Chapter 9: Amaya

The moon had started to rise in the night sky, everyone in bed sleeping soundly. Yet I cannot. My eyes stay open even as I lay on my bed. But this was normal, usually I don't get much sleep. Standing up I walk to my door, maybe a midnight walk will tire me.

The room was frozen solid with my ice, again this was normal, even if I wanted to, I can't get rid of the cold. Yet I guess I can't complain, I do not feel the cold, it never bothered me. Opening the door with ease, I step out into the dark hallway. Closing the door I walk towards the stairs, the floors and walls already starting to frost over.

Soon I was outside, heading to the nearby forest. The ice followed me, spreading out like a fan all around. My staff made a gentle clicking sound as it touched the ice. I was killing the forest, I know I am. This fact saddens me, yet there is nothing I can do about it. I cannot control my ice.

After a while I heard a twig snapped near me, and I could hear someone's teeth chatting. My large ears flicked over, my gaze following the noise. Was someone from the building following me? I was sure everyone was fast asleep in their rooms.

A small cough sounded, it did not sound like anyone from the house...

I stepped back, "Who's there?"

Something shot past my face, turning to ice. I jumped my head snapping over to see what it was. It was an arrow...

I glanced up from where it came from, only to find that there was nothing there...

Another arrow shot past from a different angle, also turning to ice once it crossed my path.

With a gasp of fear I try hiding behind a tree. Holding my staff close. My ears twitched to the sound of a twang and an arrow hit the tree above my head. I shrink down, the once beautiful icy land around growing spikes sharper than knifes, shooting at my attacker without my consent.

I saw movement as the attacker jumped over the ice, disappearing into the darkness. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm my fast heart. Something started running, I could hear the fast footsteps in the grass, before...

"Gah!" What sounded like a female slid on the ice, falling flat on her behind and sliding over to me.

My eyes open, locked onto the girl. It was a silver wolf, wearing what looked to be a cameo outfit. She was rubbing her butt in pain. I shifted away, maybe if I'm quick she will not see me.

"Hey!" A hand wrapped around my arm as she tried standing and slipped again.

"Please..." I flinch at her touch.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I was walking..."

"Well you need to leave..." The wolf stood, shaking.

"You're cold..." I say sadly.

"No shit." The wolf growled, working her way off the ice.

I stood, "I'm sorry...."

"Leave..." She huffed, picking up one of the iced arrows.

"Of course..." I should have known, it would be better if I just stayed in my room. She snapped her jaw at me, before running off. My ears flatten as I started home. All I had to do was follow the ice. The ice always leads home...

Something, like a loud bang, went off behind me. I jolt, spinning around with my staff out but there was nothing behind me, just raised dust...

I step forward "Hello?"

There was another loud bang, sounding like something crumbling. More dust raised and blew from somewhere deeper in the forest. A scream came from the area. Without thinking I hurried over, normally I do not run but that scream pushed me to do so tonight.

The trees wiped at my form as I ran, the area around me turning to ice. Once I reached the place the sound came from, I saw the cause. It was a crumbled building, the stone having given way and fallen.

Once I was close I tried moving the stones, yet they were too heavy. "Hello? Is anyone in there?"

"Get away from there!" That wolf from earlier appeared, running over to me.

I glance over "I heard a scream, I was just-"

"No! Get away from my home!" She pulled me back.

"But I-"

"You shouldn't be here!" She seemed upset...

"I was only trying to help...."

"This is what happens when you let people build to close!" She tried not slipping on the ice surrounding me, storming off to another building that looked too close to collapsing.

"Wait! I wouldn't go in-"

She walked into the building, just as the walls started to shake.

"Please wait!" I quickly followed her. As I walked in the walls started turning to ice. I spotted a staircase, the wolf's foot disappearing from the top step. My ice seemed to slow the breakdown of the building.

I followed after her "Miss...?"

She was hurrying around, grabbing a few things. The poor wolf looked frantic. I watched her quietly. She grabbed books and old developed looking photos. A toy and a blanket.

"Please hurry."

She looked over, her frantic look turning sour, "I told you to leave..."

"I know, but I wanted to make sure you were okay."

She sighed, before hurrying to the stairs, "Fine... You can help me with the rest of the houses then..."

"Y-you want me to help you....?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Might as well. You won't leave and you're stopping my house from crushing me. You help, then leave."


"Also, call me Haven, not Miss." She huffed.

I nodded, "I'm Amaya."

She nodded before walking out of the building, almost slipping down the stairs. I gently take her arm, helping her down the stairs so she wouldn't fall. She yelped at my touch, pulling back with a shiver, her frame quaking.

My ears flatten, "I'm sorry...."

I should know better, she was already cold enough, I made it worse. I allow the wolf to walk far ahead of me, following her into each house. My ice was able to slow down the crumbling.... I guess that is the only thing it is good for.

A lot of the houses had broken down by the time we were done, some still standing. The wolf, she had told me her name was Haven, said that there was one more house, her own. She had told me it had the most important things in it, but once we walked to the building, I knew even the ice would not stabilize it long enough for her to get in and out.

"Haven, maybe you should not go inside, this house seems too unstable."

"But I have too." The she-wolf said without a second thought, "All my stuff and my families stuff is in there."

".... I understand that it must be important, but your life is-"

"No! All my memories are in here, I have to get them!" She growled, storming towards the unsafe building. I followed behind, unsure about this. Haven worked quickly, running upstairs in a blur. I could see the walls of the building shake, wobble even, and I hoped she would hurry.

I tap the end of my staff to the floor a few times as I wait. The loud clicking sound echoed off the shaky walls, and my large ears twitched to the sound of Haven's feet above me.

"Hurry..." I whispered, the room full of ice by this point.

"I'm trying to." Her voice shook the stone.


She sighed, before coming downstairs. A few developed photos, a book and a rabbit plush toy in her arms.

"Let's leave now, this place is hardly standing."

She nodded, standing on the icy floor. Without warning, the wolf's feet slipped and she fell back, crying out as she hit the back of her head on the stairs. The shout caused the house to shake uncontrollably, as it then started to fall apart.

"Oh no." I was at her side instantly, "Haven? Haven please get up."

She groaned and sat up, rubbing her head, "Why is it always me...?"

"Hurry, we have to-"

A large rock of stone fell next to us, almost crushing me.

I yelp, pulling Haven to her feet "Go!"

She nodded and ran towards the door, which began to crumble. I followed her, if she fell again I would catch her. Haven growled as the door fell apart, now full of large stones. She grabbed my arm, flinching slightly at the cold, but running towards the stairs,

"Come on! I know another way out!"

I stumbled after her, hardly able to keep up. The stairs fell apart as we ran up, making it almost impossible to reach the top floor. By the time we did, most of the floor was gone, creating shards of rock below, not the best place to fall.

"Where do we go?"

"To the window, we're gonna jump." The she-wolf pulled me over to the front window. From up here, it didn't look that high.

"You go first." I tell her, that way if the building caved in, at least she would be spared.

She nodded and climbed on the still firm window sill, looking down at the ground. She seemed to pale, frozen in place.



Bits of roof fell around me, taking the floor with it, I was lucky to still be standing on something solid and not broken.. For now.

"Haven go, please, it's isn't that high."

"It.. It looks like it is..."

"The building is falling, hurry."

She looked around, before her eyes widened and she grabbed my arm, jumping out of the window and pulling me with her.

"Ek!!" I squealed as we land.

Haven landed with a groan, the ground connecting with her back and my side.

I sit up, "My... That hurt..."

"It did..." The wolf tightens her grip around the rabbit toy and book, the photos having slipped out of her grip. The rest of the building came crashing down, raising a large amount of dust and dirt. I coughed, using my fluffy tail to block the dust.

As did Haven, "Well crap... Now where am I going to stay..." She mumbled to herself, shaking her head.

"Well... I-I'm sure you could stay where I am.."

"Nope. I know exactly where you stay, and I am not sleeping under the same roof as that red hedgehog." She thought to herself, "Although now my arms aren't tied..."

"Red hedgehog...? Oh you must mean Zero. Yes she is rather... Special."

"I figured.."

"But if you do not want to stay that is okay.... You do not have to."

"Well... I do need a roof over my head... And a rematch with that Zero person."


"Yeah, the rat beat me to a pulp yesterday.. Or was it earlier today? One of the two." She shrugged, "I had my arms tied behind my back, although this time I won't, so it will be interesting."

"Well... I can show you the way."

She nodded and stood. I get to my feet and started for the building. Haven trailed behind me, holding the book and rabbit close to her chest, like a child. I felt bad, losing one's home is a horrible experience.. I should know. However I am a little nervous, normally I follow people, not the other way around.

"So how big is this house?" Haven's voice cut through my thoughts, "How many people can it hold?"

"I'm.. Not too sure. At a glance about 20 people.." I looked at the sky "I normally stay in my room so I don't really know."

"Is that because of your powers?"


"Okay.." She went quiet. We walked in silence, not even the animals of the night spoke. After a long walk we arrived at the building.

"So where will I sleep?" Haven asked, gaping at the large building.

"Everyone has their own room, for you, go up the stairs and skip the next two doors on the left. You can sleep in the third room."

"Okay." She nodded, "I'll do that."

We both walked into the building, finding that strange creature named Raizor sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"Raizor...?" I asked softly, knowing my ice was already spreading.

He shivered and looked over to me, then Haven, "When does Sonic get back...?"

"He will be back tomorrow...."

"Okay..." He turned the TV off and walked upstairs.

"Weird..." Haven mumbled next to me.

"That is Raizor, he is a little shy..." I walked up the stairs, walking down the long hallway to the very last door, far away from the others.

Haven had stopped by the third door, watching me, "You isolate yourself?"

I stopped, looking back, "No one wants me around... I am too cold..." My eyes wander around the hall, which had a thin layer of ice. "I am always alone, no matter what I do, I will never make anyone happy..." With that I slip inside my room, closing the door and locking it.

The room was already covered in a thick layer of ice, the bed I had was practically crystallized. Then again, my whole room was basically made of ice. I owned nothing aside from my staff and the cloths I wear. So the room was bare aside from the bed. Laying down I sigh, isolation was for the best. People who got too close.... Well...

They always died.

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