Louis was shocked to see the red plus on the pregnancy test. Sitting in a room where both Niall and his mother where crying tears of joy. Louis was gobsmacked. Utterly shocked. He really didn't know what to do. He simply held the test in his hands, staring at that red plus. He wondered what Harry was going to think. Louis didn't know if he was ready for a baby. This was all happening so fast. He loved Harry to death but he felt like there was still so much more to learn about him. He didn't think this was good timing. He was still in high school. This was his senior year. How would he get through it with a baby?
"Louis, for the last time. Those things aren't likely to be wrong." Louis felt his mother drape her arm around Louis' shoulders. She and Niall had settled down from their hype. As soon as Louis came out of the bathroom with his face white as a ghost and nodding his head ever so slightly, they has burst into tears, feeling too many emotions at once. "'Not likely' still means theres chance." He mocked. It's not that Louis was thinking of getting an abortion or anything. That wasn't even on his mind right now. He's always wanted to have kids, he just never thought he'd be having one this soon in his life.
Niall joined the two on the lounge, all three now staring at the positive test. "Don't be scared Louis, You are going to be an amazing father." Niall assured his friend. "What make you so sure Niall? You don't know that! I could be an awful father. Like mine" Louis frowned. "Hey! You will not be anything like your father. I know for sure because of two reasons. Firstly because, you saw how much he hurt you and I. And I know you'd never do that to anyone else. And secondly, 'cause i'd kick your ass" She said sternly, lightening the mood in the room. When the laughter settled, Louis remembered something. "Guys. How am I going to tell Harry?"
Niall had decided to stay over the night. Louis hadn't heard from Harry's other than a text telling Louis he got the job. He was proud of his alpha, at least now they'd have some money for the baby. Louis felt guilty, Harrys hard earned money would have to go towards their baby. "But he wont mind, because he will love this baby, Lou!" Niall rubbed Louis' back assuringly. Louis blushed, he didn't realise he was thinking out loud.
"We'd better get to bed, Harry will be over in the morning" Niall said as he lay down on the mattress next to Louis bed. Louis sighed as he lay down on his own bed. He was nervous, how would Harry react this? Louis subconsciously laid his hand across his stomach and drifted into a slumber.
"Louis everything is going to be fine darling, you're over reacting." Louis heard his mum yell from her room where she was getting ready for work. "Ill get you a doctors appointment as soon as I can. Then you'll know for sure, but I'm telling you, it's unlikely that you're not" she said as she came out, giving Louis a peck and leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Louis was watching in the midst of watching day time television when there was a knock at the door. Louis was happy to turn of the tv to get up and answer the front door. He opened it and his beautiful alpha smiled down at him with those green eyes and dimples, Louis felt his insides grow warm at Harrys presence.
Louis wraps his arms around Harry when they shut the front door. Harry chuckles and happily pulls the omega closer in his embrace. "Congratulations on getting the job Haz" Louis smiles as they walk into the kitchen. "Thanks Louis, I don't like that it takes time away from you, but I can get you nice things now" Harry smiled warmly at his omega who looked stunningly this morning.
"Don't worry about buying me things Harry" Louis said nervously, not wanting to look at Harrys face, but at the same time, not wanting to miss the alphas reactions. Harry obviously picked up on the nervousness of his omega, walking to Louis side. He picked Louis up and put him down on the bench, Louis' head now level with Harrys as the alpha stood between his legs. "And why wouldn't I buy you nice things?" Harry asked, almost sassily, to the smaller boy who felt like he was sweating.
"Well because Harry, we'll need to save it up for the baby" Louis mumbled as loud as he could muster. Harry chuckled, "Thats cute Lou, but by the time we have babies we'll have saved an-" Harry stopped, the humour of the situation disappearing. "Wait. Louis? Are you?" Harry gestured to Louis' stomach, know the omega would know what he meant.
"Yes Harry, I'm pregnant." Louis spoke a little stronger this time, though still timidly as he looked into the eyes of his shocked alpha, unable to completely read his emotions. Harry looked down at Louis' stomach, than back up at his omega who was searching his face for answers. "We- we're having- We're having a baby?" Harry smiled, tears filling his eyes and his bottom lip wobbling.
"Yeah Harry. We're having a baby" Louis laughed as tears of his own started rolling down his cheeks. Harry smiles, his dimples popping out of his cheeks as he knelt down to Louis' stomach. "Hi baby" Harry whispered and Louis smiled wider then he ever had before. "You're not mad?" Louis asked, running his fingers through his boyfriends growing locks. "Mad?! Im ecstatic!" Harry let himself cry into Louis shoulder as he held his omega tightly. The love of his life was carrying his pups, there was nothing that could make him happier.
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