- E V E R Y T H I N G -
The news of the two new Gryffindor couples spread through Hogwarts like wildfire. The gossip mill was ruthless in the castle, and Juniper was frequently privy to outlandish rumours regarding her relationship with Teddy, and her brothers' relationship with Rory. For example, the one about how Juniper was blackmailing Teddy into dating her because she knew he'd gotten a girl pregnant. Another one, Juniper's least favorite, was that her, James, and Teddy were a throuple. Yeah she really hated that one. Yet another one, a widely known one at that, said that Juniper and Rory were dating and Teddy and James were dating and the other relationships were just fake covers for them. Juniper liked that one best.
Dating two of the most- the most popular boys in school, which she hated to admit of course, came with its own unique set of challenges for both Rory and Juniper. James and Teddy were sought after, coveted by the students of Hogwarts, by boys, girls, and everything in between. And up until now, they'd both been single. Now, James hadn't so much looked another girl's way since first year, but that didn't stop anyone from trying. Most girls had accepted the fact that they were taken, with a bit of expected jealousy, and some had even congratulated Rory and her, saying they were happy for them.
Juniper was astonished to discover that a substantial amount of people had been rooting for her and Teddy to get together. She'd known that everyone had been dying for Rory and James to man up and date each other, but she assumed most people just saw her as Teddy Lupin's clumsy best friend. Then, the other day, a Ravenclaw approached her in the corridor and gushed for fifteen minutes about how she'd been waiting since third year for Teddy and Juniper to be a couple, "Every time you fought with him he got this look on his face like he couldn't possibly love you more."
But, of course, there were the few particularly brazen girls. The ones who'd blatantly flirt with James or Teddy, in front of them, mind you. They'd bat their eyelashes and flip their hair like it was an art form, brushing their hands over the boys' arms innocently. Bolder still, were the ones asked Rory and Juniper for a way in with Teddy or James. Juniper thought this was laughable. Why on earth would either of them betray their best friend? It was simply preposterous. At times, their struggles were funny, a point of amusement for the two of them. Other times, however, especially in Juniper's case, were difficult. Teddy had a reputation, notoriously built throughout the years. That sort of thing was harder to shake than a cold.
"...we would ride in on a white horse!" James exclaimed, throwing his hand up emphatically. The four of them were sitting at a table in the back of the Transfiguration classroom, getting no homework done whatsoever. Instead, they were currently arguing over who would have a better wedding. Teddy and James. Or Rory and Juniper. "Tasteful, elegant, and-"
"Bo-oring," Juniper stuck out her tongue at her brother. She leaned her head on Rory's shoulder, "We'd fly in on a dragon. Beat that."
"Oh my god and our dresses could change color when lit on fire!" Rory said excitedly. "Which would come from the dragon!"
"A dragon?" Teddy rolled his eyes, nudging James. "They have no class, honestly."
"Or theme," James agreed haughtily. "Their wedding's going to be a fiery mess, and ours will be a spectacular show of precision. There will be doves, a-"
Juniper yawned, "I'm falling asleep already. Is your aim to get the guests snoring? Because mission accomplished." James and Teddy both let out an affronted gasp, but Juniper wasn't finished, "And we do so have a theme. Rory just came up with it. It's fire."
James and Teddy both scoffed, "Fire?"
"Fire's hot, we're hot," Rory and Juniper shrugged, sharing a smirk. "Makes perfect sense."
Not like Teddy and James could disagree on that front. They held back their grins, neither pair willing to back down from a fight. "Well-"
"Hate to interrupt what I'm sure was a very stimulating conversation," Professor McGonagall cleared her throat drily, peering at them over the rims of her glasses, "but class ended fifteen minutes ago, and I seem to remember that some of you have a Quidditch game to win."
The first Quidditch game of the season was today, Gryffindor versus Slytherin. As usual, McGonagall would accept nothing less than an obliteration, she was just as competitive at Juniper. And she was right, Juniper, James, and Teddy really did need to get down to the pitch.
"On it, Minnie," James said with a wink, as they all began to pack up their bags.
Juniper unhooked her cardigan from her chair, slinging it over her shoulder. The halls were packed with students, some decked out in either Gryffindor or Slytherin team colors. She spotted her sister and Alice in the courtyard and waved, before hustling down to the pitch, James and Teddy at her heels. The grass was crisp beneath her feet, air brisk and sky blue. It was the perfect day for Quidditch.
"I'll go find a seat with McGonagall," Rory told them, once they reached the entrance to the locker room. She kissed James on the cheek, "I'll force him to sit front row, don't worry." Juniper noted that she was wearing James' Quidditch jumper proudly. They really were adorable.
"Brilliant," James smiled lovingly at her, "I need my good luck charm, sunshine."
"Let's go, lover boy," Juniper rolled her eyes, dragging her brother by the arm into the locker room. They could go on forever, the two of them. "We're late enough as is."
James sighed, expression far away and dreamy, "She's perfect." A red and gold uniform beaned him in the face, and Juniper and Charlie chuckled deviously.
"He's such a sappy chap," Charlie ribbed, pulling his own uniform over his head. "And I'd like to point out that I was on time, and you, captain o captain, were very much late." He ran a hand through his curly ginger hair, freckles stretching along his face as he grinned, "Not a good look, Junie."
"Fuck off, Weasley," Juniper shoved his head away, scowling. She twisted her hair into a ponytail. "You prick."
"Hurtful," Charlie sniffed dramatically. Ethan and Evie arrived then, already fully dressed. Teddy ducked to his locker to get his own on, along with James. Meanwhile, Charlie was busy rifling though the team supply closet for a spare Keeper jersey because last night at practice he'd gotten a bloody nose. Enough said. "I bet if I was shagging you I wouldn't have to put up with these insults."
Teddy snorted, popping out from behind the lockers, shirtless, "Mate, it's Junie. I deal with it everyday."
"Arsehole," Juniper flipped him off, glaring, "Hate you."
"Pleasant, isn't she?" Teddy smirked, drawing two thick lines of paint underneath each eye.
"Shut up, princess," Juniper fired back, "you love it."
Teddy opened his mouth to retort with a comment that was sure to make Juniper's nose wrinkle, eyes sparking with mischief, but he was interrupted.
A high, lilting voice floated through the air, innocent and girlish, "I sooooo do not understand your guys' relationship."
Juniper resisted the urge to scream. It was Clementine, or Cleo for short as she liked to tell everyone who did not ask. Of course it was Cleo. She was Vivian's replacement. She'd been the best Beater at tryouts, which was not a high bar. And Juniper had had no choice but to let her on the team. It sucked. Like royally sucked.
Sure Cleo was harmless, akin to an annoying fly buzzing around your head. If that fly had curly red hair, and a penchant for tying her Quidditch jersey shorter so it showed the smooth perfection of her freckled abs. Now, Juniper had dealt with Selene. And compared to that snake, Cleo was nothing. She didn't necessarily have a problem with Cleo, she had a problem with the way Cleo acted around Teddy. Constantly inserted herself into every situation that involved him, and threw herself him in front of Juniper.
Cleo seemed to be under the impression that Teddy was not as faithful as he claimed to be. Which was understandable, given his history. Juniper wasn't worried...mostly. She knew Teddy loved her, she knew he was trying. She trusted Teddy. It was Cleo she didn't trust. Cleo who was not at all ugly. Cleo whose hair was beautiful and looked as though it had been woven with gold. Cleo with the creamy unblemished skin, pert fairy nose and pale blue eyes, legs longer than Hogwarts: A History. Also- the girl was just really annoying.
Cleo was still speaking, "I mean- oh my god like I did not mean it that way, like so no offense- but you guys are always arguing. Like how does it even work? It looks like you guys can't even stand each other."
Juniper pursed her lips, sucking in to keep from clawing her eyes out. Breezily, she brushed by Cleo, no way was she giving into this little game. "Well- the sex is really good."
Teddy choked on his own saliva, covering his mouth to conceal a laugh. Cleo, cowed, held her tongue, beady eyes narrowing at Juniper. She had been bested. Juniper felt a little bit of pride wash over her, now that was how you put someone in their place. Behind them, James and Charlie shared a disgusted look.
"Yes- well," Cleo swallowed visibly, expression pinched. "How nice for you."
Juniper smiled brightly, tilting her head, "Isn't it?"
Regaining her bearings, Cleo approached the shirtless Teddy coyly, "I probably should've expected that with a body like his." She held her index finger between her teeth, "Looking good, Teddy."
Teddy glanced at Juniper, hurriedly putting on his uniform. He coughed awkwardly, uncomfortable, "Er- thanks?" Juniper's fists curled at her sides and she did her darnedest to unclench them. She was fine. This was fine.
Cleo giggled, lips curving into a Cheshire Cat leer, "You're so cute. Oh my god I can't even stand it. He's so cute. Juniper isn't he just so cute?"
"The cutest," Juniper agreed tightly, raising her eyebrows.
"Juniper knows I'm just kidding," Cleo squeezed her arm, smiling with all her teeth. "Don't you, Juniper? I'd never take Teddy. I'm all jokes, don't you worry."
"I wasn't," she replied sweetly, condescension dripping off of her words like syrup. Teddy poked his tongue out at her, and tugged on her ponytail, his little display of affection. Juniper was instantly put at ease, and the edges of her mouth lifted ever so slightly in his direction. Teddy was pleased, he'd made her smile, and that was all he ever wanted to do anyway. Juniper clapped her hands together, signaling a team huddle. She stood atop one of the benches, "Alright Gryffindor first match of the year, why don't we kick off with a win?" There was a loud cheer. "We've got a lot of seventh years in the house today, last season guys, let's make the most of it!" It hit Juniper then, it was her last, first Quidditch game at Hogwarts, her James, Charlie, and Teddy's. She couldn't believe it. "Now I'm going to hand it off to these tossers to get us ready. James? Charlie?"
"Who are we?" James yelled as loud as he could, Charlie slamming the doors of the metal lockers.
"Who ARE WE?!"
"GRYFFINDOR HEAR US ROAR!!" Everyone shouted in unison, exploding into cheers. Juniper had heard that cheer more times than she could count, but it never failed to get her blood pumping. Spirits up, the players all flooded out onto the field, brooms in hand.
Rory was standing at the very edge of the stands, waiting for them to come out. Her gaze passed over James, and her breath was taken away. She'd forgotten just how good he looked in his Quidditch uniform, red and gold rippling in the wind, jaw strong and blue eyes piercing. Her heart beat sped up at the sight of him.
James noticed her immediately, drawn to her with magnetic attraction. He broke away from the group and leaned casually against the railings, cocking his head, "Hi there."
"Potter," Rory bit her lip almost involuntarily, cheeks rosy. James held out a hand and she took it, hopping down from the stands so she was standing on the grass with him.
He gently tucked a curl behind her ear, gazing intensely down at her. "You alright, Wood?" he asked, in a low and husky voice.
Rory exhaled a long breath, doing her best not to melt on the spot. She nodded slowly, "It seems- it seems that- that uniform is doing things to me."
"The uniform is doing things to you?" James arched a quizzical eyebrow, mouth twitching.
"More specifically- you in the uniform," Rory added, feeling bold. She dragged her teeth along her lower lip.
"Me in the uniform?" James' grin was so wide it nearly split his face open. He tousled his hair, letting his hands fall to encircle Rory's waist. He was surprised, pleased, and eternally smug. "Is doing things to you? My uniform and me in it is-"
"Oh just come here, idiot," Rory cut him off impatiently, silently squealing at his cuteness, and grabbed a fistful of his damned uniform in her hands, drawing him towards her for a kiss. James responded in full, gripping her tightly. Her hands traveled up into his impossibly messy hair, and then back down to his chest. James slid a hand around the back of her neck, his tongue slipping into her mouth and Rory unconsciously sighed. God he was hot. Then his lips were on her throat, deep and searching, and if there was a medal for making out he would have won it. She wanted to stay in that moment forever, kissing James Potter forever. Rory would die happy if she could just kiss James Potter forever.
"And they tell us to keep it in our pants."
James and Rory broke apart, and she looked up to find both Juniper and Teddy smirking at them. Rory flushed, heat flaming down to the tips of her toes.
"Breathing okay, babes?" Teddy asked, flashing her a shit eating smile.
"Just fine, Lupin," Rory growled, giving him a warning look.
"Surprised you can speak at all, after my brother's tongue was halfway down your throat," Juniper snickered. Then she gagged, "Thank you for that image."
"Junie!" Rory hissed. She was going to kill her later. That girl was dead.
"Come on, Casanova," Teddy yanked a reluctant James away from Rory by his collar. "If Ror gets any redder someone will mistake her for a Howler."
"Theodore Remus Lupin!" Rory's shriek echoed through the stadium, just as sharp as the tweet of Madam Hooch's whistle. Juniper mounted her broom, taking to the sky.
"AND THEY'RE OFF!" The familiar cheery tone of Scarlett Jordan rang out, loud and clear. "What a beautiful day for Quidditch, ladies and gentlemen! And an equally beautiful today for us to kick some Slytherin arse! Don't look at me like that, Professor, you were thinking it too."
Juniper rocketed up a few hundred meters, scouring the sky for the Snitch. Beside her, Vanessa was doing the same thing. There were downsides and upsides to playing against your sister, and in the same position for that matter. The upsides: Harry had trained them to be Seekers together. They learned to fly with the same techniques and same teacher, practising in the little field by their house. Juniper knew all of Vanessa's tricks, the strategies that Harry had taught them from his days. The downside was that Vanessa knew all of her tricks too, and Juniper knew just how good Vanessa could play. For example, she knew that Vanessa had a quirk where she flew directly downwards, straight at the ground, in order to throw her opponent off, and would pull up last minute, barely grazing the grass. It was a move carefully finessed and extremely effective. Juniper should know. She used it too. They were perfectly matched, and neither would dare let the other have the satisfaction of winning, which made Gryffindor v. Slytherin games the most enjoyable to watch. And of course- Vanessa was absolutely amazing at trash talk, particularly when directed at her brother.
"Evelyn McGonagall in possession of the quaffle, passes to McGonagall. McGonagall hurtling down the pitch he- oh bugger and it's intercepted by Fletchley- COME ON GRYFFINDOR! I mean- I'm unbiased..." Scarlett grimaced sheepishly into the microphone, earning herself a warning glance from Professor McGonagall.
Juniper motioned with her hand, Slytherin chasers nearing the goal, "Weasley, get ready!"
"Fletchley to Silvers, Silvers shoots and god DAMN IT HE SCORED!"
Juniper cursed under her breath as the quaffle went sailing through the wooden hoop, a resounding cheer erupting from the Slytherin stands. "James," she directed, "go for the shot. Teddy cover him."
The game continued on, close and intense. One minute Gryffindor was up, the next Slytherin. It was impossible to tell who would be the winner, and it was becoming evident that the game would end only when the Snitch was found.
"And that's another fifty points to Slytherin- WILL SOMEONE CATCH THE BLOODY SNITCH ALREADY?! You are Potters for Chrissakes! Swallow it if you have to!" That comment got a bemused smile out of Harry, and laugh carefully concealed as a cough from Professor McGonagall. "Gryffindor is in possession of the Quaffle, Slytherin sends a nasty bludger their way- andddd Lupin blocks it. FUCK YES! Glad to have you back!"
Juniper saw Cleo congratulating Teddy, and her stomach soured. Cleo had not made a single block the entire game, and had had one flimsy, ineffective hit that went several meters south of where it was supposed to. In this, Juniper took equal pleasure and displeasure in. Pleasure in the fact that Cleo was relatively shitty at Quidditch, albeit better than everyone who'd shown up at tryouts, and was embarrassing herself. And displeasure in the fact that Cleo might cost them the game with her aforementioned shitty Quidditch skills.
"James Potter zooming down the pitch right now, uncontested, Quaffle in possession. Nearing the goal- come on Potter! Oh my Godric that was foul Natalie, he's taken! I know he's hot, respectfully of course, him and Wood are the actual cutest- but his girlfriend is sitting there! Right there! And she's polite enough not to say anything. You're an angel, Ror, you really are- but I can guarantee her guard dogs, aka Gryffindor's other hottest new couple, are not too polite to say anything so watch your- I know this isn't relevant to the game Professor!" At this point, Scarlett was just rambling on, completely forgetting she was being broadcasted across the speakers for everyone to hear. Rory was absolutely mortified, and Gryffindor had scored two goals. "Professor- you should've heard what she said- it crossed the line- this is not gossip this is- I know you support James and Rory more than- yes I am aware I'm still talking into the microphone, Professor. I'm just trying to make sure that everyone- yes professor. I'll get back to the game now."
A gold glint caught Juniper's eye, whizzing just ahead of her. Was that? It was. The snitch, and it was moving fast. Juniper angled her broom downwards, gaze locked on a fluttering ball. Unfortunately, and as Juniper had expected, Vanessa had spied the snitch as well. A blonde streak bolted forwards, tailing Juniper closely.
Her sister was closing in on her, the handle of Vanessa's broomstick near even with her own. Vanessa curved slightly, outstretching her hand. Now she was in a better position to reach the Snitch, she would catch it before Juniper, it was just a matter of when.
Vanessa winked at Juniper, edging forward, "Good effort, sis."
"It's not over yet," Juniper said, urging her broom to go faster. It was futile.
Her sister smirked, enjoying the moment, "Mmmmm kinda seems like it is though." Above them, James was holding the Quaffle tight to his chest, going for Slytherin's goal. "What in the world is our brother doing? It's too close there's no point in-"
A Slytherin beater, Gregory Mullens, apparently oblivious to the fact that Vanessa was about to catch the Snitch, saw James and took a swing of his Beater's bat. The Bludger went careening towards James, dangerous and heavy. His back was turned, the Bludger increased in deadly speed, target aimed at his head.
Vanessa and Juniper looked to each other with wide eyes. "JAMES!" they shouted in unison, praying he'd turn around. In that moment, they lost track of the Snitch, concentration broken. Rory's mouth fell open in horror, face pale.
James whipped his head around at the last second, just a second too late. The Bludger tipped the side of his broom, sending him spinning wildly through the air. He flailed, attempting to regain control of his broom, which was headed for the metal side of stands. Now, Harry had taught them what to do in this situation. Once you get close enough to the ground, you get the hell off the broom before you bang into anything. James, however, was not heeding that advice.
"JUMP OFF JAMES!" Teddy, Charlie, Juniper, and Vanessa all shouted. Rory gasped, hands flying to her mouth.
"Why isn't he jumping off?" Vanessa asked Juniper. "Why isn't he jumping off?!"
James struggled with his broom, swinging his feet to the handle. Was he trying to stand up? What in Merlin was he doing? The broom was centimeters away from the metal post James was going to hit his head and fall to the ground. Why wasn't he jumping off?!
James balanced on the tip of his broom, just as it crashed into the side of the pole, sending James flying off.
"Oh my god- James!" Rory screamed, leaping to her feet.
The boy lie flat on the grass, unmoving. The team zoomed to the ground, racing to reach him, Rory dashing down to the field as fast as her feet could carry her. Then, James' arm shot up, something clenched tightly in his hand.
"Is that the-?" Scarlett breathed into the microphone. "IT IS! IT BLOODY IS! POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!" There was a roar of applause from the stands, and James popped to his feet, completely unharmed, pumping his fist in the air triumphantly.
The Gryffindor Quidditch team rushed for him, Teddy and Charlie hoisting him up on their shoulders. James whooped in victory. Smugly, he bellowed at his sisters, "Aren't the two of you supposed to catch this?" He dangled the Snitch in front of them teasingly.
"Sod off, James," they both grumbled. But Juniper couldn't be too sore at him, he had won them the game, after all. However stupidly he'd done it.
James waggled his finger at them, "Nuh uh. I saw your faces, you care about me. You were worried about me. Even Ness." He pouted gloatingly, pooching out his bottom lip, "Awwwww, my little sisters love me. That is just so sweet."
Vanessa bared her teeth, "Shame that Bludger didn't finish you off."
"Nessa and Junie looooove meeeee," James sang cheerfully, paying no mind to the various rude gestures they were making at him. "They'd miss me if I was deeaadddd."
Teddy and Charlie set him down on the ground, and James walked to Rory, who was standing on the edge of the grass. Her mouth was pinched.
"Hi," James waved, wiping sweat off of his brow.
"You were supposed to jump off the broom." Rory folded her arms, "I heard them. You were supposed to jump off of the broom. You didn't jump off of the broom, Potter."
"I did not," James conceded, nodding. He shrugged confidently, obviously very proud of himself, "I saw the Snitch when I got hit, and I knew I could get it in time."
"You did not know," Rory pointed out stiffly, sucking in her cheeks. "You guessed."
"Lucky guess, then."
She gritted her teeth, tone tight, "You didn't jump off of your broom."
James, confused at her reaction, cocked his head, "Are you- mad?"
"No." There was a beat. "You didn't jump off of your broom," Rory repeated, unable to stop herself.
"You seem mad," he raised his eyebrows pointedly at the throbbing vein in her forehead, trying not to smile.
"Well of course I'm mad!" Rory burst out, throwing her hands up in the air. "That was completely irresponsible! You could have gotten yourself killed, Potter!" She continued ranting, without taking a breath, pacing in a frenzy, "Seriously injured at the very least! That ego of yours will damn well be the death of you one day if you're not careful- what?!" Rory was interrupted, distracted by James.
"What?" James beamed, blue eyes twinkling.
"You're grinning at me like a fucking banshee for crying out loud!" Rory exclaimed, stamping her foot.
James just kept on smiling at her, "You're ridiculously beautiful when you're angry, Wood. Has anyone ever told you that?" He leaned in, lowering his voice "I can hardly handle it."
Rory groaned, "You massive, pigheaded, cocky, out of your mind idiot!" She punctuated each of her words with a tiny pummel of her fists on his chest, soft and ineffectual as they were. "Don't you ever do that to me again! Is that clear, Potter?" Rory stopped hitting him, hands pausing, muttering "Never again, James." She whispered, looking up at him, "Okay?"
James then realized why Rory had been so mad. She'd been worried about him. Really worried about him. James never wanted her to feel like that again. He gently took her miniature fists in his own hands, holding them to his chest. "Yes, sunshine." James delicately tipped her face up. "Can I kiss you now, please?"
"If you'd like," Rory sniffed primly. And god did James kiss her. He kissed her impossibly slow, tortuously slow. The kiss was like a drug, a slow burn through her entire body. It's intoxicating and romantic, and then he was dipping her back. She was a princess at the end of a movie. Rory half expected a ball gown to billow around her ankles, and rain miraculously pour down from the sky. Damn it! It was impossible to stay mad at him when he went and kissed her like that.
When they finally broke apart, Rory's previous anger and worry had dissipated. James' boyish, puppy dog expression wasn't helping matters either. Her cheeks were pink, "I guess you can do it again if you want to." James grinned, pulling her in for another kiss. Rory's fingers curled around his collar.
He pressed her to side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they went to catch up with Juniper and Teddy. They were all walking up to the castle, hoots of celebration already heard from the Gryffindor common room. A party was brewing. And a big one at that.
"So that was astronomically stupid," Teddy nudged his friend, "but I'm assuming you already got an earful about that."
"He did," Rory said, tossing her hair over her shoulder.
James dropped a kiss on top of her head, "She forgives me."
"Mmmmm, still deciding on that one actually," Rory tilted up her chin, pursing her lips.
"Mmmmm, hickey says differently, babes," Teddy commented with smirk, pointing at the purplish mark just above her collarbone. Juniper snorted.
"Lupin!" Rory hastily gathered her hair in front of her neck, glaring at him and Juniper.
Juniper tapped her on the nose, relishing in this moment, "Now who needs a Glamour Charm?"
"Hate you, mean it," Rory booped her right back, sticking out her tongue.
"Love you, kidding," Juniper replied. It was their little version of the classic saying, just switched a bit. Personally, Juniper thought theirs was better. And more accurate to their personalities.
After they'd all changed and showered, in the case of the sweaty Quidditch players, they headed for the party. Juniper was wearing a short tank top and a pair of her favorite jeans, and a ponytail because her hair wasn't dry yet and she didn't want to deal. Maybe she could convince Teddy to braid it later. He was really good at it, and it felt really nice to have his fingers in her hair. Rory was still wearing James' jumper, but had changed into a pretty black skirt, her hair tied back with one of her headbands.
"Why aren't you wearing a skirt?" Teddy pouted, pouring a shot of Firewhiskey for her.
"Ooh cause' I didn't want to, and last time I wore a skirt you ripped it so-" Juniper bit her lip, downing the drink with a coy smile. "Taking necessary precautions."
Teddy rubbed a sheepish palm across the back of his neck, "I forgot about that,"
"Did you?"
"No," he nipped cheekily at her neck.
Juniper kissed him on the edge of his jaw, thinking, "You know, it's your birthday tomorrow."
"Really?" Teddy gasped, clutching his heart.
"Oh, be quiet, or I'm not giving you a present, princess." Juniper rolled her eyes, pretending to be over his little antics. He was turning eighteen, which seemed impossibly old and was just another reminder that they were meant to be fully functioning adults of society in a few short months.
"I'm hoping my present involves that pretty little mouth of yours, trouble," he bent to whisper in her ear, lips brushing her skin. As always, his touch caused a shock to her system.
"You-" Juniper, flustered, parted her "pretty little mouth" to respond.
"So regretting coming over here," Charlie grimaced, inserting himself between Teddy and Juniper with much difficulty. "It will take several showers to forget that monstrosity," he shuddered, "but seriously mate what are we doing for the big day?"
"Eighteen, Lupin," Leo remarked, clapping him on the back. "That's a big one."
"Awww Teddy, you're so old," Rory cooed, pinching his cheeks.
Teddy shoved her hands away crankily, scowling deeply, "Awwww Rory, no one asked."
"Teddy, frown lines!" Rory giggled, pointing at his furrowed brow, immensely amused. She turned to Juniper, mock concern, "He has to be careful at his age. Do you see them, Junie? Oh my god and he's got the crow's feet too."
"My little old man," Juniper simpered, squeezing his hand.
He glowered, narrowing his eyes, "I'm going to go get another drink, since I'm now being bullied."
"Yes, live it up, Gramps!" Rory called encouragingly, to his retreating back. Her, Juniper, and Leo flashing him cheesy thumbs ups. "While you still can!"
"You're evil," Juniper snickered, resting her chin on Rory's shoulder.
"We're evil," Rory corrected, pecking her on the cheek.
"I love us."
"Who doesn't?"
James, Charlie, Leo, and the returning Teddy all raised their hands. Juniper and Rory shared a look, simultaneously flipping off the boys. They blew them a kiss, and waltzed to the middle of the common room to dance. Juniper twirled Rory around the floor, the two girls throwing their heads back with laughter. The drank and they danced well into the night, it was one of the best Gryffindor parties, in Juniper's opinion. The perfect kick off to seventh year. Although, it could've just been the copious amounts of booze they were all consuming that gave everything around them a rosy hue.
Juniper weaved her way through the crowd of people, trying to find Rory. And find her she did. Rory was very busy, it seemed. Very busy with her brother's face, as she was cozied up in a window seat with him, apparently experimenting with how long she could go without taking a breath.
"Erm- ew," Juniper said, blinking at them in disgust.
Rory laughed, blushing. She pressed her forehead to James's, eyes bright, "I'm gonna go get us some more drinks, okay baby?"
"Baby?" Juniper tapped her throat, retching, "I think a little vomit just came up." Her brother elbowed her in the ribs. "See if you can find Lupin," she told Rory, "he staggered over there to get more tequila- which he does not need- and I lost him. He's having some trouble walking so I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the floor."
"Oh my god I can make a joke about him using a cane! Oh-! Or one about him falling and not being able to get up!" Rory clapped her hands excitedly, disappearing into the melee.
Juniper sank down on the seat beside her brother, nudging him, "She's very cute."
"I know," James sighed, leaning back against the glass pane. An unburdened smile broke free across his face, bright and full of pure adoration, "She called me baby."
Juniper shook her head. Her brother really was such a sap. A dopey one at that. She could practically see the hearts in his eyes. "You gonna squeal now or...?"
"Shove off, Junie."
"Hi!" A perky thing in a tiny slip of a red dress appeared in front of them. She was at least a fifth year, probably. Juniper hoped she was at least a fifth year. Her mother would've killed her if she wore a dress like that before fifteen. Not that Juniper would've looked anywhere near what this girl looked like in that dress in fourth year. So you know, go her. She looked great. Freedom of expression and all that. Seriously, what was in kids' water these days?
"Hi?" Juniper was slightly taken aback by the girl's overt friendliness, especially since she was certain she'd never spoken to her before.
"I'm Mandy," the girl introduced herself, but not really to Juniper. She was staring straight at James, eyes glassy with alcohol but still shining with hunger. Oh. That was what she was here for. Now Juniper recognized her. She was part of Cleo's group, her Natalie, Kiki, and that other one. What was her name? Something uncommon. Channing? Chandler? Chantal- that was it. Chantal Vane. They were all sixth years, Juniper was pretty sure.
"I just wanted to say congrats on the win, James!" Mandy chirped, playing with her hair. "You're like really good at Quidditch, I bet you could go pro."
James looked a bit like a deer in headlights, not quiet sure what to say, "Er-"
"And I totally don't normally do this, but my friends dared me too and so I like had to." Her whole friend group squealed from their seat. "You look really fit tonight and-"
And now Juniper was done tolerating this drunken attempt at seduction, "He has a girlfriend."
Mandy did not take well to being interrupted. She looked at Juniper like she was a small insect, wrinkling her nose, "Erm- is she here?"
"Hi," Rory arched an eyebrow coldly, crossing her arms. It was as intimidating as Juniper had ever seen her. An impressive feat given her petite stature.
"Bye," Juniper waved to Mandy sweetly, shooing her away. The two girls high fived, Rory taking her rightful place in James' lap. Those girls, always causing problems. They thought they ran the world. They needed to calm down and stop throwing themselves at taken men, so they could enjoy their time at Hogwarts with each other. That was Juniper's advice anyways. Best friends were there for life.
Besides, boyfriends were needy. Exhibit A: Teddy stumbled towards her, pissed out of his mind. He nearly knocked her over as he leaned on her for support, nuzzling his head in her neck.
"Looks like someone found more tequila," Juniper felt the warm press of his lips on her shoulder. She smelt cigarette smoke on him, but she didn't mind. It was one of the scents that reminded her of him. The full moon must be close. He went through cigarettes like crazy before a transformation. Juniper sent a silent prayer to Merlin that it wouldn't be too bad this year, that he wouldn't give himself any new scars.
"Mmmmm," Teddy mumbled, head lolling.
Juniper smiled softly, guiding him up the stairs, "Come on Gramps, I think you stayed up past your bedtime."
Once Teddy had flopped down on his bed, spread eagled, Juniper carefully peeled his clothes off of him. She threw a pair of sweatpants at him, "Put those on, princess."
Teddy's blond curls were mussed, face sleepy. He looked so cute Juniper almost couldn't stand it. His words slurred, yawning as she helped him back to bed, "I have a girlfriend, you know."
"How nice for you," Juniper nodded, grabbing a blanket from Charlie's bed.
"She's very pretty," Teddy continued babbling, snuggling into a pillow. He peered at her, "I don't think my girlfriend would want another pretty girl putting me to bed like this."
Juniper chuckled lightly, "I willing to bet she won't mind."
Teddy paused for a moment, eyes on the verge of closing. He beckoned Juniper close, cupping his hand around her ear, "Can I tell you something? My girlfriend? I'm in love with her. Shhhhh. Don't tell."
Juniper put a finger to her lips, "Your secret's safe with me." And then Teddy's eyes fell shut, chest rising and falling slowly. He was asleep. Juniper pushed his hair back, kissing him on the forehead, "Goodnight, Teddy."
The next morning dawned with the ear shattering squall of a crow outside her dormitory window. Juniper had dragged herself to her bedroom after making sure Teddy was safely asleep and was not going to drunkenly endanger himself. Rory had come in about an hour later, and Juniper was thankful that she hadn't been conscious enough at the time to hear her brother say what was most likely a very noisy goodbye.
Juniper clamped a pillow over her ears, "Noooooooo." Her head was pounding and she was seriously regretting that last Firewhiskey shot.
"It really will be a murder of crows, if that fucking thing doesn't shut up," Rory rolled out of bed, rapping on the window to get the bird to fly away.
"My ears," Juniper moaned, burrowing under the covers. Rory opened the curtains with a flourish, painful sunlight streaming in like knives to Juniper's corneas. "Why is light so bright? I hate it."
Rory blinked furiously, touching a finger to her temple. It looked as though she wasn't doing much better than Juniper on the hangover front, swaying to keep her balance. "Sun is mean." Juniper nodded in groggy agreement.
There was the sound of a toilet flushing, and the door to the bathroom swung open. Vivian walked out, gaze cast downwards. She looked pale, dark circles ringing her eyes. Her usually lustrous curls hung limply around her chin, dull. Her face was bare of makeup, not that she needed it, but Vivian never went anywhere without her bright red lipstick.
"Morning Viv," Juniper greeted her. She frowned at her appearance. Vivian bore no resemblance to the girl Juniper had once known. She looked tired, drawn, done.
"Hey," Vivian managed a wave, sitting down on her bed.
"I didn't see you at the party last night," Juniper said, hoping that she would get an answer beyond the monosyllables Vivian now seemed to be speaking to her in.
"Yeah." Apparently not.
Juniper sighed, she heaved herself out of bed and waled over to Vivian. Sh placed a cautious hand on her arm, "Viv? Vivian- are you okay? Is something wrong, you can talk to me- to us?"
Vivian flinched, shying away from her, "I'm fine."
"Are you sure- because-"
"I'm fine, Juniper!" she cut her off, eyes flashing. "Just- don't the two of you have boyfriends to attend to?" Vivian's words were scathing, dripping with venom. There was no light in her expression. Juniper just didn't get it. Her and Rory were trying, really trying to get Vivian back. She used to be so close with Juniper, with the whole group, really. What had happened? Was it Juniper's fault? She didn't know why Vivian was pushing her away. And she didn't know when it was time to stop reaching out.
"Christ Vivian, I was just trying to be nice." Juniper rubbed her head tiredly, muttering under her breath, "Jesus." There was a tense moment of silence.
"Breakfast?" Rory indicated her question toward Juniper, tossing her some clothes. She held her arm out in question.
"Yes, please," Juniper said fervently, pulling her shirt over her head. She needed something greasy or fatty. Preferably both. And fast. And coffee. She really needed coffee. She linked her arm with Rory's and they hauled themselves down to the Great Hall.
It was a clear day, no clouds in sight. Which was not at all helpful. "Why are there so many windows?" Juniper wondered aloud, grumbling. "This many windows is a crime."
Rory pulled something out of her jumper pocket, well, more accurately, two somethings. "Here," she handed Juniper a cheap pair of red heart shaped sunglasses, putting an identical pair in blue on herself. They were absolutely ridiculous, but Juniper was too hungover to care.
Juniper puckered her lips, making a kissy model face "How do I look?"
"Gorgeous darling, simply ravishing," Rory told her dramatically, as they entered the Great Hall. The Great Hall was loud, and the clinking silverware only intensified the effects of Juniper's headache.
She flopped down on the seat next to Teddy, face planting onto the wooden table. Rory settled for burying herself in James' lap, sunglasses askew. James and Teddy shared a delighted look when they saw what the girls were wearing.
"Happy birthday, princess," Juniper mumbled, patting him on the hand.
"Thank you, Elton John," he replied cheekily, stroking her hair. Teddy tapped her glasses, "Loving this new look on you."
"Yeah," James agreed, both boys snickering, "it's really something, sunshine." He wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, humming to himself. Rory and Juniper were too tired to retort
"Food," Juniper looked up at Teddy with big doe eyes, "lots and lots of food. Mac n cheese, greasy chips, oh- tacos!"
"Tacos," Rory seconded, gingerly taking a sip of water.
"Tacos at Hogwarts?" Teddy stifled a laugh. "Don't know if I can help you there, trouble. James is making a cake, though."
Juniper thought for a moment, slowly processing, "Cake could work."
"With frosting?" Rory poked her head up.
James tapped her on the nose, "Always frosting."
"I love you."
James grinned, "So frosting is all it took? That would've been helpful to know six years ago."
"What are we doing for your birthday anyways?" Juniper questioned. Usually they threw a party, a big, booze fueled party. As they had done for the past two years.
Teddy shrugged aimlessly, "I figured I'd keep it calm, no plans."
"No party?"
"I think you're all partied out, trouble," Teddy said with a wry smile. Silently, Juniper breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure she could handle another hangover. "Nope, James is making a cake and I thought maybe we could watch a movie later. Just a chill day in with the boys."
"Excuse you," Juniper huffed, crossing her arms petulantly. "'The boys'? What about me?"
"Oh," Teddy faked surprise, tilting his head with overt innocence, "sorry, did you want to come? It hadn't even occurred to-"
Juniper swatted him across the arm, "Shut up, Lupin."
"Am I to attend this little soiree?" Rory queried.
"If you can stop speaking like an eighty year old, babes, then, yes. I suppose."
"Teddy, I swear to god I will-"
Juniper and Rory simultaneously clapped their hands over their ears, whimpering at high pitched sing songy tone. Ugh. Juniper knew who that voice belonged to. Voices, actually. Juniper did not have the energy for Cleo and her posse. Nope. Nope. Nope. They all looked very pert and fresh faced, and very much not sleep deprived and pissed.
Roy and Juniper came to the same conclusion: these girls were here to show them up. Yes, Rory and Juniper were a little disheveled ta the moment, maybe a bit cranky, and their hair was not brushed, but that was no excuse. Fortunately, for the gaggle of girls, Rory and Juniper couldn't be bothered to care.
They merely snuggled into the comfortable warmth of Teddy and James's sides, sighing, "If you're going to flirt with our boyfriends could you do at least do it quietly? Great thanks!"
Despite the rocky morning, Teddy's birthday only improved. It was a good day by anyone's standards. Now, they were all piled in the boys' dorm room, blissfully alone and uninterrupted by the likes of Cleo. James, Teddy, Charlie, Leo, Rory, and Juniper, draped across the beds and sprawled on the carpet watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Teddy's favorite. Talking, cracking jokes, and devouring the delicious sprinkle filled cake James had whipped up.
Charlie patted his swollen stomach happily, "Good on you, James."
"I think it's your best cake yet, bubs," Teddy complimented appreciatively, stretching his arm downwards to take another chunk out of the cake with his hand.
Rory, who was curled up next to James below, gave Teddy a disgruntled frown, "There are these things called forks, Lupin."
"My birthday, Wood!" Teddy popped a piece of cake into Juniper's mouth, swiping a bit of buttercream on her cheek as he did so. "Oops," he kissed it off, lips sticky and sweet on her skin. Juniper smiled. Smiled at Teddy. Smiled at all of them. Eating cake with their hands and just being together. She loved it. She wanted to savour it. Lock the moment up in a box and keep it with her forever.
"What are you so happy about trouble?"
Juniper reached up to kiss him again, frosting covered fingers in his hair, "Everything."
another sickeningly cute chapter
i can barely stand my own writing it so fluffy
do no fret, the angst is but a moment away :)
actually! i'd love to hear what you think the drama, depression and relative rage i'm going to inflict will be related to. lmk------------>
it was also a bit dialogue heavy, i apologize, it's just the banter is SO MUCH FUN to write and sometimes once i start i can't stop
this was one of those times. they just kept coming to me.
sorry this authors note was longgg
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