Chapter 16

Tonight is the first night we had both babies with us. Haden came home a couple days after they were born but Thea had to stay in the NICU.

Thea's lungs hadn't fully developed before they were born, which explains why she didn't immediatly cry. We should have expected it though. Every visit the Doctor said she wasn't
growing at the prefered speed.

I'm currently nursing my little girl on the couch while her daddy paces and bounces with her brother on his chest. I smile at the picture. It also makes me want to laugh thinking about what Harry told me later that day in the hospital.


"You won't believe this." Harry walks into the room, no scrub thing on, running his hand through his shoulder length hair.

I'm too sore to move around too much but I do turn my head and reach out for him. He takes my hand with out hesitation.

"I went to go tell the group that we got one of each, which they were pretty excited about, but mum and Gem looked confused. So when I asked them why, they showed me the sonogram." My husband reaches into his pocket for the black and white picture. He holds it up for me to see.

Wow, just a few weeks ago, that was the only way for us to see our babies. Now we can actually hold them in our arms.

"The sonogram says we were going to have twin girls."


"Twin girls?" He nods. "So of they were expecting two girls then-"

"The whole nursery is pink." He laughs and I join in before I remember I was just cut open.

"They said they wanted to see the babies before they left to go redo the room."

"That's fine."

Just then the doctor walks in pushing a clear plastic box with a blue blanket in it.

"Here you go Mrs. Styles. You baby boy is happy and healthy." She pushes the cart right up to the bed so I can see my son's face. I cant twist my body to pick him up.

"Harry?" I ask. He moves to the little bundle and carefully picks him up.


Ive seen Harry with babies before and it always made me dream that someday he would be holding ours. And now he is. I feel a tear leak out the side of my eye. I dont ask to hold him. This is Harry's moment.

"He is beautiful." My husband whispers. He looks up at me and smiles. I try my best to scoot over so he can get in the bed too.

Only then do I notice the nurse still in the room.

"Can you go tell our family to come in?" She nods her head and walks out the door.

With in minutes the whole family is walking through the door with grand-prize-winning-smiles on their faces. I even saw a few tear filled eyes and shaky hands.

"Hey guys." I say and look down at the little hand that reaches up and search for another. I offerr up my finger and his little hand  wraps all the way around mine before pulling it to his lips.

"Hey baby." My mom sings and walks over to me. She pulls me in for a hug, I dont take my finger away from my little man. "How are you doing?"

"I feel a bit groggy, but not too sore yet." I smile.

"Oh, just wait. It'll hit you soon." My mom laughs and I join. The rest of the family take turns huggibg me and kissing me, as well as Harry.

"Which one is this?" Mady asks and Harry passes him to me.

"This is our baby boy, and I think we decided to name him..." I look to Harry asking for permission to tell. He gives the all clear. "Haden Emory Styles."

I look back at the crowed and our mother have their hands over their hearts. Suddenly Anne's face changes.

"Harry, he has your initals." She says. I laugh and nod.

"Yeah, we planned tha mum." He chuckles.

"What happened to the names we voted on?" Louis throws his hands up and looks skepticlly between the two of us. I shrug.

"Last minute decisions?" He shakes his head and wraps his arms around Mady who cant stop smiling.

"Can I hold him?" Anne speaks up. I nod as she comes to sit on the side of the bed. I carefully hand my little angel over to his grandmother...that reminds me.

"What do the grandparents want to be called?" I ask as all five of them, Mom, Dad, Anne, Robin, and Des, crowed around the little guy.

"Gammy." My mom answers. "As long as you're okay with that?" She directs to Anne, who nods.

"Thats perfectly fine. I think I'll take Nana." I smile and look to my dad and Harry's.

"Graps." My dad shrugs. I smile. Thats so like him.

"Papa?" Des looks to Robin who claps him on the back.

"Paps." He nods and I do too as well.

"Awesome." I say and feel Harry's hand wrap around mine.

"Where is our other one?" My mom finally speaks up about the missing baby and my face falls. I dont feel up to explain, mostly because for some reason I blame my self, but I look up at Harry who squeezes my hand.

"Her lungs weren't fully developed when they were born and she is pretty small so they want to keep her in the NICU for a few days."

"Oh, hon." Mady and Avery walk up to me and hug me.

"I'm okay. I'm just praying for a miracle." I nod.

"Well whats her name?"

"Thea Nanette Styles." Harry answers with a proud smile. I love this man.

"Like-" my mom begins, but I cut her off.

"Mammaw and G-Maw? Yeah." Thea was my grandmother's name and Nanette was my great-grandmother. Both woman left a huge impact on my life, so why not honor them by naming my daughter after them.

"Again with the names!" Louis pouts and Carly slaps him.

"Someone's panties are in a twist."

"I think he's out." Harry whispers to me before walking up the stairs to their nursery.

I look down at my chest to find Thea's little lashes eyelashes fluttering on her cheeks. I carefully pull her face away from me so I can cover my self back up. When I feel up to it I stand to my feet and take her up to the crib.

Harry isn't in there when I step in the room. He must be in our room. Just when I'm about to go in there to join him, I look back to see a light still on down stairs.

"Why did they have to be twins?" I mumble to my self. I wouldn't have it any other way...but there are just those moments I wish they had an off switch.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Harry with his hands cupping his face, his elbows resting on his legs.

"Harry?" I ask and he looks up. It looks like he aged 10 years. I see nothing but tierdness is in his eyes, which I guess is a good thing.

"Hey, babe." He opens his arms for me and I gladly fall in to his arms.

"You doing ok?" I ask, laying my head on his chest and trace patterns on his bare skin with ny fingers.

"I'm doing great." He kisses my hair. "What about you?"

"I'm good. Doing better now that we have both of our babies home." I look up at his tired green eyes and smile.

"Welcome home baby." Harry says as he opens the door with Haden's
carrier on his arm. I waddle in behind them. Mom was right. The soreness hit me hard yesterday.

"Let's get you out of this." Harry mumbles to his son, unbuckling him from his seat and bringing him to his chest.

"Babe, wanna stay down here or go to our room?" He turns and asks me.

"Room." I say, then I look up the stairs. Maybe not, but I'll have to conquer them sometime or later. So why not sooner?

"Okay, come on." He holds onto Haden with a firm arm around him and extends one for me. I take his arm for support and we both start the trek up to the bed room.

Once I'm settled on the bed Harry pulls the baby pillow up to the head board beside us and sits beside me. "You want to hold him?" Harry asks and I nod.

He places Haden in my arms and wraps his own around my shoulder.

My fingers subconsciously trace over my son's cheeks, his little button nose, his eye lids-

"Leah?" I feel Harry's finger wipe away a stray tear and I look up. "Are you aokay?" His tired green eyes show only sympathy.

"I just wish Thea was home."


"I know." He mumbles and rub my back. Just as I'm about to speak again, Harry yawn and rubs his eyes.

"Looks like I need to get my other baby boy to bed." I smirk and run my fingers through his hair. Harry lazily smiles, chuckles, and rolls his head to the side.

"I won't put up a fuss." I smile and stand from the couch offering to help him up too. He doesn't refuse. I wrap my arms around his waist and he my shoulders as we make the climb up the stairs to our room. Before either of us have a chance to step into the room, I'm pinned to the wall.

Harry's enormous hand is on my exposed thigh, slowly creeping higher and higher, and his nose runs along the length of mine.

"Have I told you today that I love you?" He whispers and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. 

"Not enough." I sigh.

"I love you." He kisses my cheek. "I love you." My other cheek. "I love you." My nose. "I love you." My chin. "I love you." My forehead, and lips.

"I love you."

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