Lance adjusted himself as he left Seonghwa's room, a smirk still carved onto his face as he walked down the hall.

He felt so much better now that he could stop by for a quick break before getting back to work. The look on Seonghwa's face was just priceless and it made his member twitch at the thought.

He understood why Mingi had picked the feisty omega.

Chuckling to himself, he stepped into the office he had set up for himself where he could mark off information brought to him about other packs that were starting to form again. Their race was slowly starting to put themselves back together after the war six years ago.

Just in time for him to rip them apart.

Lance walked over to a picture he had of Alistar and pulled out the knife already imbedded in it, twirling it lazily through his fingers. "Well, old friend." He sneered. "It looks like my plan is just about ready to be put into motion. Soon I'll be able ruling over everyone in this area, something you only dreamed of doing!"

He turned his back to the picture and stared down at his map. It was covered in red and blue 'X's'. Red for the locations of known enemy and future prisoners. Blue for wolves who have already pledged themselves to him.

Soon he would call on those wolves and start building up his army.

"My time is coming. If only you had trusted me, maybe you would still be alive." Lance lifted his eyes from the map and tightened his grip on the knife. "But that only means..."

He spun around and threw the knife with all his might. "I WOULD HAVE HAD TO KILL YOU MYSELF!" The knife embedded itself in the wall, right between Alistar's eyes.

Lance laughed to himself, then glanced at the door when there was a soft knocking. "Enter."

A female alpha with light blonde hair and a stone cold face walked in, her arms clasped behind her back.

"Report." Lance said as he moved behind his desk.

"They are in the canyon. One of the side caves. Five of them. I tried to get them to follow me, but they wouldn't without speaking to me. They are wary."

"As they should be. I'm impressed. I thought Mingi would come storming in here ready for blood. Maybe I underestimated them." Lance ran his hand over his chin. "We need to come up with a way to get them inside, or at least get them separated."

"You know my wish." She said, keeping he eyes locked on him.

"Yes, yes. And you'll get it. I've working it all out with Reece. You'll get what you want, and he compromised and will get what he wants."

"Thank you, Sir."

"No, thank you for your help. I couldn't have done this without you and your mate. You both are irreplaceable." Lance bowed his head to her. "I want the two of you to keep an eye of them, and if you see the opportunity, take it. I trust your judgement."

"I won't let you down, Sir." She returned his bow.

"I know you won't, Freya."





Mingi set a quick pace as they made their way back down the canyon. His heart hurt more the further away they got from Ultima, but he knew the others were right.

They needed help.

San directed them from behind, helping them to navigate the twists and turns.

How they were supposed to find a phone nearby, Mingi had no idea. But he vowed to not lose hope.

There were several times that he had to stop and wait for the others, along with Yunho, because of their longer legs. They got a little too far ahead occasionally and Wooyoung, who was in the middle, lost track of them.

The air was getting colder too, so Mingi started to fear that another storm was going to roll in.

It was official. He hated winter. He would never complain about the hot summers ever again.

As they approached the edge of the canyon, the five of them huddled together for warmth as they tried to pick a way to go.

If we head due east there has got to be a sign somewhere that points to a city or even a town. San said as he leaned into Wooyoung's side.

I agree, or at least a house of some sort. Some humans like to live by themselves out here, right? Yunho looked at everyone and shook some of the snow out of his fur.

Mingi looked up, not realizing it had started. He grumbled and just nodded before turning to start trotting east.

The others followed him and used the excuse of the open area to fan out a little bit. They traveled in silence as they kept their senses on high alert.

Mingi could sense other wolves nearby, but it didn't feel like anyone had claimed this territory yet, so they were safe to pass through it without raising too many alarms. A pack of five would be intimidating right now. Even six years later, large packs were still hard to come by, from what they had heard at least.

When things started to get dark, Yunho and Jongho scouted ahead, looking for a place they could sleep for the night.

The snow was coming down thick and heavy, although the flakes were light and fluffy, it was still making it hard for them to see clearly.

We found a small area that is fairly protected from the snow. If we did out some of the branches there should be room for all of us to lay down. Yunho said. Keep going straight then go right at a twisted looking tree. We are going to get started.

Mingi huffed and ran forward, the other two flanking him. The tree wasn't far ahead, and shortly after they found the large bunch of bushes Yunho had mentioned. They had grown together to form a natural barrier, allowing them to crawl inside and be protected from the wind and snow.

The five of them curled up together for warmth and tried to get some rest.

It evaded them though.

What are we going to do if we can't get ahold of him? Or if he isn't Colonel anymore? Mingi asked after a long sigh.

We can't go down that route ring now Min. Yunho said, shifting his head so he could lick the alpha's muzzle.

Mingi let out a brief hug and moved so their noses were touching. I know... It's so hard tough. I hate not knowing anything.

We all do. Jongho closed his eyes as he settled down between his mate and Wooyoung. We will figure it out Mingi. We need to stay strong for Seonghwa's sake.

I know. Thank you for being my rock in this. The alpha said with a soft whine.

The pack all moved closer to him as they tried to get some rest.

It didn't last long though.

Mingi awoke with a jolt when a howl sounded nearby. The others heard it to and all of them turned to look to the north.

Another howl answered the call. This one was closer.

Then they heard snow crunching outside their shelter. Jongho pushed himself off the ground and snarled at the small entrance they had made. His hackles rose as he prepared to lunge.

"Don't attack!" A high pitched female voice said. "We aren't going to hurt you!"

"Yeah loves, we sensed you and thought we'd offer you a warm place to say." Another female said.

Jongho stopped snarling and tilted his head before turning back to the others.

"We are coming in, as a sign of trust, just don't kill us, ok?" The first one said with a light giggle.

The five of them backed up, the three alphas up front to protect the others.

The bushes rustled for a few moments before the two females pushed their way in and crouched at the entrance. They pulled their jackets tighter to them as they looked around.

"Wow, this is actually a really great shelter!" The first one said. She was petite and thin, with bushy red hair that flew in all directions, most likely because of the wind.

The other one nodded in agreement before eyes the five males in front of her. He had raven black hair that fell straight around her face. "Will one of you shift so we can talk?"

"Tina, you could say please." The red head said, covering her mouth as she giggled.

Mingi let out a low warning growl and they both looked at him. He could sense that they were both betas by the way they flinched when he did.

Jongho glanced at him, then stepped forward and shifted. Both Wooyoung and Yunho moved forward to press into his sides to keep him warm as she shivered against the cold. "Wh-What do y-you want?"

"We'll keep this quick." Tina jerked her head behind her. "We have a place not far from here It would be a warm place to stay and we have plenty of food. It beats staying out here in the cold."

"How d-do we kn-know w-we can trus-st you?"

The red head flashed a playful smile. "That's up to you! You'll never know if you don't try." She winked at them before the couple vanished through the bushes.

Jongho quickly shifted back and started rubbing against Yunho, trying to warm himself up. Wh-What do you th-think? He asked as Yunho started to lick him rapidly. Wooyoung joined in on the other side.

Mingi scrunched his nose and huffed. Let's give it a try. I really hate sleeping outside in the snow. He grumbled.

San chuckled and pressed his nose into Mingi's neck before squirming through the exit.

When Mingi crawled out, the two betas were sitting and waiting for them, tails wagging and smiles tugging at their muzzles. One was different shades of brown while the other one was black and grey. They let out an excited whine and turned around, leading the group further east.

Their house wasn't far away. It was a modest little cabin that had smoke billowing from the chimney.

The girls shifted on the front porch and quickly pulled their jackets on before opening the front door and ushering the others inside. They were polite and turned their backs as the pack shifted and dressed.

Then Mingi cleared his throat to signal that they were done.

Tina turned around quickly. "Welcome to our home. I'm Tina, and this is Marylou."

The red head waved her hands in greeting with a wide smile on her face. "Hi! It's nice to meet you! It's been a long time since we've had any visitors."

Mingi introduced his pack one by one, earning bright smiles from the girls. "So are you all one pack?" Tina asked as she worked her black hair into a braid.

"Yes." Jongho answered quickly.

"And what are you doing way out here?" She arched an eyebrow, then turned to smile at Marylou as she skipped around the kitchen, pulling out what looked like ingredients for a stew.

Mingi and Jongho exchanged glances and the taller shrugged his shoulders, leaving the decision up to Jongho.

The young alpha sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "A friend of ours was taken and we are trying to get him back."

Marylou gasped and dropped the bowl in her hand. It shattered against the floor and she jumped back. "Oh Tinee, I'm sorry." She cried out as she fell to her knees.

"LouLou, be careful! It's sharp." The other said, rushing to her aid to clean up the shards of the bowl.

Wooyoung also ran forward and crouched down, helping to pick everything up. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, oh I'm such a clutz." Marylou said, wringing her wrists. "What happened to your friend?"

"We think he was taken by Ultima. We... Had some enemies resurface from our past and we think they may be out for revenge." Wooyoung said quietly.

Mingi looked away and tried to force down his anger.

"Wait." Tina said as she stood. "You look familiar." She stepped closer to Mingi. Then she gasped and covered her mouth before she grabbed Marylou and pulled her into the corner of the kitchen. "Get out of our house!" She yelled.

Wooyoung stood up and backed away, holding his hands up. San immediately jumped in front of him and snarled.

"Tinee, what's going on?" Marylou asked, trying to move from behind the other's back.

"No! Marylou they aren't safe. Especially him!" She growled, her eyes flashing bright blue.

"I don't understand..." Jongho said, holding his hands up and stepping forward slowly. "You invited us here."

"Yeah, that was until I recognized him. You worthless piece of shit!"

"Hey! Watch it!" Yunho cried out his eyes now flashing blue too.

"How can you be in his presence?" Tina yelled, still pressing Marylou into the wall.

Wooyoung glanced back at Yunho. "What are you talking about?"

"And you!" She looked at Wooyoung with wide, fearful eyes. "Are they holding you against your will? We will protect you if you come with us."

Mingi had enough. He snarled and started to step forward, but Yunho moved to stop him. The look on his face was telling him to stay calm.

"I don't understand." Tina said, tears coming to her eyes. "How can you be with that bastard from Alpha Pack?"

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