As Jessica sat on Sam's lap and hugged him tightly, she thought about their life together and almost began to cry.
Luckily Evangeline saved her from shedding a tear.
"DADAAAAA!" The baby shouted.
Both Jessica and Sam laugh.
"She called you the entire time we were at the hospital! If she was awake, she was calling Dada." Jessica chuckles.
"Aw, that's cute."
"Yeah. Well let me get off of you so you can see what the little babe wants."
Jessica stands up, fixes her top, and she and Sam head for the kitchen.
"Someone called me?" He smiles.
"DADA!" Evangeline screams and reaches for her father.
Jessica takes the baby from her mother and moves her in front of Sam.
"Dada! Dada!" Evangeline fusses as she leans towards him.
"I can hold her, Jess."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Okay. Be careful, Evie!" Jessica says to her.
Evangeline grabs her father's cheeks and tries biting his face while she hums.
"Evie, what in the word are you doing, child?" Jessica laughs.
"She loves her daddy! How sweet!
.. But baby girl, mama is here too!"
"Daaaaada!" Evangeline giggles.
"Fine! Stay with daddy!" She says patting her on the butt.
Two weeks later.
"Okay kids, say goodnight to daddy. He's having surgery in the morning, so when you wake up, grandma and grandpa will be here to take care of you."
"Daddy gonna get his head back?" Julia asks sweetly.
Jessica laughs.
"Yes. Daddy is getting his head back!"
"Is him gonna remember me?"
"I remember you, Julia." Sam smiles.
"No! You no remember the name you call me, n' you no remember lots of things!"
"I know.. I'm sorry.."
"Just try!! It's not hard! I remember!"
"I am, Julia. I swear.."
"It takes time, baby. Don't worry. Now give kisses so we can all get to bed." Jessica says.
"Nigh nigh, dada." Theodore hugs Sam's leg.
"Night night, bud."
"Luh you, dada!"
"I love you too, Theo!"
"Muah!" Sam chuckles.
"Daddy, can I see your head in your belly?" Julia asks.
"It's his skull, Juju!" Landon says.
"Das what I say!" Julia smacks his arm.
"Julia, no hitting!"
"I wan to see the skuuuulllll!"
Sam chuckles and lifts his shirt.
"Mommy, you can't see daddy's tummy! Cover your eyes!" Julia lifts her hands.
"I've seen it all, Juju."
Sam looks up to Jessica and laughs. He then places his hand on her belly and says, "Obviously, your mother is correct."
"Ew!" Autumn makes a face.
"Can I touch it, daddy?" Julia asks ignoring everyone else.
"Uh, if you want, I guess." Sam chuckles.
"I be soft!"
"Go ahead." He chuckles.
"Ah! That is SO crazy, daddy!"
"Pretty wild, huh?"
"Yeah! Mommy has a baby in her tummy, and you have a skull! That's silly!" Julia laughs.
"It is! Alright, off to bed little ones."
"I'm not tired." Julia looks up to her mother and smiles softly.
"Too bad, it's bed time, sister!"
"You is NOT my sister!"
"You is!" Sam chuckles at Julia.
"I so funny, daddy!" She giggles cutely.
"The funniest! Now listen to mommy, and go to bed, please."
"Yes, daddy." Julia smiles sweetly.
"You little mess! Such a daddy's girl! All of you girls are! Poor me." Jessica pouts.
"You're still mama's boy, aren't you, Teddy Bear?"
"I sheepy, mama!" Theodore whine softly as he rubs his eye.
"Aw my poor, handsome boy! Let's go night night, cutie."
The next morning.
"Alright.. they say I have to go. I'll see you when you get out, okay, honey?"
"Okay." Sam smiles softly.
Jessica smiles and takes a moment to just stare into his eyes.
She then grabs his face and kisses his lips.
Jessica gives him an intense kiss before pulling away.
"I'm sorry.. I just-"
"You don't have to apologize." Sam smiles softly.
Jessica smiles as she gently caresses his cheek with her thumb.
"I love you, baby."
Sam's smile grows and Jessica giggles.
She then looks down as she brings his hand to her bump. "Say we'll see you soon, daddy!"
"Little wiggle worm, huh?" Sam says as his unborn baby wiggles around.
"Uh huh.. sweet baby.." Jessica says lightly tapping her belly.
"Be good for mommy, squirmy wormy."
"That's cute!" Jessica laughs.
Eventually Jessica made it to the waiting room, and Sam was taken into surgery.
As she sat alone in a corner, she prayed. She prayed for a miracle. All Jessica wanted was for Sam to wake up and remember everything they've been through. If not today, tomorrow. Even next week, or in two weeks! She begged and begged for this every single day. Now, she was beginning to give up hope. It really felt like this was never going to happen. If Sam's memory never returned, how would their future be?
Jessica wanted to spend the rest of her life with Sam, and she knows he felt the Sam way. However, thing are different now. Sam is different now. He's forgotten who he once was. He doesn't remember how much he loves Jessica. Jessica promised to stay with him and help him get back to who he was, but this new reality was beginning to sink in. Sam could form into someone totally different.. and Jessica's biggest fear; he could fall for someone else. Jessica cried at the thought.
"Please God.. please let him remember. I love him. I've never loved anyone more than I love this man. He's an incredible partner, and an even better father. Please! Give me back my Sammy!"
Two weeks later.
19 weeks pregnant.
Today is Thanksgiving, and both Sam and Jessica's parents are coming over to help prepare a delicious Thanksgiving dinner.
Sam sat in his wheelchair right beside the couch. Julia sat down beside him, looking straight up.
"I'm glad you got your head fixed."
"Me too." Sam chuckles.
"You looked silly before.."
"Yeah, I know!"
"When is your hair gonna come back? It's cuter when it's longer."
"I'm not sure, Julia. Soon, maybe." Sam smiles.
"Let's hope tomorrow!"
"That would be nice." He laughs.
"Yeah. Then you'll be handsome again!"
"Juju, he's always handsome!" Jessica says walking in and catching the last part of their conversation.
"Yeah but more handsome before my stupid daddy almost killed him!"
"Alright, enough little girl. Sammy?"
"I want to go and visit Simba today, our mom's seem to have everything under control, will you be okay for a little while? I won't be too long."
"Im fine! Can I go with you?"
"Oh! Sure!" Jessica smiles.
"You think maybe we can visit Megan too?"
"Of course, honey." She smiles softly.
"Perfect! Thank you!"
Once arriving at the cemetery, Sam helped her out by holding Evangeline in his lap.
"It's this way, guys! Autumn says holding the hands of Julia and Theodore.
"We're coming! Thanks for being my big helper and holding the flowers, Landon."
"You're welcome, Jessie! I think he'll like these!" Landon smiles as he sniffs the blue flowers in his hands.
"Me too! And we can take some out to put by your mommy and Evelyn's stone."
"Yeah! They'll like that, Jessie! Thanks!"
"You're welcome, buddy!" Jessica smiles down to him.
"I found him! Here's my brother! Hi, Simba!! I back! You miss me?" Julia says full of excitement.
"Mommy! COME ON!" She shouts.
"I'm coming, Juju." Jessica says a bit winded.
"That walk feels longer when you're pregnant!" She chuckles and rubs her stomach.
Jessica then lays blankets down for her and the kids to sit.
"Eh!" Evangeline reaches for Jessica.
"Come here, pretty girl!"
"She wants to play with us and Simba!" Julia smiles and hands Evangeline a toy truck.
"Look mommy! She likes it!" She says as the baby kicks her legs and giggles.
"She does! You like playing with big brothers toys, huh?" Jessica messes with Evangeline's hair and kisses her forehead.
She then sighs and looks at her son's grave. "I can't believe it's been so long since I've last seen you, handsome."
"He would almost be five, momma.." Autumn says in a low voice.
"I know.. I just wonder what he would look like now."
"He would be so cute, mommy! Remember his chubby cheeks? Ah he was the cutest little thing!"
"He was! My baby.." Jessica says as tears slowly roll down her cheeks.
Sam watches and reaches down to comfort her.
Jessica looks up and smiles softly. "Thanks, Sammy."
After spending time with Simba, they walked over to Megan and Evelyn's grave.
Seeing Megan's stone really got to Sam. Everything felt so fresh. Jessica felt for him so she placed her hands on his back to show him she's there for support.
"I miss her so much.." He says.
"I know.. I'm sorry. Do you want a moment alone? You should talk to her."
"Yeah.. that would be good. Thank you, Jess."
"No problem.. come on, kids. Landon, maybe you should stay with your daddy."
"Okay, I'll stay." He smiles sweetly.
Sam then slowly gets out of his wheelchair and down to his knees.
Jessica quickly runs back to help him.
"I'm okay. Thanks though.."
"No problem. Be careful."
Sam looks down and begins to cry softly.
"I love you, beautiful. I wish I could hold you just one more time.. I don't feel compete without you.."
Jessica watched with a lump in her throat. In this moment she felt so incredibly jealous of Megan.
"Daddy, don't cry. Her and Evelyn are okay!" Landon says.
"Evelyn? Who is that?"
"My baby sister. She died when momma did.."
"What?" Sam says in a whisper.
"She was too little, and she went to Heaven."
"No.." Sam said as he began to breathe heavily.
He then looks at Jessica and shouts, "When were you planning on telling me that Megan and I have a daughter?"
"You tell me about your son and about how much we supposedly love each other, but not that my daughter died?"
"Sam I-"
"NO! How could you not tell me about this?"
"Sam, let me talk! I didn't want to say anything in the beginning because I felt it was too much too soon.. Then I just forgot that you didn't know, I'm so sorry!"
"I just don't get it, all of these stories, and not once do you ever think of this?! Why? Are you jealous of what Megan and I had? Or what we have? I still love her, Jessica! I love her more than anything!"
"Daddy, stop yelling! She didn't do it on purpose.." Autumn says with sadness in her eyes.
Sam sighs and tries standing.
"Be careful!" Jessica quickly grabs him.
"I've got it!" He shouts.
Jessica's eyes slightly widened and she stepped back.
"I just want to leave."
Without saying a word Jessica grabbed the baby from Autumn and began walking to the car.
The car ride home was pure silent. The only noise was coming from Evangeline babbling and playing with her rattle.
Finally they arrive at the house.
After helping Sam out of the car and getting all of the younger ones in, Jessica went back to Sam.
"Honey, I didn't do this on purpose! I never wanted to hurt you, Sammy." She cries softly. Jessica was so hurt.
"Please just leave me alone. I can't do this right now."
Jessica's eyes tear up and she turns away from him.
"Oh you're home! Just in time for some yummy food!" Dorothy smiles before she notices Jessica's tears.
"What's wrong, sweetie?"
"Nothing. I'll be back, I have to change their diapers." She says taking Evangeline and Theodore upstairs.
Of course Dorothy followed behind.
"Jessie, why are you crying?" Dorothy asks, shutting the nursery door behind her.
"He's not Sam!" Jessica shouts.
"The loving man I was engaged to is gone! He's in love with a woman that is six feet under!
And I'm stupid! I'm so so stupid!"
"Stop that! You are not!"
"I am! I forgot to tell him about Evelyn! I don't know how, but it slipped my mind! I was going to tell him after he came home the first time, and I didn't! And now he's mad at me!" Jessica sobs.
"Honey, don't get upset. Think of the baby!"
"I can't help it! I just can't be happy, mom! I can't! A year ago fucking Danny left me and the kids on Thanksgiving.." Jessica says in a shaky voice. "And now this year, I'm in this mess! Because of fucking Daniel Huston! I HATE HIM! Sam is someone I never thought would hurt me.. and because of Danny everything has changed! My relationship with Sam is ruined! It's gone. Forever! What we had is never coming back, mom!"
Should the baby's gender be a surprise at birth? Or do y'all want to know now?
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