Slowly Falling In Love
You hated how Felix was.
He always was so full of himself, always mean and horrible with everyone. You stopped counting the numbers of boys who were being heavily injured by him. No one dared to speak to Felix. He spoke with his fists and not his mind.
You were known as a kind and soft spoken girl, you were considered as a mother by some boys (usually by the littlest ones), always taking care and tending to the boys. That was the price to pay to live in safety and on the island, that's why Pan tolerated you. He knew how much you were valuable for them.
You appreciated every boy. You understood their histories, their traumas. After all, there was indeed an reason why they were living here. The only one who didn't break his shell was Felix. Each time you tried talking to him, or even tried to take care of his wounds, he would yell at you and push you away.
One time he even tried to raise an hand on you, and Devin slammed him against the ground before he could do anything. After some times, you realised Felix was just an horrible being. He loved to kill and hurt people. That's all he was doing.
You sighed as you finished putting the boys clothes on a line between two trees near a small hill, it was getting pretty late but you were certain of making back to the camp safely. You took the wooden basket and turned around only to face a pointy sword. You gasped as you saw the captain Hook, the infamous pirate who often sailed his ship around the island. You didn't understand why Pan let him walking around, he was after all a serious threat.
You started to get nervous as more pirates showed up. You only encountered Hook and his crew a couple of times, usually when he was making deals with Peter Pan.
"Hello." You breathed out with a shaking voice as you tried to back away.
"Always so polite… I wonder why you didn't turn like every boy on this island… dirty and mouth full of bad words."
"What do you want Hook?" You asked.
He snickered as he put down his sword. As you backed away to the tree, he leant next to you. It made you incredibly uneasy and you cursed your short height.
"What I want? I want you to follow me, so I can finally lay a trap for Pan and kill him."
He was so close and you gagged at what he just said. There was no way you could escape him. Maybe if you gained more times, the boys will start looking for you.
"What makes you think Pan will come to save me?"
"Well, you are his precious diamond, a jewel from Neverland. I am pretty sure he would come running after you because you're like… his second in command."
"I am not Felix."
"I know you are easier to capture and you won't put a fit when we get you." He replied.
"Say that again!" A voice yelled from behind the wet laundry.
You didn't understand what was happening but someone tackled you down and suddenly, you were both rolling across the hill. The rocks and branches were slicing your clothes and skin.
Then, you stopped at a rocky area and you released a breath. Someone was laying in top of you and you could only see a dirty head full of blond tangled hair laying on your chest. You didn't have time to think after hearing a crack beneath you and you both fell into a small cave with a scream.
Your back was hurting you but after a quick check, you didn't have anything broken. You would just have huge bruises for a few weeks. The person was still laying on you and you pushed him off you when you realised who it was. The boy fell next to you with a groan.
"Felix! What… How? Why did you do that?!"
"A thank you would have suffice you know?" He stated, sitting against the wall. "If it was not for me, you would be captured by Hook and we will have to come rescue you, which is a waste of time."
"Why are you so mean?" You hissed. "You are always.. being an ass with everyone except Pan! What, are you in love with him or something?"
He huffed and glared at you from the other side or the cave. It was rather small and there was a huge hole above the both of you. You wondered if there was any way to climb there and go back to camp. You touched the rocks and realised it was too much slippery for you to climb on.
"We're trapped here you idiot."
"I am not an idiot!" You hissed at the blond haired boy.
"Look at that, she has fire after all. I always thought you were a weak girl."
"Shut up." You growled, understanding there was no way you could leave.
The boys would notice your absence. They always do. You hoped they would come quickly, you didn't want to spend the night with Felix, all alone. You didn't know what he was thinking and it made you uneasy. You didn't know him well but you knew a lot to know that he was never messing around.
You could see the bright moon, and the stars were shining brightly. A typical night in Neverland. It was never hot, never cold. It was a mystery, and you were pretty sure it was because of Pan and his magic. Once he got pretty mad when the pirates took some lost boys hostages and it was the first time you saw a storm on the island. It was incredible.
You felt something hitting you at your leg and you frowned. When you realised it was coming from Felix, who was throwing little rocks at you, you took a bigger one and hit him straight in the face. He howled in pain, clutching his cheek. It was a little bruised but nothing too serious. Last thing you needed was to take care of him. You always hated to care for the blond haired boy when he was injured or sick.
"You bitch!"
"You asshole." You hissed back, clearly showing your disdain for him. "You started it!"
"I was bored."
"See, that's why no one likes you Felix. You always hurt people!"
He stared at you for a second and you grew worried. It was a mortifying glance, his hard cold eyes were glued on yours. You then instantly regretted saying this to him, knowing well he could kill you just by squeezing your throat. You gulped, awaiting for an aggressive reply but it didn't came. Surprisingly, he mumbled something else.
"That's the only way I know to speak to people."
At that moment, you didn't see any old teenager but a little boy. You didn't know how to feel or how to act. It was a first one for you, he never showed this vulnerable side of him. As much as you wanted to mock him (because he clearly deserved for all the things he did to you and the boys), you didn't. Instead, you looked at him sadly, hoping to learn more.
"I don't want you to pity me like you do with the other boys."
"I never do that. You're free to speak or not. You may be an ass but I am sure there is something under this thick shell of yours." You said, offering the tall boy a smile.
He huffed and jerked his head to the side, ignoring you and your weak attempts to let him open to you. You heard him mumbling to himself, you were pretty sure it was something about you. You sighed and decided to close your eyes. All those troubles made you pretty sleepy and you slowly fell into a deep slumber.
You woke up with a start, feeling something next on you. You turned your head and realised it was Felix. You wondered why he was there. He was close enough for you to hear him breathing and you knew he wasn't sleeping. Then you realised that's the heavy thing on you was just his cloak and you were… a little surprised by that. Still it was a step in your direction so you decided to not say something about it. You raises your head and realised you were still both trapped in the hole. Why those boys are taking that long to get you both out of here?
"Go back to sleep." He told you.
"The boys aren't still there?" You asked softly, knowing already the answer.
"Apparently not or else you would be sleeping in your bed."
It was weird and you hoped they will find you two quickly. You resisted the urge to cuddle next to Felix and turned to not face him. It would have been pretty embarrassing if you had started doing that. You knew some boys enjoyed it but not cold hard Felix.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Hm. Yeah. Of course. But quick, I really want to sleep." You replied with a yawn.
"What… Ugh, I am so bad at this." He groaned. "I just wondered why you hated me so much."
"I strongly dislike you." You corrected him. "Because you're always so mean, and hard with everyone. You are always after someone, beating them up physically or morally. I don't know why Pan favourites you. To be honest, you are a pretty shitty person. You're an ass."
You heard him shift and you resisted again to turn and cuddle the poor boy. You hated doing that but somehow you felt good to reveal to him what was your opinion on him.
"But… I can't blame you. I mean… You must have a pretty good reason to be like that. Pan did take you on Neverland, and I don't think it was because you were strong" You stopped talking, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. "I… I hear you sometimes when you're asleep."
"What do you mean?"
"Once you were screaming. You don't probably remember it but it woke me up. It woke all of us. Pan made the boys swore to not tell what happened. Felix, for God's sake, you were sobbing and I didn't know what to do. You looked so unstable, you tried to kill me!"
Felix stayed silent for a moment and you wishes to not have bring up that.
"I was dreaming about my past." He whispered. "That's why I don't like sleeping."
You didn't know what to say next and you thought he was going to say more. He didn't tho and you had to admit you were a little disappointed by that. You didn't pressure him to speak more and decided to sleep again.
The next morning, the cloak was ripped out of your body and you gasped. Your hair was a mess but it was not the matter right now. Felix was looking down at you, having that mean glaze in his eyes. You frowned not understanding what was going on. You heard all kind of voices and wondered what was happening.
"The boys are here." The second in command said simply, climbing up a rope.
You quickly followed behind and when you touched the ground above, the boys welcomed you back with a giant hug. You laughed at their antics but still was focused on Felix and his next moves: he regained his actual composure and urged everyone to go back to camp.
You hoped that what happened that last night will make him think of his behaviour with the others. He couldn't just keep everything to himself, but you knew he wouldn't start to share what was on his mind with the others and you. He had too much pride.
That night, you didn't expect him to enter your tent. You were just about to go to sleep, starting to brush your hair, freeing it from any tangles. You were facing the entrance but immediately recognized him. You stood up from your seat and asking him what did he wanted.
"I just…" He mumbled, not looking at you. "Thank you."
"For what?" You asked, a little confused.
"I don't know, I just felt the need to tell you this."
You smiled genuinely at him, approached and stood on your tiptoes. You kissed his cheek, near his scar and you instantly felt his skin heating up. You giggled as his face went red and he pulled his hood, trying to hide himself.
He was speechless, not able to form a single sentence. He was stuttering so much words at one it was hard to understand him. It was honestly cute.
"I…" He started. "I have to go on my patrol." He quickly said.
"Have a good night Felix." You replied, staring at him. "Don't get yourself killed."
He darted out of your tent and you swirled around before falling on your bed with a giggle. You didn't know why, but… something was changing in you. You smiled to yourself like an idiot before slipping under your covers and falling fast asleep.
Notes: this will be in several parts and I still didn't find a good name for this story. Thanks for reading it!
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