3 nuits par semaine

Warnings: smut, very explicit content, dom!reader, sub!Felix, kind of bdsm

He was always following you.

He became like your second shadow at this point.

You were barely tolerated inside the camp, living with them but still separated, like you were ill with a plague. The boys never spoke to you, only Pan did, and he was always mocking you. He kept you, allowed you to breathe on his island just because he thought it was funny to have a girl on the island.

You were pretty much fine with your new found solitude. You were pretty lonely in your last realm. You didn't mind being alone. But it was soon disturbed by Pan's fierce second in command. You didn't know when or how he started following you around. At first, you thought Pan tasked him to do this, but when you spoke about it to the little devil, he chuckled and said Felix was his own man.

The blond haired boy made you uneasy. To have someone following you like that, you hated it. You were always frightened he would watch you shower in the waterfall or the lagoon... You were pretty sure you saw him watching while you were asleep. He was such a creep.

Sometimes, Pan would order you to go on a patrol by yourself and you couldn't refuse it. He was letting you live, and at least you were doing something else than staying in your tent reading or writing. You walked around, feeling happy that no one seemed to be behind you.

Suddenly, you felt watched and a bad gut feeling was slowly creeping in your stomach. You stopped, looking around nervously. You didn't know how to fight, so you wouldn't be able to fight back if someone had bad intentions with you. With your back turned to the vast and dark fauna, you didn't think you were being vulnerable.


You screamed in fright, and attempted to turn to run away, but you fell. A loud laughter echoed in the forest and you rolled your eyes, quickly understanding who the culprit was.

"It's not funny Felix!" You yelled as you stood up.

"Yes it is. I appreciate how scared you can be." He talked with a sadistic grin. "Besides, Pan told me to help you for today."

"Are you forced to do whatever he tells you to do? You are a fucking dog."

Felix grabbed your face roughly, with a glare, and you grew scared for a second. You were like frozen, you knew how violent and strong the blond haired boy was.

"You are so right, I am a dog." He whispered almost mockingly before licking your cheek roughly.

"Ew! Get away from me!" You screamed in disgust, pushing the boy away before wiping your cheek with your sleeve. "You are so gross Felix!"

"Aw, you mad?"

"I fucking hate you!" You screamed back, still grossed out.

"The feeling is mutual, princess."

The nickname annoyed you so much. And he knew it. You threw yourself on the boy, like a cat pouncing on a mouse. Except, in your case, your mouse happened to be a very tall boy, who had more fighting skills than you. He easily avoided your pitiful attack and laughed again when you ran straight into a tree.

You hold your nose, feeling a warm liquid slowly rolling down. You took a glimpse at your hand and saw blood. You grimaced at the painful feeling and heard the second in command walking behind you.

"Are you okay?" He asked, almost worried.

"Do I look like I am?" You moaned painfully. "Don't touch me you psycho!" You screamed when he approached you.

He rolled his eyes and still grabbed your forearm, pulling you out somewhere. You let him drag you wherever he wanted. You both stopped inside a small unoccupied camp. Felix grabbed something from the inside of a huge tree: it was kind of a first aid kit. He opened it and took a napkin. You flinched when he sat down next to you, holding the handkerchief to your face.

"I can do it myself." You growled as you took what he was holding and put it under your nose.

"Right, such an independent woman." He chuckled as he watched you.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Alright I will sew your damn mouth together."

He snorted at that, throwing his head back. It was an empty threat, and he knew it. You didn't have much strength, you never had trained with the boys. You barely knew how to hunt and it was a miracle that you were still alive and in good health. After a few minutes, your nose stopped bleeding and you threw the handkerchief at Felix who caught it lazily.

"This is all your fault." You growled, knowing your nose will bruise. "Why are you so obsessed with me?"

"I am not." He snapped, his eyes growing dark. "Who would want to be obsessed with you?" He told with a mocking grin.

What he said actually hurt your feelings, and you huffed, deciding to leave. The blond haired boy may have gone too far, you were very annoyed by his behaviour. He was obsessed or something. He was still behind you when you left the little camp.

You groaned in annoyance and bothered by the sound of Felix mumbling in his sleep. His tent was not that far away from yours, Pan had told you it was that way so you were watched all the time. The lost boy was loud during his sleep, and you decided it was time to put an end to this.

You snuck out of your tent and walked quietly to his, entering without making any noise. The blond haired boy was moving a lot, mumbling and moaning, sweat covering his forehead. You grimaced, knowing that boys usually dreamt of having women during their sleep. You nearly threw up at the thought of him with other girls naked... But you were tired of him ruining your sleep.

"Felix... Felix!" You breathed, shaking the boy.

His skin was incredibly hot, it was strange you noticed. The second in command's eyes opened suddenly and you bite your lips to not let out a scream. He was so good at frightening you.

"What do you want?" He asked, confused. "It is still nighttime..."

"You... You are bothering me. I can't sleep because of you moving and making noises."

"I am sorry princess, but you don't live in a castle."

"It's not funny!" You said, hitting him. "I have been losing hours of sleep because of you. You really are a pain in the ass, even when I can finally rest from your bullshit, you still find ways to anger me."

He laughed and brought his face closer to yours, his eyes shining with excitement and mischief.

"Then why don't you come tiring me a little?" He asked with a smirk.

It took you some times to understand what he meant and you couldn't help but blush intensely, your face growing hotter and hotter when imagining you and Felix having sex together.

"You pervert!" You yelled, smacking his face away, not caring if you woke up some boys.

Felix fell backwards on his bed, and you watched his chest rising and falling. It seemed like he was always seeking a way to make you furious, so you would hit him or something. It was sick.

"I am going back to my tent." You mouthed, making your way toward the entrance.


You prefered walking away from the blond haired boy rather than staying listening to what he wanted to say. Felix was definitely weird you thought and you decided to take some distance with him.

Some days had passed and it looked like Felix had taken the silent message well. Pan never gave you chores, however he always appointed you to get dreamshade or packages from the mermaids. They were kinder to you, and softer, you thought it was because you were a girl so they trusted you easily.

It was one of those days, where you had to walk at night, alone, to the lagoon. You didn't like to walk at this time, because you were terrified of the dark in Neverland. It was full of dangerous creatures, and sometimes pirates were lurking around.

"Damn Pan..." You groaned, holding the weird looking shell in your hands. "Sending me at night just for a fucking shell..."

You stopped, feeling suddenly watched. You slowly reached for your sword, falling at your side. You hoped it was no pirates, if you were lucky they would be afraid at the mere mention of Peter Pan. Living on his island was a good protection.

"Who's there? State your name!" You yelled, your voice shaking a little.

Something knocked into you and you accidentally let go of the beautiful and mysterious shell. It disappeared somewhere on the ground, and you cursed at that. You couldn't even take your sword, someone was blocking your face against the forest floor.

"Get off me!" You cried, moving your legs up and down in a panic.

"Come on, take a joke for once." A familiar voice huffed.

It was Felix. Of course it was him. You should have been used to his weird jokes by now. He thought it was funny but it really wasn't. It was uncalled for. Especially now: he knew Pan liked to send you to get his precious magical objects. The blond haired boy rolled beside you, with a frown.

"You are not fun."

That made your blood boil. You glared at him before jumping on his stomach. The second in command stared at you with wide eyes, not used to seeing you that angry. Your hands crept to his neck and you gave a hard squeeze, just to scare him and to definitely make him stop from annoying you.

It was a real surprise that he did seem to mind the precious air missing from his lungs. His eyes were closed, and a weird smirk was creeping on his face... The bastard enjoyed this.

"You sick pervert, you need to see a doctor." You growled after hitting him again.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, breathing heavily.

Your hands went back at his neck, where bruises started to form. You didn't care about him possibly dying, you just wanted him to respect you. As you applied more and more pressure, you watched as he moved, but not trying to escape or fight back. Instead, he was... doing something weirder than enjoying you choking him: rubbing his legs together. Then, the thought struck
you and you couldn't help but gag.

"You're so strange Felix." You whispered, a little fascinated by his reactions and behaviour.

You decided to go harder and choked him with all your strengths. Not only did his face become red, but he let out a moan. Your eyes widened in shock, and you slowly let go of his neck. You stood up, and walked back to the camp, not caring about the shell, and thinking a lot about what happened with the second in command.

You entered your tent, fell on your bed, and closed your eyes, hoping to forget that awkward moment.

When you woke up, it was still night time. You still had a little time to go search for the shell Pan told you to bring him back. You put a fur cloak around your shoulders, not wanting to be cold. You stepped outside, careful to not wake the sleeping boys. You frowned when your eyes caught the blond haired man's tent. Your eyes widened again when you heard some sounds coming from it. Was he... was he getting off from what happened today? He was really shameless.

But why were you so drawn to go take a look?

You shook your head, determined to go search for the magical object. It was your number one priority. Not Felix and his sick fantasies. You walked toward the jungle but stopped again. You had to admit... It was a little arousing. You always thought Felix was pretty, but in an odd way. He looked like he came straight from one of Picasso's paintings.

Why were you thinking about this again? You needed to go through your mission and succeed if you wanted to stay alive on the island, and it was not by screwing Felix that you would do that.

You closed your eyes, the second in command's moans echoing in your mind. You shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't... Then why were you stepping toward his tent silently. It was so wrong, it was breaking Felix's private space and you didn't want to invade it. You stopped right beside it, not daring to enter. You thought about how the young man would look, with your hands around his throat again... what was wrong with you?


You snapped out your thoughts and realised you had walked straight into the tent. Your eyes widened at Felix's naked body... and you looked away, your cheeks heating up.

"I... I am sorry. I thought... I thought something bad was happening." You lied.

"I would have liked you to at least state your name." The boy chuckled, pulling his blanket over his body. "I mean... I would have hated it if it was someone else."

"Some... Someone else?" You repeated.

So... he didn't seem to mind you breaking in? It was unbelievable. On one hand, you were embarrassed and you really wanted to leave but on the other hand... Now, you felt more aroused. Your legs started to rub together, and you bite your tongue hard.

"I... I have to go." You breathed out before running outside.

You had avoided Felix for some time since that night. It was pretty embarrassing for both of you. You never thought the serious and cold blooded second in command was that way, into this kind of stuff... You observed him from afar, he was speaking with Pan around the main bonfire. Did the king of Neverland know his number one lost boy loved to be choked and hit?

"Pan wants to talk to you." Devin said as he approached you from behind, surprising you.

"Why?" You asked, suddenly concerned about your safety.

You had brought back his precious shell when you had seen and talked to Felix that night... You still could remember clearly.

"Don't know. Said it was important."

You nodded and thanked him for informing you. As you walked toward the brown haired boy, your eyes caught Felix's and you couldn't describe what you were feeling. It wasn't love, and it didn't last either... But maybe a mix of both?

"How is my favourite lost girl doing?" Peter Pan questioned with his mocking voice.

"I am fine."

"I have some questions for you... regarding Felix."

"Oh..." You muttered.

"You sound disappointed... I mean, I know you aren't very close with him but Felix has been acting strange lately." Pan explained. "He is not his usual self, and I know you like to observe and analyse people. I want you to discover the reason for Felix's behaviour."

"I will try to, I don't promise anything."

"Smart girl." Pan chuckled, glancing at you.

You nodded at him, understanding what he meant. You didn't want to promise something you couldn't achieve, and didn't want to make false promises. Pan knew this, and you were glad you were that way. You never lied too, you were in fact so scared of being killed that if Pan questioned you about Felix's whereabouts, you would tell him everything.

You sighed and scratched the back of your neck, an odd habit of yours when you were nervous. You didn't want to hurt the second in command, and revealing his secrets would actually hurt him and his position. You knew some boys lusted over his shiny job and his strange relationship with Peter Pan. Being the second in command came with a lot of advantages. Should you warn him about what the leader of the lost boys told you? You didn't want to scare him off or even... You were simply too embarrassed to speak to him after seeing him last night.

Maybe you should talk to him... Tell him to be more cautious about his nocturnal activities.

You asked around to know his location and the boys told you he was at the top of the highest mountain in Neverland, probably to observe if any enemies came. You hated hiking and you weren't prepared mentally to climb but you needed to. But Felix owned one for you. You were being a good friend.

But did you want to stay only a friend to him?

The images of Felix naked flashed through your mind as you walked with difficulty to the top. You were a slow walker, and you hoped the second in command didn't leave while you were ascending. You didn't understand why you were so aroused the night you entered his tent, when he moaned when you were shocked... What was wrong with you? You never had those kinds of thoughts.

You were panting heavily when you reached the top and nearly fell to your knees, feeling the sudden need to throw up. You tried to catch your breath for a second, repeating the ideal scenario of talking to the blond haired boy in your head. You need it to be short and quick for your mental health.

He was standing tall before the edge, and you wondered how he could not be afraid of heights. You were terrified of them. It was a miracle you climbed all the way up there without fainting.

"Felix!" You called up to him. "Felix!"

"What is it, princess?" He asked, turning and smirking at the pet name.

"We need to talk. Seriously."

You approached him but stayed at a good distance from the edge. You wondered again how he could be so calm while being so close to death. Finding some bravery again, you looked up at the boy, your hands balled into a fist.

"Pan asked me to investigate you because you are acting weird and I think we both know why..." You trailed, observing his reaction. "So stop being a creep."

"I am not a creep. You are!" Felix said, pointing his weapon and staring at you. "It's you who entered my tent unannounced, and you were the first to start the hostility."

"What hostility? You liked when I hit and choked you!" You screamed back. "I can't believe I tried to help you..."

"Tried to help me with what?! Stop being obsessed with me!" He used the expression again, but with rage this time.

"Fine!" You snapped and turned to leave. "We both know why you behave like that, so YOU should stop being a creep!"

Of course Felix would put the blame on you and pretend nothing was wrong. He was such a coward, you couldn't believe it. You had seen him heading straight into battles, first in line, and fighting mermaids and pirates. Why was he so afraid of affirming he liked to be hurt? You could keep the secret and Pan wouldn't have to know about it.

The next evening, you found yourself roaming around the quiet part of the jungle, craving the silence and the loneliness. You hadn't talked to Felix since your confrontation on the mountain and you told Pan you didn't see anything wrong with the blond haired boy. The leader of the lost boy didn't seem to believe you but thanked you for at least trying to help.

You stopped in front of the sea, welcoming the breeze with open arms. No pirates were present for once. It was not like you hated them, but some of them were really loud and always drunk. The captain, Hook, was quite likeable and seemed to enjoy having you on his ship. You wondered what life at sea could be like, maybe it was more exciting than living in Neverland? You rarely went on "adventures" as Pan named them, because you were a girl and so not entirely a part of the lost boys, which was stupid.

"What are you doing here?" A voice asked from behind you. "You shouldn't be away from the camp at that hour."

You rolled your eyes and didn't bother to turn. You crossed your arms over your chest, still admiring the ocean.

"Good evening to you too Felix." You spat. "I am sorry I didn't know I had a bedtime."

"There is no time for jokes. You know how dangerous the island is at night. Go back to camp now."

"Or what?" You questioned, approaching the blond haired boy slowly. "You are going to put me over your shoulder and carry me there? Or beat me up to make me obey?"

You smirked, watching as Felix's face seemed to redden a little. You had to admit, with his innocent face and look, and with the moon's light, he did look beautiful. You felt a little crazy when an idea popped up in your mind.

"Or do you want me to beat you up like I always do? It would fit perfectly, don't you think?"

"Wh... What are you talking about?" He stuttered.

You stood up on your tiptoes, staring straight into his eyes.

"Come on Felix, we both know you liked the choking." You flirted.

"I don't see what you are talking about..." He lied, stammering.

You both knew he was wrong and you needed to prove it. You bet he didn't expect you to slap him hard across the face. You watched his reaction, a bit nervous and uncertain. But you smiled as he let out a shaky breath, his hand on his cheek, his eyes glancing at you shyly. What went through your mind at this moment was incredible: you never thought you could feel that way. You felt... powerful in a way. Felix looked away, ashamed and you didn't want him to feel that way.

Unfortunately for you, the blond haired boy ran back to the camp, not stopping when you called him. Maybe you went a little far? You didn't mean to hurt him, you thought he liked that. Maybe you should go and apologise to him later?

Later, as you laid in bed unable to sleep, you thought again of Felix. You shouldn't have slapped him, it was uncalled for. You still didn't understand why you did that, you wanted to test him, to see if he really liked it... You shifted in your bed, uncomfortable. It wasn't like you didn't imagine yourself having sex with the second in command... You had those thoughts sometimes, and the thought of having him under your control was... something you desperately wanted to experience.

"(Y/N)? Are you... Are you sleeping?"

"What?" You groaned, annoyed.

Felix timidly approached, a sudden look of fear in his eyes, which was... pretty rare. You never saw him looking that afraid. You watched as he stepped in your tent in silence and he stopped, looking down at your face.

"Did... What did you say to Pan?"

His voice tried to be mean and cold, like he didn't care, sounding a little ordering. You smirked at him and decided to play a little mind game with him. Surely he wouldn't mind, he had been an asshole to you all the time.

"I don't know, what did you think I said to him?"

"I... You are the worst, a little vixen."

"Are you trying to insult me? That was pretty weak from you Felix."

He opened his mouth, like a fish and stared at you in despair. You smirked again, happy with yourself. Finally, you had some leverage against him that you could use. You weren't a wicked one, of course you wouldn't tell Pan... yet.

"So are you going to leave or do you plan on standing there like a tree all night?" You asked with a chuckle.

He made some inaudible groan before leaving your tent in a hurry. You smiled to yourself, and with a giggle, you remembered how awkward and embarrassed he looked when he moaned while being choked...

You felt something tightening up in your stomach however it was not sickness... Actually you felt quite hot when you thought about Felix and how he would look under you, your hands around his throat...

"Oh my god shut up mind!" You whispered furiously to yourself before trying to get some sleep.

The next morning, Pan had forced you to assist or participate in the lost ones training sessions. You weren't a fan of those, you prefered to stay alone and he knew that, still you had to go through it. However, it was rare he made you actually participate so you were just looking and judging with him. You groaned as you observed the boys, clearly bored and tired.

"Why do you have to train them in the first hours of morning?" You complained to Pan who was standing to your right, ignoring the second in command at your left.

"Because they are more concentrated and actually are doing something." He replied, not looking at you. "They are eager to eat after."

"Yeah, boys are so well known for listening to their stomachs... and dicks."

Pan laughed at your joke, his eyes twinkling with happiness. You snorted at it too, but glanced from time to time at Felix. He looked so intimidating and tough in front of everyone else, but with hands around his neck... You wanted to see the reactions of the boys a little bit. It could be funny... But harmful for the blond haired boy, and you didn't want to look at him in that kind of pain.

"Is it over?"

"Stop complaining, it's annoying." Felix growled.

"Stop being so uptight, dog."

"Quit it, both of you!" Pan spoke loudly. "I should make you do something together, maybe it will bring you closer and stop having those silly arguments in my kingdom. You are both annoying and uptight."

"I don't want to spend time with that vixen!"

"Likewise, dumbass!"

"Enough!" Pan screamed, startling you and the rest of the lost boys. "If you do not stop those childish arguments, I will kick you both from Neverland!"

You bite your lips, restraining you from trying to reason him. You knew it was not an empty threat and you definitely didn't want to be alone in a dangerous and dark realm again... The only solution was to bond with Felix, which was nearly impossible. But still, you wanted to try.

"Fine..." You mumbled.

"Felix?" Pan called.

He didn't make any sounds but only nodded his head slowly. The boys went back to training shortly after Pan's outburst, and he sent you and the second in command in the forest, to see if the hunting and fish traps were full. You weren't exactly happy to do it with him, actually, you were a little excited. You would have to stay some days away from the camp. Before leaving, you turned to Pan with a smirk.

"Do you have a leash to walk the dog?"

"Stop with the humour and go on your way." He replied, bored.

Being with Felix was not that bad, you believed. He knew all about the island and could keep you safe, not that you couldn't protect yourself. Still, the blond haired boy stayed bossy and wouldn't stop commanding you around. You grew tired of that and sat down like a child in the middle of the road. He turned to stare down at you, visibly annoyed at your behaviour. He approached and gave your leg a little nudge.

"Get up."


"You are such a child, I can't believe Pan made me go collect the traps with you. You only slow me down."

You huffed and crossed your arms, avoiding looking at him. He sighed and then got angry suddenly, pulling you up harshly by the arm and throwing you on the road. You tripped but didn't fall, and glared at the second in command.

"What the heck Felix?!"

"Let's go. I don't want to stay here at night. We need to reach the hunting camp."

"Why? Afraid of the dark, are you?" You chuckled as he walked past you.

"Shut up and walk."

"Fine, horse face." You cursed under your breath.

You hated walking for hours and without any break to rest. Felix seemed to didn't mind, he didn't talk to you at all through it. You were walking behind him, at a slow pace, mainly to annoy him. He was always so serious, so stuck up, like he had a broom up his ass. So uptight because he liked to get hurt. You wondered if he liked to be slapped too. Then, your eyes fell to his ass and you smirked to yourself. Did he like being spanked?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Your ass."

"What?!" He stopped and turned to look at you, surprised.

"Ugh... nothing?" You grimaced as you strutted quickly past him. "Nothing."

When you reached some hunting traps, you knelt down to inspect if anything was inside. You were quite happy to be away from the camp, if you had to admit: sometimes the boys were too loud for your own taste, or they were playing pranks on you, driving you mad. At least, it was silent there.

"You know, instead of staring at my beautiful person, maybe you can lend me a hand?" You questioned the second in command.

"No I don't think so."

"Why? You know, if you continue to be that lazy, you are going to have your precious second in command place snatched by someone else."

Felix approached you swinging his club over his shoulder with a confident smile.

"And what makes you think that, princess?"

You rolled your eyes before smirking, successfully confusing the blond haired lost boy. He thought he would always maintain his Pan's most trusted? Maybe it was time to teach him a lesson. So, you swiftly grabbed his throat and squeezed hard, which made the lost one fall to his knees with a blushing face. Such a creep. You couldn't wait until he would moan. This was so funny and amusing, it was very different from what you had experienced with other boys in your old home.

"So not very talkative anymore, lost boy." You teased.

"Shut... Shut up..." The boy tried to say but he was visibly flustered as you put more pressure on it.

He then moaned, and looked away, blushing even more. You laughed at that then let go of his throat, watching him fall and gathering his thoughts.

"I will see you at the camp." You said with a small wave, taking the meat bag with you.

Felix came some minutes after you had started the fire. There was no tent, so both of you would sleep under the stars tonight. Luckily, the boys who would often come there to install the traps would leave mattresses made of hays and leaves which was not very comfortable but they could do with some blankets. You cooked some small meal with the meat you collected earlier and ate quietly. Felix was a big boy, he could cook his food himself. But to your surprise, he didn't eat anything at all. He just removed his cloak then laid down on a mattress.

You observed him for some time, trying to understand him and understand what you were feeling about the second in command. Since the beginning of your stay, you couldn't help but mess with him and he was also doing the same for you. Uou also believed you could... you could love him. You had feelings for him, for quite some times, but you buried them within yourself. You couldn't afford that. It was weird to feel the rush of those emotions suddenly. You guessed it was because you were completely alone with him.

"Felix, you sleeping?" You whispered. "Felix?"

"I was but not anymore thanks to you..." He groaned, his back facing you. "What do you want?"

"Why do you like being choked?"

As soon as the question came out of your mouth, you felt a sharp pain at your forehead. You winced, offended and hurt, realising that Felix had thrown a big rock at you.

"What the hell?!"

"Stop with your stupid questions!"

"But why? I promise I won't laugh at you."

"It's a lie. You lie all the time." The blond haired boy said softly, and it made your heart break a little.

"You don't trust me?"

"It's not that. It's... complicated. You wouldn't understand. You laugh all the time at people's misery." He sighed angrily.

"Hey that's mean! I only laugh because it's funny. You should try laughing sometimes. Besides, you are mean and horrible to me! Since I got there, you were so weird, mocking me or pranking me and then you started being mean." You complained. "I just want to help you."

He rolled on his side and looked at you. He seemed to search for his words, and didn't seem to trust you that much yet. Maybe Pan knew of his dark secret? Did anyone know or had suspicion?

"Alright... But if you laugh or make one single remark, I will kill you in your sleep." He threatened before facing you again. "I... I just enjoy being hurt during sex, nothing more." He stuttered. "I had... experiences." He finished, trying to hide under his blanket.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself for that, you know? But damn, control yourself better if you don't want to get caught."

"It's fine. I can do it. But now that I told you my secret, you have to tell me yours. I swear I won't say anything."

"Well..." You said, uncomfortable. "I have to admit... I liked dominating you, in a way?" You revealed, blushing madly. "I mean... it is not the first time that... I do that and enjoy it." You continued, thinking about your past for a moment and all the people who asked you to do those practices in bed.


You both stayed quiet, not daring to say another word. It was a little awkward, spilling those kinds of confessions.

"I... I never really had sex." Felix admitted shyly. "I know it's stupid."

"It's not. You shouldn't beat yourself up over that." You told him, glancing at his face. "Did the others laugh at you for it?"

"No, I never told them. Not even Pan. I don't... I don't want to be alone again."

Boys took great pride in sexual experiences, you knew too well. It was no wonder he felt that way, especially since he was the second in command of the terrible leader of the lost boys.

"You're not alone, you have me." You smiled softly at him.

The blond haired boy didn't say anything after your little conversation. You figured out he went to sleep when you heard him snoring lightly. But you, on the other hand, couldn't bring yourself to close your eyes. You hated sleeping outside, with little to no defense. That settlement was located between huge trees and dense bushes, and you swore you saw eyes behind them. Slowly but surely, you advanced toward Felix and slipped next to him, appreciating his warmth and feeling protected.

The next morning, you both went back to camp. Felix didn't seem angry at you anymore, but he was his usual self: cold and emotionless. It was just a cover, he didn't want to seem vulnerable. Boys could be cruel when they saw someone was weaker than them. But you noticed how much the blond haired boy looked at you now. Sometimes you would wave back at him or smile, and it amused you to see his cheeks blushing a little.

Cold nights were unusual on the island but you welcomed it with open arms. You didn't like how hot it was during the night and loved to put many blankets atop of you. You sighed, comfortable, and it was actually quiet for once. You were enjoying this weather because the boys stayed inside all the nights and didn't play any pranks on you recently.

When you were finally falling asleep, you heard someone entering your tent. You glanced over your shoulder, confused as to why someone would come in at such a time. It was Felix. You frowned, didn't understand why he was there.

"What do you want, blondie?" You groaned. "Aren't you supposed to walk around the island?"

"I was tired. And it is cold... Can I stay here?"

The question surprised you and you didn't refuse it. He looked so... so strangely calm. He slipped under your covers, and you regretted a little to let him do that. It was so small now and it didn't help that Felix pushed himself against you. You tried to go back to sleep but the blond haired boy was moving too much. You kicked him and commanded him to stop, but couldn't hear what was saying under his breath.

"Stop hurting me!"

"I am not, you enjoy it, remember?" You hissed.

"I enjoy it in a different setting, little miss shit."

You smirked and turned to look at him with a wink.

"And... If I manage to put you in this setting, will you finally enjoy it?"

The blond haired boy blushed furiously but managed to nod slowly, while looking away. You giggled, finally understanding that if he requested to stay with you, it was maybe because he wanted to have sex with you.

"Have you ever been kissed?" You hummed, as you slowly moved to straddle Felix's waist.

The lost boy shook his head weakly, like he was ashamed of that. You sighed and laughed a little, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. His hair was always wild, he never bothered to brush, certainly there were a lot of tangles.

"Would you like to find out? Do you want to know what it's like to be loved?"

You had already started to kiss face, then moved to his jaw, his skin getting goosebumps and warm quickly. He gulped nervously and you suddenly wondered if you weren't making him uncomfortable. That was the last thing you wanted, you would never hurt Felix like that.

"Yes... I would like that." He breathlessly confessed, a little ashamed as you moved to kiss his lips.

"Good... boy." You smirked as you helped him remove his clothes. "What do you want me to do to you?"

Timidly, his hand reached for your own and brought it up slowly to his throat. You understood well: the last days had taught you a lot about the lost one, and you knew what he mostly enjoyed. You gave a soft squeeze first, to test the water. You really didn't want to hurt him, only give him pleasure.

"Shit..." You heard him muttering.

"What? Already coming?" You said, mocking like he would do to you. "You truly are a virgin."

"That hurt you know."

His hands started to roam your body, and you didn't realise until he tried to put his hands under your nightgown. Your eyes hardened suddenly, and you slapped him hard. His head jolted to the side and he was panting, his eyes glued on yours.

"Not so fast " You growled, reaching to imprison his bigger hands in your little one above his head.

The blond haired boy gave you a soft and weak smile, at least he was appreciating the moment. You then remembered to be quiet or else some snouty boy will try to enter. Quickly, you took a hair ribbon you sometimes used for your hair or other things, and tied it around his hands. He gave you a questionable look.

"So you don't attack me while I am trying to please you." You explained as your hands rubbed against his scarred chest.

"What if... What if someone hears us?" He shrieked, really worried, his eyes darting at the entrance of his tent.

"I trust you to be silent then."

"It is not me I am worried about."

You hummed as you kissed him, finally silencing him. He tried to move to touch you again but forgot his hands were tied up. He groaned when he realised, but his little pained groans turned to moans when your skilled hands finally touched his dick.

It was such a sweet melody and you didn't care if someone heard you two. Something in you warmed your whole body and you recognised it, definitely turned on by the lost boy's sounds. You didn't want to waste anymore time: you slowly pulled up your nightgown and impaled yourself down on his dick with a loud moan.

Bringing your hands over your mouth, you started to ride him, and he did his best to be silent. However it was not working. You were almost proud of how you made him, Pan's most fiercest and trusted lost one, sing like that while you were dominating him.

After a moment, you leant down and bit him hard on the shoulder. He let out a pained moan, and glanced down to admire your artwork: in a way, you were marking him. Your mouth flew to his neck, sucking, leaving more marks. And he was still enjoying this.

No matter how rough you were riding him or hard you were slapping him, Felix loved it.

You could guess it, with his moans and his body movements. His eyes were begging for more so your hands curled again around his precious neck and you squeezed hard. His face went red for a moment, his eyes rolling back. He was being a good boy, and good behaviour was rewarded, you thought.

Swiftly, you removed your nightgown that you threw somewhere and brought Felix's tied hands to your chest. With a bit of difficulty, he started to fondle your breasts, always looking up to make sure you were okay with this.

You had forgotten how good it was, and couldn't help but release loud moans. The boy's eyes went wide when he heard you, and you didn't know if it was because of fear to be caught in such a lewd position or arousal. He was doing his best to contain himself, and you noted that next time, you two would go to a more secluded place.

"I think... I think I am close now..." He managed to squeak, and closed his eyes, his breath rapid and his chest rising and falling quickly.

Sure, you were too but thought it was a bit too soon. It meant the fun would end in a few minutes. But, it was not disappointing for a first time. You gave him a quick nod, allowing him to come inside you.

After, it was your turn. You had your orgasm building since you were riding him, but it was not coming as fast as you wanted it to be. Riding him harder, you felt yourself come at last. You fell on the lost boy's chest, appreciating the blissful moment.

You snuggled Felix for a long moment, rubbing your nose against his scarred skin. It looked like he was sleeping, but he was still awake, his hands softly touching. Remembering they were tied with your ribbon, you sat up and delicately untied them. Realising there were some bruises on the wrists, you kissed them. Then, you laid down beside him, letting him curl against you.

"Do you know what the French call what you are experiencing right now?" You asked him, and earned a little head shake. "La petite mort. The little death." You couldn't help but giggle a little, so did Felix.

"That's a ridiculous name."

You hummed as a reply and nodded, your hand combing his hair back, effectively lulling both of you to sleep.

"I hate you, you little vixen."

You woke up to a very angry looking Felix, staring at his own reflection with a scowl, using your mirror. It was luxury only you could afford, a reward from Pan. You didn't understand what was the problem but quickly caught on: your love marks were going to stay for a while, that was for sure.

You started to giggle at how concerned he was and moved to help him, however he stopped you. He glared at you, and gritted his teeth together in an attempt to frighten you.

"I swear if you tell Pan, I-!"

"What will you do Felix? Fight me? Insult me?" You snapped back as you looked around for your clothes. "Stop being so ashamed of yourself for once."

The lost boy stayed silent, and looked away from your eyes. You sighed, passing a hand through your hair thinking about last night. Why was he so afraid that the boys would know about him being so submissive in bed? He was already submissive to Pan, by following his orders. It wasn't so different.

You threw his clothes back at him, eying his answer. He didn't seem that aggressive or angry, just afraid. He looked quite innocent naked like that, with that dumbfounded and worried look on his face... You giggled at that thought which made the blond haired snap again.

"What is so funny?" He shrieked loudly.

"Calm down, blondie and lower your voice... I would have liked making you shout like that last night."

Felix blushed furiously after that, and you laughed as he dressed up quickly before darting up outside, tripping on his way.

It was for lunchtime that you finally decided to come up from your tent. The boys never noticed your absence and Pan would have come to you if he needed your person. Stretching, your eyes wandered around in search of the second in command but he was nowhere to be seen. Approaching Devin, you asked about his whereabouts.

"Pan sent him to look for the sentry. They didn't come back last night." He gave a quick reply, too busy with sharpening his dagger. "Why do you care anyway? You are like cats and dogs, you and Felix."

"So I can make sure he doesn't bother me today." You lied, and knew Devin would buy that.

"(Y/N), a word please." Pan suddenly appeared, taking your arm and walking with you at the edge of the camp.

"What's up?" You questioned, trying to sound confident but deep down you were a little concerned.

The devilish boy stood tall before you, crossing his arms over his chest, and you hesitated to run away. He truly was intimidating when he wanted to, and you knew he could kill you right now if he wanted. You gulped nervously and waited for a reply.

"I have nothing against having you in the camp." Pan stated, staring deep inside your soul. "Heck, I even tried to make you closer to some of the boys, let's admit it: you can be quite useful. However, I didn't think you would be that close to Felix quickly."

Crap, he heard. You both weren't exactly the quietest and you cursed at yourself. If you could, you could slap yourself and beg for Pan's forgiveness. He wouldn't hurt Felix, but he wouldn't hesitate to punish you.

"Let me finish." He said, pointing his finger at you and sensing your fear. "I have nothing against your nocturnal activities with my second in command but I would very much like you to keep it outside the camp."

"I... We will." You promised with a nervous smile.

"Really, you both were insufferable last night. I couldn't get an hour of sleep." Pan groaned as he walked away. "Be grateful the boys are heavy sleepers."

Indeed, you needed to find a new place to have sex with Felix. And you knew some perfect locations. Smirking to yourself, you strutted back to camp happily, glad to be alive and breathing.

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