Ch 1 How we met
Warning, this book is rated M for mature content like sexual activities (no lemons in the book), abuse, blood and gore, attempts of rape (no actual rape will be in the book), and many other things. If you can't handle anything that's in this book then I recommend that you don't read at all. You have been warned.
??? POV
That's the only thing I can feel right now, the worst feeling to ever have. All I can do is run, and keep running until they go away.
"There she is get her"
Words I didn't want to hear. I kept running faster and faster every second. I later found a bush big enough for me to hide inside so I went inside quickly.
While I'm in here I'll tell you about myself. To start off simple, my names Eevee and well, I'm an Eevee. I am the daughter of the king of the East-side of my home in Koma. The reason I'm running away, I'm was being forced into a marriage with an idiot who I won't bother saying his name. Growlithe.
"Eevee, come out, come out where ever you are." a voice said. I shuttered at it. That was my father Umbreon the king. He made my life a living hell every day and by now I've had enough.
"Alright everyone, first one to find her get to have some 'fun' with her before the wedding" he said. That made me even more terrified. Quietly, I walked away from the group looking for me. Once I got far enough, I went into a dead spring away from them.
I got to a point where I was growing tired and decided to sleep outside for the night. As I curled up, I felt the wind blow against my fur and shivered. I guess this is my life now until I get to the east kingdom, I heard it's better there than here.
The Next Day
When I woke up, I was glad they didn't find me during the night, otherwise, all of this would be for nothing. I got up and began to search for the border leading to the east.
After hours of searching, I finally found it my way to freedom. As I crossed the line, I heard a large crack of electricity in the distance. Being concerned, I ran to the source of the electricity only to find a yellow mouse standing in the middle of burnt trees. He had red cheeks, brown eyes, a lightning bolt tail, black tipped ears, and really outgrown fur. The moment I saw his face, I thought to my self 'OMG HE IS SO F*CKING HOT' after staring at him for minutes, I decided to try to talk to him and slowly walked to him.
"Hello" I asked.
??? POV
That's what I need to be. I need to be stronger to prove myself to them, show them that I can be strong enough to fight. That I can beat anyone without evolving. Who cares if my family is royalty, who cares if they can make themselves strong with their wealth. I'm going to win no matter what.
I turned to see who it was and what I saw surprised me. A brown fox with purple eyes, a cream-colored scarf like fur around her neck, she also had overgrown fur just like I do. Her tail was brown with a cream tip at the top and it had a heart pattern on it. She also had a bag on her back like she traveling for a while. I'll have to admit I found her pretty cute.
"Hello, I've never seen you here around here before" I said as I walked up to her.
"I-I heard an explosion and I came to see what caused it" she replied.
"Yeah, that was me, I really caused a big mess here too" I said guiltily as I looked around. "I never introduced myself, my names Pikachu"
"I'm Eevee"
"So what are you doing out here, not to be rude or anything but you don't look like the person that would be out in a training field" I asked.
"I.. well, I ran away from home"
"Huh, why did you run away"
"It's kinda personal to me"
I looked at her face to see that she was scared of something like a real monster was chasing her.
"I'll tell you what, how about we tell each other a secret we both have to make it fair"
She thought about it for a moment before giving me a response.
"Alright deal, I guess I'll go first" she said.
"Please don't take this the wrong way but I came from the west"
"Don't worry, I won't judge" I said.
"Well, I basically grew up there my whole life and my life wasn't so good to start with, this might also be a surprise but I'm the daughter of the king of the west Umbreon"
Now that really surprised me, I never knew the west side king had any children.
"Well then it's an honor to meet you princess" I said as I bowed down to her. I heard her giggle a bit.
"Thanks but I'd rather not be a princess, my parents didn't really taking a liking to me at all, they gave all of the attention to my sister just because she was a shiny. They believed everything she said even lied to them just to make my life worst. They would do everything to punish me. I was beaten, starved, drowned, burned, and I was almost raped by my dad"
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, her family went that far to make her life miserable just because her sister was a different color. I looked up at her and saw her cry.
"But that wasn't one of the main reasons I left, they had put me in a arranges marriage with someone in a rich family just so they can make more money. After that I ran away yesterday and hid from them, my father even said to every male that they can mate with me before I can marry Growlithe"
Now she was pouring with tears and laying on the ground. So I did the one thing that can cheer anyone up and gave her a hug. Like always, she started to calm down as time passed. We both got out of each other's brace and I began to cheer her up.
"Eevee, don't worry about them, I'll make sure that they won't ever hurt you, you have my word on that"
When I finished, I saw her smile, and it was one of the most cutest smiles I've seen in my life.
"Alright, like I promised I'll tell you my secret"
She wiped a few tears off her face and began to listen to my story.
"Well just like you gave me a few surprises, I am the son of the king of the east Raichu"
The look on her face was priceless, I can tell that she was having mixed emotions right now.
"I kinda had a fine life living as royalty but it didn't help that a lot of girls were attracted to me so easily. Me and my family got along well until I started getting into battling. They thought that I wouldn't make it far in any of the leagues just because I wasn't fully evolved. They tried to get me banned from battling from any leagues so I can't ever battle, my dad hired other Pokemon to break every bone in my body but I ended up breaking their bones. My dad even tried to frame me and get me banned but I managed to prove my innocence. I decided to leave and go live by myself for the rest of my life"
"Aww that's so sad"
"It's not as sad as yours, but I do admit that I felt betrayed by them after feeling like I felt at home"
"Do you mind if I ask what that band on your wrist is for?" she asked as she pointed at the black band on my right hand.
"Well it tells other fighters that they're fighting someone who doesn't have a lot of experience, otherwise known as a rookie"
"ROOKIE!! I would think you're a veteran after seeing what's around us" she paused."But wouldn't it be yellow then instead of black?" she asked.
"Well, it's kinda hard to tell it's on my hand when my fur is also yellow" I laugh. I also hear her laugh as well. I looked up at the sky to see the moon start to rise
"We should be getting back, it's getting really dark"
"But, ..I don't have a place to stay at" she said looking down sadly. The face she made broke my heart, she looks so sad and I couldn't stand her looking sad all of the time.
"Hey, you can stay with me if you want" I offered.
Eevee POV
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I barely know him and he's offering me to stay with him
"But why, we barely know each other"
"Well you seem like a nice person to talk to and you probably need someone to have around you can trust. And what you told me about your family, you need a place to hide for the time until they give up on finding you"
He had a point, I have nowhere to stay, I don't know if they are still looking for me. To make it worse I mean, Pikachu seems like a nice person to talk to, he even tried to cheer me up after telling my story to him. Not to mention he's really cute too.
"Ok, thank you" I ran up to him and gave him a hug, which he returned.
"Alright let's get to my house" He said as he led me to his home.
No one POV
After a long walk, they finally got to Pikachu's house.
"Well, this is my home" he said as he opened the door.
His house wasn't that big but it was big enough to have two people inside. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a small kitchen, a storage room, and a kitchen.
"Wow, nice place" Eevee complemented.
"Thanks, I guess" he replies. "You can stay in that room over there" he said pointing to a room that had a full size bed and a dresser inside. "I'm going to get dinner ready, in the meantime, you can take a shower in the bathroom if you want"
"Ok thanks" she said as she walked away.
After half an hour, Pikachu had finished making steak he had made for both of them. Eevee soon walked out of the bathroom now clean after taking a shower. They both sat down to eat their steak, Pikachu ate his normally but Eevee was eating it like she was eating the best thing in her life.
"Wow, this is really good how'd you make it" she asked.
"I added a bit of Pecha berry to it to bring out the flavor more" he told her.
After they finished eating, they decided to call it a night and sleep, but not before Eevee spoke up.
"Hey Pikachu"
"Yeah you need anything" he asked.
"No, but just to ask, how long do you want me to stay here" she asked. She saw him looking down thinking for a long time. Eevee started to get a bit sad as she was thinking that he didn't want her around for long. She started to walk away until Pikachu gave an answer.
"Why don't you stay here forever"
Those words stayed in her head for a long time. A Pokemon she just meet a few hours ago wanted her to live with him as long as she wants. She quickly turned around, put her front paws around his neck and hugged him. To say the most Pikachu was surprised by her sudden action but quickly ignored it and returned the hug. But her next action gave him a real shock as she pressed her lips against his. The kiss lasted for three minutes before they broke apart.
"W-W-What was that for" Pikachu asked as a massive blush formed on his face.
"It's how I show my appreciation, it's kinda part of my religion" she answered also a blush on her face.
"Well, if it's your religion to do that then I won't stop you then"
"Thank you" she said as she walked back to her room but not before winking at him.
As he walked to his room, he thought of everything that happened today and smiled to himself and going into his room and shutting the door.
And now their big adventure begins.
2129 words and sorry for being gone for so long. Just trying to get my life together.
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