The opposite of Love
Marissa's POV
" How dare you hurt my sister!" I look directly at the unknown man * Tae* He walks toward me and drags me out of the room " Let me go...Please!" I kept hitting him to let me go but he was too strong,*Slap* I fell down to the floor " STOP!..." He kneeled down " Maybe if you listen to wouldn't have got yourself into this" I Looked down with tears....maybe he's right. I felt his warm touch on my chin and I looked up at his brown eyes" Why are you..doing this to sister?" He gets up " It's not your business" I get up and he grabs my wrist and takes me to a darker room with no windows, He closes the door. I went to the fixed bed and I cried myself to sleep. * 2 hours later* * Bang...Bang!* I woke up with a sudden loud noise, I rubbed my eyes and got up to the bathroom, and rinsed my face with water. I went back to the bed and sat there " What am I supposed to do...God...Please tell me"
I started to cry again then the doors opens with the same Taehyung with food in his hands. He sat on the bed next to me and left, I glance at the food once, but I didn't feel like eating, so I laid back down thinking about what My family has gone through now because of me. I curled up in a ball, trying to forget what I'm going through now, right now I could be with my Joel, but I'm too upset to think now. I close my eyes, but The door slams open and I sit up seeing Taehyung coming toward me " WHY aren't you Eating...Tell Me!!" I didn't say anything, I sat there silent looking at him. Taehyung comes closer to my face " I said why aren't you eating"He said " Because I don't want to" I said with teary eyes, I back away " what do you think I'm going to do" He moves his head to the side, I close my eyes tightly waiting for him to hurt me but no. I felt his warm touch on my face " You Look beautiful" I open my eyes, and I see him admiring my face...Then..he...Kisses me. Did I just cheat on Joel?
Isabella's POV
I woke up in a Chair and tied up in ropes, I look around and saw someone on the bed asleep. I tried snuggling out of them but I couldn't budge, " HEY What are you doing!" I turn around and I saw the man that was laying on the bed asleep. He comes closer " I said What are you doing?" I didn't say anything and he held on to my chin tightly and I close my eyes tight, then he lets go " N...nothing"
I Look at him " Don't try or you face the consequences" I saw him make an ugly face, why are people like this? He walks out of the room, " What do I do God please help me" Tears escape my eyes, Then I saw someone else come into the room, coming towards me. " Hey, I'm Taehyung....Don't worry about your sister, I have her safe in a room" then the same guy from earlier comes in " This is Yoongi..he's going to be watching, so don't think about leaving because I will hurt your sister" I see him smirk then I said " Don't hurt my Sister..please I love her" I started to cry harder. " Watch her...I'm trusting you...remember the deal he gave us" Taehyung said, " Okay... and how much do I get?" I heard the man named Yoongi." well you get $20,000 and he said you do anything to the girl" I look at Yoongi and I see him smile then he looks at me and Taehyung leaves and Yoongi smirks and I struggle to try to get out " No..No You can't..Someone!! Help me!!" " You're not going anywhere" I look at him and he cuts the ties and I try to get out of his arms " Luke save me"
Katlyn's POV
I woke up and I'm on the bed, I tried to move but I notice chains were connected to my feet and my wrist and the bed. I look around to see anyone then I see a dark figure " Help! Someone!! Help I'm Here!!" I yelled as loud as I can. I see The figure come closer and closer and I saw his face.
As he came closer I could hear his heavy breathing " Shhh" He touches my face and I backed away. " It's okay...if you listen to me I could take you out of those chains" I look at him in the eyes with his hazel brown orbs, I gulped and I stayed silent. He smiles and he went out of the room and came back with a key and took me out of those chains. Then went out of the room again, so I laid down to keep myself warm, he came back in with clothes and a towel" here Take a shower, I got you a towel and clothes for you, I want you to be comfortable so I will come back in an hour" He smiles and I smile back and I went towards the bathroom and turned on the warm water. * 1 an hour later* I came out with the clothes he gave me and I put the towel on my head to keep my wet hair from dripping down water. I walk out of the bathroom and I sit on the bed and wait for the unknown man. Later the door opens revealing the man with food, I get up and he tells me to sit and hands me the plate of food " please eat...I don't want you to starve" He smiles and I started to eat slowly while him watching me" umm...I'm Namjoon" I look at him " I'm...Katlyn" He smiles again and I continue to eat. After I ate I laid down and coved myself with a blanket and Namjoon turned off the light and left. God help me...what do I do please" I started to cry myself to sleep.
Avery's POV
I woke up and I walk to the bathroom with clothes and a towel and I took a shower. * 1 hour later* I got out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen and I went to the cabinets to look for oatmeal. I took out a pot and put water and then I hear my phone ring, I went to the bedroom and I saw my phone so I took it and it had an unknown phone number. I didn't answer it and I went back to the kitchen. After making my favorite I put it in a bowl and got a spoon and went to the table and started eating it. I heard my phone again so I got up and I went to the counter and I saw it was the same number I picked up the phone and once I was about to answer it and then I heard "unpredictable" before I can turn around I went blackout. * later* I woke up with pain in my head and I saw I was in a room with just darkness, I got afraid so I got up and went to the door and started banging on the door " Please someone Help me!! get me out of here!!". I fell down giving up, Tears fell down my eyes then the door opens " I can't believe actually fell for my trap!" He started laughing. I look at him and I broke down crying " I love you like this" He kneels down to my height and he touches my face and smirks then walks out.
I went to the bed and I cried myself to sleep. *BANG BANG BANG* I coved my ears not wanting to hear the loud noise and I hear the door open. I sit up and I see the man again, " you're probably wondering who I am...I'm Jimin" I look into his eyes and he gets closer to my face " What's your name" He touches my face again and I made an ugly face at him, I didn't like him touching me. " I'm........I'm....A...Avery" he smiles and he takes something out of his pocket " I'm sorry but I have to do this" he brings his arms around my neck then he cuts my hair. I started to have teary eyes and he looks into my eyes " I'm sorry baby...I had to do it" I get mad and I started hitting him and pushing him off the bed. " I told you I'm sorry" I started to cry and I went to the bathroom and locked the door then I looked in the mirror " I look so ugly" I hear knocking on the bathroom " let me In Avery please Love baby, we could talk please" I slide down the bathroom door and I cried. " God please help me!" The door opens with Jimin and he hugs me and picks me up bridal style " it's going to be okay Avery" He puts me in the bed and leaves me there. " I'm sorry but tomorrow you are going to go through the pain" I close my eyes before he could say anything else.
Taehyung's POV
I break the kiss and saw Marissa panting, I smirked then cupped her face to see the beautiful features on her face. " Why...d..did you kiss me?" She looks down with tears " Because...You're Beautiful" I smile and she looks up " No..No This can't Happen" she backs away from me until she hits the wall. She became frustrated and started Yelling and screaming. I get up closer and held her hands " Hey it's okay I'm here" She yanks her hands away, and I see the pain and frustration in her eyes. I get up and walk out and closed the door. I walk over to the living room and sat down " Taehyung? What are you're supposed to be with Marissa did you do what I told you?" I look up and it's J-hope. I get up " Umm...Sir well I was taking a break" I said nervously " Well your break is over...Go now!" He points to the room Marissa was in. " Yes sir" I walk over to the front of the room and I enter. I closed the door from behind me and I went toward Marissa and pinned her down on the bed.
"P...Please...d...don't hurt me" I hear her stutter and the tears on her cheeks, I smile " I'm not going to hurt you...I'm going to give you love" I lean in to kiss her but she kept yelling " NO...Leave me Alone I don't want your love...I love somebody else!!!!" Once she said those words I got mad and Kissed her forcefully. " Stop!!" I hear her say after I kissed her, and her heavy breathing. " I love you" I see her cry and she runs to the bathroom, I ran after her but she slammed the door in front of me. " I'm Sorry..Please let me in" I knock on the door gently but no response. All I hear is her soft cries coming out of her " Please..." " Just leave me alone" I hear her silently respond, I walk out of the room and I see Jimin and Jungkook. " So how was she?" They look at me " well she said she already loved someone" I look down then I smile looking at them " well did you still kiss her?" Jungkook said " Yes" I look at Jungkook but then Jungkook looked mad " Well it's my turn," Jungkook says " No Jungkook She needs time" I and Jimin held on to Jungkook.
Yoong's POV
I take her in my arms " Luke save me" That's all I all from her mouth. I smirk and I walk to the forest, Once I got where I needed to be I put her down and held on to her waist " Leave me...Let me go...Don't touch me!!" I cover her mouth to keep her from yelling. " NO...I won't I will do what I am supposed to do" I tell her and she stands there looking at me.
" I'm sorry I have to do this Isabella," I said and she looks up confused I held on to her arms and I put her in the water holding down her head. I can hear her screaming in the water and I smile. After A while I take her out and she passed out, I held her bridal style and looked at her beauty. Once I got inside I laid her down on the bed and looked at her face again. " You look so Beautiful" I creased her face then she whined so I left her alone on the bed and I walked out grabbing clothes and a towel. After I went back and Placed the towel and clothes on the bed folded up nicely. I walked towards the bathroom and turned on the shower, I walk back to the room and I see her sit up rubbing her eyes. " Go take a Shower" She looks at me and sits there and I walk out. I walk to the Living room and I see Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin. I sit on the sofa shutting my eyes. " Umm, so did you do what Hoesk said?" I open my eyes " Umm yes what does it look like" I close my eyes again leaving me in a deep sleep.
Jimin's POV
I walk looking behind and I close the door. * 2 hours later* I walk back into the room and saw Avery. " Good Morning" she rubs her eyes " Jimin?" I smile " Yes" she smiles and she sits up " Umm Jimin...Oww" I walk over to her and she's whining in pain " what's wrong?" he places her hands on her head. " oh follow me" I get up and I open the door and I walk to the living. I grab the aid kit and I sat down and I waited for Avery, " sit here" she smiles nervously and sits down next to me and smiles brightly.
She looks down playing with her fingers, " umm can you turn around?" she looks at me nodding her head as a yes, and turns around. After fixing her bandage, we got back to the room. She sat on the bed dangling her feet, I sat next to her and we gave each other eye contact. I grab her hands and then her wrist then her arms, slowly touching her. " Jimin...What are you doing" She looks at me confused " Don't worry about me" she yanks her hands away from me and backs away? I get closer to her and I lean in " It's okay Avery, I'm not going to hurt you that bad" I hear her gulp. " J...Jimin don't hurt me" I smirk " Why? why not a little" I see tears escaping her eyes, she kicks me and hits my chest, but it was no use. I grab her wrist forcefully and I started hitting her and slapping her, making bruises. After hurting her she had no tears left to cry, I smile and get off the bed and I walk out of the room. I closed the door behind me and I saw my Hyungs " So...did you do it?" " yes...she fell for my trap again" I started laughing with my Hyungs.
Namjoon's POV
I woke up and changed into new clothes and I walked to Katlyn's room to check on her. As I open the door I see her still sleeping so I went closer and I saw dried-up tears on her cheek. I smile and I shake her a bit to wake up " Wake up sleeping beauty" She gets up from hearing the nickname. " Don't call me that..." she rubbed her eyes and I see her pout " Okay I won't call you that is that okay?" I smile looking at her. She smiles and gets up and goes to the bathroom trying to fix her hair. I walk out and I grab out clothes for Katlyn " here wear this" She turns around and smiles. She pushes me out the door and locks it. I turn around and smile sitting on the bed waiting. Right, when she opens the door I stand right up and I smile looking at her in the outfit I gave her. " come let's go" I walk out of the room. I get in the car and I turned it on and waited for Katlyn, Finally, after a couple of minutes she came out and got in the car. I drove to the mall and got down and opened the door for her, She came out and we walked inside. * night ( 10:34 pm)* After shopping we got outside and we saw it was dark and raining, so we ran our way to the car and I went to the back and threw the bags there. Once I got inside I turned on the car " Man..we stayed c .x that long...I'm sorry for keeping you that long" she smiles brightly " no it's okay that's why I took you here because...yeah".
She looks at me and smiles " Thanks" she looks down getting nervous and I smile at her action, and I smirk. Then we drove back, I turned up the radio and it played Thy will. I hear Katlyn singing the song. " Thy will be done, Thy will be done Like a child on my knees all that comes to me is Thy will be done, Thy will" I turn to see Katlyn's eyes close and singing her beautiful voice. " You sound beautiful" She opens her eyes and turns to face me " don't say that I sound ugly" she Looks down playing with her fingers " It's true you sound better than me rapping" I start laughing and she giggles, I gave her eye contact and I knew she had gotten the feeling of me watching he so she looks at me and blushes to look at the window.
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