
Name: Alicia

True Names: Satan/Khaos/Azazoth


Body type:


True Demon Form:

Dragon Form:

True form:


Height: 8'0

Weight: Unknown

Species: Primordial Demonic Dragon God

Age: Infinite


Transcendent Demon Physiology: The user is or can transform into a demonic being of godly power and influence. They are beyond the comprehension of lesser demonic beings rule over an entire pantheon of them as their god out of might and fear, with very few beings capable of opposing them.

Transcendent Demon Mage Physiology: As a archetype, demonic mages of this level possess unimaginable power. Their immeasurable physical and spiritual might is only equaled by their transcendent understanding and mastery of the mystical arts, able to use with unthinkable expertise any and every form of magic on a cosmic scale.

They usually possess precognitive abilities and strategic acumen on par with their demonic transcendence and sorcerous prowess, often bordering on nigh-omniscience, making them some if not the most dangerous entity of their respective cosmology.

Demonic Diety Physiology: As an archetype, godly-demonic entities have powers of both divine and demonic beings such as gods and demons/devils. This type of being can either be born from a union between a god and demon, be a fusion between a god and demon/devil, or is a demon/god that somehow possesses divine/demonic powers.

Demonic Deities have all the strengths and powers of both gods and devils but almost none of the weaknesses, they can use both holy and demonic powers equally with no restrictions. Their appearances can vary greatly, such as having a combination of traits of both demon and god, one with traits from neither, or even a unique appearance that doesn't fit either classification.

Despite being divine/demonic or holy/unholy, the user should not be confused with a Nephalem, which are the offspring of angels and demons.

As a archetype, demonic mages of this level possess unimaginable power. Their immeasurable physical and spiritual might is only equaled by their transcendent understanding and mastery of the mystical arts, able to use with unthinkable expertise any and every form of magic on a cosmic scale.

They usually possess precognitive abilities and strategic acumen on par with their demonic transcendence and sorcerous prowess, often bordering on nigh-omniscience, making them some if not the most dangerous entity of their respective cosmology.

Anti-God: As an archetype, the Anti-God represents the counterpart and/or sometimes the dark aspects of The Supreme Being. They are considered the essence of all evil, darkness, and chaos in all of existence. As the ultimate destroyer, they are ranked among the most powerful beings.

Anti-gods are beings of unlimited power giving them the ability to destroy entire universes; in some cases even compared to the supreme creator, a clash between them could cause the multiverse to be destroyed and recreated. Anti-Gods represent and are the prime originators of all that counters creation, giving it absolute domain over dark powers.

Archdemon Physiology: The user can have the traits and abilities of archdemons, the demonic counterparts of heaven's archangels. While beings similar to archdemons are found in a number of religious traditions (including Zoroastrianism), they are usually associated with the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Archdemons are the highest and most powerful of all demons, possessing great dark and infernal powers and boundless influence over all lesser demons under them. These types of demons are the top and highest pinnacle a demon can achieve of their species next to becoming a deity, with many of these greater demons being rulers of hell/underworld.

Unlike alpha demons who are powerful demons in their own right, archdemons are above even them in influence, demonic powers and royal titles in hell.

Cthulhu Mythos Physiology: The user can have the traits and abilities of the deities of the Cthulhu Mythos, which can be divided into four broad groups:

The Archetypes: Described in H.P. Lovecraft's "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" as archetypal entities who hold everything in existence as derivative facets of themselves, inhabiting the true nature of reality as a changeless, impartial totality that exists beyond all divisions and perspectives, with even the local identities identified as "the Outer Gods" being merely fragmentary, change-involving perspectives through which The Archetypes can choose to experience reality, in accordance to their own will.

Dark Mother: As an archetype, the Dark Mother is a powerful female entity (sometimes a Goddesses) that gives birth, possibly through supernatural means, to dark entities. She and her offspring may represent life and its darker aspects. Her image appears in all cultures: African, Hindu, Christian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and countless other cultural and religious sources.

The Dark Mother has also been called the Dark Maiden or Matron depending on the physical looking age of the goddess.

Unlike her counterpart the Dark Father, they actually couldn't be further apart in their goals and agendas, having nothing to do with each other as the dark mother isn't always an evil figure like the name would suggest. In most cases it implies to her underworld status or for her somewhat harsher nature and even for her use of the dark arts.

Darkness Deity: The character is a darkness deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with darkness and shadows. Darkness gods and goddesses can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms.

Unlike night deities, who are simply nocturnal gods who may also possess darkness powers, darkness deities (gods of darkness itself) will always possess absolute command over the element of darkness and shadows.

Demon Queen: As an archetype, a demon king or emperor is the most powerful of the demon lord who is under the devil or may be the devil itself. Ruling over hordes of demons and possessing advanced demonic powers over lesser demons under them.

Malevolent Deity: The characters either are, or can transform into, a Malevolent Deity. A malevolent deity is a mythological entity that represents the Malevolent and destructive aspects of godhood, either in mythology/folklore or in a fictional setting. Although it isn't a condition, they can be malevolent in disposition or serving their mere purpose in their cosmology. They can bring destruction, calamity, chaos, death, etc.

Unlike Eldritch Physiology, the deity itself is part of the universe they reside.

Apocalyptic Deity Physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into an Apocalyptic Deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with cataclysmic events, up to and/or including the end of the entire world.

Deities associated with Armageddon are not common in mythology; however, there are transcendent entities that are associated with world-ending power. Going beyond the nature of destroyer deities, users have dominion over doomsday forces and scenarios. They can initiate feats like famine, pestilence, war and death. Most of all, they are capable of initiating the end of all existence as it is known.

Blood Deity Physiology: As an archetype, a Blood Deity is a god/goddess in mythology who represents or is associated with the blood. As blooshed is often associated with violence, users might also be associated with violence and/or war.

Chaos Deity Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a chaos deity, a god/goddess or godlike beings who represents or is associated with chaos, havoc, discord and strife. Chaos deities can be found throughout recorded history.

Destroyer Deity Physiology: The user with this ability either is or can transform into a destroyer deity, a god/goddess of immense power that can destroy anything and everything, even other divine beings. They can destroy planets, star systems and even universes in an instant. As a Deity of Destruction, the user also has the task of keeping balance in the universe. Working together with creation deities, destroyer deities discuss which planets and/or galaxies need to be destroyed and/or rebuilt. However, they aren't necessarily anti-gods, because their nature is not only evil at all aspects.

Divine Tyrant: As an archetype, a divine tyrant, a deity/god/goddess/angel/divine entity/higher spirit associated with domination, tyranny, despotism, oppression, subjugation, enslavement, cruelty, conquest and all their aspects. This grants them absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts and principles. They are often worshipped by tyrants, dictators, oppressors, and slave masters. This type of tyrant of this type may see their worshippers as their own personal servants and/or slaves and gain power from dominating these followers. Archetypes of this nature may seek out other divine entities to enslave, establishing themselves as the top god/entity in their pantheon. Divine tyrants weren't a common feature of worship in polytheistic religions but were important among ancient and current civilizations.

Evil Deity Physiology: The users either are, or can transform into an evil deity, gods/goddesses or a god-like beings who represents or are associated with evilness, wickedness and the darkness in the hearts, minds and souls of other beings.

Out of all the malevolent gods, evil deities who are gods of evil are by far the worst and most terrifying among them as they represent the very forces of evil itself.

Fear Deity Physiology: As an archetype, a fear deity is a god/goddess who represents or is associated with fear, horror, dread, terror, panic and even nightmares. Fear deities weren't common in mythology but were greatly feared naturally and present among the civilizations they were in.

Sin Deity Physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Sin Deity, a deity associated with Sin, Vices, Impurity, Wrongdoing, Iniquity, Misconduct, Degeneracy, Debauchery, Immorality and all their aspects. This grants them absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts, and their principles. They were not regularly worshiped for reverence, but more rather appease and placate. If they were worshiped for reverence, their worshipers would most likely be the foulest of society. Sin Deities weren't a common feature of worship in polytheistic religions but were important among ancient and current civilizations.

The Devil: The user is the Devil; A being who is a personification of evil as it is conceived in various cultures and religious traditions (primarily Abrahamic religions) as a powerful dark entity that symbolizes the contrary to God: evil, sin, rebellion, and the realm of Hell as its supreme lord who is an objectification of a hostile and destructive force.

It comes in many forms; the reason why it’s challenging to specify a particular definition of any complexity that will cover all of the traditions, cultures, and religions, beyond that it is a manifestation of evil, mainly that of a satyr-like determined in famous belief, or as a lovely angel, and even as higher degree demons as part of said mythos some other myths say that archdemons claim the title of the devil by other sources.

Depending on the source, the role of the devil can vary. In some cases, the Devil is not a personification or a source of evil, but merely the infamous punisher and destroyer of it. In other cases, the Devil is the king of demons, ruler of hell, or exists as the antithesis of God.

Primordial Dragon Physiology: Users either are or can transform into a primordial Dragon or the ancestor of all dragons. A Dragon or a Draconic entity that has existed since or even prior to the beginning of time itself.

Transcendent Dragon Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a dragon or draconic being of godly power. The user's power is to be considered utterly fearsome as it's that which no dragon could ever hope to overcome or even equal, making them essentially the absolute pinnacle of all dragons.

Black Dragon Physiology: A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Black Dragon, this is a type of Dragon that is by far the vilest tempered and cruel of all Dragons which is associated with the powers of Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Shadows, etc.

Demonic Dragon Physiology: User is or can transform into a demon-type dragon or an actual hybrid of demon & dragon. These dragons have infernal and demon-like abilities, while also having the standard abilities of a dragon. Thanks to their hybrid nature, they are rare, more mystical and supernaturally conditioned.


Beyond-Dimensional Entity Physiology - Easily able to find occupancy from the infinite dimensional planes.

Absolute Death Manipulation - Anti-gods can make any death they choose permanent with no chance of resurrection or reincarnation.

Absolute Destruction - Can destroy anything and everything without a thought.

Absolute Erasure - Anti-gods can deplete anything and everything they focus upon, even without actually concentrating on it.

Absolute Invincibility - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, they are completely and utterly impossible to defeat.

Absolute Spirituality - The user has an omnipotent spiritual nature just like the Supreme Being.

Absolute Transcendence - The user is far beyond any and all limitations that apply to them and is fully independent of them

Apocalyptic Force Manipulation - The Anti-God is the true source of the final force that cause all of existence to end. By killing the Supreme Being. If the Anti-God dies so does the Supreme Being, making it all things come to an end.

Autopotence - The user can control their own existence, as well as everyone and everything's existence, without any limit.

Causa Sui Physiology - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, the user can self-create one's own being.

Gender Transcendence - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being of Creation they transcend the notion of genders.

Non Created Physiology - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, users didn't just merely create themselves into existence because they were always there.

Relative Appearance Alteration - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, user can alter their form to conform to another's perception of what one would look like according to their personal ideology.

Beyond-Dimensional Entity Physiology - They are Beyond everything and anything both in and out of creation.

Transcendent Cosmic Entity Physiology: A powerful cosmic based being via transcending all dimensions

Cosmic Entity/Cosmic Deity - An ancient cosmic being of divine status.

Complete Arsenal - The user possesses every type of power and ability there is.

Conceptual Self-Removal - Able to erase and reformulate itself on a whim.

Cosmic Destroyer: be a being that can cause the destruction of all on a cosmic scale.

Cosmic Otherness - Anti-gods are completely distinct and foreign from everything as they are not part of the supreme being's design.

Omnilock - The Anti-God, like the Supreme being, are outside of everything.

Dark/Demonic/Supreme Divinity - Anti-gods possess divine powers of dark and demonic nature and origin on an absolute level and tends to be the source of them.

Darkness Derivation - Whereas the Supreme Being embodies the light side, The Anti-God embodies the dark side of existence.

Destruction Embodiment - The user is a physical manifestation or personification of destruction.

Destructive Source - To simply put, the user is the ultimate source of destruction.

Demonic Force Manipulation - The user of this power possesses and is able to utilize strong demonic power. This ability not only grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of demonic abilities but also allows them to overwhelm weaker demons as well as rival that of powerful demonic entities.

Absolute Domination - The user can dominate virtually anything and everything, regardless of their immunities, resistances, or negations. Users are capable of conquering entire worlds, stars, solar systems, galaxies, universes, and even transcendent beings. If the user's conquest is not dealt with then they'll eventually conquer, dominate, and subjugate everything there is to be conquered, resulting in the user holding total dominion over all of existence.

Duality Embodiment - As the twin to its light self, the Anti-God can embody both the myriad diversity proponents of the broadband spectrum.

Eldritch Physiology - Being incredibly primeval beings their true forms can and often are incomprehensible to understand.

Flawless Indestructibility  - An Anti-God has no weaknesses.

Form Transcendence - Being a shapeless entity, they have no true face so to speak and therefore can act through most any proxy they wish.

Formlessness - The Anti-God lacks a semblance of their own and can be anything, anywhere or anyone desired.

Khaos - They are sometimes the primordial void or and chaotic force that existed before all that there was, even sometimes existing before The Almighty God did. (Varies)

Life and Death Transcendence - The user is beyond concepts of life and death.

Absolute Immortality - The user has total, absolute immortality.

Master of All - The character is the "master of all", excelling at virtually everything to the extent that specialists are virtually redundant. They can pick up new skills with ease and intuitively understand whatever they need to. Unlike its lower versions, this archetype is not simply good in all areas or balanced between them, but rather one of the best, if not, the best in all areas. In effect, the user is the best there is at what they do.

Nonexistent Realm Creation - Anti-divine beings tend to occupy realms of pure void outside all Creation.

Negative Forces Manipulation - Representing All forms of Negativity in all of existence.

Oblivion Embodiment - Being the canvas from which all destruction and nonexistence stems from, the primal void is where all things return to.

Omni Corruption Inducement - They're very existence breeds ultimate taint and befoulment.

Omni-Cycle Manipulation - Able to deliberate the endless/infinite series of ongoings and finalities.

Omnislayer - Being the ultimate destroyer whom can eviscerate anything.

Omni-Manipulation - The user can control everything on the inside and outside the omniverse.

Opposites Embodiment - Depending on the nature of its counterpart, the Anti-God can be either malevolent or benevolent possibly even neutral.

Omnimalevolence - Often being depicted as the supreme deity of all evil.

Morality Transcendence - Being as powerful as the Supreme being, the Anti-God is Beyond Good and Evil.

Origin Manipulation - As an all-powerful entity older than conceptual meaning, the Anti-God sits at the beginning of all.

Eternal Existence- The Anti-God has no real beginning nor end much less a creator. They came to be on their own accord.

Primordial Entity Physiology - Stands to be a dark primordial entity that has existed before the beginning of time.

Self Origin Manipulation - Able to write and re-write its own dawning into being by nothing but its own doctrine.

Primordial Darkness Manipulation - Personifying the primal darkness that preceded the light.

Primordial/Transcendent Demon Physiology - Many Anti-gods stand to be an ancient demonic entity older than the Concept of hell & inferno itself.

Primordial Chaos Manipulation - Representing the oldest form of anachronic discontent since before eternities beginning.

Primordial Deity - The user may be a deity that is far older than, even to the most ancient Gods.

Demonic Deity - Some Anti-gods tend to be both divine & demonic entities.

Primordial Nothingness Manipulation - Anti-gods took up the primal void which long predated existence.

Qliphoth Empowerment - A user gains access to the various emanations of the Qliphoth the representation of evil or impure spiritual forces in Jewish mysticism in Lurianic Kabbalah, allowing them to tap on the primal, undiluted forces of demons and fallen angels.

The Qliphoth isn't necessarily the opposite of the sephirot; rather, it is the sephirot's shadow: what can occur if the sephirot is incomplete or corrupted.

Singularity - The Anti-God is entirely and utterly unique in it's entirety, there are no others like he/she/it in totality.

Singular Reality Existence - While everywhere and nowhere at the same time the Supreme Void has no doppelgängers of it.

Supreme Deity - The user is a god greater than any other and is unrivaled by any other except the user’s light counterpart.

Old God - The user is an ancient deity from before time.

Supreme Divinity - As the dark counterpart to the supreme being, the anti-god has the highest level of divinity.

Tetralogy - Can corrupt and manipulate various parts of existence.

Unity - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, the Anti-God is one-with-all that is sustaining in the omniverse.

Totality Embodiment - As the dark counterpart to the Supreme Being, the Anti-God embodies all that is sustaining in the omniverse.

Universal Principle Manipulation - Void beings can govern or portray cosmological precept changing the nature of metaphysical space and time.

Omega Reality - Often sitting at the ultimate end of all there is at the end of reality

Void Embodiment - Users embody void, nothingness and nonexistence.

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