he than spoke out.
" you mind watching over him while he is unconscious, and maybe heal some wounds that I might have missed, so that he does not remember what that filthy human had done to him?"
Palette nodded his head, but than spoke out to him.
"I can...but...while I do are gonna have those bad dreams and memories again, when you sleep."
Gradient looked down at the ground, before he than spoke out.
"Normally...I would care. But BlueScreen, he is too innocent to even get hurt, and that human had to put him through a terrible experiment such as that. I may suffer nightmares, but it will at least be worth it when BlueScreen comes back up, alive, and hopefully well. So do not pay attention to me this time, because BlueScreen is going to be your new importance, until he awakens. Okay?"
Palette looked at Gradient with concern in his face, but he nodded, as he than turns back to BlueScreen, and puts his head on top of his half-brother's skull, before his hand glowed purple, as he began to try and ease the trauma that BlueScreen has endured from back there.
Gradient sat down on his bed, as he clenched his fist, before he than spoke out.
"His dare the foundation put my brothers into this...I...will never forgive them. For what they have done."
Gradient than looked down at the ground, before he than takes off his clothes, except for his jacket, as he than gets under the covers to go to sleep. And this is where...the trauma Gradient had to suffer from...reawakened inside of his mind.
As Gradient slept through the night, he began to remember everything, as he began to twist, turn, and held his head. He remembers it, eyes, a white paintbrush, his father, Hollow!Ink, as he nearly tried to consume him. His enemy, Infected, as he torture him with his Wisps, he can feel the terrible burns of the Wisps exploding onto his chest. He even felt himself dying when he had merged with his superior in order to kill an Unnameable that Hollow!Ink had unleashed after stealing the Book of Eyes from Omnipotent, and he remembers seeing the horrific faces that he had seen on the dead Unnameable that had nearly consumed him, only to have a piece of it fill in the 50% of the soul that it had removed. And than, he remembers Hollow!Ink when he fought against him in the battle that had brought them here, as he spoke out.
"You cannot deny what you really are, Gradient. You are now something similar to me. You are now just like me, someone who considers universes to get stronger. And now...let us see who will consume who!!!!!"
He than splits his face apart into pieces, as it opens up and reveals a circular tube with many teeth present, as well as eyes within the inside, as he lunged at Gradient, who has a look of fear present on his face.
Gradient roared out in fear, as he sat up onto the bed, and he held his head, and his eyes widened in pure fear, as PTSD took over his mind. The eye lights shake a lot inside of his sockets. He looks up, and around...and sees Hollow!Ink near the door to the outside. Of course, this is a hallucination, as his hands shake at that memory...before he than spoke out.
"I...I am...I am not like my father."
He than brought his knees close to his chest, and wrapped his arms around his he than spoke out.
"I'm nothing like my father. I'm nothing like him."
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