Step Away From Work | Kyoya x NonBinary!Reader (Request)

This is a request by dippi_is_depresso

Do another Kyoya x Reader, but make the reader non binary

Enjoy ^-^
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Your POV

Kyoya has always been dedicated to working hard. There's never been a time where he doesn't have a pen in his hand and he's writing something down. I've never seen him without a clipboard on his hands. Even growing up, from high school to college and into work, now, he still grinds down and gets the job done as efficiently and as effectively as he possibly can. He's always got his head down, always doing something along the lines of work. In high school, it was always school work or revision or documents for the club. In college, it was his medicine degree, always studying hard for that to earn that valedictorian title.

And now... now it's always something to do with work. Either it's a scan he needs to make notes on or there's a document he needs to file or there's a prescription he needs to complete or there's an emergency at the hospital that he needs to take care of. There's always something to do for him. He's never sitting idly at his desk bored out of his mind. He's always scribbling away, fiddling with his calculator and crunching numbers. There's never any downtime for him... there's no off button to his work life...

It just consumes him...

Even at home, he's working. He's hunched over his desk at home in the home office, scribbling away at unfinished documents. A mug of black coffee beside him to keep him going through the night regardless whether he wants to sleep for the evening or not. He won't even eat dinner sometimes... I'll have to leave a note for him or bring it up. It's like work has taken over his life and he's completely forgotten that he has a significant other to spend time with and, not trying to toot my own horn or anything, is much more important.

I'm not asking for much. I just want to spend time with my boyfriend. I want to snuggle up on the couch and watch cringy old movies that make you have second hand embarrassment. I want to get takeout and just gorge ourselves without a single care in the world. I want to have those innocent touches that lead to not - so - innocent kisses. I want to have those looks, the look that means they want you but they won't admit it.

It's not like I'm asking for the world...

I eat dinner alone. I sleep in my bed, nine time out of ten, alone. I shower alone. I have breakfast alone. I snuggle on the couch alone. I even fall asleep alone. It's like I live all on my own and Kyoya is just some random dude that occupies the home office all hours of the day... I want my boyfriend back. I want him to leave the work and just come to me for some affection. He's always at the hospital as it is, from way early in the morning to too late at night. He needs a break. He needs some time to relax and unwind...

Which is easier said than done, unfortunately. I know that getting Kyoya to stop working is like getting blood out of a stone. It's nearly impossible to do. Once Kyoya has his heart set on something, he does it. There's little to nothing you can do to try and pry him away from it. You can try every trick there is in the book and he'll still be glued to his work.

Sighing gently to myself, I sit at the dinner table and stare at the empty seat opposite me while I pick at my food that's probably gone cold by now. My heart sinking gently as I press my finger against the food on my plate and realise that it is, indeed, stone cold. Running my fingers through my hair, I push my plate into the microwave and let the dinner heat back up. My eyes watering slightly as I stare at the dinner that was supposed to be Kyoya's. Untouched and uneaten.

He was still in his office... he was still working...

Cursing under my breath, I look toward the pictures pinned to the wall from high school all the way through to where we are now. A picture of Kyoya and I at the prom at the end of our final year at high school, the pair of us holding hands and leaning into one another. Kyoya wearing a crisp white suit while I came in a grey suit with a white tie to contrast my boyfriend. There was another of us at Haruhi's and Tamaki's wedding, snuggling into one another and smiling. Some others from a couple dates and random photos from days out with the club from high school. My heart yearning for the happiness that we had.

He needed to get out of his office...

Ignoring the beeping from the microwave, I head through the house and up the stairs. Past the many photos of Kyoya getting his degree and of Kyoya with his brothers and sister. My feet almost stomping on the stairs as I pull myself up by the banister. A small sniffle leaving my lips as I get to the landing and take a deep breath. I didn't actually think I'd get this far to be fair...

I'm always one to just let Kyoya do what he needs to do and then wait for him when he's finished. I've never stood up to him (he can be very scary!) and I've never told him straight when I disagree with something he's said. He's always just walked all over me, getting away with everything that he does because I don't put my nose in and tell him no. I don't tell him that he needs to spend time with me...

I need to put my foot down! I'm not letting him throw away our six years of happiness because he's got documents and shit to sign!

He's my boyfriend. He's no one else's...

Standing at the door of the home office, I take a deep breath and psych myself up. I can't chicken out of this. I need to do this for me. For our relationship. Communication has never either of our strong suits but someone has to say something before Tamaki or the twins pick up on it and begin teasing the life out of him. I need to make sure that he still loves me. That he still thinks about me... I need to do this.

Clearing my throat, without knocking on the wood of the door, I push into the home office and step in. My eyes looking over my boyfriend hunched over his desk with a coffee beside him as he scribbled away at the papers in front of him. His hair was an intangible mess. His tie was loose and the first couple of buttons of his shirt was undone. He was a mess.

"Just leave the food on the side, I'll eat it later," Kyoya calls out on impulse making me roll my eyes and slam the door shut to snap him out of his work trance. The male narrows his eyes and looks up at me, prominent bags hang from his eyes, "What? I'm busy, (Y/n), I'll be down later,"

"And when is later?" I ask, forcing myself to speak to him, forcing myself to finally speak up and tell him how I feel, "Tomorrow morning? After work tomorrow? Next Saturday? When is later, Kyoya?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kyoya asks, setting his pen down and leaning back in his desk chair with his arms crossed over his chest. I felt like a school child being berated by the principal. The male shakes his head as I stand my ground, "Where's my dinner?"

"Downstairs at the table where you should be," I proclaim, trying not to raise my voice and cause an argument but I'll have that in my arsenal should I need it, "Away from your work and sitting with me and actually spending time with me,"

"I'm sorry that my work is more important than some dinner," Kyoya replies making me bite the inside of my cheek to suppress the sound of anger resembling in my throat, "But I need to get this work done, my job is —"

"What? So I don't matter anymore?" I ask, staring straight into his chocolate brown eyes and taking a deep breath as he sighs and looks away, "Kyoya, I haven't had a proper conversation with you since we saw Tamaki and that was over five weeks ago. You haven't come to bed in a week, you're always sleeping in here and you're never downstairs wanting to spend time with me. It's just work, work work... what about me? I feel like I don't have a boyfriend anymore because I never see you,"

"I never said you don't matter," Kyoya replies, looking toward me while I cross my arms over my chest, finding it hard to believe that I do matter in this equation, "I just have a lot to —"

"Kyoya, it's bloody paperwork. It's not going anywhere," I sigh, shaking my head as I run my fingers through my hair and groan to myself, "You spend almost nine to twelve hours a day at the hospital... I want to spend time with you but you go straight to your office like I don't even exist. All I want is to spend time with you, to cuddle on the couch and actually eat dinner with my boyfriend instead of sitting on my own like I'm nothing..."

"(Y/n), you knew when you were dating me what you were getting into," Kyoya explains making me gawk at him with an open mouth and a small sound of shock, "You know how important my work is to me,"

"What about me?" I ask, looking at his bedraggled form, "What about me? Am I important to you or am I just another client at the Host Club for you?"

"Babe, you are very important to me," Kyoya replies making me scoff under my breath and shake my head in disbelief. I wish I could believe me. I really do... now I'm not sure what to believe, "I just need to get this paperwork done and I'll be down..."

"Kyoya, this is driving us apart," I explain, resting my hands on his desk and staring him down as I lean over the desk, "I adore that you work as hard as you do... I really do... but I also need you to relax... otherwise... I don't... I don't think I can do this anymore..."

"What do you mean?" He asks, looking up at me through his glasses while I sigh and look down, "So you'd break up with me because I work so much?"

"Kyoya, I hardly see you anymore. This is the most time I've actually spoken to you in weeks... I'm lonely, Kyoya," I try to reason, taking a deep breath so I don't break down into tears and snot, "I want my boyfriend back... I want you to step away from the work and actually come see me... I love that you work as hard as you do and I love that you work as a doctor but I need you more sometimes... there are hours to work for a reason, so you can wind down and actually relax..."

"But I need to work," Kyoya insists making me sigh and wipe my eyes before tears begin to form, "Babe, I just need to finish my document,"

"Kyoya, you look like shit..." I explain exasperatedly, gesturing to his eye bags and his dry lips and messy hair. His crooked glasses and his clothes that seem to be put haphazardly, "You are a mess... please just listen to me for once... I need you to step away from the paperwork and relax... you need to eat, you need to sleep! Please! I'm begging you to step away and just relax..."

Kyoya takes one look at my rather saddened form before looking down at the paperwork. I could see the cogs in his brain trying to work up an excuse. My heart breaking slightly as he picks up his before it mends as quickly as it breaks as he puts the pen into the pen holder and puts his documents in the drawer of his desk. A small, relieved sigh leaving my lips as he pushes away from his desk and walks toward me with a small hum.

As soon as he's away from his desk, I pull him into a tight hug. I bury my head into his chest and take a deep breath as he holds me close and rocks us gently. A small chuckle leaving his lips as he kisses my forehead and rubs my back gently. Happy tears slide down my cheeks as I look up at him and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him in for a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry I had to do that... but I had no other choice," I explain softly, running my fingers through his hair and holding his hand as we head downstairs to the kitchen, "I'm so worried about you Kyoya..."

"I'm sorry," he exclaims gently, hugging me from behind as I reheat the two dishes that are stone cold in the microwave, "I'll try to relax... I love you so much... I didn't mean to be so invested in my work..."

"Is something happening at work? Is someone putting pressure on you?" I ask gently, looking up at him as the microwave beeps and I pull our food out of the microwave and move to the dining table, "Kyoya, you can talk to me you know? I'm here for you for a reason, you're my boyfriend,"

"I know... I know..." he mumbles softly, digging into his meal with a small sigh and leans against the dining table tiredly as he eats, "It's just that a lot is going on at the hospital and I'm bombarded by so much paperwork and documents that I need to sign... I didn't want to stress you out by telling you,"

"Kyo... I'm here to help you out," I explain softly, setting my cutlery down and taking his hand in my own and kissing his knuckles gently, "You don't need to sign everything by midnight... you need to relax or you will burn yourself out. Look at high school, you stressed so hard over the grades you passed out from anxiety..."

"I didn't want to worry you..." Kyoya explains softly, wincing as I bring up the memory of our finals in our third year and he got so stressed and anxious about grades that he collapsed before we made it in the building, "I just wanted to get it all done and out the way... but it kept piling up..."

"Babe, I'm always young to worry about you," I explain softly, kissing his forehead after I walk toward him and hold him close, "You're my everything, Kyo... I don't want you spiralling again, you are so strong and you work so hard but you don't deserve to be as stressed as this..."

"I know..." he mumbles, leaning into my chest as I pull him into me and takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, now that we have a grip on this situation we can rectify it," I explain, running my fingers through his hair and smile gently as he takes a deep breath and snuggles into my warmth, "Number one, tomorrow, you're going to split your documents and paperwork amongst your employees. Just because you're at the top doesn't mean that you can't rely on those that work for you do help you out. Even if it's just your three assistants. It'll release the workload and ease the stress,"

"Okay..." Kyoya replies softly, his eyes slowly closing as I rub his back. His mouth lazily chewing on the food I cooked, "I'll do that..."

"Good, now, when you get home after work, I want you to switch off and relax. I want you to make yourself a bubble bath or just watch tv or even read a book or talk to friends," I explain, rubbing circles on the back of his neck as he yawns and nestles closer to me, "Something that has nothing to do with work... something that will relax you and get your mind off the day you've had,"

"Mhm..." Kyoya mumbles, close to falling asleep making my heart squeeze with how adorable he is and lead him to the living room where he lays down with his head on my lap, "What will you do?"

"I'll make sure you eat and have a good night sleep every evening and in the morning," I explain, running my fingers through his black locks and giggle gently as he snuggles into my warmth, "You can rely on me, Kyo... I love you so much babe,"

"I love you too," he mumbles, slowly succumbing to sleep and snoring gently as he finally falls asleep making me smile fondly at him and kiss his forehead.

A wave of relief washes over me as I look toward the tv and smile gently. Now I know that work is piling so much onto him, I can find ways to help him relax and how to alleviate some of that stress. I can be there when he comes home and steer him away from work because he works himself to death. I know this will be difficult, especially when Kyoya is always very independent and refuses to let others help, but it will be worth it.

It'll be so worth it...

To finally have Kyoya relax and just be my boyfriend instead of stressing over work...

It'll be worth everything...

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