...Stop fighting with us Codes...
SpiritNinja45, another Creator, brings up a good point as they say "Well whoever's here can watch over the babe even when most are busy..... I'll take first watch."
AriesChong9, agreeing with SpiritNinja's point says "Good point! Meanwhile the others will try to find what happened and keep watch!" before carefully handing the baby to SpiritNinja45 before continuing on the point of what to do about baby Error and a possible reason for his ability to see Annons saying "And I'm pretty sure all of us don't know Error's past pretty well. I mean, how do we explain that he can talk to us anons and stuff. Maybe we raised him in some past or some other timeline? I'm just making assumptions at this point."
Glassplant after thinking about this idea for a few moments says "Not sure... Wasn't around when Error spent most of his time in the Antivoid." before once again going through the codes trying to find Reboots's code, adding on after a moment "codes aren't the best for looking back in history. They kind of like to mess up your portal if you go to far back." before tacking on as an after though to the change of hands with the young one "Be care full with the little guy... He likes playing with hair. "
AriesChong9 then adds on, lousing focused for a few seconds "Hair, string, kitten-whoops out of topic." before refocusing on the task at hand saying "I'll get to work. Come on guys!" and calls for the other Creators and Annons to come help out.
Many of the Annons and Creators move over to AriesChong9 and start working with him while some Creators join Glassplant in searching through the codes.
SpiritNinja45 then says in relation to the hair warning, focused more on taking care of baby Error at the moment "I'm used to stuff tugging my locks," before puffing up their fur and feathers to show it was fine before continuing "I do have to do so to brush my hair." after a moment though she changes topic saying "Also, we're gonna need to give this guy a name, new life and all......" before tailing of as she relizes something and saying "there are also a few more Errors that would have to be checked on too."(if you want to see SpiritNinja45's sona's appearance go to her art book, it would take me to long to add it here with all the editing I am doing.)
AriesChong9 continues looking at the coding that is pulled up in front of them, contemplating something as they said "hmm..what if...." before clicks on one of the codes and pulling up a live feed video, exclaiming to everyone "hey guys! Check this out. I pulled out a live feed."
SpiritNinja45 quickly heads over and enlarges the video feed, Also trying to give a bottle of chocolate milk to Baby Error though he just bats at it seemingly not interested in it, before saying as she looks at the screen "That's odd...."
Glassplant, curious on what was going on goes over and looks saying more to herself then the others "huh... Never had any luck getting video feed to work. Always had more luck with codes." before swifly switching gears as she remembers SpiritNinja45's comment saying "As for a new name for the little guy... I have no idea..."
The babybones on the other hand is very much distracted by SpiritNinja45 thanks the feathers on her, whitch he coos at and quickly tries to grab one.
AriesChong9 quickly pulls up a side coding trying to get more info on the feed saying as he worked "If I can try to get past this and see it from the-huh....that's odd..." as they were working they came upon something unexpected, NOTHINGNESS, sending confusion over the Creator's features as they said "there's no previous live feed video of what happened...it's like...it never existed..what the heck!"
Meanwhile SpiritNinja45 pulled off a few loose feathers for the smol, and opens a portal to search up possible names saying to inform the others of what she is doing "I'll look up names that we could use or I come up with one."
Glassplant, who was more focused on the video feed now that something wasn't right took a closer look and frowns at what she is seeing saying as she took a closer look "Yeah... OK... That is odd... Usually there was always some history just stupidly hard to get it to work... Now... It's just gone..."
Baby Error on the other hand squeaks in happiness as he takes the feather and starts playing with it as SpiritNinja45 closes their own thing saying "Only good name that I could find involving Error's last occupation was the unisex name Mallory... I'm gonna see if I can find others or make one."
With baby Error more interested In the feathers then what is going on around him, Glassplant pulled herself away from trying to figure out the history issue by the odd name asking in confusion "Mallory? What is that?" whitch caused her to pull up a new tab and set about searching for what a Mallory is.
AriesChong9 turns to look at SpiritNinja45 contemplating the name a load saying more to themselves the people around them "hmm. Mallory. That's a nice name." before refocusing on the feed history trying to figure out what could of caused this saying "...there's literally no history of anything! That's a bit...worrisome...something must've happened. Like a true reset or something..."
Glassplant, who is still stuck on the name finally finds Mallory in the databanks reading the information a load "The name Mallory is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Mallory is: Unfortunate; ill fated. Derived from an Old French surname... Ok..." with that now being smoothed out in her mind she refocuses on what AriesChong9 said turning back to the codes and history saying "but the codes are showing things are... Normal if a reset happened it would have reset everything. Even us." she shivers at the implication before continuing with "But, we are fine..." all of a sudden she is pulled out of her thoughts by her screen going haywire and scrolling downward out of nowhere, something she had had happen a lot it seems saying a load " And there goes the creator code poping up new worlds... Great... My screen keeps scroling to keep up..."
SpiritNinja45 thinks about the possibility for a bit before saying "True Reset i guess...." before refocusing on renaming Error saying "Yea, Mallory seems to be the best cause the only other thing I could find for destruction is the Japanese word for it: Hakai." the possibly of the reset though seems to still way heavy on their mind as they gently rock side to side feeling a bit overwhelmed by the possibility as they try and calm themselves.
AriesChong9 who is seeing all that is happening on Glassplant's screen yells "....WHOEVER IS STILL CREATING SHOULD STOP AND JUST NOTE IT DOWN AND INSERT THE CODE LATER!"
A Creator in the back laughs sheepishly and stops yelling "sorry!" before AriesChong9 got back to his thoughts saying "...Then if it's not a reset, it must've been wiped...the only place that can be done is here...no one does that... unless..."
SpiritNinja45 frowns as they try and figure out what another possibility could be, voicing the only possibility they can think of "Hmmm, now I'm wondering if XGaster had something to do with it..."
AriesChong9 says, not knocking down the possibility but unsure of why this could be a possibility says "Unless they have a reason to do so...it's like a friggin x event but it's worse... Wait, how would Gaster get here..?"
SpiritNinja45 then remarks that "Moron somehow has a soul of a Creator...."
This fact caused AriesChong9 to pale as they say "....oh my gods.. X Gaster IS a creator! He created friggin X-Tale!"
"Yea..." SpiritNinja45 says as they turn to look at all the other Creators and Annons asking "Anybody up for tying the dude up and the torturing him for answers?"
Glassplant groaned in annoyance at the reminder and exclaims "We don't need more creators changing things right now! We need to figure out what is going on!" she looks back at her scream and says in anoyance "Why is this still..." before notices the code style and groaning as she realizes what is going on saying a load "ink got on a bindge, great... My screen isn't going to work for a while..."
AriesChong9, unnerved by all that is going on asks "Should we call for help? If we do, there's gonna be loads of questions and a chance things might get worse. But if we don't, we'll still be in the same situation and things will gradually slowly get worse..." as they finish the statement a screen pops out from the codes scaring AriesChong9 who exclaims "Whoa!" as they jump back before reading over the screen which said
Call for emergency help?
SpiritNinja45, seeing Glassplant's issues yells "I got it!" as they bring up the code of multiple copy AUs and deletes them before saying "That aughta help."
AriesChong9, confused by what SpiritNinja45 is doing, says "Wait. What copies are those? Timeline copies, option copies....dude..."
Glassplant on the other hand looks back at her screen before saying "And he is still going... Why is it that my stuff always does this." that is till he looks at the help bar and considers it for a moment before asking "As for help... Who can see us... Besides Error..."
AriesChong9 thinks about the question for a moment before saying "...only the Asks verse such as CTAU and a few others" before adding on "....should we throw Mallory into CTAU?"
SpiritNinja45 on the other hand says "Fresh? Dude could see past the fourth wall, and just many AUs."
AriesChong9 pales at the mention of fresh before saying "Gods you're right. But if Glass is right about Fresh being the next villain in Error's shoes, i don't think that's wise."
Glassplant actually ads an answer to her own question saying "Um... Ink sometimes... " before glares at her screen before yelling "can someone go tie up Ink for me I need my screen." before remembering the weird answer and asking "Also, CTAU? Haven't seen that name before..."
AriesChong9 then realizes their mistake and says "OH WAIT. I messed it up. It's PJ's daycare"
SpiritNinja45 seems to contemplate Glassplant's coment about ink saying "True..." before makes a code to lock up Ink's powers and lock him inside the Doodle Sphere saying afterword "There that should do it."
Glassplant still glaring at her screen which is still trying to catch up with the creation spree saying "As for fresh being bad, it all depends on how he is doing it. Is he collecting EXP or just letting his parasight do the job... Still am not sure if he is in Errors place now or what."
AriesChong9, seeing what SpiritNinja45 did, says "We really gotta stop interfering sometimes...they might get a sense and break the fourth wall between us and them. And you know how we're like the guardians of the fourth wall here considering crazy fans."
After a while Glassplant's screen slowest down and comes to a stop leading to say "thanks..." to SpiritNinja45,
AriesChong9 on the other hand still concerned about Fresh says "I'll pull up a live feed on Fresh then." as they start typing into the codes.
Glassplant finaly getting to reply to the mistake in AU says "Oh yeah, PJ's daycare I know about that place. Don't have much info." she then thinks about the coment of the forth wall saying "And messing with the wall doesn't seem to affect the characters much, Ink doesn't notice us even a tenth of the times we mess with him." as she roles back through her codes counting all the AU pop ups from Ink. "27,28,29..."
AriesChong9 snorts at the remark about Ink before saying "That's because Ink has a memory of a goldfish unless he notes it down on his scarf. PJ and the kids and caretakers there knows about us but not what we do except for us asking questions..." of to the side the screen of ask for help is still up as AriesChong9 pulls up a live feed of Fresh yelling "found him!"
Glassplant looks over after getting to 56 in new AUs and says as she looks at the video fees "oh look there goes an underswap."
AriesChong9 surprised by the comment yells "Wait what?! What do you mean there goes underswap?!"
Glassplant turns away from the feed and says "An under swap. Not the underswap, a copy." before pointing at the screen and continuing "You can see Fresh turning it into 'a fresh AU'." as Baby Error yawns letting the feather in his hands drop to the floor.
After checking the screen AriesChong9 realizes that Glassplant is right and says "Oh. Ah okay. Phew...." before looking at Mallory with a soft smile saying "Looks like someone is getting sleepy." before once again noticing the help screen saying:
Call for emergency help?
With AriesChang9 saying in annoyance "That screen is beginning to either annoy me or scare me."
Glassplant also smiles at Mallory saying "makes sense he has had a big day." As she looks at Mallory though she suddenly realised something and face palms before "we need to go steal from an AU..." before also glaring at the screen saying "we don't know how bad things are yet calling for help will do nothing."
AriesChong9 seems to agree with Glasplant's sentiments and says "Okay. Let's ignore the screen-no!" sunenly interrupting themselves as they slap an anon's hand away from the yes and no button before saying "I'll guard the button screen then..."as they glare at the said anon continuing with "You guys should go in teams to the AUs and refrain from getting caught..."
A few Annons grumble in annoyance but after a promise of a snail race in the AU they are heading to quiet down as they and Glassplant head out through a portal. meanwhile Mallory sleepy looks at all the annons still there in confusion on what just happened as AriesChong9, Spirit and a few creators/annons stay behind to guard and look after the place until Glassplant and the other Annons return.
After an hour the Annons Glassplant took and Glassplant all return with a wood crib and two baskets full of baby clothes as well as a few blankets pillows and a randome white dog stuffed toy. Any Annons not carrying anything we're excitedly talking about a snail race.
AriesChong9, upon seeing the group return asks Glassplant "How was the adventure?"
Glassplant remarks as she sets down one of the baskets "... Let's just say a lot of bets we're lost many items thrown at each other and one Annon might have a concussion... And that was all before we got to Stealing stuff."
AriesChong9 facepalms upon hearing this and says "ookay. Well, nothing much happened except for Mallory sleeping pretty soundly. Fresh is still skating around, and we haven't located X Gaster yet."
While listening to the update Glassplant starts setting up a little area for Mallory before saying "That is expected, we have no clue how things are going and if things stay quiet then things are going we-" she is cut off though as her monitor pops up and is suddenly scrolling as once again new code is being added by Ink.
AriesChong9 seeing the scrolling screen asks "Is Ink adding more code?..."
"Yes..." Glassplant replies as she glaring at her screen as it keeps scrolling getting more annoyed as she sees the number reaching 100 before asking "Do you think we can somehow turn Ink into a baby as well... I feel like he would be easier to manage as one."
AriesChong9 partially confused by the question replies "Uhh....you sure about that? Cuz without Ink, who's gonna look after the AUs while we're busy? That and Ink doesn't really HAVE a soul..."
Glassplant groans in annoyance as she realized AriesChong9 is right before saying "well my screen is useless till Ink stops... Again..." before she glares over at a Creator who was seemingly inspired by the comment and was about to add more code to the mess saying "don't you dare."
The creator stops and hesitantly steps back before AriesChong9 says "We're all inspired too easily..."
Glassplant replies with a "Yep..." as she gets back to setting up the area making sure the crib is safe and comfy before getting Mallory from SpiritNinja45 and getting him into actual clothes and not just having him wrapped in a blanket.
AriesChong9 looks at Mallory with a sigh and smile before saying "He looks so peaceful...compared to Error...maybe we should just raise him right?"
SpiritNinja45 finally comes out of the daze they had fallen into while keeping an eye on Mallory and notices the scrolling screen before saying "I swear....." as she makes a code to stop Ink even making sure that nothing not even any overwrite can undo it before saying "Okay! That should do it." before picking up the dropped feather and sets it in the crib with Mallory.
AriesChong9 on the other hand keeps on working on coding with a few other anons and creators. Mostly creators though.
Meanwhile SpiritNinja45 starts to make some baby stuff for Mallory, such as stuffed toys, pacifiers, even some more pillows and blankets.
Glassplant in the mean time is looking at her screen which is slowing down but still going before saying "he got in a real flow.. It's going to take a while it seems... " while Mallory sleeps in the crib, unknowing of all that is going on, while in the dodlesphere Ink keeps trying to make a portal to keep making AUs.
SpiritNinja45, finaly fed up with Ink's antics says "That's it." before making a code to put Ink to sleep until her or Glassplant deletes it.
Glassplant sighs in annoyance at Ink's antics watching her screen finally slows to a stop before once again saying "Thanks... Why can't he be still for five minutes."
SpiritNinja45 just shrugs saying "Only Mye knows why....." before turning away and starting to make a "room" for Mallory as he grows.
Glassplant gets distracted for a moment as she says "Mye?... You know what, I'll figure that out later. I need to check to see if the other out codes are OK." before she once again starts going through the codes.
SpiritNinja45 soon finishes the room, the floor is a dark red, navy blue walls and black ceiling covered with yellow stars before saying "There, that should do it."
Mallory stays asleep though all the chaos, now for some reason with his hand in his mouth. Glassplant then comes and looks at the room saying "cute, though might I ask why it's in his original color scheme? Make the room look... Dark..."
SpiritNinja45 replies with "White is what caused him so much harm before and I was thinking of adding some more colors.... But I think that I already covered most of the Evil Sanses color schemes.... What colors do you think should be here?"
Glassplant looks over the room again before saying "You forgot purple and green if you are going for most of the evil sans colors."
SpiritNinja45 thinks about the comment for a moment before sating "Hmmm purple for Nightmare's original form and Cross's magic and Green for Spin's sweater?" before saying "Ok." and making purple circles appear on the carpet and dark green appear on the closet door making it outlined and easier to see.
"Much better." Glassplant says as she looks at the room with it's improvements as Mallory starts to wake up.
SpiritNinja45 moves over to Mallory's crib and says "Hello little one." as she moves her hand to gently tickle Mallory's 'belly'.
Mallory starts giggling at the sudden tickles before SpiritNinja45 stops tickling and pets the baby-bones's skull saying "You're so cute."
Mallory Squeaks I happiness as he lifts his arms asking to be picked up which SpiritNinja45 gladly does with a smile and asks "Hungry little one?"
Mallory tilts his head in confusion snuggling close to you now that he is in your arms whitch SpiritNinja45 "Aww~."'s at before saying "Okay I'll hold you." and creating a rocking chair, that's colored to look like a dark rainbow, and sits in it and gently rocking the chair back and forth.
Mallory cuddles closer to SpiritNinja45 seemingly content as Glassplant realizes something and says "...you know I don't really remember Error ever eating anything... Except the occasional stolen chocolate..."
SpiritNinja45 replies "Yea but as a baby he can only consume milk." as they let loose a low purr (When someone's sona is a cat, wolf, fox, bird, and bat hybrid it can happen.)
Mallory giggles a bit at the vibrations as Glassplant continues saying "True but that isn't what I ment. What if he doesn't recognize hunger..."
SpiritNinja45 hums in contemplation before saying "True." as she looks down at Mallory and brings him up to nuzzle him then returns him back to his previous spot before asking "What to do about that?"
Mallory squeals in happiness at the attention, causing Glassplant to smile a bit before saying as she contemplates what to do "hm... Maybe we should try slowly introducing food to him as see if he develops recognition... If not we can figure something out later..."
"Alright." SpiritNinja45 replies before looking back down at the baby and saying "You love being given attention huh little guy."
To which Mallory squeals in happiness at the attention causing Glassplant to chuckle and say "I think that is a yes."
my cat was fighting me while I did this, and when I say fighting me I mean she decided to be on my side messing with my arm movement. I had to go work at a table to be away from the annoyance.
Any ways, if you want to participate in this story go into the comments bellow and add onto the longest comment. that is usually were we all gather.
Also again a reminder Annon or Creator statues is decided by if you have fictions in the Undertale fandom that have at least a few parts, that does not mean anyone is less important or can do less though. it is just a way for me to distinguish who I am talking to in my head.
(word count before editing 2568)
(after editing 3686 words)
This took forever to edit!!!
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