Chapter 7: Good Old Fashioned Kidnapping
Shit's about to go down...enjoy my lovies. Don't forget to comment AND vote.
Gabby 💚
Brian's POV
I walked into Gabby's room, expecting to find her crying still.
"Starlight, we can cancel our movie date if you wa-"
There she was in the most BEAUTIFUL dress I've ever seen, green, her favorite color.
There was also a note on her dresser. I grabbed it and this is what it said:
Dear Brian,
Don't worry about John. I told you even after I died, I would always protect my daughter. I may have used a kind of magic to help her tonight. It IS the premiere of my movie staring moi darling. I'm still here, even if you can't see me. I'm not a ghost...just the invisible man. Have a great time at the premiere, and don't worry. I'll be right by your side.
Freddie Mercury aka Melina
I gasped. Freddie you bastard. Almost making me cry. I smiled, knowing he still protected his daughter, just as I did too.
"Gabby, grab your bag. Let's hope the night is still young starlight"
Gabby's POV
Brian was surprised but once he read the note, he smiled. I grabbed my bag and off we went to the premiere.
"Now Gabby. I got to warn you about the paparazzi nearby. Not to mention I may or may not be interviewed by the press" Brian said in the limo.
I could see his hands were shaking. I gently grabbed them and said, "Brian, everything's going to be alright. I promise you, tonight is gonna be the greatest night of our life"
With Anita kissing him on his lips and a hug from me, his insecurities melted away.
I couldn't help but feel like a sore thumb. I was so tiny and I felt like I could easily get lost. Luckily Adam saw me first.
"Gabby you look beautiful in that dress. Like a Queen"
"She's a beauty alright Adam" Roger remarked.
I laughed as I walked around. It was that moment I became clumsy and bumped into a handsome blond.
"Oh my god. I am so sorry. Hi I'm Gabby"
"It'e alright. I know who you are. My dad told me about you. I'm Rufus"
I was so nervous. What do you say to Roger Meddows Taylor's son?!?!?!?!
"I like your fedora"
Ladies and gentlemen...flirtation 101!!!! WAY TO EMBARRASS YOURSELF GABBY!!!!
Luckily he just laughed and said, "Oh this old thing? I hardly call it fashion. Freddie and my dad, now they were the fashionable ones. Let's go and introduce you to Rami and Lucy!!!!"
I knew there was a reason I liked Rufus. And it's not just cause he's as spicy as his dad.
"Hello Rami. Hi Lucy. I'm Gabby. I'm Brian's mini date tonight"
Lucy smiles as Rami held her to his side.
"So this must be the infamous Gabby Brian kept telling us about on set? Well he's certainly right about how cute you are. Like a little kitten" Rami said.
It was at this moment I found an unexpected surprise in my bag.
"MERCURY!!!! What are you doing here?!?!?!?!" I scolded my cat.
"Mercury? You named your kitten Mercury?" Lucy asked in amusement.
"Yes I did. She kept sniffing my Queen vinyl...or Freddie's face at least. Then, when I played Another One Bites The Dust, she meowed to the bass"
Rami and Lucy glanced at each other then burst into laughter.
"That's HILARIOUS Gabby. I know I can't pet her cause I'm allergic to cats, but she IS a beauty. She looks like Freddie's cat Delilah"
"I'll give her a cuddle. But I'll be careful Rami I promise" Lucy replies.
"Allergic to cats huh?" I smirked.
"Well at least I let them be near me. Besides, if I didn't have allergies, I would definitely love cats more. I can see why Freddie loved them"
"Maybe we can hang out sometime. You, me, and Lucy...if you want to"
"Rami held my hands and replied, in his best Freddie voice, "Darling I would love to"
"Me too love" Lucy adds.
As I left them, I went to a secluded part of the stadium to get a drink of water.
"Well, I didn't fancy seeing a girl like you here" A mysterious person says.
"I'm sorry who are you?"
"I'm Luke Deacon. John Deacon's son. You look an awful lot like this girl my father once loved"
"Well that's not possible, unless you believe time travel is real" I nervously chuckled.
"And what if I do?"
"Well you must be out of your mind just like your tweets"
"If you'll excuse me Mr. Luke Deacon..." I said but Luke grabbed my wrist.
"Let me go!!! Who do you think you are? If this is your way of flirting, you're just as bad as your father"
"Well what other explanation is there? You're supposedly a time traveler!!!"
"Like you're supposedly famous?" I smirked.
"Well played Gabby. Well played. But this won't be the last you see of me, Miss Mercury"
My kitten, Mercury, popped out of my bag again and this time, she let out a little hiss.
"I'm gonna go now" Luke said and then he ran away.
"About time that bastard left. Good job Mercury. I don't know how John managed to have six kids, let alone one who tried to lay his hands on you" Freddie's ghost popped out to my side.
I sighed and let him hug me, thankful for some comfort after that terrible attempt to...oh god I don't even want to know!!!! I then let go when I noticed something different.
"Freddie, you changed your tux!!!! It's a dark blue. Why?"
"I wanted to match my daughter"
Wait what?
"The earth is green and the sky is blue. They need each other. They complete each other, just like me and you"
" are the best"
"I know. Now go before Brian explodes like a supernova and starts tearing up the stadium to find you" Freddie chuckled.
Luke's POV
"You found her?"
"Yes I did Cameron. We kidnap Freddie's daughter TONIGHT"
"Father will be so pleased. Perhaps she can rescue him from his depression"
"But he's so cruel. He wants her just to himself. Aren't you worried about that?"
"Shut up Cameron. We kidnap her TONIGHT" I told my brother. We had everything ready.
Time to get back what rightfully belongs to our father.
Gabby's POV
Just as another Queen song finished, I found Brian and Anita.
"There you are starlight. Gabby I was worried someone would kidnap you...or worse!!!!"
"Brian don't worry. I'm a tough girl. I can defend myself"
With Mercury supplying a meow, Brian laughed.
Suddenly, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy was playing. I of course, sang along.
🎵Ooooooooh love, ooooooooh Lover Boy. Whatcha doing tonight, hey boy!!! Set my alarm, turn on my charm. That's because I'm a good old fashioned lover boy🎵
I then started to dance, my dress twirling with each spin. Jim Beach saw me and just laughed.
🎵Ooooooooh love. Ooooooooh lover boy. Whatcha doing tonight, hey boy!!! Everything's alright. Just hold on tight. That's because I'm a good old fashioned....lover boy🎵
"AH!" I tripped on the steps and fell into...Ben Hardy's arms.
"Glad I caught you pretty lady" Ben said.
"Ben" I stared into his beautiful blue eyes.
"I'm Gabby"
"And I'm Ben Hardy, Roger Taylor's son, or at least his younger counterpart" Ben replied.
I couldn't help but giggle.
"Oh well aren't you such a charmer?"
"I have my ways Gabby..."
"Roberts. Gabby Roberts"
"With your beauty, I'd say you look like a Mercury"
I kept blushing. Freddie called me his daughter and now Ben says I remind him of Freddie?
"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing by herself? Don't you have a boyfriend?"
"I could ask the same about you Lover Boy"
"Well I broke off my relationship. It was a pretty long one...sometimes I'm scared I won't find love again"
"At least you're not a 19 year old girl held to unrealistic beauty standards. How many guys do you know who want to date a woman with curves?"
Ben pulled my chin up and said, "Well, I might know one guy..."
"Oh is that so?" I asked him.
"He's blond, blue eyes...typical British beauty"
"Well would he mind me listening to Queen? Broadway? Or that I can sing?" I replied.
Ben pulled me in his arms.
"Oh I think he'd love that very much...that is if you wouldn't mind sharing my life together?"
I started to giggle.
"Starlight. The movie's about to start!!!!"
I couldn't stop blushing. Ben looked so confused. What if he assumed the worst of Brian and I?
"I'm Brian's date. Well his other date. He's my best friend you see and he wanted me to come. He says I make him happy" I explained.
"Well then, I guess if Brian says the movie is starting, I should go too. But promise me I'll see your beautiful smile again"
"I promise Ben" I smiled for what seemed like the millionth time.
Ben grabbed my hand unexpectedly and kissed it.
"Until tomorrow Gabby. I hope to see you again"
"And I you Ben"
I then went quickly up to my seat. Brian looked at me.
Roger smirked at me.
" and Ben huh? And you said you didn't have a crush on me"
"I wouldn't date you even if you were 20 again Uncle Rog"
"Admit it Gabby. First comes love, then comes marriage. And then you and Ben will have a honeymoon where—"
"Roger...don't suggest such things. I want to protect her innocence" Brian replied calmly.
"Looks like Ben is a Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy and Gabby's his precious little darling"
"Oh shut up Mr. CAR LOVER!!!!" I snapped. I was so red, I made a tomato look pale.
Roger just gasped.
"Well, I hope you know that I'm not letting him near my little starlight until I see how kind he is to you" Brian responded, holding my hand.
"She's a Killer Queen. I expect my little niece to break boys hearts" Roger chuckled.
"Ignore Roger dear. He's always been blunt about love, especially the making love part of it. You get to decide when you fall in love, and when you give yourself away. I want to be there the day you marry the love of your life" Brian whispered in my ear.
I sat there smiling all while Mercury purred in my bag. At least he didn't tease me, unlike overprotective, and sometimes too sexual , Uncle Roger.
Once the movie started, the weirdest thing happened.
When I watched Freddie singing Love of My Life in the small farm studio, I suddenly felt a trigger in my mind.
"Come on darling. There's a special song I want you to hear"
"Dad!!!" I giggled as Freddie dragged me to the piano, the cats following behind us.
" of my life, you've hurt me. You've broken my heart, and now you leave me"
"Sing with me darling"
I giggled as I sang for him.
"Love of my life, can't you see?"
"Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me because you don't know, what it means to me" As we harmonized together.
"You're the love of my life, my little Eurydice. You make the birds sing when you sing Gabby"
"I love you dad"
"I love you Gabby. You're every inch my daughter"
Present Day
What the hell just happened? Eurydice? I called Freddie DAD?!?!?!?!?!?! It's like I lived the memory without knowing it.
I felt my face soaked with tears. If only my weird flashbacks weren't just that: flashbacks.
Brian sensed my sadness and kissed my cheek.
"It's okay starlight. I miss him too"
"It's not that Brian...I'm getting weird flashbacks"
Brian's face paled for a moment but then he said, "I'm sure it's nothing...we'll talk about this later"
I sang along to the songs and cried when Freddie had AIDS, sad knowing he and Jim couldn't grow old together. But I was so happy to see the movie.
"Brian I'm gonna go to the bathroom"
"Alright starlight but hurry back"
As I retouched my makeup, I couldn't help but spin in a circle. Ben actually flirted with me!!!!
"I'm in love!!! Oh my goodness I'm in LOVE" I sang out!!!
"See darling? I KNEW he would catch on to you!!!" Freddie piped up.
I blushed. He really should have been a father, just like my flashbacks...or were they more than flashbacks? What if it was real?
"Oh Freddie, I never even kissed a boy in my life, and I'm 19!!!!"
"Then Brian's done his job well, protecting your innocence. Roger was always the flirt"
"More like born seducer!!!" Freddie and I burst into laughter!!!!
"Oh my sweet darling girl...if you marry him, somehow I'll send a present to you!!!"
I giggled and hugged Freddie, Mercury giving a little purr.
Once I came out of the bathroom, I noticed it was empty. Mercury HISSED!!!
Why would she hiss unless...and then suddenly I felt a hand on my mouth!!!
"Got her!!!! Let's take back what belongs to our father!!!"
I stepped on my kidnapper's foot and yelled!!!
I thought all hope was lost when—
Adam's POV
I was looking for Gabby when I heard someone scream.
I ran and I saw two young men trying to kidnap her, Gabby kicking and thrashing in their arms.
"Well well well. If it isn't Freddie's replacement" A voice sounding like Cameron Deacon sneered.
"I don't know who you think are but she's not YOURS!!"
"Well you're not getting her back without a fight!!!"
I then started to punch them, all while trying to get Gabby back!!!
"STARLIGHT!!!" Brian yelled as he, Roger and Anita ran to my aid.
"There's too many people. We got what we needed: let's go Cameron!!!"
Suddenly a smoke bomb was thrown and I fell to the ground coughing!!!!
I struggled but Brian and Roger helped me recover.
"Gabby...oh my god. I'm so sorry. Brian, Roger, I fought to save her, but they were too strong!!!"
I sobbed while Roger and Brian hugged me.
"Oh god...Rog...He did it. He took my starlight"
Unknown POV
I looked at the sleeping angel in my arms in the backseat of my car.
"You're finally mine Gabby Mercury. Now I have the remaining piece of Freddie to myself" I chuckled.
"Poor thing...wait until she finds out John kidnapped her father...that MY father kidnapped her no less" My son Luke replies.
"Well she would have been my daughter if Brian and Roger didn't hide her. I simply took back what was mine"
I left Queen? Oh no, Brian and Roger abandoned me. Now I returned the favor.
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