Bear Trap, Love Trap

Felix was fearless. That was a fact. He had run straight into battle, killed and hurt many and won his place as the second in command of Peter Pan. He didn’t remember his past well, he didn't care at all unlike the other boys. When he thought about it, if he was on Neverland, it meant it was bad enough back there. He was one of the first lost boys that was handpicked by Peter Pan. To resume: the second in command was the fiercest and one of the best brawlers of the whole island. 

And he was afraid of speaking to a girl.

Unlike most of the boys, he was not against having a small group of girls on Neverland. Actually, it was a good idea in his opinion: girls could be swift and knew how to gather secrets. They looked innocent enough and had lured Pan's enemies more than into their destruction. 

And there was one that caught Felix's eyes and heart as well. 

It didn't happen fast, if he remembered correctly. Maybe he had fallen for her when she used an arrow to attack a pirate straight into his face or when she jumped on a giant crocodile to save another lost boy. 

The only time Felix had tried to talk to her had been an utter disaster: following some boys advice, he decided to pick some flowers sprouting near Mermaid's Lagoon and left them somewhere the girl could find them. How was he supposed to know they were a rare species of poisonous lavender? Poor (Y/N) had rashes for weeks, and thought someone in the camp did it on purpose. And Felix avoided her since then, too ashamed of his mistake.

That day started out as a normal one: Felix woke up before everyone else, at sunrise. He had checked if the guards had seen something, or if something had happened during the night. And speaking of the girl that occupied his mind for endless days and nights, (Y/N) came strutting in, carrying some hunting material. 

"Felix, I am going hunting, care to join me?" She asked, taking the crossbow and putting it on her shoulder. "You are not walking away from me this time!" She gave him a warm and confident smile.

"I can't… Pan… He gave me a mission." He quickly lied, not looking at her, and found his foot very interesting. 

"Fine…" She mumbled a bit angrily, and stomped away, deeper into the jungle. She did sound disappointed when he thought about it.

"Congratulations Felix. You made a fool of yourself again." Peter's voice reached his ears and the blond haired boy closed his eyes with a deep sigh. "You had a perfect time to spend with her! Imagine what could have happened!" 

"I don't know how to speak to her. She would kill me if…" He refrained from talking about his precious romantic failure. "I can't even look at her eyes without shaking." 

"So… you are more scared of her than in love with her?" Peter repeated, not really understanding then his second in command's feelings. 

Felix shrugged and left without saying another word. Peter sighed, pacing around the camp and observing what the others were doing. A little group of older boys were whispering amongst themselves, and that caught his curiosity. He was like a cat: sly, swift and cunning, and always had a plan in his mind.

So he approached them discreetly, trying to catch a bribe of what they were saying. Of course, the topic was girls. Peter Pan smirked when he realised they were talking about (Y/N) but also about Felix. He was aware that they were trying to help him, but the poor boy didn't understand anything. 

"Maybe they could go fishing together?" A boy offered while dipping the head of his arrow into a bowl of dreamshade.

"Felix doesn't know how to swim. He is scared of water, remember?" Devin replied with a sigh, leaning back into his seat. "The problem is that whatever he does, he always ends up making a fool of himself… That makes him look bad to her."

That little and innocent comment made Pan think, and quickly enough, a new plan formed into his complicated mind. He smirked at that, and made his presence known to the other boys. He tilted his head as he spoke to Devin.

"So… in order to impress her, Felix has to be her prince charming, right? Girls always love their saviours." 

"Erm… Sure, Pan." Devin mumbled, too afraid to question him. 

"Yeah… that could work…" He replied, mostly to himself, brewing a plan in his mind. 

Pan was well aware of his friend's feelings, and he had tried to advise him the best he could. But Felix never listened, or when he did, he messed up. So, the leader of the lost boys took the matter into his own hands...

"Felix! I need you to inspect the hunting area." Pan called to his second in command, who was busy playing with his dagger. 

"Why? There is nothing to see in the hunting area. By the way, where were you?" The blond haired boy asked, a little suspicious.

"Listen, you are not my second in command if you ask too many questions. I just want to make sure everything is in order there, and kill any predators if you see them. I know you can take them on your own. Now go!"

The second in command kicked a rock with a frustrated and mad groan. He had been walking for an hour now, and he was bored. Nothing to kill, nothing to inspect… There was no sound whatsoever. Then… He heard something. It sounded like someone screeching and yelling, like someone had gotten hurt. 

The screaming couldn't be ignored, and he was quite happy something was happening for once. Yeah, it was sad that someone was injured. But then, he realised it sounded like a girl… And the only girl he knew who was hunting was… Felix started to run once he realised whose voice was yelling. He never had run that fast, and he even tripped a few times over the roots. What was strange was the fact there was no predator or other animals whatsoever… 

He found a ditch, and the screaming and wailing came from the bottom of it. He took a rapid glimpse, making sure it was not a trap, even if he doubted it. There she was, her crossbow next to her, and her leg caught in a bear trap. 

(Y/N) saw him, and she tried to form a smile on her face but she accidentally moved her leg, followed by a horrible cracking sound. The blond haired boy hurried down the ditch and jumped right next to her. 

"What happened?" He asked, a little panicked, trying to find what to do first.

"I was… I was tracking down a deer and I don't know what happened! There was no trap when we went hunting with Elliott yesterday …" She whimpered. "My leg got caught in the beartrap…" She showed him with a head motion.  

"It looks broken…" He winced, inspecting it then, he untied his coat and put it under her head for more comfort. He blushed a bit when he touched her hair but had to concentrate on the injury. "Okay, I will try to open it. Just… Do you want something for your teeth? I don't want to be responsible if they break…" He felt bad saying this. 

"I will use my scarf…." She sighed painfully, and he studied the bear trap a little bit more. 


She nodded a little reluctant, and he understood: it was going to be very painful for her. She closed her eyes, and her fingers dipped into the dirt. Felix chose this moment, when she would least expect it, to open the trap. He flinched when he heard her screams again, and accidentally, the trap closed back again on her leg, this time with a distinct cracking sound. The blond haired man gasped when he realised what happened. 

He had broken her leg a little more. 

She was thrashing against the trap, more blood pouring out her wound. He was sure he could see a piece of her bone poking out. Usually, he was not the one to faint at the sight of an open injury but bile rose up and he had to sit back to swallow it. His love for her was stronger than his instincts. 

"Stop moving!" He snapped at her, and regretted when he saw how afraid and tired she seemed. "It will only make things worse. I am going to try again, try to lift your leg and put it besides the trap. It's gonna be okay this time." He tried his best to remain calm. 

She nodded again, taking deep and quick breaths. She was clearly suffering and he had made things worse as usual. This time, he won't fail. 

"On my count… one… two… three…" He worked fast: he put all his strength into his arms, the trap opened and (Y/N) used her last remaining strength and courage to lift her injured leg.

"That hurts so bad!" (Y/N) cried, looking down at her leg. "Felix… don't cut my leg please!" 

"I won't… But, you need medical care now." He spoke softly, untying his scarf and tried to make it into a bandage. "Okay, I will have to carry you." 

"Wh… What? Felix I will be too heavy for you!" She shrieked and moaned in pain when she raised her head so she could put his coat on her body. "It's better if you leave me here…" 

"No! Absolutely not. Now, shut up and let me take care of you for once." 

The girl made a weird face: the kind of when she wanted to yell at him but didn't because she knew he was right. Still, she laid there and appeared unsure that he could actually lift her up. Felix did feel a little embarrassed when trying to figure out something that could avoid her to be in more pain than she already was in.

 She winced when he gathered her legs and then put her arms around his shoulder as he lifted her in one quick motion. Felix really hoped she was not seeing how red his ears must have looked: his shyness got the best of him again. 

The blond haired boy started to walk rapidly toward the camp, being careful this time about the roots. He didn’t know how the others would react when they would see them like this: it was an odd sight… and they could even mock him in front of her! Hearing her grunt of pain, Felix snapped out of his daze and decided to hurry up.

When he stepped out into the camp, a bunch of lost ones ran up to them, questioning about what happened to (Y/N). Finally, the second in command lost his temper and barked at them to get away, and to let them through if they didn't want the lost girl to lose her leg. 

"Peter!" Felix yelled as he entered (Y/N)'s tent that she shared with some girls. 

"Damn, that looks serious." Peter Pan said simply, glancing at the injury and winced a little. "There are bones sticking out…" He added with disgust.

"When did you become so shy Pan?" (Y/N) asked with a smirk, trying to hide her pain in front of the leader. "Just heal me with your magic."

"Well… it's either I replace all your bones together or I close your wound. Either way, it is going to hurt like hell." Pan explained after thinking for some minutes. 

"I don't care, put my bones together!" 

"Okay, just… Felix, make sure she doesn't move."

The blond haired boy nodded and applied some pressure on her shoulders, trying his best not to blush when his palms touched her skin. (Y/N) took a few breaths, and leant back, her eyes locking on his and he gulped nervously. He always thought her eyes were the most beautiful he had ever seen… 

That lovely daydream of his got shattered by her bloody screams of pain. Felix snapped back into reality and tried his best to not let her move too much: the least thing they needed was her kicking Peter with her legs. Some minutes after, her body went limp and her eyes closed.

"She passed out, that makes things easier." Pan commented, continuing his work. "You know, maybe this is the occasion to admit your feelings for her." 

"What-? I don't- I am not…" Felix mumbled panicked, his face growing hot. 

"Everyone can see it." His friend replied, rolling his eyes, and smirking when the bones seemed to be healed now. "No need to hide it. Just be yourself."

"That's the problem." 

"Come on, just do it. You will feel better afterwards." 

Felix sighed, knowing his friend wouldn't drop it. His eyes went back (Y/N)'s face, who seemed to be peaceful. All the pain was gone. Except for his and his burning desire to hold her and protect her.

"I will try."

"Good. Get Adam in here, I am not using my magic on her open wound, he can close it." 

The second in command had been trying to open out to (Y/N) but it was harder than he believed. He would always get nervous around her, stumble and stutter on his words and felt afraid she would mock him for being vulnerable. That happened quite a lot in the past unfortunately and it stuck with him.

Some days after the accident, at nighttime, he finally decided to do it. He was supposed to check on her in the evening, because they put her in a tent just for her so she could rest normally, on Adam's advice. Felix would bring her food and water and check for her injury. 

He entered the tent, greeting her anxiously before going back to this routine they had installed. The only thing that would change is him revealing his feelings, and it was not going to be easy. He needed to make sure she was asleep. Thankfully, Tinkerbell had heard of what happened to the girl and being friends with most of them, she offered some kind of tea that would ease the pain but made the person drinking it incredibly sleepy. 

He felt like a creep standing next to her like that. She was not aware he didn't leave. It was easiest to confess while she was sleeping, and that way, maybe his heart would stop thundering against his chest when she was in his sight. He took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on his words.

"I love you, like not a friend, but more like… Goddammit why is this so difficult to do?!" He spoke with anger, frustrated with himself. "I love you. Simple enough. I don't know if you feel the same way as I do… but I really hope you do." 

That's when his eyes caught the cup. The cup he was sure he poured the tea in, which was not empty. It looked a little warm even. He made some kind of scared and surprised sound. It meant she was not really sleeping like he thought she was! Speaking of the devil, the girl turned on her side, locking her eyes with his, smirking.

"I do feel the same way Felix."

"You… must… have heard… That was a mistake."

(Y/N) sat up on the bed, taking his new scarf and brought him down to her level. She then kissed his cheek and Felix stood still for some seconds, not believing what had just happened. The girl leant back, giggling when she saw how red his face was.

"I would have adored to teach you more on how to please a girl…" She winked at him, making the second in command more miserable and blushy. "But I am tired and my leg hurt…" 

"What?" Felix said softly, but was very confused about what happened.

"I love you Felix. I will see you tomorrow." She took his hand and kissed it lovingly. 

"You do? You really do?" He whispered, not being able to even register that she indeed liked him. He also felt like sobbing at her returning his feelings. "I am sorry but can you tell me one more time?" 

"I love you Felix." She declared more seriously, bringing his hand to her cheek. "Like a lot." 

"Wow… I never thought… You are so… So strong and independent." 

"That's funny because that's what I think about you as well. Guess we really found each other then!" 

She sounded so optimistic, so nice, so loving. Someone liked him, and openly said they did so! He had to bite his lips to prevent himself from sobbing uncontrollably. But the girl looked exhausted and a little in pain, and didn’t need to comfort him.

"You need to sleep." The second in command muttered, his hands flying to the beverage which was still warm. "Drink this."

"Yes, sir." The girl grinned while taking the cup from his hands which made him blush again. "Thank you so much for taking care of me. You should head back before they notice something if you don't want people to know." 

Felix nodded eagerly before stepping out. But when he arrived at the tent's door, he turned and ran to the girl, kissing her lips rather roughly and swiftly before darting outside, his hood hiding his head and face. That way, no one would ever see his blushing face and his dreamy smile. 

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