Chapter 4: Prisoner

Belle drug herself back in some hours later. Hoping to spend some time with her messed up family, but the compound was eerily quiet.

"Friday? Where is everyone?"

"The briefing room Ms. Stark." The female disembodied voice replies.

Belle tucks a stray piece of hair back and makes her way down. She makes it in time to see everyone file out, and in full uniform no less.

Tony was the last to walk out, hood of his armor snapping shut, "Papa? What's going on?"

"Found a Hydra base hiding out in France of all places. Shouldn't take us long to stomp 'em out."

"Your going out? Are they ready?" Belle asked following the sound of his metal steps hitting the tile floor.

"They'll survive." Belle's heart raced as the neared the quinjet, "Stop worrying, your so much like your mother."

"I can't help worrying, but-" screw it, "Take me with you."

Tony turned fast around and began what sounded like a very well reversed speech, "Absolutely not! It's Hydra! They'd eat you alive-!"

"Papa! I'm eighteen! I'm technically an adult now and I can't stay locked up in here forever!" She took his metal hands in her's and looked in the eye slits of his helmet, pleading, "Please?"

Tony's face was unreadable at the moment but a sigh was heard, "You have to do exactly what we say, to the letter."

Her eyes lit up like stars, "I will!"

"Then let's get going." He slowly made his way into the quinjet with Belle not far behind.

It was smaller on the inside than the outside. She took a seat next to Vision who offered a celebratory side hug. As they took off there was an unmistakable shine in Steve's eyes and a smirk growing in Natasha's face.


They landed some time later and everyone stood, ready to walk out.

"Now repeat everything that I just said." Tony's faceplate was up and his brown eyes were staring into her with intensity.

Belle listed them out, using her hand to count, "No leaving the quinjet unless absolutely necessary, keep coma on at all times, and your gummy bear stash in the back is off limits."

"That's my girl."

The plate snapped back down and he turned to the others as Cap rallied them, "Avengers Assemble!"

They filed out, each giving her a smile or hug. Soon it was empty, and she could feel the boredom starting to edge it's way into her mind. She picked up the book she brought and opened to where she left off, content.

About half an hour later, she finished it and explosions could be heard miles out. Her boredom was soon replaced by jealousy. They're out there having an adventure, the adventure she's always wanted, while she has to stay here and stare out a window and keep score.

Belle got up and tossed the book in her seat. She leaned on the pilot's chair and her eyes lingered on the various controls. Mainly the on that opened the hangar.

She reached her hand out but hesitated. Papa said to stay here. But her curiosity took control of here body, her hand reaching farther out, until it pushed the button in.

The hangar door slowly opened and her heart beat faster with anticipation.

She stepped out.

The night sky was littered with stars and the mon was full. The woods beyond shadowed in darkness and yet, calming.

More explosions sounded and she followed them into the woods. Moving farther in until she could see them, and the battle taking place.

Vision, Iron Man, War Machine, and Falcon took to the skies. While Captain America and Black Widow taking the ground, engaging in hand-to-hand, with Scarlet With throwing bolts of red every which way. Men in black with distinguishable Hydra patches were firing back with everything they had.

Belle watched the spectacle before her, mesmerized, but something grabbed her attention out of the corner of her eye.

Several Hydra men were escaping out the back of the base.

Belle moved as quietly as she could after them, blending in with the darkness around her.

The men were loading things into a truck, weird things. Even weirder than her.

But the sound of a gun cocking and the feel of the barrel pressing against the nape of her neck brought her back to reality, "Let's go."

Three Hydra men pushed her forward and towards the truck. They pushed her inside and placed a bag over her head, the movement of the truck not helping the growing fear.

The Avengers trudged back to the quinjet, broken noses and bruises making it difficult. "I totally took down way more than you Rhodey. "

"In your dreams Wilson."

They all watched as Tony was the first to see the quinjet, and then take off running.

When it got into view they saw why. The hangar was open. And Belle was no where to be seen.


Belle was led out of the truck and into who knows where. They only took the sack off when she was far enough inside. The gun was still pressed to her as insensitive to keep moving. When they reached a series of cages they opened one and shoved her inside, landing none to gracefully.

"Welcome to Hydra, Ms. Stark."

They shut the cage and left her to herself. Guilt replaced her curiosity in waves. Why didn't I stay? Why didn't I just suck it up? The last one giving her shutters, Will I ever see Papa again?

Noises in her cell stepped her train of thought, "Look! A girl!"

"Yes, I can see it's a girl!"

"What if she is the one?"

The one? "Hello? Is someone there?" She moved towards the source.

"Not one word Lumiere, not one word!"

"Cogsworth! Have a heart! Pardon his crassness mademoiselle, we haven't talked anyone in a while."

When she reached the source, it shook her to the core. There, on the floor, sat a candelabra. And it was talking. "Hello."

She stumbled back, "But your a-a, you can talk?!"

"Well of course he can talk!" A brown and gold encrusted clock wobbled out of the shadows, "That's all he ever does!"

Belle stared at them longer than necessary, who wouldn't? But only came up with barely plausible conclusions, Have I gone insane? Am I dreaming?

What she couldn't dream, however, was the deafening roar that came from the cell next to her's.

Next chapter is "Gaston" and more of your lovable sarcasm!

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