Chapter 4: Adena
"Hm... A little more to the left." I wave my hand to the side as Shadow and Sonic move my queen sized bed. Hey, I am a queen after all, I need my beauty sleep! As the two set it down where I asked them, I bat my long lashes at them,
"Thank you boys, I have no idea how I could have gotten moved in without two strong guys like you~." I allow a small, short purr in my voice. The darker hedgehog huffed, giving me an 'it's not working' look.
Sonic chuckled, "No problem Adena, I was happy to help." Well he seems sweet enough, hmmm... Maybe too sweet for my taste.
"Ah, now will you leave little me be for now? I need to unpack my bags and there's some things you boys shouldn't see."
"Right." Shadow grumbled, walking out of my room. He seems to be the fake tough guy, someone who puts on a front of being rude and mean but really isn't.
I waited till the door closed before taking in my new room. The walls were a beautiful scarlet red, floor the same as most the house, a darkish wood, but for my room it had a red tint. My desk of redwood sat in front of the window, the closet door opened as it awaited my mounds of clothing. Good thing I told them that I need a big walk in closet. Walking over to my bed, I sit down next to my bag, running my hands over the smooth velvet comforter. Did I mention I LOVE all shades of red? There was a knock on my door as I began to put my beautiful clothes away.
My small ears twitched, "One second!"
I call sweetly as I set the last of my bras, yes I said it, get over it, into my rose shaded dresser. Once I closed the drawer then I opened the door.
"Hey babe, you finished unpacking?" The hedgehog from earlier, Tyler stood in front of the door.
My face dropped into an adorable pout "Awww, and here I thought a cute boy would be at the door."
"Na, just a sexy man." He smirked.
"By trash standers, sexy is correct." I shut the door on him and went back to unpacking.
"Hey!" He yelled from the other side of the now closed door.
I giggled, "Bye, wannabe~!" I sing loud enough for him to hear. Not to brag but I have the voice of an angel.
"Don't worry babe, I'll win your heart yet~!" I heard his footsteps as he walked away.
Rolling my multi-coloured eyes I finish up my unpacking and decorating, finishing by setting a family photo on my window seal. I couldn't help but smile softly at the sight of my mother and father hugging me with large smiles. I miss them... But the best part about the photo, my horrendous twin isn't in it. Ugh.
After everything was put away I headed downstairs to the living room, where I was to meet everyone properly.
Silver was talking to a smaller version of him, who looked like he had been given the world. Tyler was harassing Zero, and I couldn't wait to see how that turned out. There was someone else, standing off in the corner...
Looking him up and down I take in his features. He was definitely odd, he had a hedgehog's body, but a wolf or foxes tail, it's hard to say. He was scratching the floor with his clawed hands, his eyes were half lidded and strange. Yeah, I may be avoiding him...
Zero's ear twitched as Tyler continued his harassment. Oh boy this will end well...
"You know, you look like a wild one, want me to tame you~?" He asked, smirking down at the red hedgehog. She hummed thoughtfully, as if she wasn't sure what to think of his remark.
"Trust me, I'm a great tamer~" He continued his rambling.
Oh boy, I know the look that flashed in Zero's eyes. Should I warn him? Hm... Nah, let him learn. Giggling I sat down in a red chair (so love, they made each furniture in the building outside our rooms all kinds of colours). Of course, Amaya isn't in here, and won't be, knowing her. As I wait, I watched Zero and Tyler, as the black hedgehog flirted with the unstable girl.
The room soon turned quiet as Tyler kept flirting, everyone seeming interested as to what would happen. Tyler, being the idiot he seemed to be, didn't notice.
Zero giggled softly, looking up at Tyler "Whaaaaaat about IIIIII tame yoooou?"
He smirked, "If we're talking about the same thing, then sure~"
"You sure yoooooou want to plaaaaay?" She tilted her head, giggling. Oh he better run now.
"Let's hope Sonic and the other two don't ruin this show." I smiled cooly.
Silver seemed like he wanted to say something, but the squirt next to him told him not to. Oh boy this will be good.
"Yeah, I'm positive~"
A long, devilish smile spreads across her face, "Gaaaaaame oooon!"
He seemed to blink, "Wait, what?"
In the moment it took me to blink, Zero had thrown Tyler into the floor, pinning him down with a dirty, rusty knife in her left hand.
The hedgehog was now frozen, his eyes wide, "H-Hey!"
Zero went to stab his eye, however her body froze with the tip of the blade hovering mere inches over the boy's eye.
There was a greenish glow surrounding the beautifully red hedgehog, and I supressed a groan of disappointment.
"No hurting Zero." Silver said as he lifted the female hedgehog off the other.
"Awwwwww but I waaaasnt dooooone!" She complained, eyes locked with Tyler's.
"I-I'm done..." Tyler scrambled to his feet and up the stairs, soon his door could be heard closing.
I laughed, body shaking, "Good work Zero!" The girl just kept smiling. Honestly, she scares the life out of me, but she is useful at times. And I just love her Crimson quills.
"Don't encourage her Adena." Silver grumbled, letting the hedgehog go.
"Pfft, with him why not let her have fun?" I asked, Sonic and Shadow coming in, both boys shivering. Seems like they finished up in Amaya's room.
"Sonic!" The child looked up and ran over to him, "Sonic you should have seen it! Tyler was being bad to Zero and she attacked him!"
Sonic blinked in surprise, "What do ya mean Renny?"
"Tyler was talking badly to Zero!"
"Oh.. Ohhh..." Sonic chuckled in amusement, "Well I hope that teaches him to keep to himself."
"I doubt it." Silver grumbled.
Sonic looked around, "Well, seems like everything is done here. Time for introductions!"
"Okay!" The small hedgehog, Renny, smiled.
"Everyone, this little guy is Renny. Then over there is Raizor." He motions to the thing in the corner, "Come on over here Raizor, meet everyone."
The thing stood up slowly, walking to Sonic with it's head still down. The weird creature stood behind Sonic with a mumbled 'hi'.
Sonic sighed, "I believe you all know Zero and Tyler by now. You are A... Maya right?" He turned to me.
Oh heck no he didn't. I give him a sharp glare, "Adena, I would never be that pathetic Welp upstairs." I growl, spewing as much hate as I could without looking ugly.
"Calm down, your names are similar, he couldn't help it." Shadow crossed his arms, "Is that everyone? I'd like to go now."
"Yes that's all I believe." Sonic clasped his hands together. "We will of course, come to check on you every so often, however this is YOUR new home, not ours, so we won't be living with you all."
"Aww..." Renny hugged Sonic's leg, and Raizor seemed to cling to him as well.
The handsome hedgehog hugged the child back, using his other arm to pat Raizors back "Don't worry, I'll make sure to spend time with all of you when I come to visit."
The thing hugging Sonic's back whimpered and it's ears lowered. As Sonic mumbled encouragement to him, I watched Shadow bid a stiff farewell with Silver before Sonic himself had to go.
"Hey Sonic." Renny said, grabbing his leg again, just before he could leave, "Could I go for a walk?"
"Hm? Er, I'm not too sure bud... It could be dangerous to go alone..."
"Then can you come?" His purple eyes shone.
"I don't know, I promised Tails I'd help him out with the Tornado today...." He looked up to me, "Adena, would you go with him?"
The small hedgehog's ears lowered and he looked over to me.
"Hm... Sure, I actually planned to look around myself." I nod in agreement, smiling at the boy.
He smiled back, "Awesome!"
"We can go now, I'm eager to get out and get to know the area.
"Yeah! Lets go!" He grabbed my hand and tried pulling me out the door.
"Woah, slow down kid!" I stumbled after him, boys I swear!
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