chapter 43
Hello! And welcome back to another chapter, please enjoy.
Time skip'
The bell rang indicating that sakayo's last class ended, the teacher said goodbye to them and reminding them about their homework for tomorrow.
Sakayo packed all of her thing and went out of the classroom, when she went out of the class room she found Monica's minions.
Sakayo felt a slap across her cheeks and heard some gasps and whisper from the other students that were in the hallway.
Sakayo glared at Clara, Monica's best friend, because of you Monica got expelled! She yelled at sakayo.
Sakayo just rolled her eyes and walk from them, hey! Don't you dare walk away from Carla" one of them said but sakayo just ignore them.
They were about to grab sakayo's hand when some of the students stop them, I think that's its clear that sakayo doesn't want to talk to any of you" one of the students said.
Yeah, and Monica deserved to expelled from what she tried to do to sakayo " another one said, the other students agreeing. Carla just click her tongue at the roof of her mouth and walk away, her group following her.
Sakayo look back at the other students and said thank you before going on her way to find her best friends.
There you are sakayo " akira said to her, hey guy's " sakayo said as she went to them.
The four of them talk about what happened in their class as they walk towards the school gate.
So sakayo........ Ivy started, hmm? Sakayo hum, when are gonna confess your feelings to koko? She ask.
Sakayo's face instantly became red, I.... i, she can form a proper sentence and kept shuttering.
Her three just snicker at her, shut up"sakayo said with a galre at her best friends. But really when are you gonna confess? Ivy ask again.
I dunno" sakayo said as they reach the school gate and found Koko waiting there. Well your boyfriend is here to take you home" mitchi said.
He is not my boyfriend "sakayo said to them, well not yet but he will be soon if you just confess your damn feeling's for him" Akira said.
She push sakayo toward Koko making her land on koko's chest, bye now lovebirds " Ivy said as she, mitchi and Akira ran away from them.
Sorry about that" sakayo said as she moved away from Koko a little bit, Koko said that it was fine and opened the passenger seat for sakayo.
Sakayo went in and Koko closed the door and went to the other side, he then
started the engine and drove of.
So why were you the one to get me at school? Sakayo ask as she look at Koko, well your brother's got a job to do" ehh? But they didn't tell me"sakayo said.
It was an urgent one so maybe they didn't have the time to tell you" he said as he continue to drive to Sakayo's house.
Well okay then" she said, but will they take long? She ask turning to look at the window, yes Mikey said that they'll probably be back in a week" Koko answered and parked his car in the garage since they arrived at the house.
Why do you ask? He then added, nothing just asking " she answered as she got out of the car with her bag.
You can watch tv or movie on the living room since I got some homework to do" sakayo said and went upstairs.
Koko just sat on the couch and turned on the TV to watch some movies.
Sakayo put down her bag in her bed and got her notebook and paper and some of her pen and started to do her homework.
After about 30 minutes sakayo finish three of her homework was on the last one but she was struggling a little to answer it since it was one her least favorite subject, math.
Ahh damnit " sakayo said as she layed her head on her notebook, need some help? She heard koko's voice from her door. She then slowly nod, yes please since I'm not very good at math" she said.
Fine I'll help you but under one condition " Koko said with a smirk on his face, sure what is it? Sakayo ask.
Make sure to moan my name loud later okay? Koko said and picked up sakayo from her chair and sat on it making sakayo sat on his lap.
Koko then began answering her math homework and she just sat there and watch, few minutes later koko was finished, done" he said.
How the hell can you finish it so fast?! While I here was struggling to answer at least one question for about 20 minutes or so" she said as she look at Koko in shocked.
Koko just stick out his tongue and said" I'm boten's treasurer so it only makes sense that I'm good at math"
Sakayo then though about where her friends said that she should confess her feelings to koko before it's to late.
Hey koko can I tell you something? She ask a bit hesitant and didn't dare look at him in the eyes, Koko gently lift up her chin and said" you can tell me anything doll".
Sakayo grab his hand that was holding her chin and look down, her hand still on his.
But promise me first that you wouldn't avoid me or stop talking to me after I tell you this" Koko just look at her a bit worried on what she was going to say.
I promise you" he said with a smile, sakayo let's out a small sigh before saying "
I just wanna say that I like so much, I know that you already like someone else but I just wanna confess to you before I regret not telling you, hope you wouldn't hate me for this " she said still looking down and not making eye contact with Koko.
Koko released a small sigh and gently lift her chin up again, making her look at him, he saw that sakayo was about to cry.
And then without hesitation he gently placed a kiss on her lips, shocking sakayo, " why would I hate you? If your the person I like, I'm glad that you actually like me back, I like you too " he said and placed another kiss on her lips.
Now about my condition before I did your homework "Koko then said as soon as his lips left her's.
Sakayo face instantly turned red after remembering what he said and averted her eyes from him but Koko wouldn't let do it since he cupped her cheeks with his hands.
There's no backing out now doll" he said and moved his hands to her waist, fine"she mumbled but Koko heard her.
But at least let me take a pill I don't want get pregnant " she said and stood up from sitting in Koko's lap and went downstairs to get some water and birth control pills.
Sakayo went back to her room after she finished, she then found her self being lift up and placed down her bed, Koko got on top of her and said"
I missed how your voiced sounds while moaning my name"
Eyy!! Looks like I'll be doing another smut chapter, and again if you don't feel comfortable with reading smut or lemons you can just skip the chapter.
And I'm also sorry for the late update last time
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