Chapter 3: Nicknames, Roomates, and Vents

A huge thank you to everyone who suggested nicknames!
"Aaaand that's the guest room," you said, pointing to the door. "So, hm... what're we gonna do in this situation?" you questioned, tapping your chin. "What d'you mean?" Max asked.

"Well, there are two Leo's, two Raph's, two Donnie's, and two Mikey's. How'll they know who's talking to who...?" "Maybe... Maybe we could give them nicknames?" May suggested. You hummed and nodded. "I guess it couldn't hurt to take a few minutes to nickname them..."

"Yo! I'm the best at names! Leave it to me," 2012 Mikey said, butting in. You giggled and said, "Yeah, yeah, sure, go ahead."

~^~Timeskip brought to you by the author running out of ideas and banging her head against a wall because of it~^~

You all finally settled on the nicknames for everyone. You wrote them down and put them on the fridge.

Leo - Katanas
Leon - Ōdachi

Raph - Sais
Raphie - Tonfa

Donnie - Wooden Bō Staff
Don - Tech Bō

Mikey - Nunchucks
Micheal - Kusari-Fundo

"Alrighty, you guys think you can remember that?"
"We'll try."
"I'm sure."
"'Course we can!"
"Why wouldn't we be able to?"

"Well, who's gonna be sleepin' on the floor?" Raph asked. You looked at him questioningly. He continued, "Well, there's only one guest room with a bunk bed, two couches in the living room, and one in the gaming room. That's five people with a place to sleep. Who's gonna sleep on the floor?" Everyone remained silent.

"Dibs on top bunk!" Mikey exclaimed, running to the guest room.
"No fair!"
"I wanted top bunk!"
"I called dibs, first!"

~^~Timeskip brought to you by the turtles tackling each other for a room~^~

"Alright, are we all good now?" you asked, tapping your foot and leaning on your bat as they sat on the couch. The turtles nodded, some of them pouting a bit. "Good," you muttered, yeeting your bat to the other side of the room.

"I called dibs on top bunk!" Mikey pointed out. "Oh! What if we bunk together?! Two Mikey's in one!" Micheal exclaimed. "Yeah!" they both yelled, high-fiving.

"Well, I'm sleepin' in the gaming room, away from the noise," Raph said, slightly glaring at his brother in orange. "I guess I could sleep here," Leo said, pointing over at the couch. "I suppose I wouldn't mind taking the other couch," Don said, crossing his arms. "What about us?!" Leon exclaimed, waving his arms around dramatically. "Simple; you sleep on the floor," Don said, rolling his eyes with an 'obviously' kind of tone in his voice. "Well, I've got a few sleeping bags so you won't have to, y'know, sleep on the actual floor," you said, walking over to the closet, where you grabbed three sleeping bags for Donnie, Leon, and Raphie.

"Right, now—" "LET'S START THE MARATHON!" May exclaimed, rushing to the couch and turning on the TV.

~^~Timeskip brought to you by a bunch of turtles that may have been embarrassed from the decision they made in the episodes~^~

"Wow, you guys' April is so different from ours!" Micheal said as he watched 2012 April slice a foot bot in half. "How so?" Leo asked. Micheal then started ranting on about the differences he noticed between the two, and how much both April's were awesome, and yadda yadda yadda.

You smiled, until you noticed... Raph was nowhere in sight. You turned your head left and right. Nothing...

You silently got up and looked around the house, whisper-yelling his name. He didn't respond. It was only after you searched the whole house that you noticed the opened window, revealing the dark night.

"Well great," you muttered. You climbed out and dashed through the forest right behind your house. (What's that? You don't have a forest behind your house? Well guess what? You do in this story. Deal with it)

"Raph? Raph, you alright?" you yelled. You heard some slashing. You ran to the source of the noise. You looked around and gasped. You ducked just in time to dodge a shuriken.

"What d'you want?" Raph asked- well, more like demanded- in an obviously annoyed tone. As you grabbed the shuriken and pulled it out of the tree, you said, "I was worried. You just... ran off without us knowing." He huffed and continued to slash his sais, punch, and throw his shurikens at random trees. "I don't get it- We met our alternate versions of ourselves, that's pretty cool. But then we just appear in some stranger's house, and apparently, we're famous? I mean, it's not so bad when you first think of it- matter of fact, it sounds awesome- but if you do look into it, how're we getting back? Sure, it's a cool place, but it's not New York. Not our New York. Not my New York. S'not the same." He sighed as he paused his attacks. You remained speechless; you never saw this side of Raph in the TV shows. I guess there's only so much knowledge you can get from TV...

"God dammit, now you're gonna go tell my bros how soft I am, aren't I?" he grumbled under his breathe as he noticed your shocked face. You snapped out of your little faze and shuffled your feet and looked at the ground saying, "N-No no, I just... I didn't know how deep you could be... Don't worry, I won't tell them anything. I know how it feels to try to hide a part of you from the ones you care. Even after knowing the twins for about ten years, I can't bring myself to bring down my tough-girl act in front of them. Especially after what happened to my last group of friends..." Your last sentence was no louder than a whisper, so Raph couldn't hear it.

You looked back up. You saw Raph with a... semi-straight face. His face was mostly deadpanned, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised upward. You noticed this and said, "Y'know, if you wanna keep venting about it, feel free to." He let out a quick breathe of relief and sat down on a tree stump. You sat down on a log next to him as he continued to rant.

~^~Temskip to the author realizing she misspelled Timeskip but then realizing it sounds like Temmie from Undertale so she doesn't want to change it~^~

"—and then I just think, 'Oh, you think you're the boss of EVERYTHING, don't ya, feearless?! Well, newsflash! You're not!" Raph yelled. You nodded. You checked the time on your phone; 12:49 . Raph had been talking for nearly four hours. You didn't mind that you may have missed most of the episodes. If Raph took this long to finish his rant, he must have had a lot he needed to get off his chest.

You stood up and said, "Alright Raph, s'nearly one a.m. We should really get going." He nodded and started walking beside you to the house.

"Hey... (Y/N)?" You hummed in response and turned your head to him. He remained silent for a few seconds before giving you a smile and saying, "Thanks for all of this. Y'know, it's rare to find someone that'll do somethin' like this for someone; 'specially if they haven't even known each other for a full day. I respect ya." You smiled back and said, "If you ever need a rant buddy, feel free to talk to me."

You two climbed back through the window. You said a quiet, "Night" to Raph as he made his way up the stairs. You slowly opened your (S/F/C) door with your name on it in (F/C) to see the twins on the floor in their sleeping bags. You threw yourself in the (F/C) sheets and snuggled up. You yawned and slowly started drifting to sleep.

1,310 words
(A/N): Sorry if this seems a bit rushed... because it was... BUT ANYWAYS! Let's get on with the Yandere Meter, shall we?

Everyone except for Raph is at 1; Acquaintances, since they haven't known you much or hung out with you much except for the marathon, which didn't really do much for you guys

Raph is at 2; You're friends! Not that close of friends where he trusts everything in your hands, but you're someone he can tell secrets to and rant to without having to worry about you telling anyone about it. Keep it up, and you'll have yanderes attempting to kill anyone who comes within a five feet radius with you in no time! Wait, wha—

That's the end, folks, hope you enjoyed, and once again, thank you so much for the nickname suggestions, and I'll see you all later. Peace!

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