Chapter Three - Lonely Library

Hey, Y'all!!! How you babes doin'?

Chapter Three. Alexander's POV.

During lunch, I just stood near the cafeteria entrance. Watching as everyone ate with their friends in large groups. When I had no one.

I mean, I could try socializing for once. But everyone always ends up leaving me. Hurting me worse than I was before, in the end.

And if I were friends with someone, and they were to find out my real identity as an Omega, there's no telling what they could do. Punish me for lying, out my secret to the whole school, or just hurt me for it. Beat me, break me.

People were the root of all pain. And I already had enough of that in my life.

Gripping my backpack straps, I turned away from the entrance of the lunchroom and made my way towards the library which I passed on my way here.

That place would surely offer me some peace and quiet from the usual stress-inducing noise of all other students.

As I stood in front of the library doors, which were glass, by the way, I noticed a group of Alphas making their way down the hallway. Jefferson being one of the Alphas. He held a stern expression on his face as the others around him laughed and shoved one another playfully. Being awfully loud and bothersome.

He looked at me momentarily and I panicked and pulled open the library door. Going inside, before he could attempt to talk to me. I'd rather avoid any confrontation with a pack of rowdy Alphas.

As I stepped into the library, a calming sense overflowed me. Silence. Perfect.

I walked forward a few steps, gathering my surroundings. There was a computer section to my right. And bookshelves filled with fiction books and graphic novels to my left. A check out desk in front of me, and another level past that which had tables and even more bookshelves with biographies and information books.

As I moved to walk forward, a feminine voice interrupted my train of thought.

"You have to sign in before you do anything else, dear." An Alpha woman said. She had long curly brown hair, that was beginning to grey a bit. She seemed to be in her late forties and had a warm smile on her face.

I stumbled over myself slightly, trying to think of something to reply with. But just forced out a short response.

"O-of course, so sorry." I said, blushing lightly from embarrassment. I pulled out my ID card, which every student received a week before school even started. It had our email and password on it. As well as our year of graduation and rank.

I slipped out the small card from my back pocket as I scanned myself into the library.

"It's no problem, dear. Just making sure you knew." She said, sweetly.

"One last thing, there's no eating in the library. So if you planned on eating lunch here..." She trailed off, as she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, well I don't have any food with me." I said, putting my student ID back into my pocket. She simply nodded her head.

"Okay, well if you need anything, my names Mrs. Washington and I'll be here if you wish to check out any book of your choosing. Students can also check out four books at a time." She said, her eyes meeting mine. She had a kind look in her eyes. The kind of look a mother would have when looking at her own child. But... her eyes aren't filled with anger or disgust.

I could barely make myself hold eye contact with her for more than a few moments, before looking down at the floor. I nodded my head to her as my thanks before going down the small set of stairs and to the bookshelves.

I decided I might as well read something to help pass the next thirty minutes till I had my next class, which was Early American History upstairs.

I found myself going down every aisle of books and reading over each spine of the books which had their names on it. I've never had the proper access to so many books before. Nevis never even had a library, due to it being such a poor island. And my last school was only a small middle school. Filled with only 'Beta' students, not including myself of course.

I was in the Biography section. There were mostly books about the famous Alphas that formed this country. But one caught my eye. Lin Manuel Miranda.

He was the first Secretary of the Treasury. He was also an Omega...

I felt my fingers dance across the book's spine before I pulled it from the shelf. It was a small, but thick book. It had a picture of who I suppose is Lin. I lifted the cover of the book gently and began to look over the index card of the book.

It was a small summary of his life and of his accomplishments. He was the right-hand man of an Alpha who lead America to independence. He also wrote most of the Federalist Papers, like, fifty-one out of eighty-five. And he died in a duel. That seems like a cool way to die, I guess.

I closed the book back up and looked over to the empty tables and desk in the library. It was completely empty in the large space, except for me of course.

I moved to go sit at one of the back tables that were in the far left corner. I set the book down on the table and my backpack down in the chair next to me. I basically collapsed into my seat and slumped into the chair.

My back aches from carrying the hefty weight my bag added to my small body. With all the wraps I had covering my chest, it made walking with such a large bag on my frail back more painful than it needed to be.

I know that my ribs were broken, possibly even shattered from the last time James lost control of himself. But I think that he might have also injured my spine in the process. Standing on its own made my body ache, and I know that that wasn't normal.

I sighed and rested my head in my arms. I flipped my book back open and continued to read it's index. Distantly in my mind, I could hear the library door open and someone sign in. But I didn't even turn to look at whoever it was. I just wanted to begin reading the prologue which started on page three.

"Why are you in the library? Isn't it boring to be all alone in here." I heard someone from behind me ask. I picked my head up and quickly turned to see who was bothering me now. I looked up and made eye contact with those same brown eyes from this morning.

"I could ask you the same thing, Thomas." I said tiredly.

What was he doing here?

He smirked slightly at my sarcasm and pulled out the seat next to me. Stretching slightly and rubbing his back, before sitting up straight.

"Yeah, but I'm not alone. You're here too." He said. I saw his eyes wander down to the book that I had in front of me. He quirked an eyebrow and reached a hand out towards it. I panicked slightly, wondering if he was going to judge me on reading about an Omega. The book seemed like it hasn't been read many times before me. Almost brand new.

"A biography? On some Omega... Lin Manuel? Who's that?" He questioned. Looking at the back of the book and reading the information that was located there.

"U-um. He's one of the Founding Fathers. The only Omega to be in Congress so far..." I whispered quietly. Thomas looked at me and nodded his head to show his understanding.

"So this is why you're skipping lunch? To read? I can understand the need to have a book in your hands. I love reading as well. But you've got to be hungry." He said. Closing the book and looking down at me. Due to his large height, even while sitting, he was still much taller than I was.

"I'm honestly just not that hungry. I can just eat when I go home anyway. No need to worry." I said, taking the book back from him and running my finger over its paper cover. It had a nice, rough texture due to how old it was. Rustic almost.

"Don't you have friends to sit with? Usually, Betas stick together." He said crossing his arms over his chest and relaxing into the chair. His eyes never leaving me.

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"No, I'm not much of a social person, I guess." I said quietly, glancing up at him to see his response.

"Seems like we have something else in common. I hate people. Socializing just isn't my thing. But as an Alpha, it's required from me. I have to be the picture perfect Alpha son, my parents want me to be. Get the perfect grades, live the perfect life. Keep up the perfect image. And I can't stand that." Thomas grumbled quietly. I could smell the frustration in his scent. Yet, I still couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I'm sorry. That must suck, I couldn't imagine living like that..."

But I could. He was just like me. I never thought an Alpha could not want to be an Alpha. Alphas have been blessed at birth with the rights Omegas could never have. How selfish could this guy be? Does he even realize that Omegas are treated worse than any Alpha or Beta ever could?

However, I never thought an Alpha could suffer from the popularity that comes with the title of being, well, an Alpha. I guess in my own ways, I can be close-minded. Thomas seems to be genuine, but I barely even know this Alpha though. Though I can't help and feel as if he could understand what I'm going through...

No. That's ridiculous. He wouldn't even talk to me if I let him know that I'm not really a Beta. No one would want to help me. I have to remember to keep my guard up. I can't let people in, especially some random Alpha.

Thomas made a 'tsk' sound and looked down towards the floor.

"It's fine, I don't need anyone's pity. I'm an Alpha. So I must act like it." He said with a scowl.

"I-" I began saying but was quickly cut off by Thomas's phone buzzing. I watched as he groaned and pulled it out of his jacket's pocket. Looking at the screen before standing, knocking the chair behind him backward almost. I couldn't help but flinch at the sudden action.

"I gotta go. My friends are waiting for me. I'll see ya 'round I guess." He mumbled, looking down at me.

"Uh, yeah." I said before he gave me a single, stiff nod and turned to hurry over to the front desk to sign out. He looked over his shoulder once to make eye contact with me before opening the library's door to leave. Leaving me all by myself once again.

When I heard the door close behind him, I sighed and sank back into my seat. I tapped my fingers on the cover of the book softly as I thought over my interaction with the Alpha. He left as soon as he could, but he did have friends waiting and if I had friends, I'd much rather be with them then some stranger from my English class.

But I couldn't help but feel as if I had made him upset almost.

Was it something I said? Did he feel uncomfortable sharing his feelings with a Beta due to his status? Or were his friends truly waiting for his return and he was eager to return to their company?

Regardless of my thoughts, he left. And I don't even know how to feel. He wasn't a friend. So I shouldn't care. Then, why do I have a feeling like I should? He helped me this morning and didn't seem like a complete asshole. But he's still... an Alpha. And I shouldn't trust Alphas.

I groaned lightly and clenched my fists. Remembering what my brother would say about Omegas and how he would, if he had the money for it, send me off to some breeding farm or Omega School where Omegas learned to be nothing but what Alphas wanted them to me. Wives and caretakers to their needs and to their bloodlines.

Alphas should never be trusted, I cannot forget what could happen if he were to find out my status. An Alpha and an Omega as friends - even if one was ignorant to the rank of the other - would only end in suffering too terrible to name. He could do whatever he pleased to me and I would be helpless to it all.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the lunch bell, signaling the beginning of fourth period. I sighed inwardly as I stood from my seat, pushing it in gently afterward, and slung my backpack over my right shoulder. I held my book to my chest as I walked towards the librarian's desk. Mrs. Washington smiled at me as I hesitantly stuck my arm out towards her. My book in my hand.

"Ah, I see you're a fan of history! My husband used to be a history professor at Columbia University before he went into politics." She said, taking my book and turning it on it's back. Scanning it so it was on my school account that I currently had a book checked out. While I swiped my ID card, signing myself out of the library.

"That's actually, really cool..." I said, giving her a light smile as she handed my book back to me. I took it from her and slipped it into my backpack, making sure to put it in my front pocket where I know it can't be damaged.

"What does your husband do in politics?" I asked quietly. She simply laughed and pushed her reading glasses up on her nose, which weren't there when I first entered the library.

"Honey, he's the Senator."


Bam! End of chapter three!!! I've been tryin' to really push these chapters out. Plan on re-writing Purity Is A Sin chapters and uploading those by the end of this week.

Have a lovely day everyone!!!

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