Chapter 13
Leah's POV
I don't plan on doing anything today, besides the doctor recommended me to go a head and get use to staying off my feet. I have Gigi curled up in my lap, a bag of sour gummy worms beside me, and Skins playing on the tv. I'm tired but can't sleep due to the babies needs to exercise today.
Skins is one of Kade's favorite shows, so when I called her cell and got the voice mail, I was a little disturbed she never called back to come over.
Just as Michelle and Tony are about to lock lips the phone rings, making me whip my head around to where the phone rest.
"Babe, can you get that?" I yell, just as Harry comes jogging down the stairs in his black Adidas sweat pants and a light gray t-shirt.
I sit there for a moment, admiring his clothing choice and his haphazardly thrown up, as the fans call it, man bun. I love this man so much.
Once the phone is pressed to his ear I turn back to the tv and pay attention to my show.
"Yes, ma'am, this is Harry...she is here...nothing today...oh." Tone of his voice drops and something in me spikes. I turn on the couch and watch Harry as he turns away so I can't see his face.
Something's wrong. Even the babies can sense it because they stop moving all together.
"I'm so sorry...yes ma'am we're on our way." Harry answers and places the phone down. He doesn't turn, or speak.
"Harry, what's wrong?"
When he does turn his face is masked. I can't tell what that mask is hiding, but it's not good.
"We need to get to the hospital." My blood goes cold.
"Why?" He sighs running a hand through his hair.
"It's Kade."
Oh no.
If it wasn't for Harry's firm hold on my hand I would have ran through the automatic doors. But I didn't. I managed to walk calmly to the guest service desk.
All different possibilities are running through my head. I don't even trust myself to speak so I let Harry speak.
"Can you tell us what room Kade-"
"Oh yes." The lady interupts. "Your Harry and Leah Styles? We were told you would be here. She is in room 217." Harry thanks the woman, and I manage a simple nod. When we step onto the elevator it seems to take forever for it to close and get moving.
"Leah." Harry captures my face in his hands and forces me to look at him. "It's going to be okay. Stay strong for Kade, baby." He kisses me and I snuggle closer to him, resting my hands under the twins.
When the doors open we are met with a waiting room. I look at the signs on the wall and start to follow them. Just as we round the corner I see Cade's mom leaning against the wall. She looks up, tired, and when she spots us she seems to sigh in reliefe.
"Oh Leah." She sobs and takes me into her arms. I wrap mine around her and cradle her against me as best I can. We stay like that for a few minutes, Harry's hands running up and down both of our backs, until she is all cried out.
"I'm sorry." She forces a laugh. "I just haven't had anyone to lean on ever since this all started. "I think she wants to see you." I nod and use all my strength to not shake in fear of what I'm walking into.
"Okay." I whisper and slowly make my way into the room. Harry stays out side with Kade's mom.
When I walk into the room the lights are dim and the walls are a whitish grayish color. There is a wipe board on the wall with all of Kade's information on it. There are three big machines sorrounding the bed as well as the normal heart monitor and IV stand. When I finally look at the bed there, surrounded by blue green and black blankets is Kade's limp, life less looking, body. I move closer and sit quietly in the brown leather chair next to the bed.
Tears prickles in my eyes seeing her like this. I feel the twins wiggle around ever so slightly as if they aren't pleased with what's happening either. I place my hand on hers, hoping the action of affection doesn't wake her up.
Unfortunately her eyes flutter open and scan the room before looking over at me. Her eyes are glossed over and don't have that normal spark to them. Her dry lips stretch out in a smile and I smile back. Tears fall down my cheeks and I hurriedly wipe them away.
"It's okay, Leah." She sooths. Her voice is warm but dead and her touch isn't as soothing as I wish it was. "I'd give you a big hug, but I can't move." I furrow my eyebrows and look around to see if she is restrained but I can't see anything holding her back. There is a clip on her finger and a needle in her hand, but that's it.
"It's my back." She answers. I nod once, not trusting my voice. "I should have told you from the beginning." Cade whispers and her voice cracks as a lone tear trails down her pale cheeks. I move to wipe it away and then kiss the back of her hand.
"Told me what?" I urge, moving some of her oily hair away from her face.
"I have Creutzfeldt-Jakob." I raise my eyebrows and shake my head not under standing what she is saying.
"It's a neurological disorder. There is an oily substance that helps protect nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, I've lost that." She whispers. Now a few things are starting to make sense. "That's why I slept alot, because of my head aches? We didn't think it had gotten this bad."
"Is there a way to treat it? Obviously they can't replace it, but something that will help?" I ask.
"We've tried everything. Once it's gone, it's gone. My spinal nerves are almost gone, and my brain nerve activities have slowed and gone. I'm lucky I can still talk." Does that mean...
She can't mean...she's dying. And it's only a matter of time?
"That's why I wanted to video everything, but my energy and strength wouldn't have it." I nod and try to hold the tears at bay. I feel the twins kick in sync with Cade's heart beat echoing around the room.
I move to sit on the bed next her legs and place her hand on my belly.
"Can you feel that?" I ask. Slowly a smile spreads on her face.
"On my finger tips." She replies. I smile and take her other hand, pressing her finger tips on either side of my belly so she can feel both of the babies. "You still don't know what they are?" I shake my head.
"I'm suppose to be on bed rest because the due date is so soon, we'll find out then." I smile and so does she. The twins continue to kick, summersalt, and wiggle around under our hands.
"Would you be okay if...we named on of them after you?" I ask. Her eyes blow wide and she nods her head. It's a small subtle movement but I know it means alot to her.
Suddenly her face falls a bit and she looks me in the eyes.
"You know my dad hasn't been up here yet? I was admitted yesterday when I clasped at home, he came then but left soon after for work. He hasn't been back. Neither has my sister." Now instead of sadness for Cade, anger, no fury, boils inside of me how. How on earth could Clair and Brad do that?
"I also think my parents are going to get a divorce. I really hope so." She whispers as if she is ashamed to admit it, but I would wish the same is I were her.
"Leah, you were my mom when my mom wasn't around, you were my sister when I needed one, you were and always will be my best friend, and your babies are going to be so lucky to have you to look after them." She whispers and now the tears are flowing freely from both of us. "I love you, Leah."
"I love you too, Kade." I answer and kiss her forehead. Sitting back in the chair but not letting go of her hand.
"Okay. Now that we have had that heart to heart, can you turn tv on?" I laugh and switch the tv on, surfing through channels until she finds one she likes.
After watching the show for a few minutes and sharing laughs Cade finally speaks up again.
"I can't believe-" as soon as she is cut off her hand tightens around mine. Her fingers haven't even moved since I've been here. I look over and gasp. Her head is lolled over to the side and here eyes are rolled back, you can only see white. Her heart monitor picks up then slows, picks up, slows and repeats the pattern.
I hurry to pry my hand out of her and run to the door.
"Doctor!" I yell just as I see see a team of nurses and a doctor run down the hall to the room Kade's mom and Harry look over at me and then the doctors. Her mom is out of her seat in seconds and Harry is walking to me as I run to him.
"What happened?" He ask pulling me against him. One hand on my back one on my belly. Kade's mom doesn't wait for my explain before following the doctor's into the room.
"I-I don't know. We were watching TV and suddenly she squeezed my hand and...and..." I start getting chocked up. Harry sooths me and leads me over to the waiting chairs pulling me onto his lap.
"Harry she's-"
"I know, baby." He whispers back and kisses my temple. "Her mom explained everything."
12:30. I've been sitting in bed for 2 hours with the phone next to me.
After the doctor's tended to Kade and explained what happened Harry, Kade's mom, and I sat in waiting room for a couple minutes to give her time, before all three of us went back there.
She didn't remember us.
She knew her mom. But Harry and I were strangers. Her reaction shattered my heart. Once we explained who we were she seemed to understand.
"Yeah, I think I've heard of you." Was her exact words. Before we left her memory of us seemed be back.
We exchanged sisterly I Love You's and her mom showed us out. She also said if anything happens she will be sure to call us.
It's a good thing the phone hasn't rang yet.
"Leah." Harry says in a scolding tone as he crawls in beside me. "You need sleep. If we get a call I'll take it and let you know." He takes the phone away from me, placing it on his side and turns the lights off.
"Turn." He instructs and I do. I turn away from him and curl around my body pillow. Harry gets in behind me, taking his role as thw big spoon and nuzzled the back of my neck.
"Close your eyes, relax, and sleep. Everything will be okay, I promise." He whispers, kissing just below my ear. "I love you."
"I love you too." I say and wiggle a bit to get comfortable.
Just as Harry places his hand on my belly, Gigi jumps up on the bed and curls her self into a ball on my feet.
The twins seem to toss and turn under their daddy's warm touch, and it leaves an unsettling feeling in me. Nomtheless I close my eyes and dream of conjure up my perfect world.
I wake up cold. Harry isn't in bed, we'll he isn't laying down. He is sitting on the side on the bed.
I look at my alarm clock.
3:46 am.
I move to sit or turn to face Harry. I sit and listen to his low morning voice and the beat of breaking heart already coming to conclusions.
"What time?...oh...I understand, I'm so sorry...yes, I'll tell her in the morning..."
No need to tell me. I already know.
((Sad yeah, I know.
RIP Kade.
Thanks for waiting so long. Not too many left, no promises on updates.
When I first started this book I planned for these chapters to be very detailed. Now I've lost insperation and they suck. I'm sorry.))
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