Succubus Part 2

You smiled as you drank your glass of wine, hearing Satan and Lilith bickering together was always the funniest thing in the whole Hells. The Devil and the Queen of the Sex Demons had a long story of fighting with each other. You turned your head to see Felix, sitting and looking bored on the bloody red sofa, on the other side of the room. 

You decided to walk up to ask him about his current mood. Felix have seemed to be a bit distant since his arrival in Hells and you thought it was because it was pretty warm (of course, it was Hells, with fire and volcanoes).

"Hey hot stuff." You greeted as you sat down next to him. 

"Hey." He replied, not looking at you.

"What's up with you lately? We haven't had a proper night together since like 5 or 6 days ago." You asked rudely, being annoyed by his behaviour. "You ain't telling me anything."

"What do you want me to tell you? Each time I try to speak to you, you go on and on about your ambitions and the fact you want to be... to be more powerful." Felix snapped angrily. "You're not even listening to me anyway."

You growled and showed him your pointy teeth (you had decided to keep your full demon appearance, to blend in with the people here). He huffed and went away, probably leaving to your shared room. You wanted to follow him but Satan appeared on the scene, and you stared at him as he started his weekly show. It started by a few funny shows with dead comedians then Satan delivers a speech and singers appears. It was a weekly thing and you liked it.

"Good evening my fellow demons!" Satan said, hands raised.

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands and paws together. You did so, following the others. 

"I have a great announcement to make!" 

Everyone stopped talking and some whispered, wondering what it was about. You glanced over at Lilith, who waved at you friendly but she clearly knew something. You frowned and turned your attention back to the King of Hell.

"As you all know, I have ruled Hells since the beginning of times, in all fairness and dignity." He started, his red eyes glowing a bit. "But my time has come to an end. I am quite... tired of doing that. I am happy to announce that I will retire in the next few weeks." 

Everyone was dead silent. Even you. Your mouth opened slightly, you were very surprised by that. Every demon was. Satan smirked, in a devilishly way.  There was more of it.

"I will of course need a replacement... The one who will win the Hell Tournament will become... me."

A grin slowly marked your face and your tail shook. You were excited, it was the perfect opportunity. You didn't know why but deep inside, you always knew you were meant for greatness. It was your destiny to become the new ruler of Hells. You couldn't skip an event like this! 

The winner would win the throne, and have the dark powers of Hells. Becoming a ruler meant power and you loved that, the power. Being a succubus, you were already powerful, being able to charm anyone and anything. No one could resist you. You often won the Hell Tournament and all demons knew how strong you were. It would be a piece of cake. 

You strolled happily into the room, decorated with the finest furniture from the Renaissance era in France. Felix was laying on the bed but you knew he was not sleeping. You crawled into the bed, and went to kiss him. The boy turned his head and you growled.

"What again?" 

"You smell like my mom." Felix confessed, confusing you.

"What do you mean?" 

"You smell alcohol. I don't like that scent." The blond haired boy said as he snuggled into the covers. 

"Oh..." You whispered.

You hold him close to you, putting one of your wings over him in a protective manner. You started to rub his back softly. You loved Felix, more than you would ever admit to yourself but you were also a demon, which meant you loved power too. Of course, if you were meant to choose, you would choose power.

The next morning, when you awoke, Felix was at the balcony, observing the red sky of Hells. You stood up lazily, marched towards him and hugged him from behind, kissing his bareback tenderly.

"Hello handsome." You purred. 

He didn't reply and sighed. He turned his head to stare at you, sadness in his eyes. You frowned.

"What is it?" You asked. 

"You talk in your sleep." He said. 

"And? Get to the point Felix." You hissed, eating the remaining of a apple. 

"You said you would exchange me for any kind of power." 

You stopped eating and glanced at Felix, your cheeks flushing a bit. You were kinda embarrassed. You may have said that yes and it was maybe true: in fact you didn't know which you preferred. Love made you stronger, you loved Felix it was a fact but wasn't the true power real power? Satan never loved anyone and he was so powerful. You cared a lot about power, and it never brought you prejudices. 

"It was just a dream. Don't think too much about it." You advised him, looking for clothes. "Do you want to visit the modern world with me?" You asked, trying to make him think of something else. 

The tall boy huffed and crossed his arms, his grey cold eyes piercing into you. He looked rather nice with only pants on. You licked your lips, thinking of all those nights when you two were tangled in the bed, glued onto each other and taking and making pleasure from behind with each other. 

"Why would you want to bring me to some bars you go? You always go to flirt with everyone anyway." 

"I was just trying to be nice!" You told him, glaring at him.

Felix kind of jolted and looked away. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down and pinched your nose. You turned to look at him. 

"Listen... I promise I won't do anything that kind. I won't go to a pub or bar I swear." 

"How can I know you will maintain your promise?" Felix questioned, an eye brow raised. 

"I know those last few days have been... rough for you and that I was not the loveliest person but I promise, this time nothing bad will happen." You said sincerely. "Tell you what: you will be the one to choose the era, the country and the city where we will be going!" You examined excitedly. "What do you say of that?" 

You hoped this peace offering would work. You were very sincere about it and your feelings toward the lean boy. He looked excited too, a small smile creeping on his face. He looked like a young puppy. It was very cute. You chuckled, shaking your head.

You cheered loudly as you drove the car down the path in California. It was the 1960's and you loved that area. Felix was on the passenger's seat, looking at the landscape. Everything was dry and the weather was quite hot, and you didn't exactly know why Felix chose those years but you rolled with it. 

You stopped the car near the beach, a few people were there but you didn't care. You exited the red car, Felix next to you and took your bag. You smiled at the sweet action.

"What a gentleman." You purred, putting on your sunglasses. "We should find a lonely place."

"You're right." 

Both of you walked up on the beach, ignoring the glances people were throwing at you because of your very short outfits. You rolled your eyes as some mothers whispered to their young ones about her. Eventually, the two of you walked in front of some men and of course, those dirty animals started whistling at you and throwing gross insults at you. You went to go charm them but Felix was far quicker: he jumped in front of them and punched a man with a scruff. The man took a few steps backwards and then fell on his back.

"If any of you useless piece of shit dares to look at my girl, I fucking swear I will have great pleasure playing with your intestines." Felix threatened. 

You were a bit shocked of this reaction but you were somewhat glad Felix stepped in. It was hot and it was a proof he liked you right? Maybe love was not that meaningful. The tall boy draped one of his arm around your shoulder, his hand bloody. You leant into his touch.

"My hero." You chuckled, glancing behind. "Damn you didn't miss." 

"No one touch what belongs to me." 

A smirk appeared on your face. Felix was being more and more hellish and it was very nice. You loved it. Some minutes later, you two have found a nice spot. It was between rocks, so no one could spy on you two. Felix was already undressing, eager to test the water. He must miss the sea. You however, didn't really like it. 

"Are you ready?" Felix asked, starting to walk towards the sea. 


"What is it?" 

"I don't know how to swim." You revealed, looking down at your fingers.

Felix's face made you understand he was very surprised by this fact about you. It was true that he didn't know much about you and your past, just the general information. 

"Are you kidding?" When he saw you weren't laughing, his mouth opened. "That can't be true." 

"Listen, in Hells, we don't have water: only lava."

"Some demons surf on the lava and swim in it." Felix replied.

"Yes but... if you want to go in the water, then go." You said as you sat down on the towel you brought. "It's going to be alright. Have fun, it's your day after all!" You gave him a reassuring smile.

He nodded back at you and ran towards the water, jumping in the waves and diving in. A genuine smile appeared on your face as you watched him diving in and playing around. You heard him laugh and it made you happy. One hour later, he showed up again, as the sun was setting. 

You welcomed him with a towel. He then sat down next to you, glancing at you from time to time. 

"What?" You asked him a bit annoyed with his staring.

"Why don't you want to swim? Each time you are near water, except when you take your bath or go to the thermal area in Hells, you are nervous. Too nervous. You're scared of water, aren't you? Did something happen?" 

You were silent and closed your eyes tightly. You had sworn to never tell this story to anyone, except to your superiors, so all the Princes of Hell, Lilith, the other big demons and Satan itself. They all knew the story and why you were so afraid of water. You sighed and tried to not look at Felix's handsome features.

"You want to know the truth?" You asked with a pathetic voice.

"Yes." He answered.

You rubbed your face to calm you down and collect yourself. 

"Alright. So, it's not a good story, it has a pretty bad ending. I was... I was driving a long time ago on the roads of Greece, back in 2006. I was o a vacation there with a guy I liked but he was an asshole so that day, I dumped him and left him all alone to go back to the country we lived." You started, with a low chuckle. "So... I was angry and I was driving pretty fast. The roads in Greece, especially in mountains, are kinda hard to drive in. It was raining too. My car... I don't know exactly what happened. Suddenly I was in the water, I couldn't get out of my car."

You stopped to take a shaky breath. You tried to not cry. 

"That's how I died. I drowned." 

Some tears rolled down on your cheeks. Your sunglasses was inside your back, so the blond haired boy could clearly see that you were sobbing. You didn't know what to do, you felt pathetic in front of Felix. You were a strong and powerful demon. 

You felt arms pulling you toward his chest. He was not completely dried off yet but it was a nice feeling. 

"Stop crying. You are a beautiful and strong demon. No such charming creature cries like a pathetic woman." Felix told you, wiping your tears away with his fingers. 

Then, he kissed you on the lips. It was a soft kiss. You craved for more. Felix's hands ran up and down your back. Your tight tank top was becoming a huge obstacle, so he started to unbutton it. You weren't wearing anything underneath, which was a huge no no for that time area but usually you didn't care. The blond haired boy's lips left your mouth to travel down your neck, reaching your breasts.

You moaned as he started to lick your nipples, and you felt the warmth bubbling in your stomach. Your womanhood started to feel so warm and hot, you needed Felix to touch you everywhere and for once, you didn't even want to be the dominant one. After all, it was his day. He could decide to do whatever he wanted. 

Your short and panty quickly disappeared as Felix started to thrust into you. You let go of small moans as the lean boy was rougher and rougher than usual. Your fingers scratched deeply into his back and you bite down his neck, leaving your signature into his skin. 

You were soon against a rock, the blond haired boy tugging at your hair. You truly wished to make more sounds, to yell in ecstasy as Felix ravishe you but you couldn't or else you will attract dirty little pigs and you hated when people you haven't invite watch what you were doing with your mortal lover. 

Felix came into your womanhood and he gasped against your mouth, his lips brushing yours. Your hands went to his hair, petting it softly. He kissed you passionately, whispering "I love you"'s and sweet things to you. 

The Hell Tournament would start today and damn were you excited. Felix was still sleeping in your bed, tangled in the sheets. You combed your hair quickly and made it into some braids. Next you needed your armour. You stood in front of your mirror, snapping your fingers until you get the nicest one and a good color sheet. You chose one with dark colours of course, with some details in silver and gold. You grinned and glanced at Felix, the sleepy head, who had just awoken. 

He yawned and stretched, observing you with curious eyes. You gave him a silly twirl. 

"You look nice in it." He told you.

"Of course. I look nice in everything." You huffed. "I won't probably be back before five or six hours." 

Feliz raised an eyebrow at that and rolled back in bed.

"I see. I guess it's quicker because demons are that powerful ugh?" 

"Yeah, weak ones are eliminated fast enough. Big demons fight until the last one is standing and this time... it won't be jewel, cups or weapons." You declared, ambition in your voice as you glanced at your reflection in the mirror. "It will be for the crown of Hells." 

Felix stayes silent and you guessed he went back to sleep. He was exhausted after all the training he had with you (he asked you to teach him some hell techniques of fighting), a steamy shower and a very... unforgettable night. 

You exited your home and flew to the arena. A lot of demons were there, more than usual. You didn't care: as soon as you arrived, all heads turned to you. They were all afraid of you. Lilith was there too, wearing a beautiful gold and red dress. She was speaking to some queens and kings from the mortal realm. You thought she was speaking to Marie Antoinette. 

Satan appeared, everyone cheered for him as he bowed ridiculously. 

"Salutations to you all, my fellow demons. As you all know, now is your chance to win the ultimate prize of the Hells Tournament!" 

You cheered after him, your voice louder than any demon in the small room. You loved to fight and were a excellent fighter. Your love for power was growing harder and harder, you could almost grab the crown Satan had in his claws. 

"Let the game begins!" Satan yelled, flames engulfing his body, disappearing from the small stage. 

You roared as you cut a demon's arm with your sword then twirled on yourself to block someone's attack. You hit her in the guts, took her long red hair and yanked at it so far it almost fell out of her skull. 

You let out a maniac laugh as you used your powers like never. You were pretty sure Lilith was cheering for you, you could hear her voice from above and Satan was probably watching you too. You smirked as you advanced to the last of the fighters: some Princes of Hells, some higher demons and a strange looking demon, wearing a bloody red and silver armour, using a dagger, crossbow and a pole weapon. 

You didn't know that demon but you didn't care: you will won that crown and those hellish powers. You "killed" Erzon and Flamin, the twins Princes of Hell and you attacked the remaining demon standing. That strange fellow dodged mainly all your attacks, but what was strange was that it was fighting like you, with your own techniques. Finally, you tackled him against the hot ground of the arena, pressing your blade down its neck. 

"Who the fuck are you?" You hissed as you succeeded to remove his great helm.

You froze upon the sight below you. It was not a demon. It was Felix. Everything was so silent. 

"What the?!" 

The blond haired boy punched you in the face and you fell down. You shook your head and rolled over as he attacked you. Then you stood up quickly, took him by his left arm to twist it and you heard a horrible sound, a cracking sound. Felix screamed in pain and looked at you with a painful look. You had broken his arm. Then you punched him with your sword and let him fall to the floor. 

You had won. But you weren't happy. You were enraged. 

You entered into the room angrily and glared at Felix who was sitting on the sofa. His arm was bandaged with a cast and his scar was reopened.

"How could you?!" You screamed at him.

"Do what?" Felix asked calmly. 

"You know what I fucking mean! Oh my fucking god Felix! You could have been killed!"

"You nearly did kill me!" He protested, standing up. "I was right, Satan and Lilith were right!"

"Wait what?" You toned out in a dumb way.

Felix rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. He sat down again and stared at you. 

"They came to speak to me multiple times." He revealed. "They told me about your strange behaviours, that the only way to know if you were really in love with me was to know if you would let me win the Tournament." 

"What?! That's insane!" You exclaimed as you paced in the room. 

"I got my answer." He said calmly and simply. 

"You know what? Yeah! Yeah I fucking love power, more than you because with the power, at least I am never let down by anyone in my freaking life!" 

You stormed out of the room, angry tears running down your face. You hide in a corner in Hells, near a pit of lava for a few days, the crown still on your head. You took it and observed it from every angle possible. You would become the greatest queen of Hells. No one will stop you. Your reign will start as soon as Satan will make it official and he will then crown you in front of every living creature in Hells. 

Being queen of Hells was wonderful: you had all the greatest and darkest powers, was almighty and ruled over a gigantic kingdom. You loved it. Your room had improved and you and Felix... Well, you were like blocked. He had betrayed you after all. He didn't trust you enough. To be honest, you didn't really care: you had sex with other creatures and demons and mortals. Sometimes Felix would appear and try to talk to you but you didn't listen. You had important things to deal with now that you were queen.

But one night, when you came back to your room, Felix was nowhere to be seen. He had left, you didn't know how. Maybe Lilith helped him ran away. You didn't care. At all. He must have run back like a dog to that nasty Peter Pan. 

Some weeks passed, months passed, even years. Power ran down your veins, you had grown wiser and smarter... and also kinder. Power changed you in a way. 

Sometimes, you would cry at night. Cry because you missed your old life, missed when you thought ruling over an empire was easy. You were so foolish back then. You were surrounded by idiots too. Satan and Lilith went on a trip to Hawaii with the Princes of Hells. 

You sighed as you played with your hair, reading some papers, and reports, who died, when, where how and what was their judgement. You couldn't rest so you have decided to work. Suddenly, you threw your writing and inked feather to the wall, as well as your crown which fell heavily on the ground. You let out a scream. You had enough. You needed to leave, to find yourself once again. Maybe you should place a regent? That sounded like a great idea. You had chosen Satan for that and left a quick note to him, taking the crown with you. It was known that whoever's get the crown would get the throne and you just needed a small vacation.

You hide in the shadows, travelling to the biggest portal in Hells. You wondered where you could go. You decided somewhere nice, where no one knew you. With a flip of your hand, the heavy and long mirror showed you a small town called Storybrooke, a small city hidden by magic, where everyone had their memories whipped by the Evil Queen. A perfect place to hide. You jumped into the portal and you landed in a forest. 

Looking around, you mentally noted the three dark trees around a small destroyed well. It was by this way you would go back home. Changing your clothes and hiding the crown in your bag, you decided to go to town. You entered the local dinner, ordering a sweet hot drink and some crepes. The waitress, whose name you learnt was Ruby, gave them to you with a smile and talked to you for a bit, since there were just you, some old men huddled in a corner and the apparently mayor of the town.

"What is your name? I never seen you around here before." Ruby asked as she poured more coffee in your cup.

"I am (Y/N)... (Y/N) Bond." 

Ruby chuckled at your surname and you cracked a smile. You had to admit that you liked the character of James Bond. You always loved reading the books when you were up in the mortal world for whatever business and sometimes, stopping by to watch the newest movie. Your favourite James Bond by far was Daniel Craig. Then, you felt a powerful presence near you and you didn’t turn, not scared, but just not wanting to move because you were lazy. 

"Well Miss Bond, welcome to Storybook." A sinister voice said. It was the mayor's.

You stared back at her, understanding it was a threat and decided to keep on a very low profile. You didn't know how much time you would stay out there but you hoped it will be enough to cure you from your current mental state. It would be like a vacation, right?

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