A Side Unseen

Dr. Buck pinched her nose, as she is next with Molly and Lawrence, due to the fact that they had just experience one hell of a disaster, specifically when the incident involving her farher, Dr. Numita and Gradient, SCP-7131-1, as they are with Director Jones, who is more or less displeased and generally not happy that one of the doctors who he had high respect for is now out of commission, but the fact that Gradient had tortured and incapacitated him for the rest of his life, and is likely that he is never going to wake up from this coma that Gradient had put him into, as their both looking at the Doctor who had experienced on BlueScreen's brother.

"My god...SCP-7131-1, I never thought that there would be an SCP as violent and ruthless as him. How in the world did he even know what was going on with BlueScreen, and knows where he is, along with Dr. Numita?"

Director Jones spoke out to Agent Lawrence.

"Well...that is what we all want to know, now is it? But whatever Gradient did, it was perfectly timed, especially when Dr. Numita and Mr. Moore was done with their experiment with SCP-7131-3. And unfortunately, speaking of SCP-7131-3, in case some of you have not heard, we are now having immense trouble with his new form of behavior."

Dr. Collingwood looks concerned at Director Jones, a little worried of what she is going to say, as she than spoke out.

"What is it? What type of change is it that SCP-7131-1 exhibiting now?"

Before Director Jones can think of an answer, Dr. Buck spoke out.

"Dr. Ahmad told me the change, and he says that it is very bad. SCP-7131-1 is now reacting in a much more threatening way, firing sharp bones near researchers that come near it, but did not really kill anyone, and is now scaring other people away, should they ever get close to him, and if people look at him, than SCP-7131-1 will use...something to scare them away, and he has locked the doors to the chambers of SCP-7131-2, 3, and 4, making sure that the Researchers do not try and activate the doors so that they are not experimented on, but with only SCP-7131-1 itself that can get inside of their containment chambers. SCP-7131-1, according to Dr. Ahmad, has even attacked some of the medical doctors in order to retrieve SCP-7131-3 from when it is inside of its bed, after being brought out of SCP-682's chamber."

This made Dr. Collingwood unhappy, as he than spoke out.

"I...I see. But why would he...how could Dr. Numita simply experiment on SCP-682 with an SCP that is too kind to even fight back and is new? I mean...doesn't he know that SCP-7131-1 is able to escape from its containment chamber whenever it wants to and is protective of his brothers?"

Director Jones sighed, as he pinched his nose, as he than spoke out.

"Hell if I know. Apparently, he did not know of that, as SCP-7131-1 is still new, and he has not heard of them until the day he decided to conduct an interview with SCP-7131-1. And now, thanks to that experiment, SCP-7131-1 is experiencing much more hostile behavior. And the 05s are very angry with what Dr. Numita had done, due to the fact that SCP-7131-1 is highly unpredictable in nature, and he could risk destroying an entire foundation site if it so desires it. They even want to demote Dr. Numita, should there be a miracle of a chance that he will wake up, but until then, he is stuck in this position, unable to wake up. The 05s are so going to have my head for this, if nothing is done to try and find a way to make SCP-7131-1 calm."

Agent Lawrence looked a little bit worried, a she than spoke out.

"So...how are we gonna going to calm him down? Now that SCP-7131-1 is acting aggressive, getting close to him probably won't work, especially after what he did to my previous gun."

This made Director Jones remember what Gradient had done, and he sighed, as he than spoke out.

"I haven't forgotten that. He used his anomalous properties to take your gun, and destroyed it by disassembling it into pixels and spreading then everywhere, before they all were erased from existence. At this rate, trying to get close to SCP-7131-1 is going to be impossible, especially since he could do the same thing to us, and destroy us all, or the entire site that we are locking him in."

Dr. Collingwood was very unhappy with this, especially since she was a person that likes to make everybody feel comfortable and happy, and always tries to be friendly to other people, especially towards the anomalous. But all it took was one foundation Doctor, one of the most important ones yet, to ruin it by nearly getting his brother killed, and now SCP-7131-1 is experiencing an immensely hostile behavior to foundation doctors, and know trying to make SCP-7131-1 comfortable is going to be utterly difficult, if not impossible. Clearly, Dr. Collingwood, had there been an interview where she would have done it first, probably would have been able to make a difference, and would have been able to get him out of the spot of being cold and unfriendly, as he is said to be as cold and harsh as Dr. Buck, except more harsh and cold. But now...SCP-7131-1 has turned its behavior to pure hostility.

Dr. Buck sighed, as now they have an entirely big problem in their hands. With SCP-7131-1 now being on an aggressive behavior, it is going to make study of him difficult to accomplish, if not impossible. How are you going to be able to study a now hostile SCP that is capable of creating and destroying anything that he wants, and could even escape the containment chamber in order to wreak havoc on the Foundation. She sighed deeply, as she shook her head, but, than, shouting was heard.

"Hey, where are you going?!"

This made everyone look at the door, and they went through the door to see Gustav and Dr. Ahmad, as the latter, he than spoke out loudly.

"Hey, come back!!!"

An orange blue goes away fast, as Gustav smacked his head, and shook it, as Dr. Ahmad positions his glasses and sighed in frustration, as Director Jones than spoke out.

"Gustav. Dr. Ahmad. What is going on?"

Dr. Ahmad than sighed, as he spoke out.

"SCP-999, he is acting insane. He had darted out of Dr. Collingwood's office, and began to rush somewhere. It is as though someone had given it soda again."


Dr. Collingwood said, and almost seems like she is accusing him of doing it, when Gustav quickly spoke out to her.

"It wasn't me! I know the rules when it involves 999!"

Dr. Ahmad than spoke out.

"I was with him. We opened the door and SCP-999 had suddenly rocketed out of the area all on its own."

"Oh, never mind. Sorry, Gustav."

Dr. Collingwood said, as Dr. Ahmad than spoke out.

"Where is SCP-999 rushing off to, anyway?!"

But than, one of the employees of the Foundation than spoke out.

"You mean that little orange slime? I saw it rushing to where the SCP-7131 instances are at."

This made Dr. Ahmad flinched, as he than spoke out.

"That's not good. I really hope that SCP-999 is going to get destroyed by SCP-7131-1, and it is already in a bad mood as it is!!"

Dr. Buck than spoke out to the other personnel.

"I'll go and get SCP-999. Besides, I need to check on SCP-7131-1 anyway to see if he has turned back to his usual self."

Dr. Buck than turns to go to the direction of where SCP-7131-1's chamber is at. Dr. Buck huffed angrily, as she goes to the corridor that leads to SCP-7131-1's containment chamber, as she than spoke out to herself.

"This is getting all out of hand. I already have my father being put in critical condition, having a hostile SCP-7131-1 ready to destroy the foundation, and now SCP-999 is suddenly going in, rushing to see SCP-7131-1. If this keeps up, than the situation is simply going to get worse for me."

Dr. Buck was able to reach the chamber, and luckily, there was a microphone present, and oddly, the horns are not firing at her. She has been into the container chamber many times after the event, and during the 4 days of it happening, she almost gets hit, and Gradient looking at her didn't help matters, as she went out of his sight a second later, due to how scary he was looking at her, and she has no way to describe how scary he is acting. Once she got close enough, she then looks into the containment chamber, and sees that SCP-7131-1 is sitting on his bed. Dr. Buck goes up to the microphone, in order to speak out to him if he sees SCP-999 right now...when she sees something...unusual.

Gradient...he does not seem to notice her presence. Instead, he is looking down at SCP-999, who is now on his hands.

And he...he is acting unlike how he usually acts. She has seen him act cold and stone-faced and even had seen his expression of pure fury when he looks at Dr. Buck, his left eye glowing, and his power rising to tell her not to see him anymore. But...now...now he is acting so...different. He is cradling SCP-999 in his hand, as SCP-999, as he nuzzles into his hand, and Dr. Buck, he looks at Gradient's expression...and sees something else. He looked very...tired, and exhausted. As if he is just finally unable to take what he had to go through anymore. His mouth...he is looking like he tries to smile...but his mouth just can't do it, as if some unknown force is preventing him from truly being able to form a happy expression on his face. Gradient hugs SCP-999 close to him, as SCP-999 nuzzles against his ribcage, which is covered by his torn sweater. He even sighed, and it was sad, almost as if he thinks that he will never be happy again, but tries to hold onto the hope that he will be. He gently cradles SCP-999, and does not dare to try and drop him.

Dr. Buck, she watched, as she observed Gradient's behavior. This was so...new. This is a side that has never been seen before. Instead of being harsh, cold, and ruthless, as she had seen and heard from him, and had always been met with, this...was a much more different, much more vulnerable side to him. He is acting much more gentle, much more delicate in what he is doing, especially to SCP-999, and he...he is able to show his emotions for the very first time. He is acting very exhausted, not to mention having an mention of feeling sad, almost looking like that he is depressed, but seeing SCP-999, even though he is not able to feel happy...he does at least feel relived to see it come to him especially when he's this stressed. Dr. Buck than began to lean closer, as she felt something in her heart. Almost as if she is feeling the pain of someone stabbing her in that area. And she felt...odd, as if she wants to come in and wrap her arms around it, even though she shouldn't do that. But as she was able to get a closer look, one of her hand accidentally touched a button, which made a distortion sound from inside.

This caught Gradient by surprise, as he fell off of his bed, and he looks around frantically, before he than turns to see that Dr. Buck is looking at him. Dr. Buck immediately speaks through microphone before Gradient can question him.

"I apologize for that, SCP-7131-1, I just heard that SCP-999 came inside and I wanted to come check on him."

She kind of expected to rebuke this, but...

"Nah...it's fine. Besides...he suddenly gained a liking to come and see both me and Palette Roller."

This surprised Dr. Buck, as she is not expecting to hear his tone become different. His tone is not harsh and cold. Instead, it is much more different. His tone isn't stiff, is more relaxed, and is surprisingly more kinder. Dr. Buck, not thinking straight, opens the door, and walks inside, and looks down at him, and SCP-999, who is curling happily. And the atmosphere around him is...different. It is no longer scary, crushing, and intimidating. Instead, it is a much warmer and much more kinder, relaxed atmosphere. But what is surprising is that SCP-999 had visited both him and Palette Roller.

"999...visits you? How many times has he done that?"

Gradient looks down at SCP-999, who is cooing and nuzzling against his chest, and Gradient than spoke out.

"About 4 times, ever since I got here. Lil' snot head's has taken an odd liking to me and Palette, mostly me for some unknown reason, despite Palette being rather similar to the little orange goop here. But...I...I don't really mind it visiting me."

Dr. Buck nodded her head, as she gets a better look at his face, and...for some strange reason...instead of reminding Dr. Buck of herself. Gradient is now reminding her of her friend, Collingwood. And oddly...she is actually beginning to smile at Gradient, due to the fact that he is now acting much more cooperative and the fact that Gradient is actually showing this time, instead of constantly acting grouchy and cold. And as that happened, Dr. Collingwood entered the containment chamber, and spoke out.

"Oh, there you are SCP-999. I really hope SCP-999 isn't giving you any big trouble, Gradient."

Gradient shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"Naw, little orange booger is pleasant to be with. Hey, slimy. Time for you to go back to your place, 'kay?"

But SCP-999 simply nuzzles into Gradient's ribcage more, and coos teasingly at not wanting to leave him, and Gradient rolled his eye lights, but looks as though he wants to smile at the sheer affection that it is giving him, as he than spoke out.

"Hey, buddy, you go back with the human, I'll give you a chocolate bar."

Gradient opens a portal and pull out a chocolate bar, and SCP-999 bounces happily, as it took it off of Gradient's hand and began to eat it, and Gradient used his Blue Magic to lift him to Collingwood. Dr. Collingwood was a little bit surprised that Gradient's being a little more kinder and gentler than what he was shown as. Guess he does not need to have some help at being sociable, because he already seems to be capable of that. She than looks Dr. Bucks and Gradient, as she than spoke out.

"Thank you, Gradient. And...Uhh...I guess I'll be leaving you and Dr. Buck to your...discussion?"

This made Gradient confused, as he spoke out.

"What discussion are we talking about?"

Gradient has no idea what Dr. Collingwood was talking about, as he was not discussing much, other than SCP-999 visiting him.

"Oh, you know, what you are just talking about. Well, goodbye."

Dr. Collingwood said, as she walks away with SCP-999 in her arms, still eating onto the chocolate bar that Gradient had given to it. Dr. Buck and Gradient than looked at where Dr. Collingwood was waking off to, before SCP-7131-1 than spoke out.

"Uhhh...don't...mention this to anyone, okay? This behavior that I had demonstrated was unlike me, and was not supposed to appear like that. That sort of thing was not supposed to happen.

Dr. Buck looks down at Gradient with a calm, yet amused expression on her face, as she than spoke out.

"What, talk about this parental and gentle side of your that you had demonstrated to me suddenly?"

Even though Dr. Buck was being snarky, there was also a light hit of a humor formed from those words of hers.

Gradient's eyes widened a little bit, as he realized what she meant by that, as he than has a green blush had than appeared on his face, and he lost his composure, which he is usually seen as being in control of his mentions, as he than spoke out, but is unable to get the words out as clearly as he should have been able to.

"Wh...I...I don't...that wasn't..."

As he tries to explain himself, suddenly, Error signs had appeared and clumped all over this eye sockets, which made him stop for a little bit. This made Dr. Buck a little concerned, and was about to speak out to Gradient, until Gradient spoke out with an annoyed expression appearing on his face.

"And now I can't see a thing, and I am making myself look very ridiculous by being seen this way. Nice one, Doctor. Nice one."

Dr. Buck was about to speak...but realized that Gradient had called her, Doctor, when he usually calls her human, like the other humans that visit him. It would seem that SCP-7131-1 was coming out of his shell.

Gradient, not wanting for Dr. Buck to see his face like this, immediately pulls his hood down and hides it, having not feeling this emotion for the first time in a while: embarrassment. He just can't believe that a cold doctor like Dr. Buck was able to make him feel embarrassed enough for the Errors to block his vision, and had to resist the urge to smack himself right in the face.

Dr. Buck was smiled a little bit, as she sees that...this is what Spilled Ink must have meant when Gradient wasn't always like this, and that he has a much more kinder side to him. Well...it turns out that the kinder side of Gradient does still exist in a a way, even if it is not completely, fully shown. She was usually used to having seen the cold side of Gradient, but this...this is a side that she is actually able to enjoy. It is almost like seeing an anomalous Dr. Collingwood, except that Gradient can be embarrassed in a way, and is shown to be surprisingly much more kinder than even Collingwood.

"Okay...I won't deny it...what you did was...that was...clever. Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought you were, Doctor."

Seeing Gradient being flustered for the very first time and the fact that he is actually complimenting on what Dr. Buck had said was a little surprising, but she formed a small smile on her face, a rather genuine one, as she than spoke out.

"Hmm...how kind of you to say that."

Of course, the way she spoke was soft, and SCP-7131-1 didn't hear it, as he is way to busy hiding his face, while also too busy not being able to see a thing. But it seems that...this is going to be an interesting bond between Gradient and Dr. Amelia Buck.

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