9. What Was Hope Doing In Your Dreams?

It's now 2 am and Hope and I are still in Dr. S' office. "How long do you think it'll be before the next monster shows up?" I ask "It's hard to say. I've never actually seen an artifact glow before. Where did you hide the urn, by the way?" Dr. S asked "I'm not sure I should tell you, either of you." I say "Excuse me?" Hope and Dr. S asked in sync. "Isn't it safer if only one of us knows where it is?" I ask "Then that one of us should be the adult." Dr. S said "Funny, because I thought it should be the one with the dark magic powers. What do we tell everyone else?" I ask "We should probably warn them before a cyclops crashes exam week." Hope said "It's usually best to start with some form of the truth." Dr. S said "What about those times the truth is the one thing you can't say?" I ask "Are you sure you two want to keep all of this from Landon? I mean, I understand you wanting to protect him, but..." Dr. S said before Hope interrupts him. "He's been wondering about his mother his whole life. He finally meets her and then she dies. If I can keep him from knowing what that feels like, then it's worth it. Look, it's my secret to keep, Dr. Saltzman. Please." Hope said "Okay." Dr. S said "Thank you." Hope said

"The trick is to give everyone the right amount of information without giving away too much. We've been through this before with the knife, so it shouldn't come as too much of a shock. This is our chance to do things differently, more responsibly. Also, Khalia, we need to do your appointing your beta ceremony thing just incase anything happens." I nod and he then calls an emergency meeting. I am standing beside him at the podium."Before I get into the more pressing matters of this meeting, as you all know Khalia Mikaelson became alpha and all alphas get a beta choosing ceremony. Because of the information I will be giving you all shortly, I have chosen to go ahead and give her the ceremony." He turns to me. "Khalia, have you chosen a beta?" Dr. S asked "I have." I say "Then please announce for us who your chosen beta is." Dr. S said and I turn to the crowd of students. I know they are probably all thinking Rafael but I'm about to prove them all wrong. "My chosen beta is Jed Tien. Jed, you know the drill." He nods and walks up to stand in front of me. "Do you accept this position as chosen beta?" I ask "I do." Jed said "Do you agree to help me lead this pack to the best of your ability?" I ask "I do." Jed said "Then I hear by appoint you as the beta of the Salvatore Boarding School werewolf pack." I say as we clasp hands and our eyes turn amber. There's cheers from the werewolves in the room.

I nod at Jed and he goes back to his seat. I turn to look at Dr. S raising my eyebrow and he shakes his head so I stand beside him once again. "Now onto the more pressing matters. Yesterday, I came into possession of another Malivore artifact. It was my hope to finally a method of containment before it signaled another monster, but given the emergency meeting I've just called, I'm sure you can guess how well that went. But rest assured we are taking every precaution. Sheriff Donovan has been kind enough to open the doors of the Lockwood Mansion to us, so Mr. Williams and Ms. Tig are now in the process of evacuating our students from the lower grades." Dr. S said "Why don't we just evacuate the damn artifact?" Kaleb asked making Dr. S look at me for help. "Because we are much more well-equipped than the world at large to handle the arrival of a monster. Once we know what we're dealing with and the problem is contained, than we can reassess what to do with the artifact." I say "If any of you would like to evacuate, please talk to Dorian or Emma. However, exam week will continue as scheduled, wherever you are. I know. I'm sorry. I can't exactly call the state accreditation board and tell them that we're cancelling the exams because of monsters. We'll get through this, I promise. Try and get some rest, okay? Good night." Dr. S said before walking back to his office.

I walk over to Rafi and Landon to walk back with them from the meeting. "Hope's MIA." Landon said "Yeah, she's probably suiting up in her battle armor." Rafi looks at me. "I'm shocked you're not with her. The two of you are basically Wonder Woman." Rafi said and he laughs slightly. I smile shrugging. "I had to do the ceremony thing with Jed or I would be with her." I say "Either that or she's realized she's made a mistake bringing me back here cause where I go, danger follows." Landon said making Rafael sigh. "My God. Come on, bro. Now, this ones not on you." Rafael said "I mean her being distant today has got to have something to do with us waking up in a field with amnesia yesterday, right?" Landon asked and I look away from them. "Look, until one of you can remember how you guys got there, I just... I-I just wouldn't think about it. Look, you're here. Think about the good things in your life instead getting caught up in the bad for once, bro." Rafael said "Yeah." Landon said "Uh, I'm gonna grab my bag and hit the library." Rafael said "Okay." Landon said and they do their handshake. "I'll see you at breakfast in the morning?" Raf asked "Yeah, see you at breakfast." Landon said as Rafael starts walking away. "Hey, Lan, I'm glad you're back." Rafael said

-time skip-

It's 7 in the morning when I feel a sharp pain on my arm. "What the fuck?" I get up and go search for Rafael since he's the only soulmate in the building. I find him on the way to Dr. S' office. "Hey, what happened? I felt your pain." I say walking up beside him. "I got attacked in my dream. I was on the way to Dr. Saltzman's office." Rafi said and I could tell something else was wrong because he wouldn't look at me. "Okay, let's go." I say and we walk into Dr. S' office. Rafi shows him his arm. "This happened to you in a nightmare? Are you sure?" Dr. S asked "Look, I know that it sounds crazy, but I was studying and then I fell asleep, and then I just started dreaming about..." Rafael said before I cut him off. "About what?" I ask "Um... Um..." Rafael said looking at me then down then back up again. "One of my old, uh, foster dads. He was in the library, and he had this old belt that he used to use on me." Rafael said and I could tell he's partly lying. "Do you remember anything else?"Hope asked "Yeah, there was, there was this woman there, too. She was wearing an-an old, black dress and-and a veil. And she told me, "You know what I want," but." Rafael said "The urn." I say "Sounds like our next monster showed up. You know, every culture on earth has legends about creatures that only appear in dreams. They're in our dreams." Dr. S said before I cut him off. "But a women in a black dress and a veil is pretty specific. From what I read it's a Night Hag." I say "So, does that mean that she can, like, control what we see in our dreams? That she can put stuff in our, in our heads, right?" Rafael asked "It's possible. Does that look familiar?" Dr. S asked showing Rafael a book and he nods.

Dr. S calls another emergency meeting. This time I'm sitting in the crowd not standing beside him. "Our latest monster is a Night Hag, a malevolent spirit trapped on the astral plane that can only interact with us through dreams. In this case, nightmares." Dr. S said "So like Freddy Krueger?" MG asked making me snort quietly. "Well, in the sense that what happens to you in your dreams seem to also happen to you in real life, yes. But the good news is we're safe, as long as we stay awake." Dr. S said "Stay awake?" I hear a boy in the crowd ask "I've lined up more evacuation shuttles. They should be running all afternoon, so please, for those who don't want to stay and fight, take advantage of them. All right, that's all." Dr. S said

-time skip-

I'm sitting in class behind Landon listening to MG's speech about Dracula. "Dracula, as a novel, has only retained relevance in modern times because of our patriarchal culture's obsession with the idea of a privileged, powerful man who does a down at he wants with absolute impunity. Meaning we've spent weeks in this class analyzing the literary value of a character who basically abuses consent in every way possible." MG says and Landon jumps and gasps loudly. "Because that is what we deserve as... as the student body." MG says and I smell blood. I look at Landon and see his hand bleeding. "Landon you good?" I ask "Besides the fact I stabbed myself with a pencil in a nightmare, yeah I'm good." Landon said and I grab him making him stand up. "Let's go, we don't need to be in here anymore." I say dragging him out of the room and to Dr. S' office.

Dr. S goes over the intercom in this office. "The senior witch faculty had mixed together a batch of energy herbs to help you stay awake. So, for those of you who are not getting on the evacuation bus, for a lack of better term, please dose yourselves responsibly." He turns the intercom off. "I'm gonna get sued. Or hexed, at the very least." Dr. S said "You don't have to be so hard in yourself. At my last school the gym teacher was dealing coke under the bleachers." Landon said and Hope gives him the shut up look. "Oh, yeah, that only makes me feel marginally better." Dr. S said as Hope messes with Landon's bleeding hand. "Ow." Landon said "Hey, uh, hold still. I'm almost done, okay?" Hope asked "Okay. What do you think she meant when she said 'bring it home'?" Landon asked "I'm guessing she means Malivore. It seems her plan is to torment us until we produce the urn." I say "Right. But if the Night Hag is a monster that's trapped in the astral plane, then how can she even physically take the urn anywhere?" Landon asked "Yeah, the book also says the Night Hag can't affect our reality, but... Rafael's welt and your hand seemed to prove that wrong. When your research consists of fairy tales and urban legends, sometimes the stories get twisted." I say "Human dragon, anyone?" Hope asked sarcastically.

"Dorian might be busy with the evacuation, but we'll figure this out. When the Night Hag finds a way to get the urn, we'll be there to stop it." Dr. S said "Well, at least it was a pretty memorable first day." Landon said "Yeah, and the Night Hag is likely just getting started." I say "You know, Landon, I really wish you'd just evacuate with the others." Hope said "I worked so hard to get here. If I run at the first sign of trouble, what's the point?" Landon asked "The point, Landon, is that we're trying to look after you." Dr. S said "Honestly, you three are taking better care of me than anyone in my life ever has. Course, I had to stab myself to get your attention." Landon said nudging Hope after she looked from me to Dr. S. "You know, we're all good here." Hope said getting up and walking out. "I'm blowing this, aren't I?" Landon asked "You know, Landon, sometimes the best thing for Hope is to just let her be Hope. Stay busy. She'll talk when she's ready." Dr. S said and I leave his office too.

I go change into gym clothes and walk to the gym and I see Rafi punching the bag like he has something against it. "Hey. Have something against the bag?" I ask "Yeah, I'm almost done here. I'll get out your way." Rafi said and I could tell he was in a rush to get out of here. "You know, no, actually I could use a sparring partner. If I don't punch someone, I'm gonna fall asleep. And I would use Hope but she doesn't like fighting me." I say "Yeah. All right." Rafi said nodding. We start fighting and I could tell he wasn't giving me all of it. "You're being too gentle." I say "I'm punching you with half my weight." Rafael said "Give me all of it." I say "That's gonna hurt." Rafi said "No, it's not. Trust me." I kick him in the face. "Don't make me take you down, Rafi. I have no desire to tell Liz I beat your ass." I say and he knocks me down to one knee. I smirk knowing how he is. "Alia, you good?" Rafi asked and I knock him to the floor straddling his waist. I look down at him smirking. "This brings back memories don't it?" I ask and he taps out and I laugh and falling down beside him. "Damn, woman." Rafi said and we laugh. "I'm really sorry about all the things that happened to you in your life that made you so good at brawling, but I really needed that just now." I say and he sits up so I do too.

"Listen... I don't mean to get into Hope's business, but... can you ask her to be cool with Landon? I know him, and he's not gonna believe that he's welcome here until he's about to graduate. He's gonna be waiting on the other shoe to drop. And look, if-if she's gonna drop that shoe, all I ask is that you ask her to be gentle, okay?" Rafi asked "What makes you think that there's another shoe?" I ask "Where we're from, there's always another shoe. Sometimes it's-it's an actual shoe or... a belt. But you get the point. Look, if she's cooling off on him, fine. But please tell her not to lie to him." Rafi said "She's not cooling off on him." I say "Why has she been avoiding him?" Rafi asked "Because there's a lot going on. I haven't been around a lot, do you think I'm avoiding you?" I ask "It does kinda seem like you are. But it couldn't hurt to be a little bit more honest about it." Rafi said "I'm being as honest as I can be." I say "Yeah. And somewhere still in that is a lie." Rafi said "You've never lied to protect someone?" I ask "No, Khalia. I haven't." Rafi said getting up and walking out.

I go change before meeting Dr. S, Landon and Hope in the library. "Let's pretend for a second that the research isn't wrong. Maybe the Night Hag can't hurt us in real life. Maybe the Night Hag can't leave the astral plane and get ahold of the urn, so maybe we are not dealing with a Night Hag." Landon said "Well, if it walks like a Night Hag, and talks like a Night Hag, what else could it be?" I ask "That's exactly what I was wondering, so then I started going through all these books, and boom." Landon said and showed us the book. "What's an Oneiroi?" Hope asked "It's a black-winged shapeshifting dream demon from Greek mythology." Dr. S and I say in sync as he grabs the book. "Yeah, of course they know what it is." Landon said "Why would one monster disguise itself as another monster? The Oneiroi sounds freaky enough." Hope said "Because if we knew what it actually was..." Landon goes to say before I cut him off. "We'd know how to stop it." I say "Hope, kiss him for me." Dr. S said and walks out.

"A black-winged what?" Kaleb asked "Shapeshifting dream demon." Hope, Landon and I say in sync. "Okay, you two doing is creepy enough, so stop it." MG said making me snort. "I know it sounds bad, but now that we know what the creature is, we can fight it." I say "How the hell are we supposed to kill a dream demon?" Rafael asked "Leave that part to me. But since Hope and I can't fall asleep without compromising the location of the urn, I need someone else to pull it out of the dream plane and into our waking reality." I say "So, Freddy Kruger. Like I said." MG said "Wait, how the hell are we supposed to do that?" Rafael asked "If it's anything like the movies, we just grab and pull." MG said "Yeah, okay. Is it too late to get on the, uh, evacuation bus?" Kaleb asked making me snort. "No. I mean, I'm not gonna ask all of you to stay for this, it has to be your choice." I say "I'm not leaving unless Hope does." Landon said "We already know the answer to that, so..." Hope said "I'm not leaving Landon or Alia behind." Rafael said "I'm a founding member of the Super Squad, so I can't bail." MG said "Y'all gonna get yourselves killed." Kaleb said and I walk over to him putting my arm around his shoulder. Rafi growls quietly. "K, that's my plan, for me anyways." I say "Khalia!" Hope and Rafi exclaim in sync. "What? I die and I come back as the Demon Tribrid, so I'm cool with it." I say "But if MG and Khalia stay, I stay. No child left behind." Kaleb said "In that case, it's nap time." I say before Hope and I walk to Dr. S' office, only to see him asleep. Landon walks up behind us and we stop him. "What'd you do to him?" Landon asked looking at me. I gasp pretending to be offended. "It's rude that you think I did anything." He just looks at me. "Fine, nothing! He's so tired, he must've nodded off on his own." I say and we walk to the gym.  The boys are getting ready and Hope and Landon are talking. "Hey, man, whatever you see in there, it's not real, okay?" Kaleb asked "Oh, I know. I've already faced my worst nightmares in that cemetery, so bring it on, Hag." MG said

"Landon, I don't think you should do this." Hope said "No. Uh-uh. You don't get to ignore me all day, then make decisions for me." Landon said making me look at Rafi trying not to laugh. "You're gonna be inside of a nightmare." Hope said "Yeah." Landon said "This monster can get inside of your head, use your worst fears against you." Hope said "Are you kidding? My biggest fear was fitting in here. Now I'm a dream warrior. Plus, I saved the day. Well, I- - no, I found the plan that saved the day. You and Khalia are the ones that's actually gonna save the day. Which is so sexy, by the way." Landon said before Rafael cuts him off with a growl. "Landon, I can kinda deal with you dating my sister. But please never say that in front of me again." I say making Hope laugh rolling her eyes. "Can't be worse than what happened between you and..." Hope said and I cut her off. "We don't talk about that. Especially not here." I say casually pointing to my ear knowing Rafi would be listening to our conversation. I walk over to Rafi and he stops fixing the blankets and looks at me. "Who was Hope talking about?" Rafi asked "Umm, no one don't worry about it." I say "No, I'm going to worry about it until you tell me." Rafi said and I roll my eyes. "Look, we'll talk about it after I kill this monster." I say and walk back over to Hope and Landon. "I'm staying, and I'm gonna help you stop this thing." Landon said "I don't know what it's gonna take to stop it. But maybe there's one thing that you can do to help us." I look at Hope for permission and she nods knowing what about to do. I lean up to Landon's ear. "I need you to hide the urn." I whisper in his ear before moving away from him and Hope kisses his cheek. "Sweet dreams." Hope said and I walk over back to Rafael. "Be careful, okay?" I ask "Yeah course." Rafi said

Once they're asleep we walk around the room. Hope sits down beside Landon and I sit down beside Rafi carefully grabbing his hand when he starts gritting his teeth in his sleep. "You know he's going to be okay, right?" Hope asked in our mind link. "I know, it's just I have a feeling he's keeping something from me. He's barely looked me in the eye today after his nightmare." I say "Maybe you were in it and he's still processing it." Hope said "Maybe but I just feel like the other shoe is gonna drop." I say and I somehow get sucked into his dream.

Rafael is chained to a tree in the middle of transforming. He's groaning in pain and then suddenly dream me appears grabbing the side of his head forcing him to look at me. "Raf. Hey. Hey. It's okay. I'm here now." Dream me said "Get away, get away, get away." Rafi said trying to push me away. I tilt my head in confusion, this is his worst nightmare? "Hey, it's okay. You can't hurt me." I put my hands on the side of his face. "It's okay." Dream me said "I'm not afraid of hurting you." Rafi said "I want to be with you. Don't you want that, too?" Dream me asked and I get kicked out the nightmare.

I gasp coming out of it. "What the hell was that?" Hope asked "I somehow got dragged into his nightmare." I say "What? How?" Hope asked "I don't know. But oh am I in it, though." I say "I told you so. What was it?" Hope asked "At first I thought he was scared he was going to hurt me during a full moon, but no he's just scared to be with me." I say looking away from her.

-time skip-

I watch the monster rip the painting off the wall before pulling the safe door off. It looks around in the safe before turning to look at me. Hope is still in the gym with the boys. "Did I tell Landon the wrong hiding place for the urn? Oops." I say before running towards it. The monster and I go flying through the gym doors causing the boys and Hope to scatter. "Pretty much like that." Rafael said and they get ready to fight. "Stay back, guys, I got this." I say letting my eyes go fully black with dark magic swirling around me. I crack my neck before running at it knocking it to the floor. It grabs me by the throat choking me. I see Dr. S appear out of the corner of my eye. "Khalia! Eyes!" Dr. S yelled throwing me an arrow. I catch the arrow shoving its hand away from my throat. I break it in half stabbing it in the eyes. It fizzles away so I stand up blowing my hair out of my face. "Landon was right." I turn and look at him raising my eyebrow. "Sexy as hell." Kaleb said and I laugh. The six of us walk away from the gym in a group with Kaleb and Rafi on each side of me and must I say we look hella badass.

-time skip-

I hear Rafi walk by the showers making me open the door walking out of it. "Hey." He stops turning to look at me. "Great job tonight." I say "Thanks." Rafi said quietly before going to open the shower door. "Are you okay? You know, all day it feels like I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop with you." I say and he turns around to look at me. "You know, uh, when Landon and I first met at Hector and Maria's? He told me the story about this guy four towns over who used to burn him with cigarettes for sport." Rafi said "Yeah, I heard about that." I say still confused because what does Landon have to do with this. "I felt this crazy need to protect him. Even though I knew it wouldn't change anything. So, one day I took a couple buses, I knocked on that guys door and I beat the crap out of him. I never told Landon about it, either. I knew that he wouldn't want to be a part of something like that. So, what I said earlier about lying, I... I was being a hypocrite. Because when someone is as important as Landon is to me, I'll do what's best for him. Even if that means having to lie." At that moment I understood exactly what he's trying to say. "But l'll also have to protect him from being hurt in other ways, too. So, you and I, we can't talk like this anymore. Because you tried to hurt him multiple times." Rafi said before turning to walk away.

I feel my eyes flicker as the pain coursed through my body. He didn't say the words but he all but rejected me. "Rafael." He stops and turns to look at me. "I won't lie to you. I was planning on killing him that day with the dragon. He stole from this school and he hurt my sister, who is one of the most important people in my life. I will do anything for the people I care about, which sadly ever since that day in the church, includes you. This curse I have because of my Great Aunt, where dark magic flows through me, often causes me to be heartless and cold. It makes me more like my grandfather and how some people perceive my father than I would like to admit, but it's just what I have to deal with. I'm sorry that I tried to kill Landon, I'm sorry that I've hurt Landon. There's no excuse for the things I've done or will probably do but I'm trying to be better. For you and for Lizzie, I just hope that one day you see that." I say before turning to go towards my room to drop my stuff off before going to Kaleb's room.

I go to walk away from him trying to ignore the hurt that I feel when he grabs my hand turning me to face him. I look up at him in confusion before he kisses me backing me into the wall. After a minute, he pulls away putting his forehead against mine. "Trust me, I know." Rafi said and I laugh a little. "So you just made me do that whole speech for nothing?" I ask "No, it felt good to hear it though. But can we agree to stop trying to kill Landon?" Rafi asked "Yeah, I promise. You want to go hang out with Kaleb, MG and Landon with me?" I ask "Yeah sure." Rafi said

-time skip-

We walk in the room and they turn to look at us. "I brought an extra person. He was trying to sulk so figured I would bring him." Kaleb yanks me down to sit beside him. I turn my body so I'm laying on the bed. "Rude." I say laughing shoving him. "Yo. That's one more monster down. You two are now officially part of the Super Squad." MG said "Dope. You made it." Kaleb said fist bumping Landon making me laugh. "Are you ready?" MG asked "What?" Kaleb asked and MG starts beatboxing making me laugh knowing what's coming. "Oh, here we go. Yeah. He said it. Super Squad. No one realer. Never dreamed I'd be the one to be a dream killer. It's like Salvatore's School meets "Thriller." It tried you creep up on me, but it was sleeping on me. Couldn't touch it, couldn't put my hand on. And MG is the homie I can land on. His girl Khalia, I'm- an always take a chance on. She killed a demon, and I just killed the damn song." Kaleb rapped and we all laughed. "What? No, that's crazy." MG said "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Kaleb said "Yo, that's nuts." MG said "Hey, man, you can play." Kaleb said "That was clean. That was clean. Okay, so when did you start playing the guitar?" MG asked and Landon gets up. "One second." Landon said running out. "What?" MG asked "Lover boy had to go run after my sister." I say "So we gonna talk about how he gets jealous every time I touch you?" Kaleb asked pointing to Rafi who's sitting beside MG. I look at Rafi who looks shocked and I burst into a fit of laughter. "I told your ass other people would notice." I say pointing at Rafi. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't understand how this whole soulmate thing works yet." Rafi said holding his hands up in mock surrender smiling and we all laugh.

-time skip-

Hope and I go to Dr. S' office and I'm holding the urn. She knocks on the doorway of his office and I see him holding an ice pack to his shoulder. "Tweaked your shoulder throwing me that bolt?" I ask "Tweaked my body driving it into a tree, and I think I have a concussion." Dr. S said "Well, I hope you weren't planning on going to sleep anytime soon." I say sitting the urn down. "Where did you end up hiding that? In my dream you have a safe tucked away under the floorboards in your closet." Dr. S said "You know, I couldn't fully decide on a new hiding spot, so I just stashed it under my pillow." They laugh. "Go figure." I say "Well, you were all very smart today, while I fell asleep in the job." Dr. S said "You drive halfway across the country in three days, cut yourself some slack. We need a new plan. We can't have 80% of the students living at the Lockwood Mansion." Hope said "Well, I'm sure we'll think of something." Dr. S said and suddenly I'm sucked into a vision which I've only been getting since Landon joined us.

The guy from the fake gas company walks up to a house and knocks on the door. "Hello, uh, Mrs, Maria Gonzales?" The guy asked "Mm-hmm." Maria said "I've with Child Protection Services." The guy said and she sits the kid down. "Hector!" Maria yells and I knew who it was. "How can we help you?" Hector asked "I have a few questions for one of your older foster children, if he's around." The guy said

"No, sorry. Rafael was lucky to be adopted by a wonderful family in Virginia." Hector said "Actually, I'm here to speak with Landon Kirby. Uh, we've discovered some troubling information about his birth parents." The guy said "Landon was also lucky to be adopted by a wonderful family in Virginia." Maria said "I see. Our records indicate that you're still receiving subsidy checks for both those boys. If they're no longer in your care, that's a felony. Well, two felonies, each. But I might be able to hold off on reporting that accounting error if there's more you could tell me about Landon Kirby's whereabouts." The guy said

"No, sorry. He was lucky to be adopted by a wonderful family in... Virginia." Hector said "I see. You've said all you're able to say, literally. In that case, would you happen to have any of this young man's belongings? A journal, a letter, or a photograph?" The guy said "Why don't you come inside?" Hector asked "Delighted." The guy said

"Oh fuck." I say once I open my eyes to see Dr. S and Hope staring at me. "What? What is it?" Dr. S asked "The guy that was from the fake gas company just posed as Child Protection Services at Maria and Hector's. The boys foster family, before they came here. The guy knows about vampires you could just tell because he knew by the way Maria and Hector both were saying only what they were compelled to say. We don't need to focus on him yet, he doesn't know where he is only that he's in Virginia." I say and they look at each other. "How do you know this?" Hope asked "Ever since we saved Rafael and brought Landon here, I've been seeing visions of sorts and they've all been about Malivore." I say

Hope y'all like this chapter. Sorry it's took so long to update college has been insane. I'm not writing the jinni episode so the next chapter will be the talent show episode.

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