Peau d'Âne's daughter and the Lost Boy part 2
Felix's days were… interestingly boring.
He wasn't allowed to go outside on his own, even the slightest. He was not allowed to run the shop alone as well, which he found dumb. Wasn't he supposed to help them some way or another? Rumpletilskin was always barking after him, treating him like a dog, which made Felix angry. They could be heard on the streets, bickering and yelling at each other on some days. It was a wonder how the blond haired boy was not punished for those outbursts.
Oddly enough, he started to enjoy Belle's presence. She was a good break from two powerful and gloomy characters that were the Dark One and (Y/N). Belle started bringing him books after he said he didn’t find anything interesting and that's how Felix would spend most of the day: reading either on the sofa near the window or in the bedroom. Also, for someone who had a messy room, (Y/N) surprisingly didn't spend much time in it. She was absent most of the time, Felix noticed. He didn’t know where she went during the day, but he knew that during the evenings, she was either at a friend's house or partying outside. The blond haired boy didn't mind: he enjoyed the quietness when he was reading.
This day however, (Y/N) was present. And she looked as bored as she was. She was pacing around the shop like a lion in a cage, touching objects that had a sign "Do not touch!" on it. Felix didn't know where Rumpletilskin was and he didn't care about his whereabouts. Finally a day he could spend without getting screamed at, or without getting nearly stabbed by a fork because he used the wrong silverware to eat the salad.
So yes, Felix was very pleased to be alone in the bedroom. The book he had been reading since a few days ago was White Fangs by Jack London. Belle had brought him another one from the author, named The Call of the Wild. Was it strange for him to relate to the main characters? It felt like all his life: when he was out on the streets, like Buck when he was a sled dog, other people showed him skills to survive.
Then, hearing Pan's call for the first time, it felt like his life was finally taking a good direction. He had a family,(somewhat, the boys seemed to fear him more than they wanted to befriend him. He had always suspected his age and his height for this), and Pan… Pan had always been at his side since their meeting. Felix still saw him as a deity, or something like that, he had been marveled by the numerous powers Pan showed during fights or to impress the boys. After that…. Well those godforsaken heroes destroyed it all, they brought false promises of happiness and of homes and the other boys bought it quickly. What was that? What about loyalty? Was it because Pan punished them too much?
Was Neverland harsh? Yes but it needed to be: they needed to protect this green jewel from pirates like Hook or other undesirable people. Not able to concentrate on the sentences, the blond haired boy took a deep breath and went back to the top of the page, ready to read again. His mind was as messy as the room.
"What are you reading?"
He raised his head from the book, and saw (Y/N) standing in the doorway, leaning against it.
"White Fang." He showed her the cover. "I like that writer. Jack London."
"Well, White Fang, would you like to watch a movie with me? I am bored, the shop is closed, and Rumpletilskin is on a date with Belle." She told him with a annoyed sigh. "I will even let you choose the movie! I am a pretty indecisive person."
Why did she want to spend time with him? He was their prisoner. Yes, he may be living in a golden cage but deep down, he didn't forget his status. He could even call himself a slave. But, Felix gave in and carefully put a bookmark made of cardboard that he drew on it and closed his book, beside his cushion.
"Fine. I was getting bored anyway." He lied, as he was greatly appreciating his book. "What kind of movies should we watch?" He asked as they both came downstairs. The word felt foreign on his tongue, there was nothing like a movie back in Neverland or back… back in his old life.
"Well, you will be the one choosing." She led him to the living room and to a shelving unit. "I am going to make us some popcorn."
"What's popcorn?" He asked but it was too late: she was already out of the room. He groaned and his attention went back to the full shelves. He had a hard time reading the titles and decided to just choose one randomly.
(Y/N) came back quickly with a glass bowl filled with little white round things. Felix turned to her with a movie and handed it to her. In exchange, she gave him the bowl.
"Into the woods? Didn't know you were a musical fan, Felix." She chuckled and he felt a bit insulted. Was it a bad choice?
"We can change if you don't like it."
"No! No, this is good. I mean, we are fairytale characters and this speaks about fairytales. Kind of fitting."
He hummed at her comment and settled himself on the couch, waiting for (Y/N) to start the weird magic box.
She practically jumped on the sofa and she stared at him for a second, giggling. He rolled his eyes at her childish behaviour. The movie then started and she oddly got closer to him, bringing a blanket with her. He didn’t really know how to react so he pretended that it wasn't bothering him. He kept thinking of keeping a clear and neutral face.
The young woman was also starting to fall asleep. He groaned when she started to breath loudly, which was ruining the movie. And he couldn't hear what the characters were saying! Groaning, he reached for the "remote". He had seen her pressing some buttons before, how hard could it be?
"Felix…" She whined, eyes closed and put her head on his chest which made him blush madly. His heart started to beat hard in his chest as well, and he feared she may hear it. "What are you doing?"
"I am trying to put the volume up for the movie." He answered, his eyes focusing on the remote. "I am trying to do it on my own." He then added as Sharon, that he learnt that she was (Y/N)'s familiar, appeared and jumped on his knees. Felix was a bit scared of the cat: he was sure she was spying on him with her big green eyes. But the cat seemed to appreciate him. She laid down near her owner, and purred as she rubbed her head on Felix's arm. "Can you tell your cat to leave?"
"No… she is so cute. She likes you a lot!" (Y/N) smiled as she gave some pets to her cat. "You should pet her sometimes."
"I will… or not." He let out a sigh and gave up on the remote. His hand went into the popcorn bowl and he started to eat a few. Sharon the cat tried to eat some as well but he lifted the bowl high enough so she wouldn't be able to access to it. The cat let out a angry puff and finally left the room.
"I am going to bed... feel free to watch any other movies. Have a good evening Felix." (Y/N) told him with a sweet smile, which strangely made him ill in the stomach. He heard her going upstairs and he let out another sigh, not enjoying being on his own.
He didn’t like his new environment that much, though he enjoyed being alone most of the times. If he didn't like it in that moment, it was because of everything that surrounded him: the TV, the remote... Every modern thing was complexe and it took several days for him to learn and understand them.
(Y/N) had also gifted him a "phone". Rumpletilskin was displeased about this and he remembered how in the evening the both of them had a rather loud and huge fight. He didn’t know why the Dark One had been furious about that item and he didn't bother to question it. Learning how to use a phone had been hard as well but (Y/N) had been right: phones were very useful. She would send a message whenever she would leave for a party and so he could sleep on both ears.
After the movie ended, he struggled to switch off the TV for several minutes. Then, he started to walk up to their shared bedroom and he opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Of course, the cat was curling on his mattress and he groaned, as he tried to not wake her up.
Rumpletilskin had tasked him to clean up the attic. He tried to throw a fit, as he now prefered to read but he didn't dare to risk it. If he had done it, maybe he would have been punished and that was out of question. He still needed to hatch a plan to free Peter Pan and to get out of here.
He waited for the bucket to be full before taking it off the sink and started to walk toward the attic with no difficulty, being used to carry a huge club, it was no problem to carry a full bucket of steaming water up. Thinking back about his plan, he didn't know what to do actually. He didn’t know where Pan was, so maybe he should start snooping around to get this information.
But then what? He opened the door and closed it behind him. He let out a groan when he realised the room didn't have a working light, so he used his phone and put near a book so he could have some light when he was mopping the floor.
Coming back to what was bothering his mind, if he could find Pan first, that would be great but then what again? How could he free Pan? He didn't have any knowledge on magic. At least he knew that he was imprisoned in a magic box. Perhaps he could bribe (Y/N) into helping him? That seemed possible. He knew enough of her life now to use some information against her, but he felt bad and a bit upset when he thought about doing it.
The attic was full of unknown objects that scared him a little: there were, for example, jars filled with animals and… human parts. He quickly averted his eyes to something else. There was a broken piano again, in a much worse state than the one in the shop. There was a rose that didn't fade at all except for its colours. It was sad.
Something eventually caught his eyes: a transparent and long box, with something inside. He approached it slowly, trying not to make any noises. He let out a small admiring sound as he lightly touched the box.
Inside was a wand. It was sparkly, long, and rectangular, and it was shining under the light of the phone (Y/N) gifted him. He put the phone on the table beside the box and quickly opened it, feeling a very strange and strong urge to take it.
The wand felt light in his hands, as if it was weighing nothing. He felt instantly warm as well, and felt like he could move mountains or change the colour of the clouds. Is that how Peter felt when he was using his powers? Did he feel that warm and confident and giddy?
Maybe he could do magic after all? He had never tried, Pan never tried to teach him. He never spoke about teaching magic to him ever. It was like his secret. That way, maybe Felix could free him? They could both escape to Neverland if he knew magic. They would be stronger together.
Seeing something from the corner of his eyes suddenly, he moved around, branding the wand like it was a sword. However, something sparked from the wand and a small painting of a young girl caught fire.
"Shit!" Felix exclaimed as he went to the water bucket he had brought with him to clean the attic. He took an old blue vest that was laying there, dumped it into water and started hitting the painting with his full force. Then, he laid the vest down and sighed in relief when the fire didn't start again.
Finally, his gaze went back to the wand that he had thrown on the ground when he realised about the fire. Crouching down, he took it back delicately, afraid he had broken it. Maybe it was worth keeping… but he would definitely put it back in the box. He was certain Rumpletilskin wouldn't notice the absence of the wand from the attic: if it was there in the first place, it was probably to keep it out of sight and out of mind.
When he finished, he put the cleaning supplies back in the storage room and then went back to retrieve the wand. He put his Neverland's cloak around it so it was a bit hidden, and thought about putting it in his drawer. (Y/N) had kindly given him some space for his clothes and books, and he was sure she wouldn't feel the wand. Well, hopefully she won't.
The days went by again slowly and boringly. (Y/N) was never there and he wondered why. He felt hurt that she wouldn't want to spend time with him. Rumpletilskin was as charming as always but luckily Belle was here to cool things down. She cooked well too. It changed from what he usually ate.
Felix had been in charge of the shop several times as well. He was surprised the first time it happened. It seemed the Dark One started to trust him a little, which was good in a way. However, he didn't like how the old man would stare down at Sharon, the familiar, and instruct her to look after Felix. What could this cat do anyway? Meow and shit everywhere?
As he was rearranging the paperwork behind the counter, some accidentally fell when a draught pushed them down on the ground. He rolled his eyes, not noticing the strange moment he had felt as all the windows and the door were closed, crouched down and started to gather them quickly. He wanted to take a nap.
A box then fell to the ground.
He stopped breathing. He didn’t touch anything and that thing fell on his own. It was weird and it was freaking him out. Someone must be trying to scare him… but no one else than him was present in the shop.
"Sharon." He gently called the cat who came running and meowing. Was it strange for him to have her at his side in case something happened?
His hands were shaking but he gripped the wood box in his hands, not wanting to let it fall a second time. It was a plain and ordinary box but it had the shape of a music one. How strange again… He hesitated for several minutes until he opened it. Perhaps it was a bad idea but something inside him wanted it to happen.
As soon as he lifted the top of the box, he started to hear a little tune, and a little blond fairy wearing purple was spinning to the sound. He let out a nervous laughter, feeling silly for imagining the worst, like releasing a mystical beast.
He shouldn't have thought that.
In mere seconds, the fairy figure started to spin more and more intensely and faster. The box started to shake as well and it grew hot, eventually burning Felix's hands. He pushed the box on the counter and looked at Sharon who hissed in fright but stood in front of him protectively. Then, there was a bright light that blind him for several seconds and he was pushed against the wall by a burst of magic.
His ears were ringing too and he hesitated to open his eyes. He hoped no monster had been released or Rumpletilskin would kill him. He heard someone walking toward him and he realised his mistake. Yes, he was dead.
"My dear boy, what are you doing like this on the ground?" A soft voice asked and he was so surprised of sweet the person sounded as well that he felt he was dreaming. "Did I frighten you?"
He eventually opened his eyes and was astounded by what he was seeing. It was a beautiful woman. It was like she was surrounded by a halo of light as well. His eyes shyly went to her face, he felt like a child again. She was tall and slender, slim and very stunning. Her hair was blond and short with diamond hair clips shaped in flowers, and she had the same pattern on her necklace. Just like the fairy in the music box, she was a sheer purple dress that suited her well. She had a kind face, it made Felix more appeased of the situation. The woman made him feel trusted and loved and protected, and those feelings weren't really known to him.
"Dear child, how are you feeling?" She questioned as she approached him. The cat immediately went to rub herself on the newcomer, which Felix took for a good sign.
"I am... I am okay." He replied, despite his ears still ringing a little. "I guess I am."
"You are not the Dark One... Or are you the new one?" She then asked, and it looked like she suddenly tensed.
"No I am just..." He was a slave. "I am just working there. Freely."
Her eyes seemed to notice the bracelet on his wrist. He wanted to hide it away but her hands flew to his and she gently lifted it so she could inspect it. She had a sad look on her face after.
"My poor child, I am sorry this had happened to you. No one should force you to do anything."
Her voice was oh so reassuring. He wanted to hug her. Those urges were new to him and he felt bothered by them. So, he decides to ask her a few questions.
"Why were you in the music box?"
"The Dark One trapped me there." She answered as she placed the box on the counter. "To avoid me spoiling his plan I suppose. He must have messed with my god daughter..."
(Y/N) bursted through the door, a fireball in her hand, ready to fight the stranger in the shop. The lost boy went in front of the woman and begged the young woman to not kill her yet.
"She is a intruder! Did she hurt you?" She then asked as she eyed the stranger. "I called Rumpletilskin he is coming."
"I can't believe it... When I left you... Oh." The woman gasped as she made her way toward them. "You... You are her daughter."
"Who the fuck are you?!" (Y/N) roared, placing Felix behind her.
"I am the Lilac Fairy. Your mother's fairy godmother."
There was a tensed silence after that. Felix looked worriedly at (Y/N) who wasn't moving but rather breathing heavily. He approached her and asked if she was feeling alright. Her eyes seemed to soften at his view but he realised that held such a furious wrath that he didn't dare to stand in her way.
"You are saying nonsense. Rumpletilskin helped my mother and in exchange she gave me to him."
"This is what he must have made you believed. I helped your mother to escape your grandfather when he wanted to marry her." The fairy started to recall as she stared with fondness to the younger woman. "Rumpletilskin had tried to get involved as well but I pushed him off many times. Unfortunately... I..."
"(Y/N)! Don't move, I am taking care of it!" A booming voice interrupted the fairy and a fireball went past Felix so fast he couldn't dodge it.
He hissed in pain as his arm had been burnt. He touched it and nearly threw up, smelling his burnt flesh. (Y/N) turned to him and hovered her hand above his injury and healed them in little time. He muttered a thank you as Rumpletilskin walked up to the fairy.
"What are you doing here?!" He screamed at her.
"That kind gentleman freed me."
"Felix?" The Dark One turned his head and glared at him. "We will talk about this later."
He gulped nervously, remembering the many threats the old man had pronounced towards him. He stepped back to the young woman who was looking between her father figure and the fairy. He felt bad suddenly for putting her through this. But how could he have known that the fairy was also the fairy godmother?
He should leave. Being here will make the situation worse, he didn't know the full story. But he also wanted to stay in order to support (Y/N) through this difficult moment.
"Rumple we have to talk." (Y/N) said in a serious tone, which was unfit for her personality. "She told..."
"She is lying."
"Why did you lie to this child?" The Lilac fairy then questioned the Dark One. "Why didn't you tell her the truth?"
He was probably afraid (Y/N) wouldn't like him as much as she did. The young woman seemed to love him like a father and respected him as well. Felix felt awkward and out of place: it was not his business, so he moved towards the back of the shop to give them some space. He was stopped by the Dark One who violently pushed him back.
"You...!" He pointed his finger at him and Felix froze. "We will speak about this once she disappears once and for all."
Felix wanted to justify himself, balling his fists in anger but he caught the Lilac fairy's eyes and he instantly calmed down.
"No. I want to hear what she has to say." (Y/N) said, as she desperately looked at the fairy as well. "My mom... she didn't want to give me up?" Her voice broke at the end.
"Of course not! She was a very sweet woman. How would she abandon her child to the hands of someone like the Dark One? What did you do to her?" The Lilac fairy asked Rumpletilskin who was quiet all of the sudden.
"Please just say something!" (Y/N) begged him, and she walked up to him. "Why did you lie to me? Why didn't you say anything about the fairy?"
"Because it was the only way to hide the truth to you. I... forced your parents to give you up." Rumpletilskin admitted. He sat down on the couch and sighed, rubbing his hands on his face. "I foresaw a child with strong magic and it was you. I had to... After Bae left me... I just wanted someone to transmit my knowledge."
"All those years you lied to me and said that my parents didn't care about me!" She screamed at him, in a rightful anger. "You used me!"
"I didn't use you! I love you like you are my own daughter!"
Felix was bothered to be there in that moment. It was obviously not his place, but... maybe he could comfort her after the argument. He glanced at the fairy who didn't seem sad or happy that Rumpletilskin was suffering and he wondered why.
"Where are you going?!" The Dark One exclaimed as (Y/N) left to the backroom without a word.
He quickly followed her, but she was walking so fast he had to run in order to catch her. She slammed her bedroom door in his face and he waited a moment before entering. The room was in a mess, more than usual. The young woman was putting clothes in a backpack furiously, mumbling something.
"What are you doing?" He asked softly.
"I am leaving."
"What?! You can't do that!" Felix protested, as he stood in the doorway, trying to trap her in the room. "You can't leave!"
"Of course I am leaving!" She snapped at him, and he swore he felt the walls and the ground shake as she spoke. "You have no idea how... how fucking furious I am! I want nothing to do with him, or the shop or the house!"
But what about him? Why would she do that to him? He closed the door behind him and practically jumped on her. He didn’t know how to hug people but he tried. He tried to make her feel that he liked her, that he didn't want her to leave him alone. He was praying intensely for his embrace to work.
She was not moving and he could feel her tensed up from the hug. Felix had never been a physical person, not enjoying the contact but he made an effort to show her he cared. She couldn’t leave. His head was on the top of hers and he closed his eyes, enjoying her perfume. He then felt gentle fingers rubbing his back up and down. He sighed in relief and perhaps in pleasure too. She wasn't leaving. She was sure of it.
"Felix… I have to leave." No she couldn't, he hugged a bit tighter but she got away by disappearing and reappearing close to him. "For my own mental health. It's… important for me."
"No! Just… Can't you just avoid him but stay herd?"
"Why do you care so much?" She asked abruptly, her eyes staring into his as if she was luring him into saying the truth.
"I… We are… acquainted. I care because you seem to care about me." He quickly spoke with a stammering voice.
She studied his face for a moment and then sighed. She went back to packing her bag and he knew it was over. (Y/N) decided that she was leaving and there was nothing or no one that could stop her. Felix sat down on her bed defeated.
"I need some space right now but… I still have my phone. I will text and call you. I promise." She shyly whispered as she walked over him and kissed his cheek, which made them both blush. "Take care of Sharon for me, will you? She will need someone good." She gave him a faint smile before taking her bag.
(Y/N) glanced one final time towards him and Felix still wanted to prevent her from disappearing. But her decision was unfortunately made. She winked at him and as he blinked, the young woman was gone.
Sucking a breath, he laid back on her bed and felt something salty rolling down his cheeks. He was crying. It was the first time in a very long time actually. The last time was when he had been kicked out, he was screaming and begging his parents to not abandon him. And there he was again: crying because he had been abandoned.
Sharon went into the room and seemed to search for her owner. But then she spotted him and climbed the bed. She started to purr and rub her head on his hand, wanting more pets. He chuckled sadly and turned on his side, cuddling the little black cat.
And he had completely forgotten about freeing Peter Pan and escaping to Neverland. All he cared about at that moment was (Y/N). She was the only thing he had in mind. He hated to admit that but… he clearly was in love with her.
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