I won't say I am in love

It was a usual day, birds chirping, the sun shining, boys playing dangerous and murderous games. You sighed, fanning yourself with your hands; it was hotter than usual so the boys decided to go to the beach. Of course the only one being grumpy about it was Felix. When you thought about it, the second in command never participated in those peaceful activities. He was always the first when it came to violence. He rarely joined the usual activities. It was incredible he was there, and you wondered why. Usually he would avoid big crowds.

Sitting on a rock with your trusty sword at your side, you observed the other boys playing around, splashing themselves and stupidly trying to play fight. You didn't feel comfortable taking off your clothes and being in only undergarments amongst the other older boys. Felix wasn't even in the water too: he was across from you. You thought you caught him staring at you,but it was probably a trick of mind.

You relaxed and started to lay down, feeling the warmth of the sun, which was very comfortable. You may have fallen asleep, but someone shook you out of it. You opened your eyes, confused and annoyed. You just wanted to rest and take a nap.

"What?" You groaned, when you realized it was a young lost boy, panic spread all over his face..

"Felix was taken by mermaids!" The boy shouted into your ears in such a high pitched tone that it made you flinch. One day, you would end up deaf.

"I don't see the problem: you guys told me you hated Felix." You replied with a shrug, and it was true. Boys easily opened up to you and their hatred for the second in command was something they had in common. For yourself you never really found a bond to him. He was cold, not necessarily rude, yet distant.

"Yes but… if Pan knows we did nothing to save him, he's going to literally roast us." He shuddered, and you knew it was not an empty threat. Pan could do that. "You're the best swimmer out of everyone!"

"Oh my god, okay, I will go but stop yelling!" You groaned and rose to your feet.

You only knew one cave that the mermaids actually lived in: you never went there but Pan did tell you about it. So you started there, hoping to find the second in command and to bring him home quickly. God you hated rescue missions. Everyone always turned to you to help  them. But it was also the only exciting thing you could do on the island, being a girl you didn't have much choice but to do chores and play mother with the boys.

You sighed as you finally found the hole leading to the cave, and you could hear giggles from it. You wondered what the mermaids were doing to Felix, probably braiding his hair and putting flowers in it? It could be funny, you loved to see the blond haired boy embarrassed. He was always so serious, which was a contrast to Pan who was always goofy and childish.

You started to crawl into the hole, cursing as you felt your thin clothes ripping on the rocks. Even your hands started bleeding. He better repay me for this!

It was getting tighter and tighter and you wondered if it was a good idea to have come running after Felix like that. You shouldn't have done it. It was a stupid idea. But why did you immediately jump to your feet? This wasn’t like yourself, you were a very careful girl, always sketching a plan before jumping into the action.

You recalled the moments when you were alone with him, it was pretty rare. You always ended up in trouble somehow but always found your ways out of it. Also  you didn't know why Pan always teamed you two up for heavy chores and missions. Perhaps he trusted you? Yeah, that was the only way you could see it.

You yelled as you suddenly fell on the hard ground, the giggling and laughing immediately stopped. You raised your head and saw a couple of mermaids circling Felix who looked pretty fine but also bored. And indeed, the mermaids made a flower and shell crown on his head.

You started laughing uncontrollably, as the mermaids stared at you in disbelief. Felix blushed in embarrassment and looked away, frowning.

"It's not funny!" He cried, trying to squirm away from those beasts.

"It is! You look so… cute!" You admitted, clutching your stomach as you struggled to breath. You could have died laughing, literally.

"I am not cute! Now kill those bitches before I skin you!"

"Is your mate always this feral?" One of them asked, while caressing the boy's cheek.

"We are not mates!" You both screamed at the same time.

"Too bad… Will you care if we drown him then eat him? We haven't had a proper meal in so much time…" Another one suggested.

"I dare you to touch him." You darkly growled, touching your pommel's sword, glaring at them. "I am pretty quick when it comes to cutting fish."

They hissed at you and pushed the blond haired boy in the water. His hands and feet were tied and you watched, panicked as he sank at the bottom of the sea. The mermaids immediately jumped into the water, quickly followed by you.

You hated fighting into the sea and your hair will take forever to dry. Everything was blurry and you could only see forms around you, circling and scratching your skin. You needed to get Felix out of here first, he wasn't a pretty good swimmer.

You saw him trying to fight against the mermaids. Taking off your dagger, you waved your hands at the bodies who were trying to kill you. Finally, you plunged your dagger into the leader's stomach and you profited from this attack to get the blond haired boy. He was panicking and already breathing water in. Stupid boy.

You brought him as fast as you could to the surface and you realized all the boys were gone. You rolled your eyes at that. You pulled the second in command to you as you walked on the beach, but with his heavy weight, you fell again with a groan.

"Untie me!"

"Oh wow, no "thank you for saving me"?" You smirked as you cut the ropes with your sword. "You owe me a dagger Felix-"

He caught you off guard. But once you realized Felix was kissing you,It instantly warmed you.your heart exploded and your stomach unleashed a million butterflies. Your hands flew to the boy's hair, trying to return the kiss fiercely, but he was just too fast. You almost whined when the blond haired boy suddenly parted away, glancing at you with a dumb look. His cheeks were red too.

"I… I am sorry. I don't know what I am doing." He stuttered before leaving you on the beach alone.

The following days, you desperately tried to get Felix's attention, but he didn't give it to you. In fact, he was avoiding you, you were very certain about it: the way his eyes never wandered to your person, even when you were right in front of him! This was so absurd, you just wanted to talk with him about what happened at the hidden beach, after you saved him. You were in your right to do so. You expected explanations and he wasn't giving them.

After another failed attempt, you decided to let some steam off by shooting apples and other mannequins with your bow. At least, you were training, but everything came back to Felix and his stupid cute face. You groaned again, when your arrow flew past a mannequin's head.

"That was pretty awful. Your aim is terrible."

You turned your head and gave a quick greeting nod to Peter Pan as he suddenly appeared from the shadows. You wondered if he knew about the whole situation: he had eyes and ears everywhere on the island. After all, he was the king. Your assumption was correct when Peter started to ask questions about what was going on with Felix. So, you started to tell him everything that had happened after you went to save Felix.

"He kissed me and now he is pretending not to know me!" You explained to Pan angrily, and hitched an arrow on your bow, quickly shooting it in the head of the mannequin. But it didn't bring any satisfaction. "He is always like that!"

"That's Felix, you can't change him."

"That's the problem…"

"Did you like it? The kiss I mean?" Peter asked with a smirk, and you groaned in annoyance, hating his curious side.

"Yes, I liked it a lot." You confessed, feeling your cheeks heating up at the mere mention of it. You were also embarrassed about speaking it openly with the leader of the lost boys.

"You know… everyone can tell you like him. And I mean, I do know that he loves you." He sang, appearing at your side and jokingly smacking your cheek. "Do you want me to sing the song?"

"No! Just… tell me how to… I don't even know what Felix likes!"

"You obviously. Oh and fighting."

"You are not helping." You sighed in frustration and groaned when your arrow didn't hit the target a second time. You just needed Felix to be vulnerable in order to reveal what he truly felt for you. He could just have kissed you because he was happy from not being eaten by mermaids.

At first glance, Felix looked like a boring person. He always was doing the same chores and things over and over again. You knew his routes by heart, you had accompanied him more than once on his walks. But then, when you actually tried to see past his grumpy and asshole like personality, he could be quite pleasant.

You had seen interacting with Pan many times, and sometimes he was happy. He even smiled, which was a rare sight. You needed him to trust you. But you didn’t want to wait for all eternity, you wanted to know right now what he felt for you. Thinking about this, your mind started to form a plan: you could lay a trap, a nest or something, trap him when he is walking during his island tour and won't let him go until he reveals something useful. You didn’t like that usually, but you also didn’t like that he kissed you and pretended it didn't happen. It infuriated you.

So you did what the little voice inside your head murmured: you laid the trap and waited for the sun to rise to see if Felix was going to fall. And he did pretty well.

There was Pan's second in command, raging against net traps. It was awfully ridiculous to watch him struggle against the net. Your giggling made your presence revealed and soon, the blond haired boy started to throw insults at you, demanding to let him go.

"No, I don't think so." You winked at him with a giggle. "You look quite funny up there."

"I will make you pay for this!" He growled, trying to reach for his dagger. You froze when you realized he may have it with him, but by sheer luck, the dumbass forgot it at camp. "Pan is going to scalp you." He threatened, his eyes making holes into your body.

"Actually, I believe he would think it was quite hilarious and will let me go." You approached him and crossed your arms. "Why are you pretending I don't exist?"

"What are you speaking about, woman?" He groaned and tried to tear the net appart.

"I am speaking about the fact I saved your ass from the mermaids, that YOU kissed me and then you left me, and pretended I didn't exist. How do you think I feel about that?"

"I acted upon the moment-"

"Right and you would have kissed a lost boy, right?"

That shut him up. He kept glaring at you, but there was no hate in his gaze. You both stayed silent for a very long time and you started to wonder if you didn't make everything up. Felix could really have kissed you because he believed he was going to die after his encounter with the mermaids.

Yes, surely this was a mistake, but your feelings for him weren't something you made up. They were unfortunately very real. It seemed like it wasn't reciprocated as well. You clicked your tongue with an annoyed sigh, ready to finally let the lost boy go.

"Fine. I like you. Happy?"

You had expected sarcasm coming from him, but you were surprised: he sounded genuinely honest. He had a faint blush on his cheeks and avoided looking at you, not even battling with the trap. Your heart skipped a few beats and you felt the heat in your cheeks, you quickly looked away as well.

Fuck. You were both in love with each other. What a mess.

He could have easily lied to you. And you were already deciding on cutting the ropes so the trap could open. At this height, Felix will fall without damage and you knew he was used to it by climbing and jumping from tree to tree, just like a squirrel.

As you suspected, the blond haired boy landed on the ground just fine and didn't seem very bothered by any pain. Now, you felt like a fool, this was such a very awkward situation. You may have opened your heart to him and now… now you felt bothered by your feelings. You didn’t know what to do with them, except shoving them down and hopefully forgetting about them.


"Let’s go back. This was stupid." You muttered, ignoring what Felix had said.

"No, wait-!" He stammered, gripping your hand softly. "I am sorry, when I kissed you I just… I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I wasn't uncomfortable, I really liked it." You revealed, still not looking at him.

"You… You did? You liked it?!" He sounded very desperate and not believing what you stated, he was still gripping your hand. "So, Peter was right?" He whispered incredulously, but you caught what he said.

"Wait what does Pan have to do with this? Did he speak to you too?!"

"He did. Many times but… I don't want to talk about Pan right now." His voice softened and he softly interlocked your hand with his with a blush on his face, but his demeanor completely changed: he looked more confident. He backed you down against a tree. "So, does that mean you like me?"

"I-... I-..." You stuttered, still trying to not look at him, but it was hard, he was very close to your face. "I do." You admitted.

Felix then smiled and leant in. Slower than at the beach, but the kiss felt great. Again, butterflies spread in your stomach and you got hungry for more. Your hand flew to his belt, bringing him instantly closer. Felix released a groan at your motion, but smirked.

"Is it okay if I touch you?" He whispered in your ear, then bit it.

"That's okay." That was even more than okay, in your opinion.

He unbuttoned your shirt quickly, and the cold way immediately brought goosebumps on your skin. He started to kiss your neck, but he was slow, too slow for your own taste. You grabbed his hand and directed near the waistband of your pants.

Felix made a surprised noise, and you wondered if he was going to stop but he didn't. He seemed to get the message. His hands were pretty hot, and he instantly warmed you, by the motion he was doing with his fingers against your underwear. You had difficulty hiding your moans, so Felix kissed you in an attempt to quiet your activities.

You forced yourself to not think about the others, right now you only needed to focus on Felix, just Felix, and no one else. This moment belonged to the two of you only. And you were away from the camp, surely they couldn't hear you.

"I believe you should both get a room… or a cave."

You both shrieked and you pushed Felix lightly, separating him from you. Your hands flew to your exposed chest, and you attempted to get yourself together, as Pan laughed, sitting on a boulder, looking down with a smirk.

"That looked like quite the fun."

"You pervert!" You yelled at him, feeling suddenly ashamed and weird. "Were you here the whole time?!"

"Maybe, maybe not. I never reveal my secrets, love." He replied, very amused by the situation. His eyes then wandered to his disheveled second in command. "I was right in guiding both of you into this. Now Felix, I believe you should calm your thing down a little, I don't want the pirates to learn what kind of activities you do with my favorite lost girl."

"I am the only girl here." You muttered as you finished buttoning your shirt.

"And, I don't want you to avoid her."

"Yes, yes, Pan I understood!" Felix groaned, his face red. "I am going to stay here for a little while."

"Then I need you to see what Hook wants, he is back and his mere presence annoys me. Find out what he wants so we can dispose of him." Pan ordered with a strict voice then turned his attention back to you with a soft smile. "Let’s go for a walk, shall we?" He suddenly appeared in front of you and touched your shoulder.

The next thing you knew, you were somewhere else. You didn’t recognise the place at all. It was at the edge of the jungle, and you could see Skull Rock in the distance, you also heard the crashing waves against the rocks, so you deduced you were on some sort of a cliff. Turning your head to look more at the landscapes, you came face to face with Pan, who looked a little displeased.

"I didn't expect you to fuck him."

"Why? Disappointed because it's not you?" You quickly replied and glared at him, not enjoying his tone.

"No, but you have to understand: I don't want my second in command hurt." Pan approached you in a threatening manner, and you backed away, toward the edge of a cliff. "Felix is my friend, and I don't want to see him heartbroken. If you break his heart, ever, I will come for you." He finished while you were close to falling to a certain death. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do!" You cried, really afraid of falling.


He gripped you by the arms and threw you on the harsh ground, away from the edge. You took some time to be able to breathe correctly and normally again. You had the fright of your life.

Pan hummed a tune as he started to walk toward the jungle. He paused and then turned to talk to you, as if nothing had happened between the two of you. You hadn't realized he cared that much about Felix...


"Yeah, yeah..." You said with a shaking breath and slowly stood up, following him through the jungle.

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