Ep 2



Y/n looks back at the crushed car - Someone knows I'm here. Someone knows we're here. The perpetrator can be any one of these people.

Tae Hyung calls the sender of the threat message.

TAE HYUNG: Hello, who is this?

Y/n walks toward the building from which Justin Park fell to his death - a 6-storey office building. Tae Hyung catches up with her as she steps into the building.

TAE HYUNG: It was a kid. Swore on his mom that he didn't send the message.

Y/n nods.

Y/N: Mr. Park fell from the rooftop. I'll take the stairs; you take the elevator.

Tae Hyung presses the elevator button.

TAE HYUNG: You take the elevator, I'll take the stairs.

He turns and races up the stairs, taking 2 steps at a time.



Y/n enters the roof top. She walks to the edge, from where Mr. Park could've fallen and looks down. The ambulance has arrived and so have the police. With time running out she starts looking around for clues.

Hearing a huffing sound, she turns around and finds Tae Hyung, breathless.

TAE HYUNG: I didn't find any... anything or anyone suspicious.

He takes a moment to catch his breath.

Y/N: There is no sign of struggle. No sign of anything.

She looks around, recording every detail through her secret camera. Satisfied, she walks across to the other side of the roof.

Y/N: The police are here.

She looks at the adjacent building. Tae Hyung reaches her and sees what she's seeing - a jump; 4-feet across and 1 story down. He climbs onto the ledge and holds his hand out. Y/n grabs his hand and climbs onto the ledge.

Why do I feel like we've done this before? – Tae Hyung looks at Y/n, standing close to him, her hand still in his.

Y/n looks into Tae Hyung's eyes. She holds her breath hoping it will help in muffling the sound of her pounding heart. She lets go of his hand and steadies herself on the ledge.


Y/n nods. In tandem, the new partners leap off the ledge and land on the adjacent roof. A quick roll to soften the fall and they're on their feet, racing to the exit, both of them smiling.



Y/n takes out a black pouch from her backpack. She switches off her phone and drops it in the pouch. She turns to ask for Tae Hyung's phone but he is already holding it out to her.

TAE HYUNG: It's switched off.

Y/n puts it into the pouch and seals it, stopping the 2 devices from receiving or sending signals.

She pulls out a burner phone from her bag while Tae Hyung pulls out his simultaneously. Tae Hyung matching her speed and actions doesn't go unnoticed by her or him.

Y/N: Did you tell anyone you were working with me?

TAE HYUNG: Only my team. You?

Y/n shakes her head. She activates her secret social media account and logs in. A recent post catches her attention.

Y/N: Stop the car.

TAE HYUNG: Why? What happened?

Y/N: Stop at that parking bay.

She points ahead and waits for the car to come to a halt.

Y/N: Do you know a Mr. Ahn Ji Woong?

TAE HYUNG: Yeah, he's Ahn sonbae's elder brother.

Y/n utters the next few words as delicately as she can.

Y/N: He died. His body was found in his home town, this morning.

Running his fingers through his hair, bemused.

TAE HYUNG: He was supposed to be in The United States for a seminar. He wasn't supposed to be back till next month.

Y/N: I had confirmation of that too.

Tae Hyung reaches for his burner phone and steps out of the car. Y/n watches him speak into his phone, clearly upset and frustrated. She types in and sends a quick message on her phone.

The door opens and Tae Hyung is back in the car.

TAE HYUNG: Sorry, I had to make a call.

Y/n nods in understanding. Her phone pings, she has confirmation.

Y/N: Can you please drop me off at nearest subway station?

TAE HYUNG: Where are you going?

Y/N: Jeju island, Mr. Ahn's home town. I need to check the crime scene.

TAE HYUNG: We're supposed to investigate together.

Y/N: We are. I'll check the crime scene and let you know what I find.


Y/N: Yes. Why?

TAE HYUNG: Why am I not coming?

Y/N: Don't you have a job? Can you really just fly off to Jeju on a moment's notice? Don't you have a scandal to take care of?

He looks at Y/n, surprised by her concern.

TAE HYUNG: I am taking care of the scandal. I know how to do my job.

Y/n looks at him – why are you so angry?

Y/N: So, you want to come to Jeju?

Tae Hyung gives a curt nod.

TAE HYUNG: Is that why you investigated about Mr. Park on your own?

She nods and turns to her window.



Tae Hyung pulls into the parking lot of Uju Flying club. Y/n steps out of the car and waits for him to join her. Tae Hyung takes his time, looking at the private jets parked on the tarmac.

TAE HYUNG: What are we doing here?

Y/N: Hitching a ride.

Tae Hyung gasps – we're taking a private jet to Jeju?

She walks briskly onto the tarmac and greets a woman dressed in blue overalls.

Y/N: Mrs. Feng!

MRS.FENG: Y/n. Your ride will be here any-

A faint buzz in the sky stops their conversation. They look up to the sky and spot the approaching chopper.

TAE HYUNG: That's our ride?

Y/n nods. He looks at her amazed.

Y/N: We'll be in and out of Jeju in an hour. I don't want anybody who's watching us to have the time to follow us.

Tae Hyung nods and stares at the approaching chopper - Which reporter on the planet has chopper on their beck and call?

Once the chopper lands, Y/n boards and takes a seat. Used to the routine, she wears the headset and fastens her seatbelt. Tae Hyung climbs in, hesitant, feeling surreal.

Y/N: Put this on.

Tae Hyung wears the headset she offered.

Y/N: You need to fasten your seat belt.

He hears her voice through the headset. Finding his seatbelt, he fastens it. The second he does the chopper lifts off and banks to the right. Tae Hyung grips onto the sides of his seat.

Y/N: Is this your first time?


Y/N: Don't be nervous.

TAE HYUNG: Is it that obvious?

Y/n smiles.

Y/N: Ms. Lee is an experienced pilot. She's an Afghan veteran. You're in safe hands.



Y/n, Tae Hyung stand with an 18-year-old Lee Ki Moon, Y/n's informant. They watch the police combing the crime scene at the bottom of the long stairway.

Y/N: What did they find?

KI MOON: A dog walker found the body today morning at 6 am. The victim was stabbed 12 times.

Y/N: Did they find the murder weapon?

KI MOON: Yes, they found it under the corpse.

Y/N: Send me the forensic reports as soon as you get them.

Ki Moon nods.

Y/N: You have the photographs?

Ki Moon opens his bag and pulls out a stack of photographs and hands it to Y/n. She stuffs it in her backpack.

Y/N: Thanks Ki Moon.

He bows and leaves.

TAE HYUNG: Whoever buried the body wanted it to be found.

Y/N: The Ahn's sold their family home long ago, according to my info they both haven't been here in quite some time.

TAE HYUNG: It's not a place they like to come back to. They don't have fond memories of this place.

Y/N: Then why was Mr. Ahn Ji Woong here?

TAE HYUNG: I don't know. 



Back on the chopper, Y/n goes through the photographs of the local police notes and evidence. She hands Tae Hyung a blurry photograph.

Y/N: Do you know what this is?

Tae Hyung looks at it.

TAE HYUNG: It's a piton [looks at her] you use it in rock-climbing.

Y/N: Was Mr. Ahn Ji Woong into rock-climbing?

TAE HYUNG: No, but Ahn sonbae is.

she holds her breath as she waits for Tae Hyung to make the connection but his attention is focused on something else. He points to the photograph in her hands.

TAE HYUNG: Is that the murder weapon?

Y/N: Yes.

She hands him the photograph and watches the color drain from his face.

TAE HYUNG: This is Ahn sonbae's knife. He's had it for more than 15 years.

Tae Hyung clenches his jaw – Sonbae, why are you being set up so easily?

He looks at Y/n.

TAE HYUNG: It's time you met my team.



The lift doors open, to reveal Y/n and Tae Hyung inside. Y/n steps out into the well-lit corridor which leads to a locked door. Tae Hyung presses his palm on the scanner and the door unlocks.

NAM JOON: Taehyung.

Nam Joon approaches Tae Hyung and Y/n.

TAE HYUNG: Hyung, meet Y/n.


He shakes her hand.

Y/N: CEO of Red Eye. It's nice to finally meet you. And even more nice to be in your secret office.

NAM JOON AND TAE HYUNG: You knew about this place?

Y/n crosses her arms as she looks around the room. Half a dozen staff members are busy working on their monitors. A wall sized screen displays live feed of different news channels. Y/n notices a familiar face and walks up to him.

Y/N: Hello Ho Seok.


He turns round, smiling at Y/n.

Tae Hyung and Nam Joon join them.

TAE HYUNG: You both know each other?

Ho Seok smiles.

HO SEOK: Singapore. She chased after me with vengeance. I thought she was going to kill me.

Tae Hyung looks at Y/n, not seeing how she could look vengeful. – She looks intense yes but scary, nah.

Y/N: Because you stole my data.

HO SEOK: Once again, I'm sorry about that.

TAE HYUNG [TO NAM JOON]: You knew about this?

NAM JOON: This is news to me too.

His phone pings. He swipes the screen and sees visuals of the visitor in the elevator, riding up to his office. He closes the live feed and taps on the Give Access button.

Y/N [TO HO SEOK]: You're the one who found me.

She smiles and looks at Tae Hyung. – Wait. Her eyes back on Ho Seok.

Y/N: Did you-

HO SEOK: Nope, I didn't hack into your website I only peeked. I swear. Time changes a person.

Y/n continues to look at him with concern for a moment, making him nervous.

Y/N: Not too much, I hope.

She smiles. She likes Ho Seok, even back in Singapore she knew he was good person. He exhales relived.

HO SEOK: Well, I traced the number you gave me and the message was sent from a computer at an internet café in Seoul.

He looks at Nam Joon and Tae Hyung.

HO SEOK: But get this, the time it was sent, no one was in the café. It was closed.

He pulls up a screen on his monitor. It shows a dimly lit interior of an internet café.

TAE HYUNG: It was sent from the only internet café in Seoul which was closed.

HO SEOK: Yup. It wasn't a scheduled message either.

Y/N: How does that work?

Tae Hyung shrugs his shoulders.

JIN: Y/n.

She turns around.

Y/N: Hi. You're just in time.

She introduces Jin to Tae Hyung and his team. Jin is not pleased.

JIN: You tried hacking our website. Again.

NAM JOON: We did no such thing. All we were doing was trying to search for the creator of Labyrinth.

JIN: Exactly.

Nam Joon furrows his brows.

JIN: Why do you think you can hack into Labyrinth and get away with it? You think you're immune to hacking?

NAM JOON: No lines were crossed. All we did was try to find out who ran labyrinth.

Furious he had to repeat himself.

JIN: That's what half the country wants know. Do you understand the implications of making her identity public?

TAE HYUNG: It was because of me. Sorry.

Jin turns to Tae Hyung, now the focal point of his anger.

TAE HYUNG: I wanted to work with Y/n, I mean the creator of Labyrinth. I wanted to jointly investigate something.

JIN: If you wanted something investigated you should have sent in a request. Labyrinth accepts requests and investigates it without bias.

Tae Hyung keeps his cool unaffected by Jin's fury.

TAE HYUNG: I wanted to be part of the investigation.

JIN [SCOFFS]: Nobody works with Y/n. She works alone.

HO SEOK: I told them that.

Jin looks at Ho Seok, noting his presence for the first time. Y/n steps in.

Y/N: He didn't hack into our site Jin. It's fine.

HO SEOK: I told them she works alone.

Jin looks to Tae Hyung and Nam Joon, he wants answers, now.

NAM JOON: It's complicated.

Jin looks at Y/n and Tae Hyung. Y/n's oddly quiet about the subject - No way.

JIN: You're working with him?

Y/N: It's just for one case.

Jin opens his mouth is disbelief.

Y/N: It's just for one case. The Mr. Ahn, the missing persons case.

Jin covers his mouth in disbelief – you're working with a partner.

He looks at Tae Hyung and then at Nam Joon and Ho Seok. Realizing it's not the place for his outburst he stops his reactions. Ho Seok, also stunned by this revelation, turns back to his desk.

Y/N: Did you access the Jeju case files?

She listens to Ho Seok with rapt attention, mostly to stop Jin from pulling her away and asking questions about Tae Hyung.


TAE HYUNG: So, you knew everyone on my team.

He leans on the counter next to Y/n. She puts down her coffee mug.

Y/N: I only knew Ho Seok, I'd heard of Nam Joon, but never –

She looks at Tae Hyung, he's not buying it.

Y/N: Yeah, I know them.

She smiles.

Y/N: It's my job. I know a lot of people and a lot about them.

TAE HYUNG: What do you know about me?

Y/n looks at him and raises her eyebrows.

Y/N: I know you are the minister's son. A business major from Hanguk University and the best political handler in all of Korea.

Tae Hyung smiles, but he's not impressed.

Y/N: I've heard of the things you've managed and more interestingly the things you've pulled off. You're good.

He smiles looking into her eyes. Something tells him she knows more about him than she's letting on.

HO SEOK [CALLS]: Guys we have a problem.

Tae Hyung and Y/n join the others at Ho Seok's desk.

HO SEOK: I ran a check on both your phones. They came up clean. But you both have been watched for over a month now.


Y/N: How?

HO SEOK: You both were tailed.

Y/n looks at Jin - How could I not know I was being tailed?

JIN: Y/n would have known if someone was following her.

NAM JOON: So would Tae Hyung.

HO SEOK: They were tailed through the cctv cameras all over the city.

Nam Joon and Jin close in on Ho Seok's screen.

Tae Hyung straightens and steps away, worried. - A month. that's how long Ahn sonbae has been missing.

He looks at Y/n. She looks worried too. She turns and looks at him, their eyes meet – How did this happen?



Y/n leads Tae Hyung into the safe house. Behind Jin follows scrolling through his phone.

Tae Hyung looks around - This is way too luxurious for a safe house.

TAE HYUNG: You're really rich.

JIN: You have no idea.

He walks past the both of them.

Y/N: Shut up.


She looks back and sees Yoongi and Jungkook enter the house.

JUNGKOOK: I heard you've been sloppy.

Y/n looks at him, offended.

JUNGKOOK: It's fine. You're a mortal, it's understandable.

He wraps his arm around her neck and ruffles her hair.

Y/N: Ya! let go.

YOONGI: Now you can take a holiday and let other people work.

Y/n escapes from JK's grip and straightens her hair.

Y/N: You think you can handle it?

Jungkook and Yoongi scoff in unison. Jungkook ruffles her hair again.

JIN [TO TAE HYUNG]: This is Jungkook, the IT brains behind Labyrinth and Yoongi our CFO.

They shake hands.

JIN: Guys this is Kim Tae Hyung. Y/n's partner.

Jungkook and Yoongi choke.

YOONGI: What?!!!

Y/n plops herself on the couch. She knew this was coming, it was a miracle that Jin had kept his mouth shut in Nam Joon's office. She switches on the TV.

JUNGKOOK: You're working with him?!!

He looks at Y/n.

JK: Ya!

Y/N [EYES AT THE TV]: Just for one case.

Jungkook and Yoongi stare at Y/n's partner. Tae Hyung's eyes moves from Jungkook and Yoongi's shocked face, to Jin's smirk.

TAE HYUNG: It's nice meeting you all.

Their stare doesn't soften. Tae Hyung, clearly uncomfortable walks to the couch.

TAE HYUNG: What're you watching?

Y/N: Our Planet.

Tae Hyung sits next to her and they watch the penguins on the screen.

Jin gives Jungkook and Yoongi time to digest the shocking news.

YOONGI: Since when are they partners?

Jin checks his watch.

JIN: Since, 5 hours ago.

JUNGKOOK: I never thought I would see this day. This is a good thing, right?

He looks at Jin and Yoongi.

JIN: Of course, it is. It's high time she let someone help her.

YOONGI: But why him? ... I mean, I can see why. But...

JUNGKOOK: I was rooting for dragaonslayer95.

YOONGI: Me too.

JUNGKOOK [LOUD]: Any one hungry? I'm ordering.

Y/n looks at Tae Hyung.

Y/N: What do you want to have?

Tae Hung smiles at her.

TAE HYUNG: Anything's fine.

Y/N: Pizza?

Tae Hyung nods and turns back to the tv.

Y/N [LOUD]: Pizza for us.

Yoongi raises his brows – 'US'. Standing next to him, Jin and Jungkook are having the same reaction.

JIN: You know, I thought if anyone could become an 'us' with Y/n it would be dragaonslayer95.

JUNGKOOK: She's obsessed about him, swooning over his every email.

YOONGI: I guess Tae Hyung won because he's here in person.

Jungkook smiles and orders pizza for everyone. He walks to the couch and stops, dead in his tracks, frozen.

JIN: What?

Jungkook looks at him and points to a bag on the floor. Jin's eyes widen. Yoongi looks at him – what? Jin points to the bag.

YOONGI: But that's... No way.

He clasps his mouth. Jungkook and Jin quietly make their way to the couch. Yoongi contains his reactions and joins them.

JUNGKOOK: Hey, Tae Hyung, cool bag.

JIN: Where did you get it?

Tae Hyung smiles looking at it.

YOONGI: Is it custom made?

Y/n turns to look at the bag that's now suddenly the topic of conversation. She spots it on the floor – SHIT!!!!


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