Another sleepless night passed by, bits of tension did no decrease and daadi became unconsciousness failing to take more of it. Another tension over the previous one. Doctor was called soon and as always advised nothing much but tension did bad to her health but she will get fine. Anika was planning not to go to office that day but Pinky assured of taking everyone's care and advised Anika to stay away from that tension filled scene for atleast few hours. After much denial Anika agreed and went upstairs to get ready.

Meanwhile Rudra slipped behind a pillar and dialled numbers in tension to improvise the situation.

"Soumya I know you are not free but just your thought came into my mind at this moment" he spoke in speed, sighing later.

"Rudra, I am free today. If you need to share anything then I am available" Sahana cuckooed from back, to talk to her Rula, as Soumya spoke calmly.

"If possible will you please come to my house and look after my family please, actually Shivay bhaiya has not called yet confirming his well being and I am also loosing hope gradually, so you are the only one who can boost me up at this situation just like last time when I got a job" he explained in short words neglecting to linger around leaving the main topic.

"I am coming" she answered.

The call ended. No further conversation followed but that silence spoke a lot. Shivay was the one who allowed Soumya to chase her left dream once again and she would do anything for that person and his family being Rudra the primary concern as always for her. Her Sahana's best friend moreover how can she forget the amount of love both Shivay's family and Anika's family showered over her while she was appointed as their wedding planner. If not anything then for sure she grew close to those people, resulting her call for Anika as didi and Shivay as bhaiya.

The clock leisurely struck ten past nine and Anika was grabbing her car keys when the land line rang aloud. World stopped for moments in that vast mansion as everyone looked at each other hoping for best news and not a bad one. At one side the family wanted to pick up the call but the other side of them asked not to, fear to hear a bad news stopped them. Soumya too entered in the scene that very moment with Sahana. Seeing the family's reaction she neared the phone and picked up.

"Yes bhaiya" family blinked in peace listening to Soumya and looking at her smile.

"Shivay" Pinky's voice shivered knowing her world returned to her.

Soumya handed the phone to Pinky and stood aside smiling and asking her sweet daughter not to make sound.

"Why didn't you call Shivay? Do you even imagine what all went through us? Do you know daa..." she stopped looking at Shakthi nodding no and silently asking her not to share about their mother's illness to Shivay.

From the other side he asked to say further, Pinky coming out from the moment answered further in composed manner.

"Do you know through how much tension your daadi went? What was wrong with you?" Pinky cried scolding further not wanting to listen to his excuses or rather say reasons.

"Mom, you know about the time difference right?" he paused, as he heard yes he continued "moreover the long meeting was scheduled just an hour after my landing, thus I asked my PA to inform you all and you know right that I have no SIM over here, so I felt awkward to ask someone else for a call. Yes, yes I know the office number was there but I got really busy in past two days, I am sorry mom, please don't cry, mom please" he continued asking for apologies and his mom's tears continued stabbing him.

One by one everyone talked, daadi smiled tension freely after long and looked fine as compared. Omkara and Rudra scolded Shivay together for his carelessness and cried confessing that they are missing him. Soumya too shared about she getting another wedding to plan and thanked him for all the support he showered. She unfortunately scolded Shivay too. Priyanka denied talking to him but lastly shouted upon. Amongst all of them Anika didn't for once came between.

"Anika" Pinky looked everywhere but she was gone.

Probably she went to office before the phone rang. Pinky thought but soon she was corrected by Soumya as she confirmed that Anika was there when she picked up the call.

"Don't worry mom, I am calling her on her phone" he realised what he had done and now he needs to pay big.

First call from him remained unanswered, followed by second and third too. But if she is Anika then he is Shivay. He continued calling and she continued ignoring. Last option remained was message. Voice messaging her to pick up his call in a very polite tone that held guilt he waited patiently for her reply. The tab showed she is typing but for another ten minutes no reply came. He waited more and suddenly his screen flashed 'busy' from her side.

'It took fifteen minutes almost for you to type this message, please pick up D, I can't wait more to hear your voice' he typed back.

Inturn his phone rang showing her Indian number. What all he could hear were sobs from the other side. She was completely messed up and almost at the edge seeing his negligence towards everyone. She don't know how to shout back over him for everything but her scream from inside wanted her to slap him hard. He apologized continuously although he knew that he was wrong.

"Do you know the last three nights no one slept properly, no... how will you know, after all you were busy setting up the business there. Carry on with it and be clear that I am here to take care of my family" she at last said, but these were not the words she wanted to speak. He silently heard knowing he is wrong.

"Will you speak up?" she shouted again.

Somewhere these shouts seemed cute to him and he could clearly say that her sobs have ended. He suggested video call but she denied excusing herself for her works. Eight long hours of no speaking again, after all night at Shivay's place and she also knows that he will have to sleep. But they together decided a private video call after he calls his family eight hours later. Her demand, his command as always. Her boss too didn't get any chance to taunt her yet again, she remained happy the entire day like before and waited for the evening to arrive soonish.

As she reached her house she saw everyone happily chatting what all Shivay said over the phone when he called few minutes back. Daadi was sitting in between too, most importantly daadi looked happy and fine as compared to the morning. Again the happiness was back in the family, although they missed Shivay. Pinky shared that they were searching for her and also said that Shivay has called in the morning too in case she doesn't know. Anika smilingly answered she also talked to Shivay over phone and went upstairs saying she needs rest because in office she had loads of work to do that day. Everyone agreed to her innocent demand and said they will call her once dinner is set. But poor members of the family, how will they know that their Anika has plan fixed with her husband and all she needed was privacy for that.

She came out drying herself after a refreshing bath and her phone rang, video call ringtone. She hurriedly fixed her hair at one side of her shoulder and sat over the bed wearing a pink coloured Kurti and black coloured leggings beneath.

"Hello wife" he said smilingly seeing her at last after such a long time.

"Hello husband" not knowing what to reply else she fell awkward suddenly.

He too went through same feelings it seems. But again mesmerized by her beauty his lips itself curved to compliments. She continued blushing listening to every word from the dictionary used by him to describe her.

"Will you please stop now, I am blushing" she confessed trying hard to control the limits of her smile.

"No, I am complimenting my wife and no one can stop me from that after all..." he paused for few moments and then continued "after all she is the most beautiful woman in this world after my daadi, mom, maa and badimaa"

She likes it when he places all the elderly women of the family above everyone else. And her mother got a golden chance to enter into his list of most favourite women.

"Excuse me mister, I am my mother's first daughter" she argued back sounding jealous, although both knew that she is just pretending such to give feel to the topic.

"But fortunately she looks best, and believe me if it was she at your place then I would have said an yes at our first meeting for the marriage" he upped his coller and then she noticed the suit he was wearing.

White shirt beneath and purple coloured coat above. His stubble has grown thick, result of not shaving for continuous three days, but still he looked equally attractive.

"Okay stop drooling" this comment now got her little conscious, she was completely and shamelessly drooling her husband, okay it is for sure that she has license to it but so shamelessly made him blush too.

"But you are looking so handsome" still in trance the words rolled out from her mouth and she facepalmed in her brain cutting her tongue. He blushed listening to her comment although.

Hours passed by and she kept asking him whether he has work to do or not and he kept answering no. But suddenly Pinky's knock at Anika's door made the conversation of the new love birds come back to reality.

"Anika beta, please come dinner is ready" Pinky's sweet motherly voice came crashing the door.

"Yes mom coming, actually Shivay has called, wait you come and talk to him na" Anika opened the door walking towards it holding the phone in her hand.

Pinky's smile widened seeing him in video call and scolded him for no specific reason. So motherly mother she is, thought both Anika and Shivay.

"Ohh, so love story was cooking silently behind the door and you told me you were tired huh?" Pinky teased getting chance making both of them blush.

Ending the call with content in her heart and smile over her face she followed Pinky holding her head down as Pinky continued teasing. She facepalmed as Pinky shared this matter at the dinning table and everyone laughed aloud in unison.

"Bhabhi, did Ishana call you?" Anika thanked god as Om asked this question.

Suddenly attention and teasing smirks shifted over to Omkara, poor Omkara, without his knowledge. He immediately regretted and continued stuffing the food in his mouth fixing his stare over the plate. To his fortune Anika came to his rescue.

"Stop teasing him" she said putting up a strict face but soon she too joined in the laughter and at last Omkara too gave in.

"Yes she called me when i was in office and she asked about you, now listen, sort out the problems and get married to my sister soon, I cannot wait to spend more time with her soon" not caring about anyone Anika kept forward her inner wish.

Successfully she made Omkara blush and red hue rose beneath his stubble. Rudra got chances to tease more and the dinner time filled joy and laughter. Anika shared Ishana's new number and asked Omkara not to disturb her sister much or else she would complain to police and looked affectionately towards her cute brother-in-law's expressions.

"My bhabhi is the best" Rudra danced around singing the words in a tune.

"Okay no need to butter me more, I will talk to Soumya about you as well" suppressing her smile she managed to say this, immediately Rudra stopped in the same pose which he held up while dancing and then immediately returned back to his bhabhi nodding big no.

"Nothing as such bhabhi" he confessed as if getting caught by someone while hiding his affair.

Another roll of laughter followed. Daadi thanked god looking at the idol kept at their mandir for gifting her such amazing family and asking for their ever happiness.


Woohhoooo, I am so damn loving writing this phase. Okay so to be true the next chapter was ready before I typed this down. So I would just ask you all to get hooked and keep the love coming darlings. But tell me how many of you are missing Ankush? Don't remember him? Okay so let me remind you all. Until then tell me about this chapter. Byeeeee.


Thank You so much to everyone who read, voted and commented. Hope you have enjoyed this part as well. If so then please do hit the star button and leave your comment or criticism down.



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