Chapter 14: Tyler
So we were trapped in a cell, and forced to talk about ourselves... I wouldn't have minded, if i was able to get some affection from one of these..... Females. Sonic seemed more relaxed now, joking around with his friends. Adena held Renny in her lap, petting his head as she listened, not speaking most of conversation between the group. It was funny how motherly she acted towards the squirt, as if he was her own. I'd give her her own, if she would let me.
"So... Where is everyone from?" Silver asked, looking through the group. Like I'd tell him.
Shadow grunted, "Do we really have to do this? No one wants to answer these questions Silver."
"Well I might want to know the answers." Silver huffed.
Sonic chuckled, "Oh why not! Might as well have some fun before we get out."
Shadow sighed, "You are impossible Faker."
"Faker? Is that a nickname?" Renny asked, tilting his head. More like a pet name in my eyes.
"It's what Shadow calls me..." Sonic sighed, "He's apparently a darker me-"
"Don't even compare me to you!" Shadow growled, "I would never stoop down to your strength, my body would over run itself by trying to be weak."
"Ouch." I chuckled, "Burn."
"I'll burn you if you don't shut up." Adena growled at me, her fluffy tail wrapping around her and Renny. The runt seemed to vanish inside it
"Uh Adena...? I can't see." I heard him mumble.
"So.. Is anyone going to answer the question?"
"Well, I'm from the northern part of Mobotropilis. " Adena said.
"Interesting..." Silver nodded.
"I'm from... Uh..." Renny looked around, "Sonic where did you find me?"
"In a city about a... mile from here I think?" He tilted his head. "Yeah, a mile."
"Wow.. That's far away!" He smiled.
"I-I'm from... Um..." The freak glanced around the room, before his ears lowered and he hid behind Sonic, "Y-You know..."
Sonic patted his head, "Its okay Razior, no need to be so shy."
His wolf tail wagged and he smiled, "Okay... Um... I'm from an.. Underground lab.. Yeah..."
"Do you know where the lab is?" Shadow asked, crossing his arms.
He started to get pathetically nervous again, stepping away from the darker hedgehog, "I-I mustn't say..."
"And why not? You realize if we find that place, we can do more for you than just giving you a place to stay." He scoffed.
"N-No... He'll t-take me back..."
"Who will?" Adena asked, tilting her head slightly as her large, over sized ears flopped to the side. She was so cute sometimes. Her eyes holding an innocent look...
Oh how I wished to take that look...
A whimper from the creep tore my attention away, the thing fully hiding behind Sonic, pressing into his quills.
Sonic sighed "Shadow enough, leave him be. If he doesn't want to say he doesn't have to. He will tell us when he's ready."
Shadow growled and leaned back. Silver shifted uneasily, now seeing this wasn't going according to plan.
"You all know where I'm from." The wolf caught out attention, speaking for once.
"Actually, I don't." I chuckled, "Mind telling me where that place is?"
"Gone now..." She sighed, "Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
Adena sighed, "That must suck.... what happened exactly?"
"It all... Collapsed..."
"Like break down?" Renny tilted his head, "Is that why you didn't want us there...?"
"Partly.. But I knew it would happen eventually.. I just wish I wasn't there to see it."
"And A... Amaya helped you?" Silver asked her, moving closer with interest sparking in his eyes "I didn't think she ever left her room."
"Well she did and... I'm grateful. She was able to slow down the destruction with ger ice, and I was able to grab my things.." She glanced at him, "You seem so interested in the Spirit Fighters, I saw you with my arrow.. Why?"
Silver flushed, fiddling with his hands "Ah well... um... ever since I came and learned more of this place I.. took great interest in those who were affiliated with the Freedom Fighters."
She nodded, "We were a secret ally, only some knew of our existance. And that's how we liked it..."
"We kept our word and didn't tell anyone outside the Freedom Fighters." Sonic claimed.
"Then why were we attacked?" She shot a glare at him, a sudden fire in her eyes, "How did someone find out about us? Why did they kill everyone?!"
Sonic held up his hands, "Look, we didnt know about any of that until the aftermath. Sal did her best to help but when we got there everyone was...."
"Burnt to a crisp. Gone." She looked down, wrapping her arms around herself, "I saw.."
Silver shifted, sitting next to Haven "I... know that feeling..."
"Yeah right." She rested her head, "Watching everyone you know and love burn? I bet."
"I mean it." Silver said softly "My entire world is a forever nightmare of flames and death."
She huffed, "Is that why you're so interested in my clan? They suffered the same fate?"
"Not exactly. They seemed so strong, I only wanted to know more." He shrugged.
"I'll think about teaching you..." Her ear flicked, "Once we're out and if you still want to."
Silver's eyes lit up like a child at a candy store, "R-really?!"
There was a wicked laugh that cut through our conversation, "Oh like you would get out!"
I turned to find the source of the voice, sounding horribly familiar. The green bush, Zara, stood at the door of the basement, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.
"Tsk, honestly you act as if you can."
"Oh yeah? Well stop hiding and face us head on!" The wolf stood, grabbing the bars. Man she was feisty...
Zara rolled her eyes, "Why waist my time? I'm not here to play with you wolfie, I actually have a little thing I have to get for daddy."
"Oh yeah? And what's that?"
"I'm here for him." She stood and walked to the cage, "Raizor is your name right?" She had her silver eyes pinned on the mutated freakshow, "Dr. Eggman would like to speak with you."
The freak's ears laid back and he grabbed Sonic's arm, "N-No thanks..."
She chuckled "Yeahhhhh you don't get a choice."
Zara snapped her fingers, two robots entered the room, the first one a dark black and the other pale red. What felt like a heavy weight laid down on me, as of it was in the air itself. Sonic groaned as he slipped to the ground, as did the others in the group. They felt this too. All power I once had vanished.
"What the... Hell is this...?" I growled, trying to push my weight off the ground.
"Meet daddy's new robots. The black one keeps the air heavy on you, forcing you to the ground like the worms you are." The green hedgehog smirked, "And the red helps steals away your powers or abilities. Just in case you thought you could escape while I came to fetch Raizor."
Raizor whined, still holding onto Sonic, "I-I don't... wanna go with... Her..."
Zara unlocked the door, stepping into the cell as she made her way over to Sonic and Raizor, "Sorry buddy, you don't exactly have much of a choice in this."
Amy glared at the other female hedgehog, "How come you aren't affected?"
Zara flashed her a smile and held up her wrist to show off a metallic bracelet. "Daddy made this so I wouldn't have to worry about it."
Raizor whined and I saw him try to move away. I myself tried to get up, but found I wasn't as strong as I hoped. Zara grabbed Raizors arm and pulled him up with ease, as if he weighed nothing.
A moments pause before she handed him over to the black robot, "I think I'll take someone else too."
"Or you could leave. That would work too." I stated, looking through the group. I saw Renny pressing into Adena, the vixen doing her best to hide him, "I mean the freak is like, many people at once. He should be enough."
Zara strolled over to Adena, who growled darkly, "Maybe but... I think I'll take the young one too." She cooed as she picked up Renny.
Renny yelled and struggled in her grip, "No! Let me go!"
"It's okay kiddo, don't worry about them." Zara hummed as she walked out of the cell and locked it, "They won't hurt you anymore."
We watched as she walked out of the room, carrying Renny and dragging Raizor behind her, both of them whining and struggling. The robots followed behind, the heavy looking doors to our freedom shutting tight. The weight was lifted from us, wind filling my lungs. I jumped up with a gasp, hand on my chest as I felt power course through my body once again. Adena ran at the bars, slamming her beautiful body into them, causing a loud 'BANG'. She screamed for Renny and cursed the shit out of the green hedgehog.
"Hey, calm down." I walked over, resting a hand on her, "We'll get them back."
"No!" She snapped, "I won't let her take him away!" She was tense and very warm under my hand.
"Adena she already has... But we will get him back, just calm down so you can think." I rubbed her back gently.
Adena shivered, due to her dress that exposed her back, my fingers were touching bare skin. Slowly she relaxed, letting out a deep breath "Y... you're right... I need to calm down...."
I nodded, "When am I wrong?"
She scoffed and smacked my hand away.
"What now?" Haven asked, now standing, "I don't want to be in here any longer."
"Do you think any of us do?" Amy sighed, crossing her arms, "I'm not sure what we can do without being able to break down the door or something."
"Is there any way to contact Amaya? She could really help us."
"No." Adena growled darkly as she sat down, "We don't need her."
"Then you get us out of here."
"I can't! Otherwise I would!"
"Exactly! Someone better think of something fast!"
There was a soft, low giggle, "You seeeeeem to be upseeeeet."
"Zero?" Silver turned to the crazed hedgehog in the doorway, "Finally! Could you help us out please?"
Zero giggled, staring at us with a dark look in her eyes, "How does it feeeeeel? Being locked awaaaay... like little raaaats?"
"Not funny you psycho, let us out!" Haven grabbed at the bars.
She snarled at us, her usual look turning darker and... meaner, "Funnnny? You want ouuuut... I diiiid tooo... but whaaaaat did aaaaanyone dooooo? Eheheheheeh!" She growled, "Theeeey left meeeee... you all would leaaaave me tooo..."
"No no no we wouldn't." Silver scrambled to the cage, "We would try to get you out."
"Speak for yourself." The wolf huffed. I chuckled and walked up behind her, "Kinda feisty aren't you~?"
She glared at me and I chuckled more, before stepping back, "Maybe later then~"
Zero suddenly giggled lowly, sending shivers down our spines, "Yoooou are just waaaanting out.... they said yoooou would saaay anything toooo become freeeee."
"Zero please, we really need your help. They took Raizor and Renny!"
Sonic gripped the bars, "Zero.... please.. that green hedgehog will catch you if you don't hurry."
"Greeen.... Hedgehog...?" Zero tilted her eyes, her eyes shrinking, "New... plaaaaay toooy...?"
Sonic sighed, "No Zero, she isn't a play thing."
"She's dangerous, and if she catches you then you'll be in the cage too!"
Zero growled, "I liiiike to seeee her trrrry." The hedgehog stumbled out the door.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" The wolf shook the bars, "Get back here!"
Sonic sighed and slowly sat down, "Guys... I don't think she's coming back..." He looked at us, a slow smile on his lips, "I think she's going to challenge Zara."
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