Chapter 5.

Shahyan's POV.
How it feels when you are eagerly waiting for someone?? Your eyes again and again roam around door to see if the person is coming or not?? This is really stupid kind of feeling,I'm mean waiting for anyone desperately.  And this feeling is stupid because I'm going through it.

Yes I'm waiting for her.

God what happened to me??

I think I have asked this question to myself more than 20 time in just 10 minutes. I was angry and happy. Anger was on my own self because what was happening to me? I never wait for anyone then why I'm waiting for her like this? Like my life depends on her coming. And the happy feeling was also she. My heart was fluttering with her thought. Her arrival in my house.

"Bhai you okay??" My younger sister zainab asked looking at me.

"Absolutely. What happened to me?" I said and again take a look at the door while I took a piece of cucumber from the salad.

"Bhai I think something is wrong with you." She said while examining my face.

"Nothing happened. Go from here." I frustrated.

Where is she??

Whay she is taking so much to come??

I thought and got up from chair. I start roaming here and there. This wait really kills people. If no one died I'm  sure I'm going to.

I really hate waiting.


I yelled her name in my heart. I look around and find my younger sister was watching me while eating popcorn. Her eyes were fixed on me and she was watching me like she was watching a movie.

"What?" I yelled.

She jumped and run from there. I run my fingers in my hair.

God what is happening to me??

Am I behaving strange??

"Yes." I heard and turned.

"You are behaving strange."  What??? I spoke that loud.

I saw my sister who was showing me her teeth,literally making fun of me.

"Close your mouth." I scold her but she was still there having that smile on her face.

"Bhai are you waiting for Maham?"Zainab asked and I turned to her fully.

"Don't spoil my mood with her name." I said and lay down on sofa.

"Go bring some water for me." I said and start watching TV  to divert my mind from her.

But my all thinking were fixed on her. I was again and again looking at the door. I check the time and it was still 7 of evening. Why I'm in so hurry??

I don't care if she comes or not???

I said to myself and start watching TV but not happening. My heart was not letting me to stay far from her thoughts. I heard a horn and a smile appeared on my face.

She's here.!!!

With that thought I almost run toward the door. As I reached near the door my all happiness faded away because there I saw Maham was coming with her parents. She was wearing a black jeans with a blue loose sleeveless top. My mouth's taste change into bitter. She saw me and smiled widely showing her teeth as she was doing a commercial of some toothpaste.

I avert my gaze from her and look at her parents.

"Hi Shahyan how are you?" Before I could greet Maham' s parents Maham came forward.

"I'm fine. " I said trying to be a nice host.

They all entered in house. And I was behind them. My all excitement was gone. I sat on a sofa while dad came and start talking to Maham's father while my mom and Maham' s mother were talking.

"Shahyan." I turned and saw Maham seated there.

"Hmmm." I just hummed.

"Listen to me. Why are you avoiding me?" She said and turned my face toward her.

I immediately removed her hand from my face. My all mood was spoiled. I really wanted to escaped from here. I wanted to hide myself from this irritating girl.

"I'm not avoiding you. I'm not in mood of talking." I said and start searching channels on TV.

I again heard a horn and got up immediately. My heart start running fast. A sudden smile appear on my face.

"Why are you so happy?" Maham asked and I turned to her.

She was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I didn't pay attention on her and went out to see who it was.

As I open the door I just kept looking at the person in front of me.

No it was not her but my friend Ashar was standing their with bouquet in his hand.

"Hi bro how are you?" He said and I managed to smile.

"Hi. I'm fine." I said while we hugged each other.

"Come." I said and we both walked in.

"Shahyan who is it?" Maham asked and as she turned her eyes widened.

I look at Ashar whose face expressions changed into bad. He was looking like he has seen some disgustful thing.

"You!" Maham yelled and i just took a step back to save my ears from her voice.

"Stop yelling Maham." I said and look at Ashar who was still standing there but was not looking at her.

"What is he doing here Shahyan?" Maham asked as she came near us.

"Excuse me! Who the hell are you to tell me where I can go or not? And for your kind information its my friend's house and I'm invited here." Ashar answered before I could.

"You!" Maham pointed her finger toward him and he just look away not giving importance to her.

Maham walked out from there and I just look at my friend whose face was showing as he had eaten some bitter fruit.

Let me tell you that Ashar and Maham both are enemies to death. They hate each other. Whenever both came face to face the battle starts and no one dare to put his head in the battle. I don't know what their problem was but both can't tolerate each other.

I saw Ashar seated on sofa and Maham on dinning table. Both were ignoring each other. I sighed and take a seat next to  Ashar.

I took out my mobile and start writing msg to Zayan.

Me:: where are you Zayan? Everyone is here but not you.

I send msg to Zayan and waited for his reply. My mobile beeped and I check the msg.

Zayan: tell me dude are you waiting for me or for your wife?

I read his msg and a sudden smile appear on my face.

Maham's POV.
What the hell he was doing here?? My blood was boiling in anger. I can't bear him in front of me. I just hate this man.what he think of himself.

He the Mr.Ashar what is think he is huh?? He never let go any chance to insult me and that's the reason I hate him. I hate him more than my life.

We were in university when he join our uni. He become a good friend of Shahyan and Zayan but I don't know what his problem was,he never put me in his good book and I never wanted that. He always tried to show himself better than me. And the most irritating part was his ignorance. He shows as he was the king and everyone else would die if he didn't talk to them.

Huh arrogant.

I thought as I look at him who was enjoying a TV show while talking to Shahyan. My blood was boiling. My body was heated up in anger. I just hate this man.

I mumbled and turned my face.

He just spoil my all mood. I came here so I could get some time alone with Shahyan but no he has to come to ruin my mood.

"Hey Maham why your cheeks are so red?" I turned and saw Zainab standing next to me.

"An idiot ruined everything." I mumbled and look away.

I just don't want to look at the direction where he was seated.

I just hate him.

His presence was frustrating me. I couldn't take him anymore near him,around me.

Anabia's POV.
I was looking at them who were throwing my all clothes out from wardrobe. I and aunty look at each other and sigh.

"Girls what are you doing?" Aunty asked looking at Hiba and sana who were throwing my all dress out from wardrobe.

"Mom we not finding any good dress for bhabhi? What colour she should wear?" Hiba asked as took another frock out.

"What about this yellow?" Sana said while showing us a frock.

"No,this one." Hiba showed a white frock.

I look at aunty and she just shrugged her shoulders. I sighed looking at both of them. They both were looking at me for some answer.

Pink colour.

His voice ring in my ear. I got up and took my pink frock out.

"What about this colour?" I asked and they raised their eyebrows in naughtiness.

"Shahyan Bhai said." Hiba said and my face flashed red.

"Start getting ready bhabhi." Sana hold me and pushed me in washroom.

I smiled and start getting ready. I look at myself in mirror. I was wearing a pink colour frock with matching bangles in my right hand while in my left hand I was wearing a bracelet. I applied kajal in my eyes. I applied lip gloss on my lips and check myself.  I was looking perfect.

"Wow bhabhi you are looking so beautiful." I turned and saw Hiba behind me.

"Is this okay?? I mean I'm not looking over right?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No you are looking perfect. Now let's go. " she said and I nodded.

I took my mobile and walk out with Hiba. My heart was running fast with the thought of going there. As I sit in the car Zayan turned to me.

"Bhsbhi your husband is getting impatient for you." He said and I blushed.

I heard sana and Hiba giggled.we all drove to Shahyan's house. My hands were shivering in nervousness.

"Bhabhi relax." Sana said and hold my hand.

I nodded but I know how I was feeling. My heart was out of control. The thought of him was fluttering my heart while I was also scared to face his family. They didn't know me then how I'm going to meet them? 

With many thoughts in my mind I was preparing myself for the coming situation.

The car stopped and I look around. Finally we reached in Shahyan's house. My heart was about to come out.

"Bhabhi come. Its your own house." Zayan said and I look at him.

He open the door and I hesitantly step out from the car. Hiba hold my hand and we slowly start walking in. I was getting nervous. My eyes were not looking at the house but were fixed on ground.

Calm down Anabia...



I mentally talk to me and tried to relax me. We stepped in house and I stand in the hall door.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." Zayan Bhai almost yelled.

And I look up. There he was seated and his eyes were fixed on mine. He was stunned. His eyes were making me nervous. I saw his maybe friend nudge his arm and he came to his senses.

"Shahyan." Zayan Bhai called him and he got up.

He came near us. His that friend was also with him.

"Hi sana." Before anyone could say anything a naughty girl came and hugged sana.

She was now hugging Hiba and they start talking while I was standing there quite with uncle and aunty.

I look up and saw him looking at me. I immediately look down. My heart start running fast.

"Come in." I heard him and we all walked in.

"Assalam-o-Alikum Hasham." Zayan's father greeted Shahyan's father and they hugged each other.

While aunty meet with Shahyan's mother. All start talking but I was standing all alone.

"Who is this pretty girl?" I heard Shahyan's mother voice and I look up.

Now what??

what should I say now??

I look up at Shahyan who was also looking at me. He read the question in my eyes.

"She's my niece." Before I could say anything,aunty (Zayan's mother)said.

I took a breath of relieve. Aunty smiled looking at me. Shahyan's mother came forward and hugged me.

"Allah(SWT)bless you." Shahyan's mother said and I saw a huge smile on Shahyan's face.

We all sat and start having conversation with each other. All boys and men were seated separately and were busy in talking while we all girls were seated together. I saw a girl they were calling Maham stand up and went toward Shahyan and his friends. She said next to Shahyan on sofa.

"Shahyan you remember your promise?" She asked and put her hand on his shoulder.

I lower my eyes. I didn't like the way she sat next to him and then her touch on him.

What I'm feeling??

"What promise?" I heard Shahyan.

"You said we will go out on a drive today." She said and hold his hand.

I restlessly change my side. I felt something burning inside me. I averted my eyes from them and concentrate on Hiba and Sana's talk. But my heart was not giving up and again and again my eyes were roaming on them who were talking to each other.

Stop Anabia..

Don't think too much.

"Where are you going?? " I heard Maham yelled looking at someone.

Asher's POV.
"Where are you going now?" I heard her as I got up from there.

God I just can't take this girl around me.

I just don't like her. From the first day I saw her,my all mood spoil because of her attitude and her dressing. I never found this girl happy with anything. She was all complaining and the most of it,the biggest flirt.

I have seen her always around the boys almost spending time with them. She never let any chance to be friend with any boy. And specially she always roam around Shahyan. Her presence irritates me. I just couldn't handle her around me.

"That's non of your business." I said and was about to move.

I just don't want to see her. She was looking at me angrily.

"Really?? Why you always escape from me?? What you think of yourself?" She stands up in front of me.

Her arms were visible showing their glow. I hate watching her like this. I don't like her showing herself to everyone.

I just like to be around her and now here again she was talking to Shahyan and finding the ways to touch him. I just couldn't handle this. I just don't like to see her with Shahyan.

"I told you,stop being around me."  I said and walked out of the house.

I just don't want to see her. She spoil my mood. I went in the garden and start roaming here and there in order to reduce my anger.

"What you think you are huh!?" I turned on voice and saw again her standing there in front of me.

"What you want??why are you not leaving me alone?" I yelled and she just narrowed her eyes.

She throw her hair on her back which were hanging on her shoulder.

"I want my answer. What I did to you that you always show me that I'm the most hateful person in your life." She said and I raised my eyebrow.

"Who told you that you are in my life?? You are nothing to me. Just stay away from me." I said and without listening her I walked toward house.

This girl never leave any chance to irritate me...

Shahyan's POV.
I was watching her. Her eyes were shivering. She was aware of my gaze on her. Today I think I have lost my control on my eyes. She was looking so pretty like a doll in that pink colour. I was lost in her when someone put his hand on my shoulder.

"Bro control yourself." Zayan whispered in my ear and I just smile.

I saw ashar coming inside. I guess he was in bad mood but it always happened when they are together.  We all are use to it even their parents.  Their hate and fight with each other is not new for me. But it amazed me more that they never tired of fighting. They fight,called each other hateful things and then again start fighting.

"Chill bro. You should use to it now." Zayan said to Ashar putting his hand on his shoulder.

I saw Maham coming with red face. She just glare at Ashar and then sat with her mother. I look at anabia  who was looking confused, looking at both Ashar and Maham.

"Let's have dinner." My mom called everyone and we all walked in the dining hall.

We started our dinner while my all attention were fixed on Anabia. She was nervous and scared. I could sense her nervousness. She looked at me and I just tell her through my eyes to be relax.

After we all had dinner,we all boys went in hall and start talking to each other.Zayan and Ashar were taking while my eyes were finding her. She was nowhere. Then I saw her coming. She was smiling. I saw her with maham.

Zayan patted my shoulder and I turned to him. He was raising his eyebrows and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Dude do something. I want to meet her alone." I whispered in Zayan's ear.

He looked at me like I have talked about my suicide.

"Come on help me." I again whispered.

"Dude are you out of your mind?!! Your whole family is here. How am I supposed to take you to her?"  He said and I Palmed my face.

"Okay don't be so sad. I'll do something." He said and I look at him happily.

"Really??" I asked with joy.

He nodded and I look at the direction where all girls were seated. They all were talking but only Maham was busy on her mobile. Soon we all were served tea. I was enjoying my tea when Zayan got up and went toward Hiba. They both were talking something.

"What were you saying to Hiba?" I asked Zayan as he take seat next to me.

"Wait you'll know." He said and start talking to Ashar.

"Anabia api come. Let me show you my house." I heard Zainab.

I look up where Anabia was looking at me. She was scared. She was asking my permission.

I look at Zayan who was smiling. He turned to me and winked.I turned to see Anabia and blinked my eyes telling her to go.

"Go beta." My mom said and my lips smiled.

She look at me and got up slowly. All girl went upstairs. Only Maham was there all alone.

After sometime Zayan nudged my arm and I turned to see him.

"What?" I asked and he pointed toward the stairs.

I was not understanding what he was saying. I just shrugged my shoulders. I saw Zayan palming his face.

"Idiot bhabhi upstairs. Go" he whispered in my ear.

And I got what he was trying to say. I nodded and slowly got up.

"Shahyan where are you going?" As I took two steps toward the stairs Maham called me.

Why this girl always have interrupte my work??

"I'm...just coming. " I said and she nodded.

"But come soon. We have to go out on a drive. Remember Na?!" She said and I just nodded.

I took my mobile out and start typing.

Me:: bro do something about this long drive. This girl is irritating me.

I send it to Zayan and Ashar. They both read msg and nodded their head.

I went upstairs. I was looking around to find all the girls but no one was there. As I was passing my room,I stopped. I saw Zainab coming with Hiba,sana and Anabia. As Hiba,saw me she smiled. They all stopped near me.

"So girls enough of checking the house?" I asked looking at her only.

"Yes Bhai. " Zainab said and I nodded.

Now how to talk to her in front of all these girls??

But before I could say anything,Hiba started.

"Zainab I need to use the washroom. Can I go in this room?" Hiba asked and Zainab nodded.

"Well come Anabia api with me. You girls go ahead. We'all just join you." Hiba said and went directly in my room holding Anabia's hand.

And me and Hiba knows what was happening while Anabia was confused. Hiba didn't listen to anyone and just entered my room.

"Girls you go ahead. They'll come." I said and sana took Zainab with her.

I knocked on the door as Zainab left from there. Hiba opened the door and look at me.

"Welcome Bhai. You don't have to knock,after all its your room and she's your wife." Hiba said and step out of the room.

"I'm waiting right here. Hurry up." She said and pushed me in.

I smiled looking at the small girl. I whispered thank you to her and she thumbs up.

I closed the door and turned to her. And there she was standing nervously,playing with her fingers. Her eyes were shivering but fixed on ground. As I took one step toward her she took one back. I smiled looking at her who was not looking at me. I was enjoying her nervousness. I kept moving toward her and she kept moving back. She stopped because there was no way. She was standing right against the wall. I slowly covered the distance between us. I placed my hand of the wall.

"What...what doing? Let me..go..please." She stutter and I smiled.

"Anabia look at me." I said but she didn't look up.

"Look at me Anabia." I said and she look up in my eyes.

Her dupatta slip from her head and now was resting on her shoulders. Her earrings were moving in her ear. Her that big eyes were fixed on me.

"Everyone...would.. Be waiting" she said stammeringly.

I just kept looking at her. I don't know what was happening to me?? I was not like this. I mean first I married and didn't tell anyone even my mom. I never hide anything from her. But here I was keeping my marriage a secret. And this girl is making me crazy. I was desperately waiting for her since the time I knew she was coming. I never waited for anyone then why now?? And now I bring her here in my room. For what?? Just because I wanted to see her. To talk to her,I took the biggest risk. If my dad comes to know my meeting with Anabia how will he react? But here I was not able to think. I just want to keep looking at her who was looking so pretty in her pink frock.

"You are looking beautiful." I whispered and I saw her eyes lower down with shyness.

The colours of shy were making her more beautiful. The way her eyes were shivering,was making my heart flutter. Her face flashed red as beetroot.

"Sha...yan. I go now." She said looking down.

My hand travelled to her ear and I slightly touched her earring. She startled and look up. I was playing with her earring. I thought I lost my everything in her eyes. My heart was drawing in her eyes.

A knock on door bring me out of my trance. I saw her lowering her eyes immediately.

"You like this room?" I asked and she look up giving me confused look.

"After all we have to stay here one day together." I said and again her cheeks turned pink.

"Please.. I.." She was saying when I put my finger on her lips.

"This room and I are waiting for you." I whispered in her ear and I felt her shiver.

I don't know why i said this?? I was never like this and now I was amazed on my romantic conversation with her. I was changing. I like this begin with her like this. I like to see the colours of shy on her face. I like when  my heart beats on her name.

"Hiba.. Is waiting." She said still looking down.

My hand was still on her ear playing with her earring. She was getting more nervous and shy. I just kept looking at her and then leaned on her and kissed her forehead. She look up in shock.

"I'm sorry if you didn't like this but I..." I stopped and she lowered her eyes.

Her face flashed red and I just kept looking at her. She was driving me crazy. Her every act was pulling my heart toward her.

Another knock and I took steps back to give her way. She look at me and I smiled.

"Go." I said and she turned to the door.

She turned to see me and then went out of the room. I was there in my room. Her fragrance was there in room. I could still feel her in front of me. Her bangles voice,her earrings and her long lashes were still in front of me. The feel of her on my hand was still there. I was lost in her.

What are you doing to me Anabia??

I whispered to myself and sat on bed. My heart was beating faster. Smile was not leaving me.what was happening inside me,I didn't know. Only I knew was that I love being in these feelings. Whatever these feelings are;I'm in love with it.

Anabia's POV.
My heart was shivering. I was shivering. My whole body was on heat. His touch burned me. I was still feeling his lips on my forehead. This was the first time he did something like that. Last time when he pulled me in his arms I didn't feel that much tingles in my body but today he was just standing so close to me. But his presence was making my heart flutter. When he touched my ear and earring,I shivered. My heart skips its thousands beats and a sensation run inside my body.

"Bhabhi why are you so pink?" Hiba bring me back from my thoughts and I look at her.

"Noth..nothing." I said and touched my cheeks to fade that blush away.

Why I'm blushing???

I heard Hiba giggled and I just smiled.

We reached in hall where everyone was seated. I look at Shahyan's dad and then took seat next sana. I was still looking at him. Something was bothering me. I mean since the time I saw Shahyan's dad,it feels that I have seen him before but where??.

He turned to look at us and I immediately lower my eyes. I was also scared of him.

"Shahyan where you been??" Maham stands up as she saw Shahyan coming.

A strange feeling run in my body. Maham walked toward Shahyan and hold his arm. I was watching them both. Shahyan was just looking at me.Maham was dragging Shahyan with her to a sofa.

"Now let's go on a drive. I'm getting bore here." Maham said and I avert my eyes from them.

I don't know what I was feeling but I was sure it was not good. I was feeling bad watching Maham close to Shahyan.

What I'm feeling??? Stop Anabia.

"Hi bro I think that's a great idea. We all are getting bore. So I think we all should go on a drive." Zayan Bhai said.

"That would be great." Shahyan said and look at me.

I understood what he was saying. My cheeks heated up. He was smiling which was making my heart flutter.

"But shahyan I want to be alone with you." Maham said and I felt not good hearing her words.


Why she wants to be alone with Shahyan?

"Hi Maham we also want to go out. Bhai can we come?" Hiba asked.

"Of course. We all boys and girls are going on a long drive." Zayan Bhai  said.

"Sorry bro I'm not coming." It was the boy seated next to Shahyan.

I didn't know his name yet. Shahyan turned to him.

"Why??" He asked him.

"I don't like some people's company." He said looking at Maham.

"Good. Same here. I also don't want to go with you " Maham yelled.

"What you kids are Upto?" Shahyan's dad asked looking at all of us.

He was a very aggressive man,having a powerful personality. I feel scared of him.
He in his this age still looks so handsome. I look at Shahyan and then his dad. He was just like his dad. He resemble with his dad a lot.

"Dad we all are going out. We'll be home soon." Shahyan said and his father nodded.

"Come on now you two. Stop fighting and lets go." Shahyan said and they both narrowed their eyes at each other.

"Let's go bhabhi." Hiba said and make me stand up.

I start walking with Hiba when I saw,Shahyan coming back in home. He winked at me and rushed toward inside. I was not getting what was going on in his mind.

But something was not hood. He was on something. I was trying to understand and came,out where all girls and boys were waiting for us.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all.??

How was the chapter???

I really wanted to continue the chapter but it was getting long ,so I stopped. I changed the name of Rimsha to Maham.

Hope you enjoyed.

Your favourite scene??

What you think about the new story of Ashar and Maham.??

Do vote and comment.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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