8. The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club
Haruhi : "The beach?" *sitting at a table that's stacked with books*
Twins : "Of course, the beach!" *smiles*
Haruhi : "But why?"
Hikaru : "Don't you remember what you said?"
Kaoru : "You said you'd like to go to a real beach."
Haruhi : *oblivious* "Did I say that?"
Twins : *blank faced* "Yes Haruhi." *they move out of the way to reveal a bunch of swimwear behind them* "Here's the fun part. We brought some swimsuits for you to chose from." *shows the pink ruffle bikini*
Hikaru : "Pretty cute don't you think?"
Huni : "Not that one!" *holds up a sailor one piece swimsuit* "I think that this swimsuit would look much cuter on Haru-Chan!"
Twins : *shake their fingers* "I don't think you get it Huni-Senpai."
Huni : "Huh?"
Twins : *holds Haruhi up, Little Miss A-Cup*
Hikaru : "Just look. This uniform barely hides the fact that Haruhi's as flat as a cutting board."
Huni : *hugging the swimsuit defensively*
Kaoru : "A one piece suit like that would only upset her because it draws attention to her lacking feminine physique."
Twins : "That's why, we carefully selected this two piece suit, see? The ruffles help hide the fact that she's so flat chested."
Imaginary Haruhi : *wearing the swimsuit and running while laughing*
Tamaki : *hits Hikaru and Kaoru out of an imaginary baseball stadium* "You punks had better quiet sexually harassing my little girl! I've had enough of you!"
Twins : *hiding behind Haruhi's table* "That means we're not going to the beach?"
Tamaki : *rests the bat on his shoulder* "Who said that we're not going?"
Twins : "Really? So you wanna go after all?"
Huni : "Can Usa-Chan come too?" *flowers~*
Kyoya : *standing amidst the swimsuits, writing in his notebook* "I have no problem with that."
Mori : *looking at a seashell bikini* "Mm.."
Haruhi : "Huh? We're really gonna go?"
Tamaki : "Why not? Let's go to the beach."
At the Beach
Twins : "So why'd we come to Okinawa?"
Tamaki : "Because Kyoya's family has a private beach here."
Huni : "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Mori : "Yea."
Twins : "But why couldn't we have gone-"
Hikaru : "To the caribbean?"
Kaoru : "Or even Fiji?"
Kyoya : "Do you think a commoner like Haruhi has a passport?"
Twins : "Ah."
Haruhi : "You do realize that I can hear what you're saying, right?"
Tamaki's Guest 1 : "It's so beautiful.." *sitting on a rock with Tamaki a little way out in the water* "Tamaki, being alone here with you and looking out at the sea, it's like a dream."
Tamaki : "It's no dream, it's real." *looks at his guest* "But if I could have my way, my princess, I'd be in your dreams every night."
Tamaki's Guest 1 : "Oh Tamaki.."
Hikaru : *hits a beach ball over the volleyball net*
Kaoru : *chases after the ball* "He take it easy Hikaru!"
Hikaru : "I'm sorry! I'll get it!" *chases after it as well, having a brother moment* "Wait for me Kaoru!"
Kaoru : *laughing* "It's not my fault, the ball is rolling away!"
Twins Guests : *sigh dreamily while watching*
Twins : *continue laughing while chasing the ball*
Haruhi : *watches a hermit crab scurry by her* "Ugh why."
Kyoya : *standing by a line of girls* "Her alone time with Tamaki is up. Next lady please proceed."
Haruhi : "This sucks, I thought going to the beach meant a day off." *watches Mori, Huni, and their guests stretch*
Haruhi's Guest 1 : "Um, Haruhi? Aren't you going to go swimming with us?"
Haruhi : "No uh, I like looking at the sea from a safe distance."
Haruhi's Guest 2 : "Well if you're not going to swim, would you mind if we sat here and talked with you?"
Haruhi : *unintentionally sparkles* "But why? You girls should go swim, you've got cute swimsuits on. Why not show them off?"
Haruhi's Guests : *sigh dreamily*
Haruhi : "Uhh..."
Hikaru : *picks up the beach ball* "I can't believe he fooled us."
Kaoru : "Who'd have thought he'd bring the ladies with us."
Hikaru : "We certainly didn't expect it."
Kyoya : *writing in his notebook* "You were invited on this all expenses paid vacation for a reason. And that is to keep our clients entertained."
Huni : *chasing a guest while giggling* "I'm gonna get you!"
Hikaru : "We know, but with the ladies here-"
Kaoru : "Haruhi can't change into her swimsuit."
Tamaki : *lounging in a chair* "Don't worry, I got it all under control. My little angel shouldn't be prancing around in her swimsuit. At least not in front of two perverts like you."
Tamaki's Imaginary Tamaki : "And then, once the sun has begun to set, Haruhi and I will take a romantic stroll along the shore together." *walking along the beach with Haruhi*
Tamaki's Imaginary Haruhi : "Oh wow, what a pretty sunset." *looks up at Tamaki* "Oh Senpai, I'd love to with you here forever." *giggles*
Tamaki : *red faced* "It'll happen just like that! The greatest day of my life, I don't know if I can handle it!" *squirming in his chair*
Tamaki's Guest 1 : "What the matter with Tamaki, is he having a seizure?"
Hikaru : "I wouldn't worry about it." *smirking, his hands behind his head*
Kaoru : "He gets like this occasionally." *in the same pose as his brother*
Haruhi : *walking down the beach*
Huni : "Haru-Chan!!" *waving a shovel* "Wanna go hellfish shunting?"
Haruhi : "I think you're trying to say shellfish hunting, but this doesn't seem to be that kind of beach Huni-Senpai. You're not going to find many shell-..fish." *sees Huni's full bucket of shellfish* *freaks out* "What the hell!?" *surrounded by shellfish* "No way!"
Mori : *looks over* "Hm." *looks over the rocks*
Kyoya : *looks over* "Mori-Senpai, my family's private police force has stopped by. They wanted to make it up to Huni-Senpai for attacking him at the water park. So they brought shellfish." *his police force is handing buckets after buckets of shellfish off to one another*
Huni : *surrounded by tubs of shellfish* "Amazing! Look how many we got!"
Haruhi : "We're gonna have some fancy side dishes tonight." *smiling* It's gonna be delicious.
Tamaki : "My my, certainly looks like they're enjoying themselves. All is right with the world."
Mori : *climbs back down from the rock, standing next to Tamaki*
Haruhi : "Senpai! Dinner is gonna be awesome! It's a major haul!"
Tamaki : *gushes* "Oh i'm just so proud! Look at my little girl!"
Haruhi : "It's a major haul!" *Haruhi's guests look over at her* "It's a major haul!"
Twins : *look over* "Say what?"
Haruhi : "Dinner's gonna be awesome! It'll be a real treat!" *smiling and waving*
Tamaki : *holding up a crab* "Tell me Haruhi. Isn't this crab, crab-tivating?" *sparkle*
Haruhi : *giggles, lightly blushing* "Oh yea!"
Tamaki : "You're so cute.." *A centipede crawls onto the crab*
Guests : "Cen!"
Guests : "Ti!"
Guests : "Pede!" *everyone runs away*
Tamaki : *anime cries*
Haruhi : *grabs the bug and tosses it over the rocks* *wipes her hands off*
Twins : "Hey Haruhi," *rests their arms on her shoulders*
Hikaru : "Now I know most girls aren't really the bug loving type and I certainly didn't think that you were, but-"
Kaoru : "Don't you think you could've been easier on that little guy."
Haruhi : "Oh come on, it's not dead. It takes a lot more than that to kill a bug."
Guests : *sighing as they walk back* "Haruhi is so brave and manly." "It's still so sweet." "He's the best." "He's the greatest." *hearts radiating off of them*
Twins : "Hm?" *look back at the girls and instantly slide off screen, going to Tamaki*
Hikaru : "Well isn't that just great?"
Koru : "Haruhi's not normal, I thought girls were afraid of bugs."
Tamaki : *still holding the crab* "I'm sure she's afraid of something..."
Twins : *lightbulb* "Hey boss, listen up!"
Tamaki : "Hm?" *looks at the twins*
Twins : "We just thought up a new game to play that could be a lot of fun. What do you say? It's called the 'Who can find out Haruhi's weakness game'! So, think you're up to it?"
Tamaki : *exclaims* "But that game sounds terrible..."
Hikaru : *starts walking away* "Yeah I guess you're right, besides she'd only share her weakness with someone she was really close to."
Tamaki : *exclaims again* "What are the rules!"
Twins : "Now that's more like it."
Hikaru : "The deadline is sunset tomorrow."
Kaoru : "Whoever finds out her weakness first wins."
Kyoya : *glare on his glasses* "And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." *holds up three pictures of Haruhi when she was in middle school*
Tamaki : *trying very hard to see the pictures while Kyoya keeps trying to move them*
Huni : "We wanna play too!!" *giggles*
Kyoya : "I guess that means we're all competing."
Tamaki : "Where'd you get those pictures of Haruhi!? "
Huni : "Hey wait a minute, where did you get those pictures Kyo-Chan?"
Kyoya : "I have my sources." *smiles*
Tamaki : *anime crying*
Kyoya : "How about we just leave it at that for the moment."
And so... Let the games begin!
Hikaru : *in a cave with Kaoru, Haruhi and some guests* "This is the place, It's the most haunted spot in all of Okinawa. The locals don't even come out here."
Kaoru : "They say that the only time you can even find this cave is at low tide. Evidently, many people have died down here from drowning, and their souls still linger. Taking revenge on anyone who happens to come inside!"
Twins's Guests : *shaking and hugging each other*
Hikaru : "Look!" *points to a 'ghost' who laughs evilly*
Twins's Guests : *scream*
Hikaru : *places a bone hand on Haruhi's shoulder*
Haruhi : "What's going on? Are you trying to freak me out?"
Kaoru : *holds up the ghost* "What's wrong with you? I thought everyone was afraid of ghosts."
Haruhi : "But I've never seen a real one."
Paranormal Fear Strategy Failed...
Huni : "Haru-Chan! Would you come over here?"
Haruhi : "What the..?" *looks at one of the Ootori's Police Force trucks* "Are you sure it's okay to drive a truck like this on the sand?"
Huni : *Standing in the truck with Haruhi* "Well we're ready whenever you are private police people! Please lower the door." *bows*
Police Force : "Yes sir!" *Lowers the door*
Huni : *few moments later* *freaks out, screaming* "It's dark and scary in here! I feel like I can't breathe!"
Haruhi : "Huni-Senpai, what's wrong?!"
Huni : "Somebody let me out I can't take it anymore!!" *screams*
Claustrophobic Attack Strategy Failed...
Mori : *points a harpoon at Haruhi's face*
Haruhi : "Mori? Uh, you're my Senpai, not a sentai."
A play on words? Fear of Sharp Objects Strategy Failed...
Hikaru : *him and Kaoru are sitting on a rock wall* "This game's harder than I thought it'd be."
Kaoru : "No joke. I'm totally bored with it already."
Hikaru : "What kind of heroine is she? She's gotta be afraid of something right?"
Haruhi : *walking along the beach collecting shellfish*
Twins : *groan*
Tamaki : "Haha!" *digging in a bush while humming*
Hikaru : *turns to look at him along with Kaoru* "What's up boss?"
Kaoru : "What're you doing?"
Tamaki : *shows them a bucket full of snakes* "I found some rat snakes! Surely she'll freak out when she sees these~!"
Hikaru : "Anyone would think those are creepy. So it isn't really a weakness."
Kaoru : "Hold on.. I thought there weren't any rat snakes in Okinawa?"
Haruhi : *picks up a shellfish, placing it in a bucket that she's carrying* *laughs* "Another side dish!"
Haruhi's Guest 1 : *up on a rock with two other girls* "Look up here Haruhi!"
Haruhi's Guest 2 : "What's up?"
Haruhi's Guest 3 : "The breeze up here feels great!"
Haruhi : "It's dangerous be careful!"
Haruhi's Guest 1 : "This feels so good."
Haruhi's Guest 2 : "Mm-hmm."
Drunkard 1 : "Hey there're chicks up there man! Aren't we lucky." *comes up on the rock with another guy, tossing a beer can aside*
Drunkard 2 : "You ladies wanna hang out with a couple of locals?"
Haruhi's Guest 1 : "No thanks, please just leave us alone."
Drunkard 1 : *grabs the girl's wrist* "Aw c'mon, we just wanna show you girls how to have a good time."
Haruhi's Guest 2 : *hugging the 3rd guest* "This is a private beach, you guys are not allowed to be here!"
Drunkard 2 : *puts his arms around the two girls who scream* "Private? Does that mean we're alone?"
Haruhi : *throws her bucket of shellfish at Drunkard 1's back, making him let go of the girl* "Why don't you quit bothering them! Weren't you jerks listening? You better just leave them alone!"
Haruhi's Guest 1 : "Haruhi~!"
Drunkard 1 : "You little runt!"
Twins : *running from Tamaki* "Those aren't rat snakes! Those are poisonous Habu snakes!"
Tamaki : *freaks out, holding the bucket out as far as he can while running around crying* "What do I do with them?! C'mon guys help me out!"
Haruhi's Guest 1 : "Help Tamaki! It's Haruhi!"
Drunkard 1 : *grabbed Haruhi by the shirt, pushing her to the ledge of the cliff* "What're you gonna do now loser?"
Haruhi's Guest 3 : "Don't hurt him!"
Drunkard 2 : *still holding the two girls* "Now don't you try and act all tough, you little sissy boy!"
Drunkard 1 : "I got an idea kid, how'd you like to take a dip?"
Tamaki : *gets up on the rock* "Haruhi!"
Drunkard 1 : "Hope you can swim!" *pushes her off the ledge*
Tamaki : *jumps in after her, grabbing her underwater* *walks to shore, carrying her*
Huni : "Haru-Chan!"
Hikaru : "Boss!"
Tamaki "Where'd they go?"
Kyoya : *puts a shirt around Haruhi* "We took their ID cards and respectfully asked them to leave. The girls all went back to the hotel, and I've called a doctor. He should be arriving here any minute now."
Tamaki : "Thank you." *sets Haruhi down*
Haruhi : "I'm fine you guys, I don't need a doctor."
Tamaki : "What were you thinking? You know, you're not like Huni-Senpai. You're not a martial arts master."
Haruhi : *looks at Tamaki, the shirt wrapped around her*
Tamaki : *grabs her shoulders* "Why did you confront them? What made you think you would stand a chance? You against two boys?"
Haruhi : "But it doesn't matter that they're boys and I'm a girl. I was there I had to do something, there wasn't any time to think-"
Tamaki : "That's no excuse you idiot! Don't forget you're a girl!" *glares at her*
Haruhi : *glares back* "Look, I'm sorry you had to come and save me Senpai, but I don't understand why you're so mad at me right now. I don't think I did anything wrong!"
Tamaki : "You don't think so? Fine," *lets go of her, walking past her and heading to the house* "Whatever you say, but I'm not speaking to you until you can admit that you were wrong!"
The Ootori Family Villa
Huni : "Ta da! Here you go! Don't they look yummy?" *sets plates of crabs on the table, along with Mori*
Kyoya : "I apologize that there aren't any maids around to help you cook Senpai."
Huni : "It's no big deal! We appreciate you letting us stay here! Hey Takashi, will you go get Haru-Chan?"
Mori : *walks off* "Hm."
Huni : *looks out the window* "It's awfully gloomy out there huh? It looks like it's gonna rain."
Hikaru : "It's not just gloomy outside."
Kyoya and Huni : "Hm?" *looks over at the twins*
Kaoru : "It's pretty gloomy right here in the dining room as well. Just take a look at Senpai." *looks to Tamaki who's pouting against the wall*
Hikaru : "C'mon quit moping boss."
Kaoru : "You shouldn't have picked a fight with her in the first place."
Haruhi : *opens the door to the Dining Room, standing there with a pink nightgown on, Mori behind her*
Huni : "Woah!"
Twins : "Haruhi, where'd you get that dress?"
Hosts (minus Tamaki) : *surround Haruhi*
Haruhi : "From my dad. He must've repacked my bags when I wasn't looking. He's always trying to get me to wear this frilly stuff."
Twins : *thumbs up* "That's awesome! Way to go dad!"
Huni : "You look so cute Haru-Chan!"
Tamaki : *looking at her from behind a pillar, a blush on his face*
Kyoya : *writing in his notebook while everyone is at the table, complete awkward silence*
Hikaru : "Well this is uncomfortable."
Kaoru : "Yea, kind of awkward."
Huni : *sweat dropping* "Let's dig in Haru-Chan!"
Mori : *holds up a crab behind him*
Huni : "These are the crabs we caught! I bet they're delicious!" *holds up a crab too*
Haruhi : *begins to eat obnoxiously, making 'ah' sounds every time she eats* "These crabs.. Taste in crab-ible. Get it?" *chuckles*
Tamaki : *Watching her eat and eat and eat* "Don't you think you've had enough? Give it a rest.."
Haruhi : "Excuse me? I thought that you weren't speaking to me."
Tamaki : "You.. tryin' to be cute?"
Haruhi : *looks to him*
Tamaki : *slams his napkin on the table, standing up* "Okay fine, I get it. It seems you refuse to admit that you were wrong." *walks away* "See if I care then, I'm going to bed. Kyoya, would you show me to my room please?"
Kyoya : *pats his face with a napkin* "No problem." *stands up* "Well, excuse me everyone." *walks out with Tamaki*
Haruhi : *stops cracking crab legs, sighing quietly* "Maybe he's right.. Maybe I do need to learn a way to protect myself."
Flashback Tamaki : *grabs her shoulders* "Why did you confront them? What made you think you would stand a chance? You against two boys?"
Twins : "So that's it, he got to you huh?"
Hikaru : "Well it wouldn't hurt you to learn martial arts or something."
Kaoru : "But it's not like we're going to force you to learn it."
Twins : "Besides, that's not the real issue here."
Hikaru : "To be honest, we were all a little worried about how recklessly you acted."
Haruhi : "What do you mean? I didn't cause you guys any trouble or anything.."
Twins : *sighs and shrugs in unison*
Huni : "That's not true Haru-Chan. I think you should apologize, kay?" *smiles at her* "You made us all worry, especially Tama-Chan. I think you need to apologize to him the most."
Haruhi : "So you were worried about me? But why?"
Huni : *sighs*
Twins : "You're hopeless."
Haruhi : "You think? Guys I'm really sorry."
Twins : *hugs her along with Huni (Mori stands behind them*
Hikaru : "Apology accepted you little mutt~"
Kaoru : "You're so cute~ We forgive you!"
Twins : *notice her facial expression changes* "Is something wrong?"
Haruhi : "I'm not feeling so good..."
Hikaru : "You must've eaten too much crab."
Huni : "Be strong Haru-Chan!"
Kaoru : "Let's get her to the nearest restroom! Hurry!"
Haruhi : *in a bathroom, wiping her mouth off* Well that was a waste of a good meal. I was in such a hurry I ran into the closest room I could find. *opens the bathroom door and looks out* Where am I?
Kyoya : "Are you okay?" *sitting in a chair, drying his hair with a towel*
Haruhi : *bows* "I apologize sir I didn't mean to intrude."
Kyoya : "Don't be silly. It's just me." *smexy Kyoya without glasses X3*
Haruhi : "Kyoya-Senpai? Senpai, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make everybody worry about me today."
Kyoya : "Thanks but I wasn't especially worried." *takes a drink from a water bottle* "Although I did have a hard time separating Kaoru and Hikaru from those two punks."
Twins : *Hikaru was kicking drunkard 1 over and over, Kaoru was head butting Drunkard 2 and Kyoya was standing in the back with a glint on his glasses*
Kyoya : *chuckles* "They almost beat them half to death."
Haruhi : *twitches*
Kyoya : "And because of you I had to send each of the girls a bouquet of flowers to apologize. They've been looking forward to this trip and we don't want to disappoint them." *walks over to Haruhi*
Haruhi : "I'll pay you back for the flowers Senpai."
Kyoya : *turns the lights off* "Each bouquet cost me 50 thousand. That's a grand total of six hundred thousand yen Haruhi."
Haruhi : "Uh, why'd you turn the lights off?"
Kyoya : "If you want to, you can pay me back with your body." *grabs her wrist and throws Haruhi on the bed, kneeling above her* "Surely you aren't so naive that you actually believe a person's sex doesn't matter. You've left yourself completely defenseless against me."
Haruhi : So that's it.. "You won't do it Kyoya-Senpai. I know, because it wouldn't do you any good. You wouldn't gain anything from it."
Kyoya : *smirks and sits up* "You're right." *sits on the end of the bed* "You're a fascinating young woman Haruhi."
Haruhi : *sits up* "But, I've learned something from this. I guess I never realized what a nice guy you are Senpai."
Kyoya : *puts his glasses back on and looks at her*
Haruhi : "I know what you're doing. You're just trying to prove what Tamaki-Senpai said earlier."
Flashback Tamaki : "That's no excuse you idiot! Don't forget you're a girl!"
Kyoya : *stands up*
Haruhi : "I know that you're trying to prove his point. That you're just posing as the bad guy."
Tamaki : *knocks on Kyoya's door and walks in* "Kyoya? Do you have any lotion? This sunburn is worse than I-" *he sees Kyoya and Haruhi* "You bastard-!"
Kyoya : *shoves the lotion in Tamaki's face while putting his shirt over his shoulder* "Here, use as much as you want you big goof." *walks out of the room, closing the door and putting his shirt on* Nothing to be gained from it huh? An interesting thought.. in it's own way.
Tamaki : *walks over to her* "What were you doing alone with him."
Haruhi : *looks at him* "Nothing, really."
Tamaki : *awesome duck face as he yells at her* "You expect me to believe that nothing was going on!? You were alone in his bedroom and why were the lights out?! Don't you lie to me!" *he hesitates and then looks at the floor* "Nevermind, you've been through a lot today. I'm sure you're tired, you should get some sleep." *walks back towards the door*
Haruhi : *reaches out to him as lightning strikes* "Senpai!" *she grabs his shirt, but then quickly lets go as he looks back at her* *thunder goes off and she screams, shaking*
Tamaki : "What's wrong Haruhi?"
Haruhi : "It's nothing." *climbs into a wardrobe* "I just remembered there's some business I have to take care of. 'Scuse me."
Tamaki : "What business could you have in a wardrobe?! Haruhi, are you afraid of thunder and lightning? Why'd you lock yourself in there," *he pulls on the door handles* "It seems like it'd be scarier locked up like that."
Haruhi : *hugging herself* "I'm alright. I'm use to getting through stuff like this by myself."
Tamaki : *whispers* "By yourself?" *imagines Little Haruhi curled under a table with a blanket, hiding from the storm* "You're always by yourself, all alone in your home. You never call us for help even though we're so close. I get it," *smiles softly as he opens the wardrobe doors* "I understand now Haruhi. I'm sorry I acted the way I did. You grew up without relying on anyone else, but not anymore." *holds his hand out to her* "You can come out now."
Haruhi : *looks at him and when thunder goes off she gasps, jumping out of the wardrobe and hugging him tightly*
Tamaki : *hugs back* "You don't have to be afraid. I'll always be here for you Haruhi. I promise that you'll never be alone again."
Haruhi : *grips his shirt*
Hikaru : "Are you sure it's a good idea?"
Kaoru : "To leave the two of them alone?"
Kyoya : "She's with our Prince Tamaki. What could possibly go wrong?"
Twins : *knocks on the door* "Hey boss, we're coming in." *opens the door*
Tamaki : *crouching in front of Haruhi, who has a blindfold on* "With the blindfold on you can't see anything, and the earplugs help muffle any sound."
Haruhi : "Wow, yea you're right!"
Hikaru : "You nasty pervert."
Tamaki : *exclaims loudly, looking back at them*
Kaoru : "What kind of foreplay is that?"
Tamaki : "It's not like that! It's not what you think!"
Hikaru : *leaning on the limo with Kaoru (next day)* "You better watch your back Haruhi."
Kaoru : "I never would've pegged the boss as an S&M pervert."
Tamaki : "I told you it wasn't like that at all!"
Haruhi : "I see. Well now I know what S&M is. I can't believe I almost let you get away with it." *rolls up her window*
Tamaki : "I wasn't doing anything freaky! I was trying to help you!"
Kyoya : "Let's go." *drives off without Tamaki*
Tamaki : "Hey! Don't leave without meeee! Wait you guys!" *runs after the car*
Tamaki : "I never noticed. Haruhi is perfectly suited to attending an elite all-girl's school. And that's exactly why I can't let her transfer!"
Haruhi : "Next time, 'A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy'!"
Tamaki : "The Ouran Host Club will be waiting for you."
Hosts : "We'll see you then!"
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