That evening.
"Okay, she's asleep!" Sam whispers.
"You did it, daddy!"
"Heh, I did!
.. I'm just scared to put her down."
"She's gonna start screaming the moment you do." Jessica chuckles.
"I know! I'm gonna try."
"Good luck."
"Thanks! Okay.. shh, shh, shh..
She's down." Sam says in a low voice.
"Good job!" Jessica gives him a thumbs up.
Sam quietly walks to the bed and sits beside Jessica.
"What do I win?"
"A kiss!" Jessica smiles.
"Yippie!" Sam kisses her lips.
The two then lay down and cuddle up.
"Oh it feels so good being back in your arms." Jessica smiles.
"I know. I've missed this so much."
"Me too.. but no more being apart.
This is it. You and me forever."
"Forever and ever."
"Amen." Jessica smiles.
The next morning.
Sam and Jessica were exhausted from their night of feedings and diaper changes.
While Jessica fed Evangeline, Sam took a quick shower.
"Look who's out princess! It's daddy!"
"Good morning, Evangeline!"
"Say I just had breakfast, daddy!"
"Oh good! Now I just get the aftermath, huh?"
"Yes!" Jessica giggles.
"It's okay! I don't mind it. Your poppy doesn't stink yet. Not like your brother's."
Jessica laughs. "That's true!
Babe, I'm gonna go shower real quick."
"No problem, hun. Holler if you need help." He smirks.
"Hah! I will."
Sam kisses her lips then takes the baby and walks downstairs.
Jessica changed into some comfortable pants and a nursing blouse before joining her family downstairs.
"Mommy, I'm holding the baby!"
"Oh good job, Juju! You're such a good big sister!"
" I know that!"
"But where are your clothes, silly?"
"On the floor." Julia looks down to her little pile of clothes.
"Why?" Jessica laughs.
"Cause I want to be in my panties."
"Honey!" She laughs. "Why?"
"Cause I like to be free."
Jessica and Sam cracked up laughing.
"You are too much, little girl."
"I so funny!" Julia smiles.
"Yes you are!"
Jessica then grabbed her camera to take a picture of her girls.
"Mama, don't show that to anyone. My boobies are showing."
"I won't, Julia!" She laughs.
"Thanks. I don't want them seeing my boobies."
Jessica laughs once again then says, "Look how chubby Evangeline looks!"
"I know! I noticed!" Sam laughs.
"Her nickname is Vangie! That's what I gonna call her, mama!"
"Vangie? That's so cute!" Jessica smiles.
"Yeah! You're welcome!"
"Thanks!" Jessica chuckles.
"Hey Sam, since all the babies are napping, I think we should tell Autumn."
"Yeah, I think so too."
"Auttie! Can you come sit with daddy and I, please?"
"Sure! What happened?"
"Nothing, honey. We just need to tell you something important."
"Um.. well first I'll tell you that.. daddy and I are back together."
"What?! Like you love each other and you're gonna get married?!" She smiles.
"One day, yes." Sam smiles and rubs Jessica's back.
"Woah! I knew you two loves each other, I just didn't know when you'd tell each other!" Autumn says making her parents laugh.
"Well we finally did! And we're so happy." Jessica smiles.
"We are." Sam kisses her temple.
Jessica rubs his thigh then says, "We have one more thing to tell you!"
"Okay. What is it?"
"Um.. do you remember when I spoke to you and we discussed how babies are born? Because Danny's freaking nephew made that dumb joke?" Jessica rolls her eyes.
"Oh! Yes!" Autumn covers her mouth and giggles.
"Well.." Jessica takes a deep breath.
"Daddy and I.. a few months back.. we were together and um.."
"Evangeline isn't Danny's." Sam says.
"She's not?! Mommy!" Autumn looks at Jessica with a shocked expression.
"I know.."
"Who's is she? Is she daddy's?"
"She is." Sam smiles.
"WOAH! This is so cool! Are Juju and Theo yours?"
"No." Sam chuckles. "Just you, Landon and Evangeline. But I love Julia and Theodore just as much as I love you guys. They're my babies too."
"This is really cool!"
"I know!" Sam shouts with excitement making Jessica laugh.
"Do the babies know?"
"No, and I don't think they'll really understand if I tell them. I'm sure they'll be confused as to why we'll refer to Sam as Daddy, but we'll worry about that later."
A few days later.
"Look at her sleeping! That little booty did not sleep at all last night!" Jessica says to her mother.
"Well she didn't have that big comfy bed to lay in all by herself!" Dorothy chuckles.
Jessica laughs just as her phone rings.
"It's Danny." She sighs.
"Don't answer it."
"I have to..
"Hey, I'm in town and I want to see my kids."
"Okay.. do you want me to take them to your mothers?"
"No, you can bring them to the apartment I'm in."
"You have an apartment here?"
"Yeah." Danny answers with an annoyed tone in his voice.
"Daniel, why the sudden change? I thought you wanted nothing to do with them."
"They're my kids."
"Danny." Jessica says as she begins crying.
"You hurt them, Danny. You left them."
"Hey I'm trying! Don't keep them from me or I'll take you to court, I'm not playing!"
Jessica rolls her eyes and wipes her cheeks.
"Just send me your address. How long are you going to have them."
"Could I have them for the weekend?"
"The whole weekend?"
"Is that a problem?"
"Well yes, they're not going to feel comfortable anymore, Daniel. You abandoned us!"
"I'm their father, Jessica. Just have them here Saturday morning and if they want to leave I'll call you."
"Okay. I'll send you my address."
Jessica hung up and wiped her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Jessie." Dorothy said.
"I don't feel comfortable with them going over there.
Especially Theo." She says as a sob escapes her lips.
"But I don't have a choice! What if he takes me to court? I don't want my babies to be taken away."
"Honey, You need to take Him to court. You deserve full custody."
"I'm scared. What if I don't get it?"
"I don't see that ever happening."
"I just hate this. He makes me sick!"
"That makes two of us!"
"Mommy, I don't want to leave. I want to stay with my baby sister!"
"I know, Ju. But you have to go see daddy.."
"I don't want to! He doesn't love us!"
"Yes he does, baby."
"No him don't!"
"I want to stay here!"
"Baby, Teddy will be there with you. You're his big sissy so you have to be strong and make sure you guys have fun!"
Julia looks at Jessica with a pout.
"Baby girl, don't pout. You'll be back soon!
And then guess what!"
"When you come back home, mommy will bake a cake!"
"A come home cake?"
"Yes, a come home cake!"
"YAY!" She jumps.
"I cited!"
"Good, I'm glad! Ah Juju, you are so pretty!"
"Yeah mama, I know!"
"I'm glad you know!" Jessica laughs.
"And I sassy! My shirt say Sassy!"
"You are definitely sassy!" She chuckles.
"Okay, we're ready, Sam."
"So are we. Miss Vangie is in her car seat sucking on her binky, and cuddling her elephant. We've made great progress. When I first put her in she screamed like crazy! Didn't you, Eva? Say Yes Daddy! I Did!"
"You're not her daddy! My daddy is, silly!" Julia says.
Jessica looks at Sam before getting down to Julia's level.
"Hers is daddy's baby."
"No Juju, Evangeline has a different daddy than you and Theo."
"And Simba! Can't forgot about him!"
"No, of course, not! Your daddy is Simba's daddy.
But Sam is Evangeline's daddy."
"Oh! How silly!" She smiles and scrunches her nose.
"Yeah, So silly!" Jessica smiles.
"Okay, we're here. You stay with the girls, I'll take them." Jessica says to Sam.
"Alright. You two have fun! We'll see you when you get back!"
"Bye Sham.. give me kisses!" Julia puckers.
Sam gets out of the car and takes her out of her car seat. Julia grabs his cheeks and kisses him.
"Muah! You give good kisses, Sham."
"Thank you!" Sam laughs.
"I give good kissies too!"
"You do!"
"Yep.." Julia wraps her arms around him and lays her head on his shoulder.
"Come on, Theo.." Jessica says unbuckling him.
Theodore looks at Jessica with a scared look in his eyes as he signs, Mama.
"It's okay, Teddy."
"Stay!" He says running his chest.
That meant 'Please' in sign language.
"Aw honey. You'll have fun with daddy!"
"No Dad!"
"You'll be okay. I promise." Jessica smiles and kisses him.
Jessica held Theodore on her hip and Julia held her hand as she walked beside her.
"This is it?" Julia asks.
Julia knocks lightly on the door then looks up to Jessica.
"You're cute, Julia."
"I know."
Jessica laughs and knocks.
Danny opens the door and greets the kids.
"Hi you guys! Come on in."
Theodore laid on Jessica's shoulder and held onto her shirt.
"Come here, buddy."
"No! Mama.." He says in a soft voice before turning his face away from his father.
Jessica sighed and rubbed Theodore's back.
She then looked into the kitchen and saw a woman and a young boy.
"Danny!" She whispered loudly.
"Is that her?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I thought you were alone! How do you expect to leave my kids with someone I don't even know?!"
"I know her and I trust her. Don't worry about it."
Jessica rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.
"Hello." She said. "I'm Jessica."
"Since my kids are going to be visiting for a couple days, I wanted to introduce myself."
"Oh.. nice to meet you." The woman faked a smile.
"This is Theodore, and this is Julia."
"Hello." Julia said sweetly.
"Hi." She said and continued feeding her son.
"Who's he?" Julia asks.
"Mine and you're ur father's son."
"What? No not!"
"Come on, Julia. Let's go." Jessica takes her hand and walks back to the living room. Jessica did not get a good vibe from her at all.
As they walked to the living room they saw Danny walking towards them.
"Go back in there, we have to talk." Jessica says.
Danny sighed and walked back to the living room.
"What, Jessica?"
"I don't like her."
"I don't want her around my kids."
"Jessica, do you really think I would have someone around my kids who I felt would treat them badly?
Christine is the most incredible mother to our son. She's not going to treat them badly."
Jessica rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Okay, Danny.
I'm calling in a few hours. If they sound upset I'm picking them up."
Jessica then got down the ground.
She hugged Julia and kissed her cheeks.
"Juju, you be a good girl.. and look after your brother, okay?"
"Okay, mama. Watch my baby sister, okay?"
"I will, beautiful." She smiles.
"Theo, be a good boy like you always are, alright?"
"Mama!" He cries and wraps his arms around her.
"Baby, it's okay. Oh Danny, the batteries for his hearing aids are in his backpack. Do you remember how to put them in?"
"Yes I remember, Jessica." Danny scoffed.
"Sorry, I didn't think you ever did it."
"I did."
"I'm sorry it took so long. Theo was so upset, I held him and he just cried himself to sleep." Jessica says to Sam.
"Aw man, poor little guy."
"I know." Jessica sighs covers her face.
Sam places his hand on her shoulder.
"I don't want them to stay here...
That woman was there."
"Oh she was?"
"What woman?!" Autumn asks.
"No one, Autumn. It doesn't matter.
I'm going to call them later. If they're not comfortable I'm going back."
"Of course."
Just then Evangeline starts crying.
Autumn gives her her binky but she spits it out.
"She's really not happy."
"She's hungry." Jessica says getting out to sit in the back seat.
"Come here, baby."
Autumn watches as her sister eats.
"What lady is in there, momma?"
Jessica looks at Autumn and sighs.
"Danny's girlfriend.."
"What?! Oh! That's weird! But I guess you have a boyfriend. My daddy!" She smiles.
"I do! He's the best." Jessica says smiling at Sam.
"Thanks, I know!" He smiles making the girls laugh.
Julia and Theodore's POV.
"Danny, what are you making for dinner?" Christine asks.
"I want macawoni and cheese!" Julia says.
"Danny?" She slightly raises her voice.
"Whatever you want, babe."
"I want macawoni!" Julia says once again.
"Daniel, she's being too loud. The baby is asleep!"
"Juju, inside voices."
"It's okay."
"Can I pwease have macawoni?" She whispers.
"I'll make you some."
"Thanks, daddy." Julia smiles sweetly.
"Daniel, make sure he doesn't cry when he wakes up.
If he wakes Jr. I'm gonna be pissed."
Julia was sitting beside her sleeping brother on the couch when Christine said.
She gently rubbed his back and said, "My brother is sleepin. Him sad. Him miss mommy."
"I know."
"Hims love mommy so much.."
Christine ignores Julia and walks out of the room.
Julia sighs and kicks her feet randomly.
"What's up, Juju?" Danny asks.
"I gotta pee pee. Do you have a baby potty? Because I need a baby potty."
"Yes I have one." Danny chuckles.
A few hours later.
"Daniel, you better send that kid back! He is so whiny!"
"He's just upset."
"He's annoying as shit! All he's done is cry!"
"I know. Maybe I'll call Jessica."
Meanwhile Julia tried her best to comfort her brother.
"Teo, it's okay! I here! Sissy here so don't be sad!" She says softly rubbing his back.
"Mama!" He cries.
"I know.. I want mama too.. and Shammy."
"SHAAAAMMM!" He shouts.
"No Teddy. Shh, shh.. it's okay." Julia gives her baby brother a comforting hug.
The next day.
"Ju! Ju!"
"What, baby?" Julia sat up in bed and ran her hand over his blonde hair.
Theodore pokes his ears.
"Oh! I gots them! Daddy put em in the drawer!"
Julia hops off the bed.
"Here! Mama presses this button and then sticks em on!"
Julia places them on the back of his head and asks, "Can you hear me?"
Theodore fusses and hits his ears because he can see his sister's lips moving, but cannot hear her voice.
"Not working? Let me see." Julia looks at the back of his head.
"Oh it Lellow! That mean the battery all gone! That what mama said! I'll tell daddy!"
Julia runs for the door and Theodore screams.
"I be right back, honey." Julia said just like a little Jessica.
She then ran into her father's room and shouted, "Daddy! We need Teo's battery! Him can't hear!"
"You need to go back to bed." Christine sat up and gave Julia a rude look.
"I need daddy!"
"He's sleeping. Go back to bed."
Julia pouted and walked out of the room.
She then went to Theodore's backpack to grab the batteries herself. She was determined to help her brother.
"Here, Teo. Sissy's gonna fix it!"
Theodore sat on the bed with tears in his eyes.
He sniffled and looked up to Julia trying to at least read her lips. He then cried softly and signed, 'Glasses'.
"Gasses! Gasses, sishy!"
"Oh silly Juju! I sowy, Teo! I get you glasses!"
Julia grabs them off the table and then places them on his head.
Theodore smiled into his sister's eyes and gave her a thumbs up.
Julia smiles and signs, 'Don't worry'.
Theodore wipes his cheeks, then watches his sister attempting to open the batteries.
"Mommy put them in this tainer!
Ugh! This so hard! I can't— Wait! Almost!" She says in a struggle. "Ugh!"
Suddenly the container opens and the tiny batteries fly everywhere.
"Oh NO!" Theodore cries.
"It okay! I find them, I find them!"
"Mama! Mamaaaa!" Theodore struggles to catch his breath.
Julia then quickly runs back to her little brother's side. She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. "Baby boy, don't cry.. it okay, I here."
Just then Danny walked in.
"What's wrong, bud?"
"He misses mama.."
"Theo, don't worry about momma. She'll pick you up tomorrow."
Julia looks at Danny and says, "Hims can't hear.
His batteries are all gone. I twied to call you but that mean fat lady say to me, Go Away!"
"Heh.. she's pregnant, not fat."
"I no care bout that. She say go away so, I got the batteries and tried to open them."
"Where are they?"
"They fell and they under that thing." Julia points to the dressing room.
"Well you should've waited for me. Now they're gone."
"But hims need them!" Julia says as tears fill her eyes.
"I don't care. You should have asked me and not tried doing it yourself."
"But you sleeping and I just twy to help!"
"Well you didn't." Danny stands up and walks out of the room.
Her bottom lip quivers and she looks at her little brother.
"I sowy." She says and signs to him before giving him a hug.
"Sishyyy.." Theodore pats her back.
"Waaa-nt mommyyyy."
Julia kisses his cheek and holds him even tighter.
During breakfast Julia stayed quiet and kept her head down as she ate. She hated being in trouble.
It made her feel so bad inside.
Theodore was of course extremely fussy.
Not only did he miss his mother terribly, he couldn't hear.
He was frustrated, and it's understandable.
"That's enough! You're being a bad boy!" Christine points her finger at him.
"Hims little. He no know.." Julia says softly as she places her hand on top of his.
"He's a big brat! You don't see my son acting that way, so you? Stop Crying!" She yells at Theodore.
"Hims can't hear."
"Yeah? Well now he can't see." Christine yanks his glasses off and slams them down on the table.
"There. Now you have something to cry about!"
"No! Daddy!" Julia looked to her father to stop this.
"He didn't listen, Julia."
"That's mean! Call mommy, we want to leave!"
"Ugh! Please call their mother. I can't take them anymore! Especially You." Christine gives Julia a mean look.
"You're a meany!"
"Yeah? Your mommy's a bitch."
"Stop! No hers not!"
"Daddy, call mommy!" Julia says on the verge of tears.
"We want to go home!"
"More, daddy!" Daniel jr. says.
"Okay, one more, bud!"
Theodore looked at them as he sucked on his binky.
He blinks repeatedly and squints his eyes to get a clear view.
"Me next, daddy! Me next!" Julia smiles.
Daniel giggles uncontrollably as Danny lifts him up in the air.
"Daddy, me! My turn! My turn! Daddyyyy!"
"MY Daddy!" Daniel says.
"No he MINE! No say that! Me no know you!"
"It's okay, you guys stop fighting."
"Can you lift me up to the sky, daddy?" Julia asks.
"You're heavy, Ju."
"No, I not heavy." She pouts. "I little! My Shammy always picks me up all the times!"
Danny scoffs and says, "Then you ask him to play with you, not me."
Danny sits Daniel on his lap and Julia watches with tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip quivered and she nervously kicked her feet.
"Him no love me.." She said under her breath.
"Sishy?" Theodore says quietly.
Julia held Theodore close and he placed his hand on her neck to feel the vibration of her voice.
"You're okay, Teddy.. mommy's almost here."
Just before Jessica got to the apartment, Danny fixed Theodore's hearing aids and gave him his glasses.
"There you go, buddy! All better?" He smiles.
Theodore turns away from his father and runs to his sister.
"Look at you! You can see and hear! Just in time for mommy!"
"YA! MAMA!" He giggles with excitement.
"Too loud out there!" Christine says.
Theodore turns to the hallway and spits.
"Teo!" Julia laughs.
Danny opened the door and both kids ran to their mother.
"Mommy! We missed you!" Julia says.
"Oh my babies, I missed you more!"
"Go! Go! Go!" Theodore attempts pulling Jessica out of the house.
"In just a second, Teddy. How did everything go?" Jessica asks.
"Good." Danny shrugs.
"Can we leave, mommy? We packed our things and we got our backpacks on already!" Julia says.
"Okay, honey. Want some ice cream?!"
"YEAH! Are big sissy, little sissy and Sam in the car?!"
"They are!" Jessica smiles.
Jessica giggles then stands up.
"Bye, Danny."
As they walk out, Theodore can't stop hugging his mother.
"Aw my sweet boy! Did you miss mommy?"
"YA!" He cries.
"Aw my baby! Don't cry, handsome."
"Mommy?" Julia looks up to Jessica.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"I have a loooong story to tell you." She smirks.
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