Chapter 16
Raphael P.O.V.
Today is going horrible. I feel awful and I didn't feel like having company over, but thanks to Mikey, we have guests.
When I woke up this morning, I had a migraine and went to go take some Advil, Donnie ran into me and spilled hot coffee all over me and I had to take a shower.
I thought I could make today better by starting off going at it with my punching bag, but it ripped the first couple of hits and I had to sew it back after I cleaned up all the sand.
When Casey came over, Venus attacked him and I about flipped. But I kept my cool and didn't say a word, because if I did I probably would've punched somebody, or worse.
Now it feels like my head is going to explode at any moment, but me and Casey are playing video games right now so I'm just going to try and distract myself.
I focused on the game as I was beating Casey. But he wasn't really into it. Instead, he kept asking questions about Venus.
"Where did she come from? Did she just, like, appear in the sewers or what?" He said, swinging his remote around.
"We were on patrol and wrecked a Kraang vehicle. She was inside it and Leo decided to bring her home." I was almost there. Just a few more hits and I would win.
"What was she doing in there?"
Leo froze from his beanbag chair and looked up from his comic book. "I-I guess we never thought about that.."
There was a long silence. I tried to focus, but my mind started to draw a blank. What was she doing in there?
"Winner!" I looked up and saw that Casey won.
"Oh, come on!" I set the controller down and crossed my arms as Casey did a victory dance.
I looked over at Leo, who was now deep in thought.
I was going to say something to him when Mikey yelled, "Check it out, bro!"
We all looked up to see Venus awkwardly adjusting her new mask. It was sky blue, which made her grey eyes pop.
"It looks good, dude!" Casey gave her a thumbs up.
"Of course it does. I am a genius." Mikey struck a pose, which I rolled my eyes at.
Man, my head was really pounding.
While everybody complimented Venus, I got up and went into the kitchen. I opened up the medicine cabinet and looked around until I found the bottle. It felt light. I opened it anyways and tried to dump a few pills into my hands, but nothing came out. I peered inside and there was nothing in it.
I growled. Maybe Donnie had some, knowing him he probably did.
I walked into the lab and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked up at me. "What is it? Did you break another controller?"
I sighed and rubbed my temples. "No, I need some Advil. I have a killer migraine right now and my head might explode if I don't take anything."
"Let me look around and see if I have anything." He said, opening drawers and rummaging around.
I leaned against a table, trying to forget about this headache. All the noise outside kept drowning me out of my thoughts though and was making me really agitated.
"Here." He handed me a bottle of pain relievers. "I don't have any on me at the moment, but these will help."
I mumbled a thanks and swallowed two pills. Handing the bottle back to Don, I headed for the doors.
"Why don't you try laying down for a little while? It might help some."
"I'll be fine."
"Are you sure? You look beat."
I paused. "Yeah."
And with that, I walked out of the lab.
*******Time-skippy doodle*******
April and Casey left around seven o' clock. Patrol will start in an hour.
My head was still pounding. I felt like laying down and taking the longest nap in the history of naps, but Mikey wouldn't shut up about his perfection of a mask and Donnie was building something in the lab. Which meant lots of noise, even if I went into my room.
I laid down on the couch, listening to Michelangelo.
"I wish you could come on patrol with us. You're a really good fighter, I think you'd be okay."
Venus nodded.
"Stop filling her head with those thoughts." I said. "Unless Master Splinter says so, she isn't coming up top with us."
"Ignore him, Vee. If I was Splinter, I would say yes."
"Well, you're not. So why don't you shut up?" I threw an arm over my eyes, sighing.
There was silence. Maybe Mikey left?
I thought too soon. I felt something hit my arm and fall onto my plastron.
I looked down to see a pencil. I looked over at him and glared daggers. "Seriously?"
He stuck out his tongue with a triumphant gleam in his eyes.
I really, really wanted to get up smack him, but I felt too tired. "You're so childish." I laid back down and closed my eyes.
Mikey mumbled something under his breath and I caught the words "Raph" and "stupid".
I sat right up. "What did you say?"
Mikey glared at me. "I called you a stupid no good hot head."
I growled. Torn between tearing him apart or walking away to get some peace before going on patrol.
I decided the lateral and stomped into the sewers. Not thinking, I went up top and climbed the ladder to the nearest building.
When I made it to the top, I sat down against the wall of another building and closed my eyes, concentrating on the slow traffic tonight. I inhaled and exhaled a few times like Master Splinter taught me to.
I grabbed my head in pain and frustration. The others hopefully don't come after me right now, I felt awful at the moment.
I regret calling Mikey childish now, I just don't feel well right now and jumping him would probably make our small feud worse.
I probably should've taken a nap before patrol. No, I should have. But my head was, and still isn't, cleared up.
A noise snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked up. A few Kraang stood above me.
I quickly jumped up got knocked two down. I jumped on top of one and ripped its head off. The other two I used my sai on.
Wearily, I turned around me and looked at my surroundings. There were more Kraang. I quickly whirled back around and saw even more.
I was surrounded.
I got into a fighting stance. I was going to have to fight my way out of this.
"Kraang have found a turtle mutant who has the experiment Kraang have created called experiment number twenty-two-thirteen."
"Yeah, we have her. But we ain't going to give her back."
A Kraang to my left shifted and I looked over in time to see that it shot a dart at me. I side stepped as it scraped my arm.
I hissed and grabbed my arm.
A Kraang behind me spoke up. "Kraang will take the turtle mutant with Kraang known as 'Raphael' and do the thing known as questioning, with Kraang."
They started to come closer, some shooting darts.
I let my body take control and dodge, punch, kick, and whatever else.
My mind was dazed as all of this was going on, I don't remember doing some things, like ripping a Kraang head off, but as long as I could defend myself it was okay.
That was until a dart and it went into the back of my leg. I quickly ripped it out and kept going.
My movements started to become slower and sloppier as my eyes began to feel heavy. I tried to fight the feeling of sleep, but I couldn't, I was already tired in the first place and wasn't in condition to fight.
A Kraang knocked me down with the butt of its gun and pushed me down to the ground.
Breathing heavily, I tried to force myself to get up and to stay awake. Neither of them were going well.
"Kraang has captured the mutant known as Raphael." The Kraang above me spoke.
I couldn't focus on them after that. Everything got blurry and my vision started to fade. I finally gave up trying to stay awake, maybe falling asleep wouldn't be so bad.
At least the pain killers kicked in.
Another chapter, another day.
I updated (almost) on time, thanks to my new schedule. Yay, schedule! :D
I think I am going to oh my Ninjago fanfic on hold for now, at least until I get this book finished. I'll post at least two more chapters on it before, though.
Sorry guys! It's been really busy where I am and it's hard trying to keep up with everything, such as this and watching little siblings. I hope you guys understand.
Have a good evening.
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