Forget-me-not part 1
How have you gotten yourself in this situation?
Freshly debarked on Neverland, you had been wandering on the shore as the crew was doing activities you were forbidden to. You didn’t mind: you didn’t enjoy cleaning the whole ship and hanging out with them. Being the only girl on the ship was… interesting in a way. You had been saved from the streets by the fearsome pirate captain Hook when you had tried to steal from him: he seemed to have admired your wits and your audacity but you knew you lived on a razor’s edge. The pirates didn’t hide their harsh feelings toward you and you had to look behind your shoulder most of the time. Good thing you were authorized to sleep in the same room as Hook.
So, you had been walking on the shore when you decided to explore the woods next to it. It was a bad idea, you knew that, but you were a curious girl: adventure was calling and you would respond to that call. At least, you had a gun with you and a sword that you knew how to use. It took you some time to master the art of fighting but you knew you had to learn it in order to survive. Walking in the woods, you came across some strange looking flowers. Kneeling down, you were mesmerized by how they looked and smelled: like a rose and lilac combined, with beautiful pastel colours. You unconsciously reached for them when someone roughly pushed you to the side.
“What’s wrong with you Jonas?! You know those flowers are-” The person spoke furiously and quickly before they marked a pause as you stood, brandishing your gun to them. “You’re not Jonas.”
“Do I look like a man?” You growled, making sure your gun was ready to fire.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” The person laughed as they raised their arms but they clearly were armed. “You can lower the gun, missy.”
It was a boy or a man, at least, he was stuck between those ages. He looked young but old at the same time, wearing different coats and clothes of dark colors and what strikes you most was the scar on his face, he definitely stood out from the crowd. His eyes were grey or steel blue, it was hard to see but they sparkled with some kind of curiosity when he looked at you, as if he hadn’t seen a woman for ages.
“You’re not from Neverland, how did you come here?” He asked as he tilted his head, his eyes looking you up and down. He seemed to analyze you and you didn’t like that.
“I won’t tell you.”
“Judging by how you are behaving yourself, I would say you are from Hook’s crew.” Your face decomposed when he said that, and he chuckled when he realized he was right. “Also, you dress like a pirate. I didn’t know Hook accepted girls.”
“It’s temporary- why am I even talking to you?” You mumbled under your breath but didn’t hide the gun away. You still didn’t know if you could trust him, he looked like a threat.
“Can you put the gun away? I won’t harm you, lost boy’s promise.”
“What’s a lost boy?” You had heard Hook talking about it in a hushed tone with Smee once but they stopped when you walked in. You decided to trust whoever that boy was and put the gun back to its holster.
“Hook didn’t tell you?” He sounded surprised as he approached you but stopped when you kept your distance with him. He then smiled. “Maybe I should introduce myself: Felix.” He gave you his hand to shake that you reluctantly took. You still didn’t trust him fully.
“(Y/N). I didn’t know people lived here.” You continued as you looked around, your eyes fixating on the strange looking flowers you still wished to touch.
“The lost boys do, which I am part of. It’s strange that the captain didn’t mention that to you, are you certain he cares about you that much? I mean, if I was him, I wouldn’t let you wander in those parts on your own…”
“I can handle myself, thank you very much!” You turned and decided to leave, this boy infuriated you. As you walked back to the shore, you heard him laughing and running after you, so you made sure to walk faster.
What was wrong with him? Why was he following you? You sighed, very exasperated and stopped when the ship was in your line of sight. While you disliked the boy, he didn’t seem to wish harm upon you and you would hate yourself if the pirates caught him talking to you. Usually the pirates would intervene when you spoke to someone, woman or man, child or old. They just didn’t want you to spill some secrets.
“It’s better if you stop following me, or they will throw you in a cell.” You warned Felix who just laughed again. “What’s funny, shitface?”
“You could do better with your insults, you know? And, I was send to speak to the captain anyway, with fucking Jonas who disappears all the time.” He seemed pretty angry about his friend who didn’t show up but you let him walk you back to the Jolly Roger.
As you stepped closer, you heard the familiar chatting of the crew which stopped when you climbed aboard with the lost boy. The atmosphere became tense instantly and you froze when you saw the crew approaching you with weapons, probably to fight Felix. Was it strange you wanted to stay at his side to protect him if anything happened?
Hook suddenly appeared, parting through the men, and he stepped furiously toward you. You gulped nervously, your body shaking a little. He knew you were afraid and frightened by him and what he could do. His piercing eyes went to Felix then to you, you made sure to avoid his judgemental gaze as he walked closer. The lost boy was not reacting, instead, he was watching.
“I told you to not go into the woods and you disobeyed me. Then, you bring that thing aboard.” The captain scolded as he pointed to your odd companion. “You know what will happen if you disobey me.”
“I-I didn’t mean to!” You whimpered, knowing damn well what Hook meant.
“I am here because of Pan. He sent me to you.” Felix chimed in, and you glanced at him. He had a smug expression on his face, unafraid of being alone amongst men who clearly wished to kill him. “I just happened to save your little soldier from a rosekiller. You should warn her about the dangers of Neverland, Hook.”
“Oh shut up. (Y/N), room, now.” The captain grasped your arm and yanked you into the direction of his quarters. You scrambled to get there as fast as possible, not enjoying humiliation in front of the crew.
Some hours had passed since that accident. You wondered if Felix was still alive, but you had heard no sounds of battle and killings. Laying on your bed, you played with your dagger, twirling it. The night had come, you didn’t have any dinner. Usually you would eat with the captain but maybe he wanted to punish you as well? It was not your fault if Felix came on the ship. If anything, he should punish Felix if it was possible.
The door swung open, startling you. The dagger fell on the bed and you quickly hid it under your pillows. You observed the captain as he strode in with the cook, who put several cooking pots on the wooden table. One thing that was good when you shared a room with a pirate captain was the food. When you were with the crew, the common men, you didn’t have a choice and ate whatever the cook did, which was stew or soup. Hook enjoyed grand and exquisite meals so your belly was often full. But, when you misbehaved, the pirate would not allow you at the table and you had to suffer watching him eat.
When the cook left, Hook beckoned you over. You strutted over and sat next to him as he filled your place generously. You thanked him and waited until he had started to eat to do the same. Even if Hook was a pirate, he seemed to enjoy the etiquette as he called it. He had taught you about it, like which cutlery to use when you ate a salad. Once, you chose to cut the salad and he stabbed your hand with his fork. Now, you had a scar to tell the silly story.
Hook was unusually silent, but it was not the silent treatment he gave you when you messed up. You also realised he was looking at you from time to time, which made you uneasy. Wondering what you had done wrong, you decided to be on your best behavior and to apply this whatever etiquette the pirate liked so much. When you finished your plate, you realised he was still staring at you.
“Did I do something wrong?” You asked slowly, eying his reaction.
“No. Tell me, is it true Felix saved you from the rosekiller?” He didn’t waste any moments to ask this question. You nodded, indicating it was the truth. The pirate captain hummed and leant back into his comfortable seat. You looked at him again, wondering what he was thinking about. “Interesting…”
“I didn’t mean to bring Felix back, he just followed me.”
“I know, I know. See, I know how Felix is, and he is not some sweet blond haired angel. He would have let one of my men die. He is a smart thing, he must have known from the beginning you were part of the crew.” It was logical, but why did he save you then? “I think he has a crush on you.”
“What?! Of course not!” You yelled, scandalized. Hook looked unimpressed at your outburst. “How can you fall for someone you had just seen?!”
“Some does. Just… He is sweets on you, I can see that. And we can use this to our advantage.” Hook stood up and put his hands on your shoulders. “Think about it: we steal Neverland’s magic, we defeat Pan… We can have all the riches in the world. Don’t you want that?”
“I don’t know what I want. I just… want to survive.” You admitted, not liking Hook’s idea. You didn’t want to play that game.
“What about living your life? Without the surviving part? When we get the magic, we will be able to steal everything we wish. Imagine this: you, in a castle, not having to work a single day of your life, not having to look behind your shoulder, not having to be afraid…” He whispered in your ears. It was tempting, and he knew it. You sighed, defeated.
“Okay, I’ll walk.”
“Good girl.” He rubbed your shoulders roughly which made you wince. “Go to bed now.”
A few days had passed since that discussion. Hook made sure you were prepared to manipulate Felix, who you learnt was Peter Pan’s second in command. So, he was a very important person, as he knew most of the secrets. You still disliked the idea of manipulating the lost boy: he had done no harm to you. He had just helped you. But, when you thought about what could happen after… You just wanted a comfortable life, you deserved it after spending so many years on the streets, stealing, sometimes killing, fighting… It was your reward.
Hook had sent you wandering in the woods again, in the hope of meeting Felix. You walked around, being careful about not touching any flowers that appealed to you. Sighing, you sat down on a boulder, observing the ladybugs, butterflies and other insects flying around. The pirates on the ship had spoken to you about the island after they saw you with Felix, the tales weren’t happy ones: fearsome beasts, dreamshade and other poisonous flowers, the deathly lost boys with a devil for a king and a fairy without wings that lurked around. They were dark tales and yet, from where you were sitting, Neverland seemed beautiful and majestic. Your views on the island were much more different from them.
“You look bored.”
The voice had startled you and you turned, a hand on your sword, to see who was speaking to you. To your luck, it was Felix. You gave him a smile and climbed down. You walked up to him, trying to act cool and collected. You felt disgusted with yourself for doing that, but you needed it. You needed that life you dreamt for so long.
“I am bored. Hook kicked me out for some time. He said I was annoying him.” That was not entirely false. The captain would often send you away and would then blame you for running off when you came back.
“He doesn’t seem very caring about you.” Felix hummed and swung his wooden club over his shoulder.
“He isn’t.” You replied with a snort. “If anything, he would sell me for a good price if I annoyed him too much. He wouldn’t mind.”
Felix looked shocked to hear this, again, it was the truth. You didn’t want to play the damsel in distress though… Your life sounded miserable when you spoke about it. Deciding to lead the conversation on another subject, you asked him how he found you. He replied with a smirk and whistled. A dark shadow flew above both of you, which started you and you tripped as you tried to take cover. That thing stared at you with hollow eyes then looked at Felix, as if it was waiting orders.
“Don’t worry, the Shadow won’t hurt you. Unless I told him so.” The blond said as the thing disappeared again. He helped you stand up. “I am supposed to tour the island for a bit, would you like to join me?”
“Sure, I don’t have anything to do anyway. And being stuck in a ship isn't good for walking.” You decided, following after him. He was walking very fast, you noticed. “How long have you been in Neverland?”
“I don’t really remember. Some centuries I guess?” He hummed before sliding down a path and watched you do the same, perhaps to catch you if you fell.
“Centuries?!” You exclaimed, taken aback by his reply. Felix didn’t look like a very old man, he rather looked like a young man. But that could explain how his eyes seemed old but the rest of his body didn’t. You wondered how that was possible to remain young like him. “How is this possible?”
“Neverland keeps us young. We don’t age.” He smiled, amused by your interest. “Well, it is Pan’s magic.”
Felix then talked about his daily life on the island. You listened to him while you explored Neverland with him. You were amazed by some of his stories, but you really doubted his capability of fighting a mountain lion on his own. Was he telling those stories to impress you? No one had ever tried to woo you, and you didn’t try to do so. Anyway, time truly seemed to stop when you were with him. You were back on the beach as the sun was setting, hearing another story. Watching him, you realized he was everything you wanted to be.
You envied how Felix and the lost boys were free. Neverland was beautiful, full of resources and exploration. From what Felix had told you, there were no girls amongst the lost boys, the reason was they never followed the music of Pan’s flute. You laughed when the blond said that, and he asked you why you thought this was funny.
“Oh Felix, if I had heard a flute, I would have stayed home too. I mean… Being on the streets taught me that I shouldn’t go to a place with too many boys.” You said with a sad chuckle, staring off at the ocean.
“I am sorry, I didn’t… You don’t talk about your life before Hook that much.” Felix told you in a soft tone. He seemed to know it was a difficult and rather traumatic thing to do.
“We have known each other for a few days, it is not a conversation I have upon meeting someone.”
“I know, sorry.” He apologized again.
The pirates had also told you all sorts of things about Felix. You didn’t know if it was to frighten you or to make you forget he was kind and nice to you so that you could act upon the plan just like Hook wanted. They talked about how intimidating he was, how carefree and a beast he was in a fight, and that once, he ripped a pirate’s heart and crushed it under his boot like it was nothing. But he didn’t strike you as such a monster. Or maybe he was like that because he indeed was sweet on you?
Still, you wished to know how he truly was. Was it that monster? Felix noticed how quiet you were and asked what you were thinking about. You kept your mouth shut and wondered if you should indeed ask him if he was terrible in a battle. Maybe he will be able to tell you the truth?
“I… I wanted to ask you this: is it true that… that you ripped a heart from a pirate’s chest and crushed it?” You asked with a nervous tone, fiddling with the hems of your sleeve’s shirts. What if Felix found out you were using him for secrets and killed you the same way? This thought was haunting you.
“Who told you that?” Taking a glimpse at him, you realised how dark his eyes were. As if a storm had appeared suddenly after days and weeks of good and sunny weather.
“The crew. They like to gossip. Unfortunately.” You stuttered out under his gaze.
“It’s true.” He then said with a shrug and a smirk grew on his lips as he went closer to you. “Afraid of me now, little pirate?”
“Of course not!” You jokingly pushed him away from you. “Thank you for being honest with me. I mean… No one is truly good or evil.”
“You’re right about that. I mean, look at Hook.” He chortled and you laughed with him.
“True. He saved me from the streets but he treats me like shit.”
“Perhaps you should head back. The night is coming. I wouldn’t want you hurt.” He noticed as the sky was slowly filled with stars.
“I am sure with you I am not risking anything.” You softly said as you stood up and started to walk toward the ship. Felix was not following you, but stood as you left. “I will see you later.”
“Do you still want to see me?” He asked with a snort. Why was he acting like that? Or… Or was he flirting? It was so hard to tell. But, deep down, you still wanted to be with him. if you could have spent the night and the day after… You would have been utterly happy.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?” You smiled at him then heard someone yelling your name. You groaned and started to run on the sand, which was pretty hard to do.
When you stepped on the ship, you were welcomed with a bunch of laughing and drunk pirates. Rolling your eyes, you knew they would mess with you about your apparent love story with the lost boy. Well… It was not really a love story, was it? The crew was rather rowdy tonight, you disliked when they were like this. You couldn’t sleep, your ears were bleeding from their bad singing and they would call you names, treating you like a servant or a maid.
That night seemed not different and Hook had joined them as well. You shuddered as he approached you and clapped your back many times very roughly. You tried to make it stop as he blocked you from escaping his grasp. Searching for Smee, your potential savior, you saw him half asleep and half drinking in a corner. So much for friendship. You groaned when Hook started a speech about how you will be able to save them from Pan, how you would steal his magic. You tried to escape his grasp but it was near impossible. The crew cheered at each sentence of their captain and you thought you would go deaf after that.
Finally, after forcing you to drink a bottle of rum, you were able to escape and to go to sleep. You closed the door behind you and wondered if you should lock it. The key had disappeared so it meant Hook had it with him. Swiftly, you locked it and sighed in relief. You hated the taste of alcohol, he knew it, why did he make you drink? It was probably another punishment for something you must have done or not done.
You reached your area of the room and drew the curtains that separated your space from Hook’s. Ultimately, you changed clothes, cleaned yourself a little and drank water before tucking yourself in your bed. Your hands found the dagger under the pillow but also the stuffed animal you had since your birth was laying there, ready to be cuddled. It was one of the few things you had kept from your life before. Hook had tried to throw it several times but he had failed. He wanted you to be a grown up in a way, but he refused to see you were already grown.
The next morning, you snuck out of the room, careful to not awaken the pirates. You couldn’t handle being locked there, between four walls. You wanted to feel the wind on your face, to feel the sand between your toes and to touch the sea. Being on the ship made you a pitiful mouse but out of it, you did feel like a predator. Perhaps you could stay in Neverland? That way, you will be able to see Felix often.
As you climbed down the ship quietly, you realised how much the lost boy was occupying your mind and you started to have concerns over the plan, and more importantly, on how it will affect Felix. He had done nothing wrong to you, unlike Hook and his pirates. He was kind too, at least to you. You had never encountered someone like him. Groaning, you wondered why you were falling in love so fast, betting it was on the fact no one had ever been the way he was with you. You have to keep cool and to keep focused on the plan, then you will have all the riches in the world, have a good house and a good life. You deserved this. But you were conflicted.
You entered the forest, hoping to find the lost boy again. Perhaps this time, you could explore the jungle more? It looked dangerous, menacing and gloomy, that was maybe why you were attracted to it. It had the same feelings and vibes as the streets you grew in. It was oddly reassuring. As you stomped around the woods on your own, you wondered how Felix always managed to find you. Perhaps it was thanks to that weird and threatening being? Did that thing spy on you? You looked to the sky and sighed, reassured when you didn’t catch a glimpse of the shadow being. It was freaking you out honestly.
You came across a river that separated you from the other side, there was a dam that linked the two parts, probably built by the lost boys. Everything was strangely calm as well, which made you stop as you moved to access the makeshift bridge. The reeds were moving but there was no wind. Stepping back, you realised you had made a wrong choice coming all the way here alone. There was a reason why Felix hadn’t brought you to this area, even if you didn’t know it. It felt terribly wrong, you felt it in your guts, and your guts never were wrong.
Turning to leave, you yelped as a boy stood at your level, grinning. You fell on your back, surprised by him. He approached nonchalantly and looked down on you, still smiling. Something about him made you sick. There was something foul, you felt it. He had bright green eyes, like a king’s emerald.
“Well, hello there, stranger.” He said with a mocking voice, probably amused by your frightened self. Then, he tilted his head. “Or should I say pirate?”
You didn’t say anything and reached for your gun, but to your dismay, you had forgotten it back at the ship. You were helpless against that boy and you didn’t like that. Jumping to your feet, you attempted to walk past him but he gripped your arm roughly, you groaned and tried to wriggle out of his grip. Glancing at his face, you saw how his eyes sparkled with wrath and anger. He did not like you walking away from him apparently.
“Let go of me, you shit face!” You insulted, panicked because this boy may be smaller than you but his strength was incredibly big. He was going to break your arm and you were defenseless against him.
“Pirates aren’t welcome on my island, I thought my second in command told that to your captain. Did he send a pretty girl in, hoping that I take interest in you so you can stab me in the back?” To your defense, it was Hook’s plan, not yours. He seemed to have read your mind as a smirk grew on his face. “Oh, you are Felix’s secret.”
“Leave me!”
“No I won’t. I know what your game is now: you want to use him to hurt me. It might work, you know? I like Felix, he is loyal to a fault, reliable and incredibly violent. My type of friends.” He continued, unbothered by you trying to escape and you still couldn’t. “You are going to break his heart, love, and I can’t have you do that to him.”
“I don’t want to hurt him, I swear-” You blurted out unwillingly, your cheeks warming up in embarrassment. Finally, the boy let you go when you revealed that and he started to laugh.
“Don’t tell me you love him. Oh, you do. I wonder how Hook will take that. It is treason, isn’t it? He will make you walk the plank and die.”
“Who the fuck are you anyway?! Why do you care?!” You screamed, very alarmed.
“You aren’t very bright, I am Peter Pan and this-” He moved his arms to show the area. So, this was the fearsome Peter Pan, you had to agree with the crew, he looked beautiful but terrifying, like a rose with thorns. “Is my kingdom. I feel like I will enjoy playing with you, girl. You are such a cute thing to destroy.” He approached you so fast, you didn’t have the time to see him coming. Peter Pan grinned again and you wondered if his teeth were fangs, it clearly looked like that. “Poor Felix, about to get his heart broken.”
“I will not hurt him, I don’t want to. I am not… I am not a monster.” Like you, you wanted to add but bit your tongue. It was not the moment to die like an idiot. “I care a lot about him.”
“Speaking about your feelings with your enemy, that is a bold move.” Pan went on as he started to walk around in a circle. You felt like a mouse about to get eaten or toyed with by a cat.
“Pan! We have a problem with-” The voice stopped and you felt like you were about to faint. It was Felix. Your eyes went to the leader of the lost boys who simply turned to watch his second in command arriving. “What is going on?” He asked, and you noticed that his voice was shaking a little. He seemed nervous to see you with Pan and you were nervous as well.
“Oh nothing. I happened to stumble upon a lady in distress. I think she got a bit lost.” His voice sounded no longer threatening but was authoritarian. Is that how a friend speaks to one of his? You watched quietly and anxiously as Peter looked at you. “I didn’t know she was your secret Felix. You should have told me about her.”
“I am sorry but the occasion never… It was never the right time.” Felix explained as Peter hummed, acknowledging his reply. “She is not a threat.”
“Oh I know that, what kind of pirates could ever get to hurt us?” He mocked as he patted his second in command on the shoulder. “Have fun Felix, but you know the rules.”
In a way, you felt that this was also addressed to you. If Pan knew about the plan, then he could tell Felix and damage your relationship with him. But again, if you decided to pursue something with him, you were betraying Hook, and you will have a death threat on your back. However, if Felix knew about the plan, realizing you spent time with him on purpose, then you will both have your heart broken. You needed to know where your loyalty lies or it will kill you.
When Pan left and was out of sight, Felix quickly approached you and held you in his arms. His club fell on the ground but he didn’t seem to mind. You tensed when he touched you but melted and leant into it. Closing your eyes, you listened to his heartbeat. It was… comfortable and nice. His hands moved to your hair and he caressed you for some minutes in silence.
“I thought he was going to harm you.” He whispered and parted away from the hug. You tried not to show you were sad he pulled away and instead concentrated on the river. “I… Why did you come here?”
“I just wanted to explore the woods.” You honestly replied. It was such an innocent thing to say. “I… I hoped to run into you.”
“Pan is no… He cares about us. He doesn’t want us to have love, he says it will lead us nowhere and hurt us. You have to understand that he is a threat only to you. He could have killed you.” Felix scolded you. You felt like listening to Hook when something didn’t go his way.
“I know, I am sorry.”
“It’s okay. I just…” He gulped down nervously and you saw how red his cheeks were. “I will hate myself if something happens to you.”
“Thank you. For saving me I guess.” You wondered what Pan could have done to you if Felix hadn’t shown up. This boy… he was terrifying and that was the worst part! He really looked like a child tyrant and you felt embarrassed to be afraid of him.
“Let’s get you back to the ship. It is not safe for you here.” Felix replied as he boldly took your hand and took you away.
Hook was getting on your nerves now.
He didn’t like you getting nowhere with the lost boy. Well, to you, you were getting somewhere with him. You two had kissed many times and did even more than kissing. The pirate captain just didn’t understand, too preoccupied with his greed. The crew was also growing impatient and questioned your mere presence on the ship. It was a matter of time before getting kicked out, you knew it.
Sighing, you contemplated the landscape from the quarterdeck. You considered jumping into the ocean and drowning but you would hurt Felix, so you didn’t do it. Ugh that boy! Why did he have to occupy your mind like this? What was so nice about him that you couldn’t go through a simple plan that would work perfectly? Everything was so complicated. Life was complicated.
“Okay there missy?” Smee interrupted your train of thoughts as he approached, looking concerned. “You haven’t been yourself in a while.”
“I am fine, don’t worry about me.” You replied, attempting to reassure him. Out of all the people from the crew, you liked Smee the most. He wasn’t lewd, brutal or disgusting like them but rather… normal. “I was just thinking.”
“Ah yes, about your new life right? Can’t wait for that I bet.”
While Smee was rambling about what his life would be like after Pan’s magic was stolen, you wondered if you should just leave the ship permanently. What could stop you from running away? Felix seemed pretty open to the idea, he had told you many times he could hide you somewhere. It was tempting, and now, you were ready to do this. That way, you will escape Hook and this life you hated. What was wrong about double crossing the captain? He wasn’t a good person anyway.
“-and so, we decided to get rid of the lost boys so it can be easier for you to steal the magic. I bet Pan would be so mad he won’t see what’s coming to hit him!” Smee laughed and your face must have done something because he instantly grew worried and asked if you were feeling okay.
“Excuse me but what did you say about the lost boys?” You asked kindly, hiding behind that mask allowed you to get what you wanted with Smee, you knew it.
“We found their camp. Hook is going to distract Pan so we can attack and kill them, those filthy rascals.”
They will attack the lost boys.
They will KILL Felix.
You smiled at Smee and told him you were going to walk a bit on the beach, to get fresh air. He shrugged, told you to be careful and also to come back before the attack starts, so you can be safe on the ship. Of course, you said you would do that. When you found the right time, you slipped away from the ship and the crew’s watchful gaze (though that was the easiest part). They were too busy getting ready for the fight they didn’t see you leaving.
You had to warn Felix about what was about to happen. One day, Felix tried to teach you how to whistle and the different meanings behind them. However, you were pretty bad at it and he instead offered you a wooden whistle he had made himself. He promised he would hear it and would come as fast as possible. Hoping he would, you waited at the boulder you both first met and decided to give it a try. You begged and prayed to any gods listening for him to come. He had to know about the attack.
Thankfully, he showed up some minutes later. You didn’t question how he got there, you had your own idea about it. Instead of greeting him, you immediately jumped in front of him and blurted out a lot of information at the same time because of the panic you felt. Felix didn’t quite understood what you meant so you had to repeat yourself several times.
“It’s the pirates, I can’t stop them but they want to attack your camp!”
“Relax, no one knows where it is, outside of us.” Felix tried to calm you down but grew worried when you shook your head.
“I don’t know how they know but they know. You have to warn them to go somewhere and to hide or…”
“Is this why Hook scheduled a meeting with Pan?” He cut you mid sentence.
His tone surprised you. You looked at Felix, and he didn’t look at you the same way he had the last days. You realised he was treating you like an enemy, a prisoner even. Your mouth opened but no sound came from it, too shocked at this brutal change of his behavior. You had no idea about this until Smee informed you. Hook will probably scream at him for that as well; he was not really allowed to talk about those plans with you apparently.
“I don’t know, maybe? He just wants him out of the way to get you all killed so it can affect Peter Pan. You have to trust me.” You took his hands in yours and hoped he would have some faith in you. “Please. You know I wouldn’t do a thing to harm you.”
“Alright. I am sorry… I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. Stay here. I won’t be long. After that… I can talk to Pan and make you stay here with us. I don’t think the pirates would be too keen on having you on board after that.”
He was right. You just had betrayed them. You felt a wave of shame and self loathing, even if the pirates had mistreated you, they had taken you in. Hook fed you, gave you clothes, some parts of the treasures he found. And you threw that away, in favor of love. You didn’t expect any of them to understand, because they won’t.
Felix had been away for what seemed like hours. You were on the boulder, it was the middle of the night and you wondered if everything was fine. You hadn’t heard anything suspicious as well and there was no smell of fire. So, you guessed the lost boys were fine, which was a relief. Then why Felix didn’t come back? Dread filled your body as you assumed the worst. Maybe Felix warned them but got injured? Maybe something else happened?
Hearing someone approaching thanks to a broken twig, your hand flew to your gun. You had the advantage of having the high ground. Felix entered the field, seeming unharmed. You sighed in relief and jumped down from the boulder. You ran to him, wanting to hug the lost boy but you stopped when you realised how… how mad and upset he looked. Something must have happened with the pirates, you were sure of it.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” You questioned him with a concerned voice. You prayed no one had been severely injured or killed. However, the boy only glared at you and it froze you instantly.
“When did you want to tell me you were using me?”
“What?” You asked, horrified; either your secret had been revealed and Pan spilled the beans about Hook’s plan to his second in command or… or he heard it from Hook himself.
“I said, when did you want to tell me you were using me? To get Pan’s magic? To get secrets about the island?” He accused and stepped forward, making you walk backwards until your back reached a tree and you couldn’t run away anymore. “Give me one reason to not kill you right now.”
“Who- Who told you that?”
“When Pan told me, I didn’t want to believe him. I thought he was maybe jealous but when Hook revealed why you started to hang out with me… It all made sense, you damn rat.” His eyes were so full of hatred and menaces that you wanted to melt to the ground and disappear forever. “Why did you do that?”
“I am sorry but he forced me! I didn’t want to at the beginning but… but you wouldn’t even understand! But I swear I meant it when I told you I wouldn’t want to hurt you!” You attempted to explain and Felix scoffed as he turned around, leaving the field. You quickly ran after him, you couldn’t let your happiness slip through your fingers like this. It was unfair."Felix I swear I didn't think it would get that far…!" You implored the blond haired boy as you scrambled to follow him. He was walking so fast you had trouble keeping up with him. He suddenly stopped and whirled to face you. You gulped down nervously, waiting for him.
"You used me! You told me you loved me, I kissed you and you just used me!" He screamed back and you were too stunted to do something. "Pan was right all along, you're just like them: a dirty pirate who only wants gold."
"That's not true! Hook forced me to do it but I swear Felix…" You repeated and you tried to approach the lost boy. You stopped when he threatened you with his wooden club. Tears started to roll down your cheeks from being tired, angry at yourself and sad you were losing him. “Please don’t leave me.” You whispered, your legs shaking, frightened about what was going to happen.
“Go back to your ship, Hook is waiting for you. And if I ever see you again, you won’t be breathing.” He stated menacingly. You let out a sob as he turned again and left.
Once you were truly alone and finished your crying, you picked yourself up and dragged you back to the beach. You were certain all of this was a set up from Pan, perhaps amused to see you suffer or to block Felix from being truly happy. But that didn’t matter anymore. You wrapped your arms around yourself, a futile attempt to reassure you from all that happened. You hadn’t expected that much pain from losing someone.
Climbing back on the ship’s board, you realised no one was here. The crew must be sleeping, but there was no guard which was odd. Maybe Hook had a truce going on with the lost ones? This was a possibility. You walked toward the quarter you shared with the pirate captain and you softly opened the door, finding at first empty. As you locked, you heard someone turning on the oil lamp. Sighing, you turned to face Hook. After losing Felix, you were ready for anything now.
He was leaning on his chair, staring at his shiny hook. You timidly took a few steps but stopped, stressed and scared. Finally noticing your arrival, his eyes met yours and he nodded toward the table. He wanted you to have a seat with him, how bizarre. You sat down and avoided his gaze, feeling like a kid who had been caught stealing.
“I am extremely disappointed in you.” He started, his voice neutral. “I thought we were on good terms together. I let you live with us freely. You don’t have to do all the hard work unlike the crew and you eat at my table. I ask you to do one simple task: get secrets and manipulate Pan’s second in command. And what do you do? You run off to him, spilling about another part of the plan.”
“I am sorry-”
“Shut your mouth.” He insulted, and you did so. You felt so little. “I should kill you. That’s betrayal. But you are young, inexperienced and down right miserable. I would say you have been taught a lesson however…” Your eyes met his and your face drained from its color when you saw this sparkle of mischief they held. "You have to be punished." He announced as he approached you and you knew what it meant by “being punished”.
"No, Hook, don't!" You protested as he dragged you toward a trapdoor on his room's floor. You squirmed and even bit him to get away but you couldn't. He opened the trapdoor with a sad sigh and threw you in.
“On our next stopover, I will find you a nice gentleman.” You heard him as you were paralyzed, too stressed to gain control of your body. “I’ll sell you off, get some money and you will have a happy ending like you always were meant to get.” He finished with a mocking voice as you heard him lifting something heavy. “Until then, behave.”
It was dark, cold and cramped. Your breathing began to be irregular and you pounded at the trapdoor, sobbing and shaking, begging the pirate to free you. Hook knew how you hated the dark, how and why you feared it. You heard him putting something heavy, like a carpet, above the entrance. Then, the door from the quarters slammed and you found yourself alone, in the darkness.
You don’t know how long you spent in the cold darkness. Your fingers were bloody from scratching the wooden doors, you felt weak and frail, like you were constantly about to faint. Your lips were dry from not being able to drink water. If anything, Hook was not trying to punish you but to kill you. Perhaps this was a fitting end. You never could have nice things before, why should you have here? If only you did as you were told… But, you met Felix, and you couldn’t even hate him for leaving you. You understood his anger. You just hoped he was doing okay.
Curling into the corner, you attempted to warm yourself up but you failed miserably. Since the trapdoor was so close to the water level, you felt the humidity from it, which was going to make you ill or it already did. You were sneezing and coughing from time to time but you always checked your body temperature, you didn’t appear to have a fever or even a sickness. Maybe it was the mold and the seaweed?
What was also strange was the lack of sounds. It felt like the crew left and decided to leave you to die. Why didn’t Hook execute you? It would have been easier instead of letting you rot away. You would have preferred it anyway. You were dozing off when you heard someone knock down the door. You knew that sound: yourself had used it to break into houses in order to steal. Weakly, you lifted yourself and tried to be silent, to make sure what you heard was not some kind of hallucination.
You almost started to cry when you heard footsteps. Someone was definitely upstairs, going through the room. Who was it? A lost boy? A crew’s member? Smee? Someone you didn’t know? You hoped they were friendly and willing to open the trapdoor. If not, you could promise them the captain’s secret treasure, you knew where it was, unlike the crew. You started to hit on the wooden door again, wincing as you did so. Your knuckles and fingers were bloody and injured but you didn’t have a choice: it was your chance to escape. The person seemed to notice some kind of noises as you attempted to knock on the door with full force and strength. You could hear them approaching the carpet that must muffle the sounds.
"Is someone down there?"
It was Felix. Your eyes shot up with excitement and relief and you started to trash against the door again. You needed him to open it, to free you. You didn’t know if he was willing to, however. But you had to try. You needed to get out or you will die.
"Please Felix, I need you to help me!"
"Wait… (Y/N)? Shit! What are you doing there?!"
"Please open me, please!" Your fists were getting tired against the hardwood but you pushed yourself to make more and more noises. You didn’t want to spend one more second down there.
Waiting some minutes, you wondered if Felix left you. It didn’t seem right, he sounded worried. He seemed to be searching for something to open the trapdoor, since Hook must have taken the lock’s key. You almost fainted when the door opened and strong arms pulled you out. Letting yourself fall, you stumbled upon Felix who held you tightly. It felt nice, it felt reassuring and comforting. You were hungry, thirsty and dizzy, but you tried to stand up and walk. However, after being locked for three days at least, you were extremely weak.
"Tell me you had some water at least?" Felix asked in a serious and concerned tone.
"No…" You croaked out, looking around for a water pitcher. Hook wasn't known for his love of water but he often kept one for you in his quarters, since you slept there with him. "There it is."
Felix sat you down gently on your much smaller and simpler bed than Hook's across the room and got a glass that he immediately filled to the brim. He strode back to you and put the cup to your lips, forcing you to drink all of it. Some spilled out, but you didn’t care: it felt so good, like you had reached an untouched paradise.
"Why did you lock you up? Is it… Is it because of me?"
"Amongst other things, yes. I think he is growing tired of having me around." You sighed, knowing your fate will not be a good one. You knew that day would eventually come, the pirate captain never hid to tell you he will not hesitate to sell you off to some man to get married. You shuddered and started to cry again at the mere thought of it.
"It's going to be okay." Felix tried to reassure you awkwardly, but he had failed to do so. You were shaking from crying so much and he draped an arm over your shoulder to bring you closer to him. "I promise."
"No, no, you don't understand. He will send me away, he always told me so."
"I won't let you go. I… I will hide you somewhere on the island. Not even Pan needs to know you are here." Felix continued, but it was futile: nothing escaped Pan. He could try all his might, Pan would eventually find you and kill you. "Let’s get you out of here first and I will find you a place to stay, and… and maybe I will find a magic bean, you will be able to leave."
"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me." You sniffled miserably and tried to dry your tears.
"Let’s say I… I reconsidered all the events and came to the conclusion you are not the villain in the story. Hook is. You never meant to harm me."
"And I still don't want to." You assured him as you stood up on wobbly legs. You didn’t have a lot of personal belongings, except for some pieces of jewelry that your mother had gifted you before dying and some coming from Hook that you never wore, and some clothes. It didn't take too long to get your bag ready, which the lost boy insisted on taking.
There was no sign of the crew as you both left the empty ship and you grew concerned. Did they wait for Felix to come and rescue you? Was it a trap? You flinched when Felix touched your shoulder, perhaps to reassure you. He also looked worried but more for you. You understood: you must look and smell like hell after spending some days without water, food and other basic needs that you couldn’t do or have.
The sun was about to set, you noticed. Maybe it was the easiest to move at night on the island? When you stared at Felix, you also wondered why he came to the Jolly Roger in the first place. Did Pan send him to? Or did he go on his own? Perhaps to look for you? Your heart swelt at the thought but you doubted it was that reason. When you left him (or rather he left you), he was hysterical and furious. As you both walked down a muddy path, you decided to ask him the question.
“Truth to be told… I was worried about you.” He explained, studying the environment before helping you out. He lifted you down to another path, less recognizable. Felix seemed to know where he was going, so you didn’t bother to fret about that secret location you were both headed to. “Listen I… I was furious when I learnt that plan, Hook’s plan. I wasn’t thinking straight, I was really hurt you apparently tried to use me. But then… I thought that someone who didn’t care about me wouldn’t betray a treacherous and vicious pirate crew.” He finished and shyly smiled at you. You could have fainted listening to him: he was forgiving you! “Now, the most important thing is to get you somewhere safe.”
“Where are we going?” You finally asked, concentrating on following him through thick bushes. Your boots were getting dirty from all the mud and water, you were in a kind of swamp. You panicked when you saw bright yellow eyes blinking and glittering at you. You quickly ran to Felix and held his hand, seeking comfort and protection. You were too weak to fight, and you didn’t know where your gun and sword were.
“A place where Hook and Pan wouldn’t think of finding you. Well, Pan could find you out but I plan on smuggling you out as fast as possible.”
“Will you come with me?”
He didn’t reply and you decided not to push the question further. You understood if Felix wanted to stay: his whole life was in Neverland. He was the second in command, he had to care about the other lost boys as well. He couldn’t leave all that for you. After all, it was indeed your fault if you were in that mess.
Finally, you reached your destination: it was a cave hidden deep inside the swamp. Felix informed you Peter hated this part of the island, so he will hesitate to come snooping around. You were a bit surprised to see furniture such as a bed, cabinet and table already there.
“It was an old hideout before Pan forbade us to come here.” He quickly explained when he saw you look around. “It’s dusty but… Better than a trapdoor, am I right?”
“Yeah, anything is better than that.” You agreed and walked over to the bed.
The second in command laid something on the bed and you realized he had stolen some things from Hook’s quarters. Actually, it was your blanket, so the pirate won’t be that mad. But he will certainly be astonished to see the trapdoor opened with no sign of your person in it. Perhaps Felix had an idea on how to escape the island? You wanted to ask him if he had a magic bean but you refrained from doing so. You were exhausted from being imprisoned and from walking. You laid down on the bed and tried to get comfortable.
“I am going to get you some supplies from another hideout not far away. I won’t be too long. Try to sleep.” Felix softly whispered and kissed your forehead.
“Thank you.”
When you awoke, Felix was nowhere to be seen. There were several new objects and a basket full of food and a pitcher. Your stomach growled and you leaped to your feet, almost rushing to the table. You were so hungry and absolutely starved, your hands greedily went through the basket. Felix seemed to have the time to prepare some sandwiches that you devoured without a second thought. It felt insanely good to eat. For you, this was better than the food you would eat with Hook at his table. You wondered if he knew where you went or if he didn’t care. Probably the latter, you thought. If he was willing to sell you off then he didn’t care that much about your person.
Bored, you walked toward the entrance of the cave. You didn’t have the time or the energy to observe your surroundings when you arrived. Your nose scrunched up when you got a scent from the swamps: it was disgusting and you gagged at the odor. That may be one of the reasons Pan hated this place and you completely agreed with him. It was inhumane. At least the yellow eyes were gone or so you believed. You had seen such eyes in books about nature and animals, perhaps alligators lived there. You smiled, thinking about the odd story the captain told you once at night: a crocodile apparently took his hand and now he was wearing a hook to use it. You wondered if those animals could talk so you could ask them to eat him.
Something moved in the swamp which made you hide further in the cave’s shadows. You didn’t have any weapons on you so it was best to keep a low profile. Next time, you would ask Felix to get you some. You couldn’t stand being without one, you felt naked. You instantly smiled when you saw a familiar head with blond locks advancing toward the cave. Still, you stayed well hidden before jumping in to hug him.
“Thank you for the food, I greatly appreciated that.” You told him between kisses.
“We have no time to waste. I fear Pan must know something.” He replied, sounding almost desperate and frightened. “I may know a way to keep you safe but… There is a price to pay.”
“You are scaring me Felix.”
“Listen, there is someone named Rumpletilskin, he makes magical deals with people, at unfair prices though. We could… call him. I will pay any price if that means you get to live away from here.” The second in command argued with a disaffected and trembling voice. He didn’t seem to trust that person as well, which did scare you a little.
“But I don’t want to leave you!” You complained, you could hide in there for a long time, you wouldn’t mind. It was going to be hard but you didn’t want to leave Felix.
“I know.” He sighed and closed his eyes. It was also hard for him, you could tell that. “But it’s the only way to secure your safety.”
“You should come with me. We could live together.” You tried to insist but you found yourself disappointed when he shook his head again.
“I can’t. I have responsibilities here, the boys… Even if they annoy the fuck out of me, I can’t just live them there, you know? I promise I will do anything to find you after.” He sputtered, you felt being the second choice for him but you somewhat understood what the issue is: he had known the lost boys for all his life (centuries as he told you) and you both have known each other for what? Some weeks? It was unfair for him to just leave everything for a girl he barely knew.
“Okay.” You agreed, defeated. He was right, this was the only issue unfortunately. “But what if Pan knows about that?”
“He won’t dearie.”
Felix’s eyes shot wide open and he pulled you behind him protectively, though you could stand your ground. You scowled upon seeing the man or rather… creature in front of you: he looked more like a crocodile or alligator, with scales and golden eyes. He seemed rather amused at your constant starring and you glanced at the lost boy who looked tense. He giggled as he approached and wandered around the cave.
“I can’t believe my eyes! The second in command of Peter Pan, calling me, to make a deal! And with a pirate, nonetheless. What for, dearie?”
“For her protection.” Felix said with a stern and serious voice. You didn’t know what else to say so you let him deal with the strange fellow. “To be away from Neverland.”
“It will cost you a great deal, my friend. And I don’t think you have something I desire unfortunately, except if you can bring me your leader’s head.” You froze at that statement, knowing he wouldn’t do it. Also, Rumpletilskin seemed very angry when he spoke of Peter Pan. Did they have a history together?
“A part of my heart, perhaps?”
“What?!” You turned to stare at Felix, shocked by his offer. What did he mean by a part of his heart?
“Tell me more.” Rumpletilskin clapped his hands together, visibly interested.
“My heart is special, pure red, extremely rare, that’s what Pan told me.” Felix replied without glancing at you. Your heart was thundering in your chest, speaking of hearts made you quite queasy. “If I give you a part of it, you will make sure she has a good life somewhere else, where she will be happy, safe and without any problems of any kind. Do we have a deal?”
“I want to see it first.” The being haggled over, but he didn’t hide his interest.
“Felix, you don’t have to do that.” You told the lost boy, squeezing his hand.
“I have to. For you.”
Rumplestiltskin appeared in front of Felix. Unlike you, he didn’t step back, he instead glared at the dealmaker. You wondered how he would be able to see Felix’s heart. How could someone do that? Will he open the lost boy here and there? It seemed very risky and unsafe. To your surprise and horror, the man didn’t do that. Instead, he stuck his hand in the chest of your lover and took out his heart. Felix moaned in pain and you let him leant against him. He looked extremely weak but tried to appear strong and unbothered by what was happening.
The dealmaker inspected the heart meticulously and methodically. It was making you sick: he was observing the heart as if it was some meat piece! It was revolting. Rumplestiltskin took his sweet time before snapping his fingers together. A piece of parchment appeared out of thin air, with a feather quill.
“We have ourselves a deal my friend.”
“Felix, I am not sure about this. Are you certain-”
“Anything to protect, I will pay any price if it means you get to live that life you ever wanted. You deserve this. Let me take care of you one more time.” He softly spoke and kissed you.
The dealmaker made a gagging sound and giggled when he realised how embarrassed you were. What a bastard. You understood why the lost boy didn’t seem to like him. Watching anxiously Felix signing the parchment, you pondered over leaving him on his own, without a part of his heart. Wouldn’t he die without it? Would it be painful?
You got your reply as the blond haired boy groaned in pain, louder than when his heart was first taken, and if you weren’t holding him, the poor lad would have fallen over to the ground. You held him and hugged him, not wanting to be separated but now you didn’t have a choice anymore. You watched as the dealmaker held a little part of the heart, a shining little thing, it looked like a ruby. It was truly beautiful.
“There lover bird, let me put that back where it belongs.” The creature talked as he roughly pushed the heart back in the chest. Felix took a big inspiration before standing up on shaking legs. Then, the dealmaker stared at you with a smirk. “You have five minutes to pack and say your goodbyes.”
At least you didn’t have to leave immediately. Rumplestiltskin whistled a tune before advancing toward the exit of the cave. When he was out of sight, you hugged and kissed Felix, thanking him a hundred times for what he had done for you. Still, you didn’t want to leave him. You wanted to drag him to a better place with you, it was unfair he had to stay here.
“I don’t want to be away from you. I will die if I don’t have you near me.” You complained as Felix packed your own bag. He had insisted on doing it.
“Don’t worry. I just hope you forget me.” He tried to joke and laughed, but stopped when he saw how sad you actually were. “Or not.” Stepping toward you, he cupped your cheek and you leant into his touch. “I will try to find a way so we can be together again. I promise.”
“Okay. I promise not to forget about you.” You smiled and kissed him. Deciding on giving him something so he could still remember you, you took off one of your necklaces and offered him the piece. It was golden, with a ring attached to it. You put it in his palm delicately.
“I have to give you something too now.” He chuckled and reached for a ring he always wore. You never asked him the story from it. “There, you can wear it around your neck too. I will get it back when we will be reunited.”
“Your time is up dearie!” Rumpletilskin announced, happy to ruin the mood. “Or do you want to get killed by Peter Pan?”
“No, I'm coming.” You said before looking at Felix for the last time. “I will see you.” You kissed him again but the dealmaker roughly yanked you with him. You both groaned at the loss of sensations and before you could blink, a strange cloud made of smoke blinded you.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself in an immense room, which you believed to be a living room of some kind or rather a dining hall. It was not lightened, except for some candelabras. Also, there were numerous art pieces on the walls. It didn’t feel like home and not something you would live in. Hearing the dealmaker giggling, you turned and realized he had been watching you the whole time. There was a sick sparkle in his eyes that made your stomach turn. Your gut was telling you to be careful and that something was wrong.
“Your friend doesn’t read, doesn’t he?”
“I don’t know, the subject was never brought up.” You replied quickly, being on the defensive.
“Good, because that fool will never ever see you again.” The crocodile man smirked and you found yourself bonded to a chair. You started to squirm but the binds went tighter and tighter. “Don’t worry dearie, it won’t be painful and it won’t take long. I just love messing with young naive lovers.”
His hand covered your face, you cringed under his skin and attempted to bite him. He didn’t pay attention to you, he instead seemed to be focused. You hoped he wouldn’t take away your sight or your eyes, he seemed to be very deranged. You gathered some bravery before trying to ask him what he was doing. However, you didn’t have any time to do so: you felt a warm and burning feeling in your eyes, after a few seconds, your head spun to the side and you fell strangely asleep.
When you awoke, you immediately jumped to your feet. You didn’t remember falling asleep at all. Worryingly, your eyes scanned the dining hall, making sure the owner of the castle was not around. Alas, he was there, swirling some wool through a spinning wheel, and to your surprise, gold came out of it. You were fascinated by the strands of gold and approached, which made the man raise his head to grin at you.
“Finally awake dearie! You should be grateful I let you nap, but the castle isn’t going to clean itself. I am expecting some guests over.” He requested, implying you had to yet again to scrub and wash.
“I had the strangest dream.” You told him as your eyes were mesmerized by the spinning. “A boy… He made a deal with you to ensure my safety. He was cute.”
“Interesting. Keep those silly dreams to yourself dearie, love… is a weakness.” The Dark One declared, now you could finally put a title on his head, your mind was extremely foggy. “Don’t forget you're here because that good for nothing pirate captain threw you out.”
“Of course. I will never betray you.” You confidently replied.
“Good. Now, run along and do your chores. I expect this castle to shine, I want to see my face on every wall or ground.”
Nodding, you decided to leave him and to indeed go back to your chores. Still, the image of that boy haunted your mind. Who was he? He felt so real… Too bad you couldn’t even remember his name, but you did remember his eyes, blue or steel gray, like a cloudy day before the storm. And he had a scar as well. As you reached the cleaning supply and started to mop one of the hallways, you couldn’t help but stupidly smile at the mere thought of seeing him again, in reality or one of your dreams.
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