Chapter 13
Raphael P.O.V.
What in shell was Leo thinking?! She attacked us and then tried to kidnap Mikey and he still wants her to come back with us!
I muttered to myself angrily as I hauled Donnie on my back. Leo and Mikey tried to get Venus to talk to them, but she just stared down at her feet looking confused, scared, and like she could throw up any minute.
"Venus, could you please tell us what happened?" Leo asked.
"Cmon, dude. If you speak to us I'll get you some ice cream." Mikey said enthusiastically.
"You're not going to get into trouble if that's what you're thinking." Leo said, hopeful.
Silence still.
"This is hopeless y'know." I stated.
Mikey stopped in his tracks and looked back at me angrily. "You don't know that."
"Yes, I do. She hasn't spoken a single word since she got here. In fact she hasn't even tried to communicate with us that much. Doesn't that indicate something's up?!"
"Raphael." Leo stepped between us. "That's enough."
Mikey didn't say anything. His eyes told me that he wasn't going to anyway, he was really mad at me.
He turned around to the hurt looking Venus. "Cmon, Vee. Let's go." He led her away down the tunnel.
"Here, let me carry Don for you." Leo slipped Donnie off my back. But I wasn't finished with Mikey yet.
"Yeah, that's what I thought!" I yelled at him as he walked away.
"Raph!" Leo looked sternly at me.
"What?" I hissed. "It's not like he's gonna do anything-"
Mikey stomped back over to me, grabbed my head, and slammed it on his knee. He then kicked me backwards.
I slid back on my shell a few feet. When I stopped, I sat up and glared at him.
"What was that you said?" Mikey said hatefully. "I couldn't hear you, because, apparently, I'm just some stuck up little-"
"ARGH!!" I snapped. I jumped on top of him and we started to wrestle each other. Swinging punches, biting, and putting each other in chokeholds.
"Guys!" Leo struggled to try and get us apart. But it was no use, it was fire against fire.
Mikey slipped away almost every time I got a hold of him and would just roll and try to get on top. But since I was stronger, I was mainly on the top.
I finally got him pinned down, my legs pinned his and I sat on top of his plastron. I don't remember much after that, just me punching him over and over and over and I couldn't stop. At least until Splinter came up behind me and pinched a nerve.
I winced and froze. "What do you think you're doing?" He sounded mad.
"I, um.. we- GAH!" He pinched harder.
"Raphael, stand up." I did as he said and followed where his hand lead me to.
"OW!" I looked over and saw Mikey was in the same position I was in, trapped in the palm of Master Splinters hand.
"And what do you think you are doing?" He asked Mikey.
Mikey didn't answer. Master Splinter pinched harder. He winced and gritted his teeth, probably wanting to show me that he wasn't going to loose to me just yet.
"Michelangelo, stand up." He did as he was told. "You two," Splinter said, talking to me and Mikey. "Are in big trouble."
He started to lead us down the few hundred yards to the entrance of the lair and into the dojo.
I didn't show any fear, but a million thoughts raced through my head at once.
Once we stepped inside the dojo, Splinter let us go and we both fell to the ground, rubbing our necks.
"Now," he stood in front of us, "Stand up." We did. "Get your weapons out." We both glanced at each other, confused. "Now get into your tatakai no shisei." Okay, this was getting ridiculous!
"Uh, sensei?" Mikey asked, getting into his stance.
"Yes, my son?"
"What exactly are we doing?"
"Ah, you two are going to have a fair clean fight." He stated, matter of factly. "And you are both going to battle each other over and over until you forgive each other."
"Wait, what?!" We both said.
"Master Splinter," I started. "I thought my punishment would be something.. different."
"Really? What have you thought of that was so different?"
I tried to think of something. "I dunno. Something parenty..? Like, being grounded, I guess.."
"And would you rather be grounded instead?" He asked.
I was about to deny, when Mikey cut in. "No! No we're okay. We're cool with this punishment."
Splinter smiled deviously. "Well, then. Get ready." We got into our stances. "Hajime!"
Tatakai no shisei means; battle stance. I just thought that I would add some more Japanese words into the story, since Splinter is originally from Japan and all.
And would you look at that! I updated on time today! *gasp*
Lol, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please comment or vote please! (It gives me encouragement for the next chapter)
Have a lovely day my fellow TMNT fans!
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