there's only 2-3 chapters left of the story!!!! Thank you guys for reading and to those of you who have commented and voted through out the whole time, you're the best. <3
Prepare yourself for what's about to come with in the next few chapters and comment/vote and if you can spread the word about this story if you like it. I'd like to get to 100k reads (:
I might do a double update! If i get enough votes and requests for me to.
It’s nearly nine p.m. when Kay finally makes movement in my lap, her hands gripping my thigh as she pushes herself upright to sit straight. We’ve sat here in silence for several hours, occasionally exchanging a few words here and there. The college students that had been surrounded around a pit of fire left awhile ago, leaving a few cups dumped into the sand, and the embers of the flames still dimly lit.
I turn my head and watch Kay push her dark hair out of her face as it tangles together from the wind blowing our way. Her eyeliner is smeared under her eyes, the only evidence that she has been crying and they droop from tiredness. She lifts the back of her hand and rubs them, pulling her hand away and scowling at the eyeliner that has rubbed off on it.
I take her hand out of her lap just as she looks up to meet my eyes, and I wipe it off for her. “Are you tired?” I ask her.
She licks her bottom lip, nodding her head slowly. “Yeah, I think I’m ready to leave now.” Her voice is hoarse and it sounds like she has swallowed a cup of salt water.
“C’mon.” I stand up to my feet, holding my hand out for her to take. She obliges, and I pull her to her feet as we start to trudge our way through the sand. I walk slowly for her, letting her take her time instead of rushing her like I usually would of. After a few minutes we make it to the parking lot, Kay letting go of my hand to walk around to the passenger’s side of the door as I unlock the car.
We climb into the car, Kay automatically moving to lean her head against the window after she’s pulled on her seatbelt and I begin to back out and turn into the main street. I head back to our hotel, the music on the radio dimly playing in the car and when I turn to glance at Kay, her eyes are already closed and her chest is rising and falling slowly. The whole car ride is quiet and I’m left alone with my thoughts. I’m slightly shaken over what happened a few hours ago, and I worry more for Kay. I’m afraid to leave her alone, not knowing whether if she’ll have another one of her breakdowns one of these days when I’m not there. Who will save her if I’m not? The thought floats around in my mind, along with several other questions. What’s going to happen to her when you go back on tour? My conscious taunts me, and the fear only heightens as my palms sweat against the steering wheel.
I arrive at the hotel shortly after, parking the car and shutting it off. My gaze wander’s over to Kaydence to see that she is completely curled up against the window, asleep. I open the car door and get out, walking around to her side and opening the door slowly so she doesn’t fall. I extend my hand and grab her shoulder, then wrap my arms under her knees while my other arm wraps around her back. She stirs in my arms as I kick the door shut behind her, a little too hard making her wake up.
“Harry I can walk,” She says softly against my shoulder, her eyes fluttering open.
“Just go back to sleep, love.” I walk around to the front entrance of the hotel, feeling relieved when there are no paparazzi around. The sliding glass doors open as I near the front, Javi, the lad who works the front desk waving to me when he sees me walk through. I nod my head in return and head towards the elevator, leaning against the wall as I wait for the elevator to open. Kay wraps her arms around my neck, snuggling her face into my chest as one of her eyes opens to look at me.
“You’re the best.” She whispers, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips that I return. She outlines my tattoo that peeks above my shirt with the tip of her finger, her eyes drooping as she does and the elevator doors open.
When we reach the room, Kay pats my chest and moves to stand on her own feet. I pull out the room key and push the door open for her, gesturing for her to walk through first. Once she does I follow her and close the door behind her, walking into the room to see Kay toss herself onto the bed and above the covers as she curls up to the pillow.
“You’re not going to change?” I ask her, kicking off my boots and pulling my shirt over my head. She sits up, her eyes still closed as she shrugs off my jacket and grabs the hem of her shirt to pull it over her head, tossing it on the floor. She lays back down and unbuttons her jeans and lifts her hips up off the bed, pulling them down and kicking them off at the end of the bed. She slips under the duvet as I pull my belt out of its loop and kick my jeans off before crawling under the covers next to Kay, automatically moving to wrap my arms around her. She curls up against me moving her arms to wrap around my waist and placing a kiss in the middle of my chest.
“Thank you.” She says, her breath fanning into my neck.
“For what?”
“Being here.” She squeezes me lightly, and I move to push her hair out of her face. Her light brown eyes meet mine, her long eyelashes shadowing over her cheeks from the very little light coming through the room from the street lights from outside.
I smile, and she reaches up to poke my dimple. I kiss her forehead, and pull her closer to me as I rub small circles on her back. “Always.”
She doesn’t respond, and I stare out the window as I wait for sleep to come, thinking of how much my life has changed in the past several weeks. I never would of thought someone could have such an impact on me, but Kay has done just that. I like where I am now, here with her, and I don’t ever want it to change.
My eyes begin to flutter closed, and my hand stills on Kay’s back as I feel myself being pulled into unconsciousness, when I feel Kay’s lips move into my neck and hear the soft whisper of ‘I love you,” before I’m dragged completely under.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay? I could go with you?” Harry asks, for about the ten thousandth time.
It’s been two days since the beach incident, and Harry has barely let me out of his sight. Every time I’ve tried to step foot out of the hotel room on my own, Harry was right on my heels. Even when I have gone to take a shower, he had slammed his hand on the door before I could close it and insisted on me leaving the door open. I understood he was worried about me, it was plainly obvious but now as I was getting ready to leave for work, he had gone as far as suggesting he tagged along.
“Harry, I’ll be fine.” I state as I pull the strap of my purse over my shoulder.
“I really can go with you, it’s not a problem.” He says, standing up and following me to the door.
I spin around, making Harry come to a stop in front of me. He looks at me expectantly, his eyebrows raised as I shake my head at him. “I will be fine. Seriously, you have been breathing down my neck for the past several days. I know you’re worried about me, but I need some space and I’m just going to work. Nothing is going to happen so please just stop worrying.”
Harry bites his bottom lip, hitting the floor with the toe of his boot and sliding his hands into the front pocket of his black jeans. “It’s impossible to stop worrying, but okay. I will back off, just…text me or something to let me know you’re okay.”
“Really? I need to start checking in now? I didn’t realize I was thirteen.” I raise my eyebrow at him.
He pushes his curly hair back and takes a step towards me as he brings his palm to my cheek. “Drop the sarcasm, and please just do it for me. It will make me feel better.” I don’t respond, and he brings his other palm up to cup my face in his hands as he leans down to gently kiss the tip of my nose. “Please?” He pleads, and I slowly nod my head.
“Yeah, okay I will.” I lean in to peck his lips, then pull his hands away from my cheeks, placing them at his sides. “I need to go now, I will text you later.”
“Alright,” He sighs then takes a step back as I open the door to the room, waving at him before I step out into the hallway and close the door behind me. I quickly make my way to the elevator, impatiently waiting for it to come get me as I glance at the time on my phone. I groan when I see I’m running late and practically run into the elevator once the doors have opened. When I reach the lobby I make my way to the glass door, and quickly walk around the side of the building to my car. Harry and I had driven back to the dorms yesterday to go pick it up, only to find someone had keyed the side of it. I clench my teeth in anger when I see the scratch now, and mutter in annoyance to myself as I open the driver’s side and slide in.
Max had texted me earlier to tell me today we were meeting at a restaurant with everyone to discuss a few things while we eat lunch. It didn’t sound like work to me, but Max had assured me that it could get pretty boring so it was indeed work to just listen. I pull into a parking space in front of Craig’s restaurant a few minutes later, jumping down from the car just in time to see Max pull up two spaces away from me. I wait at the end of the side walk, my arms crossed over my chest as Max saunters towards me.
“Hey,” He says, his dark eyes meeting mine cautiously. “How are you?”
I shrug and fidget with the hem of my shirt. “I’m alright.”
“Well how are you holding up? You know with your um…your m-,”
“I’m doing okay.” I cut him off. “And it’s okay to say it. My mom. My mom passed away. You and Harry don’t need to tiptoe around me, I can handle it.”
He looks around the small street uncomfortably, and gives a tight smile to one of the men in the crew that walks by and gives him a pat on the back. “Sorry, I just don’t know what to say to make you feel better.”
“You don’t need to say anything. It’s not your job to comfort me.” I state.
Max stares at me, kind of the way Harry stares at me that I lean on my hip in discomfort. His eyes don’t leave my face and I avoid all eye contact with him, looking everywhere else but him. I clear my throat, hoping he’ll get the hint but when I turn to see him still looking at me I raise my eyebrow in question.
“I know it’s not my job, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, or that I’m not going to at least try to make you feel better.”
My eye catches his and for a moment I feel a flutter in my stomach, but just as quick as it came it disappears. I cross my arms tighter around me, and mutter a ‘well thanks’ as I look around and notice more people part of the crew heading inside the restaurant. I turn my gaze back to Max, who is still staring and nod my head towards the doors. “We should go in.”
“Yeah,” He clears his throat and rubs the top of his head. “Let’s go.”
I turn on my heel, walking to the dark doors and am about to reach out to pull the doors open when Max beats me to it and holds it for me. He gestures for me to walk in first, and he follows close behind me, placing his hand on the small of my back as I try to ignore the slight tingle on my flesh from his fingertips brushing the exposed skin above the top of my jeans.
I’ve sat here for the past hour, staring at the television. I’m not actually watching it, lost as to what the people on the flat screen are talking about as I’m lost in my own thoughts. Kay hasn’t texted me yet, and even though I know she is probably okay, it doesn’t lessen the worry that starts to creep further into me, slithering its way into my head and placing unsettling thoughts there.
My feet are rested on the coffee table in front of me, shaking impatiently as I wait for my phone to vibrate. The minutes drag on the longer it takes for her to send me a text, that I drop my head back onto the couch, ready to just take a nap and hoping by the time I wake up she would have texted or better, she would be here.
I close my eyes, the only sound in the room is the tv through the room as my head starts to tilt and rest on the back of the couch. Just as I feel myself drifting off, my phone vibrates and I jump up quick to snatch it off the coffee table, swiping my thumb across the screen to open the new text. I sigh in relief when I see it’s from Kay.
I’m okay. Meeting is almost over, be home soon.
I smile, and text her a quick reply before tossing my phone back on the table just as there’s a knock on the door. I don’t remember asking anyone over so I’m quite confused as who it could be when I make my way across the room and to the door, looking through the hole at the door to see who it is.
I quickly open the door, just as I spat “What the fuck?” at the person standing in front of me.
“Um…hi.” Madison says, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and shifting her weight on her leg. She’s clutching her purse to her as if someone is going to run by and steal it, looking down both ways of the hallway.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I ask her coldly. She presses her lips together as her eyes flicker down to my stomach, making me remember that I’m not wearing a shirt. She doesn’t answer me, but continues to stare and I pointedly clear my throat.
“Again, what are you doing here? Kay isn’t here for you to lash out at so if that’s why you’re here I reckon you leave.” I’m closing the door on her face when she puts her foot between the door and wall, halting it to a stop and placing her hand flatly on the door.
“I’m not here to talk to Kay, I’m here to talk to you.”
“What makes you think I want to talk to you?” I ask, opening the door wider open to give her a stupefied look.
“I know you don’t but please just hear me out. I want to apologize to the both of you but I know Kay would never give me the time of day after everything. So can we just talk?” She asks hopefully. She really does look sorry but I know better than to believe her. She’s done this before.
“Please.” She says again. I take one look at her, her pleading eyes and her jutted lip and shake my head, opening the door further for her to step inside. I hate being a nice guy.
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