Chapter 10: Raizor
My eyes snapped open, wide with fear as I heard my door slowly squeak open. Sitting up from my comfy rock I pressed myself into the wall, ears flat.
"Wh-Who's there...?" My voice shook, and every thought of a murder came through my mind, "Please don't hurt me..."
"Hey now, why would I hurt you?" Came the familiar, cheeky voice of Sonic the hedgehog.
"S-Sonic!" I smiled with joy, standing and running over to him, "You came back!"
"Of course I did" he smiled, "You may live by yourselves but that doesn't mean I have to stay away, now does it?"
"Yay!" I wrapped my arms around him happily, after all, he was the only one I trust...
"The red girl scares me..." I mumbled.
He pat my head "I know, but she won't hurt you."
"But... She hurt that..." My ears rose, "That puppy is back! She came back l-last night with Amaya! I-I thought Amaya was dead and I started to w-worry... Then she came home with the puppy!"
A small growl came from outside the room and I jumped, ears falling instantly.
"She's a wolf, actually. I already seen her." Sonic chuckled.
"Oh... A-A wolf... With sharp teeth and... The scary sound at night..."
"No, she's not that mean."
"I-If you're sure..." I mumbled again, hands behind my back sheepishly. The horrible thought of the wolf or red girl coming into my room at night made me shiver. I didn't like the idea of being killed...
Sonic offered a smile, "C'mon, everyone is gathering around at the table for breakfast."
"Oh uh..." I slowly edged out of my room, staying close to Sonic.
He walked down the hall to the dining area, which you had to walk through the kitchen to get to. Silver was cooking up a storm. The smell filled my nose and I glanced over his shoulder. I hope he doesn't poison it... Or burn it... Or burn the house...
"C'mon Raizor." Sonic called.
"O-Okay!" I hurried after him, almost stepping on the back of his shoes. His bushy blue quills were all I could, and wanted to see by this point. I don't like people...
Once inside the dinning room, we found most everyone there. There were only a few chairs empty, about four, in case anyone wanted to join later. At least that's how Sonic explained it. I spotted Renny and Adena sitting next to each other and I smiled lightly. But when... Tyler came into view, I shrunk behind Sonic more.
Sonic shot a look at the black hedgehog as he sat down, "You can sit by me Raizor."
"Th-Thank you..." I nodded and sat in the chair next to him.
"Oh, hey Blue, hey Freak." Tyler looked up, smirking at us. He had sat himself right next to Adena, probably... flirting with her...
Sonic smiled "Hello, Tyler, how did you sleep?"
Zero looked up from the end of the table, "Heeeee snooored."
"And YOU were giggling like the psycho you are." Tyler growled, crossing his arms.
She looked at him, holding the plastic fork that we give her to eat with. She smiled creepily at him.
He smirked, "Whatcha gonna do? Gorge my eyes out?"
She giggled "Waaaaanna find ooooout?"
"You bet..." His eyes started to do the creepy glow when he is up to no good... She stood and walked over, holding the fork like she does with her knife. It only took a matter of seconds for her to pin him down on the floor.
Sonic took action, picking Zero up and setting her back in her chair "No Zero. No kill."
I had covered my eyes after she even stood. Hearing Tyler growl again I figured it was already over and peeked through my fingers. Sonic was trying to hold a struggling Zero down, the fork out of her hands. Then was went another set of footsteps came down the stairs. I glanced over to see the.. The wolf standing there.
"So you're going to waste all your energy before our rematch?" She asked with a scowl.
Zero instantly stopped, looking over, "Ooooooo the puppy is baaaaack?" She tilted her head.
"I'm not a puppy!" She yelled and I jumped slightly at her raised voice.
Sonic let go of Zero and turned to Haven, "Calm down, it's too early for fighting."
"Who cares?"
Sonic sighed, "Please, just don't pick fights."
"Fine.. Later then." The wolf girl sat down, next to me. I whimpered and shifted close to Sonic, leaning on his arm.
Sonic pat my head, "She won't hurt you." He mumbled in my ear.
"Only if you insult me." She glared at me, "So don't."
"H-How did you..."
"I just did."
"It's called enhanced hearing, better known as super hearing. Most wolfs have great hearing, but that is different." Adena informed as she ate.
"Like super hearing?" Silver asked, bringing out everyone's plates of food. He placed one in front of each... Person.
"If that's easier for you." The wolf shrugged, sniffing at her food before frowning, "What IS this?"
"Pancakes!" Sonic smiled.
"Yay!" Renny smiled, digging into his meal hungrily. I whimpered and poked at my plate while Haven tilted her head,
"What are... Pancakes?"
Adena rolled her eyes, "It's food, just eat it."
She sniffed it again, before shaking her head and pushing the plate away.
"You need to eat" Sonic said with a frown.
"I think I'll get my own food..." She stood.
"If you don't eat what is given to you, you won't stay." I watched as she turned a green colour and sat down again.
Sonic chuckled."H-Hey?!" I smirked a little at the wolf's exclamation, knowing what the cause was.
Silver walked back to the table with a few more plates, also glowing the weird green colour.
Adena looked at Silver with half lidded eyes, tail flicking, "I do love that ability of yours, too bad it isn't red."
He huffed, rolling his eyes and sitting down. I started eating, the strong flavour making my eyes shine. The rest of the meal was more calm, Adena showing a lot of attention to Silver. I think she likes him.. Like a lot but I'm too scared to say anything, so I lower my head and finish my plate, moving closer to Sonic. Sonic offered a smile for me. I smiled back, it isn't all bad here I guess...
After breakfast, most everyone walked off to do their own thing, however I stayed close to the blue hedgehog, who was just watching TV. He flipped through the channels, looking bored. Adena was busy bothering Silver, Tyler watching the two. Silver was trying to wash up, Renny offering to help. I looked over the couch as the red fox messed with the silver hedgehog.
"Silver, when will you take me out for a night on the town?" She tilted her head, "You promised a month ago."
"I've been busy." He sighed, "And besides, you can go by yourself, you don't need a bodyguard all the time."
"Oh come ooooon Silvy~." She hugged his arm to her large chest, "You know you want some time alone."
"Not really. I'm not interested in girls." He huffed, trying to free his arm with a small blush.
She nuzzled him "Of course you are, unless you're gay." She gave him a smirk.
"I'm not gay."
"Is Tyler gay?" Renny asked, tilting his head.
"What?! No!!" The dark hedgehog exclaimed, looking rather angry, "Who told you that?!"
Adena giggled "Oops."
He growled, "You son of a-"
"Language." Silver turned Tyler around and I laughed slightly, "There are kids around."
Adena giggled, "So easy to get under your skin."
"I wish I could get under yours..."
"That's enough." Silver hit him over the head with a pair of dirty tongs, "Now leave the room before I use a knife."
Zero popped up "Kniiiife?"
"Ugh." He groaned, "Everyone but Renny leave so we can keep washing up. Now."
I shrunk at the sight of the red hedgehog, shaking slightly as the wolf- Haven tapped her shoulder.
She turned, "Hmmmmmmm?"
"Rematch, now."
Sonic looked over, "No, I don't want any fighting-"
"Shut it." Haven snapped at him, turning back to Zero, "Yes, rematch."
She smiled with a slow giggle, "Oooookay."
"Then let's go." She stood in a fighting stance and I gulped.
"N-Not inside... G-Go outside..." I mumbled.
The wolf's ear twitched and she sighed. Zero giggled and stumbled to the door. Haven followed, both girls disappearing outside.
"S-Sonic..." I grabbed the blue hedgehog's arm, "Shouldn't we go and stop them?"
I don't know why I was saying it when I just told the two.. Girls to leave.. But I felt that we should stop them anyway.
Sonic sighed, "We will watch, as long as they don't kill each other I guess I'll let it slide."
He walked to the door. Things were about to get ugly...
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