
( A/N not my main oc)

Name: Alisha


(Fuse them)

Body Type:





(They rest in her shoulders like Odin)

Species: Transcendent Hybrid

Height: 8'10

Age: Ageless


Alpha Human Physiology: Users are an alpha human: the paragon member of the human species who are vastly superior in any to every possible way to all other humans and their variants, including mundane humans, magical humans, superhumans, transhumans, hybrid humans, etc.

These kinds of humans are the very pinnacle of humanity itself, gifted with incredible power and many other human qualities that are at their ultimate or even absolute levels that it can surpass almost everyone and have natural dominance over all kinds of humans due to their advance status and superiority. Members can be considered incomprehensible due to being so incredibly strong, unimaginably powerful and representing the best of all humanity.

Ascended Human Physiology: The character is an ascended human: a renewed form of humanity who has obtained a powerful form of ascension that remakes them into a far more powerful and better version of humanity and are connected to a higher plane of existence that can transcend them into divine/godly beings of their very own as a new form of humanity. These special and very powerful humans can be far more powerful than any other variant form of humanity which can also include mystic humans, superhumans, trans humans, hybrid humans, etc.

Humans of this category are powerful in many ways and are gifted with many abilities that are deemed divine to their maximum capacity and with new physical forms, similar to yet flawless against the original that uplifts them a higher and unique status that can be similar to other divine beings, capable of going beyond their world to ruling over certain specificity.

Transcendent Human Physiology: The user is a pure and ordinary human being who has transcended to become the most powerful human of godlike status in their own right to be considered an actual deity in a mortal state, achieving a raw level of power so great it can rival even the most prominent of divine individuals across worlds and time.

Users possess an access to unparalleled capabilities despite their mundane origins, having considerable powers and abilities tied to their source of transcendent nature. Their newfound transcendence ultimately enhances and modify their natural characteristics to godlike levels, making them nearly all-powerful and virtually unstoppable beings.

Transcendent Superior Human Physiology: Users are superior humans that are so powerful they can be considered first-rate deities. Having a level of power on a gigantic scale (planetary, cosmic, universal, multiversal, and even omniversal) that they can use to enhance all of their abilities (natural, supernatural, etc,) to godlike levels, making them nearly all-powerful and virtually unstoppable beings.

Under rational circumstances, users can gain such power by reaching the peak of their evolutionary process or by using extremely advanced scientific methods that can deify their classification of superhumans, granting new and unusual powers that are immensely difficult if not impossible to achieve. Users of this category can achieve an array of abilities that can intuitively manipulate many if not all aspects of reality.

Under irrational circumstances, users can gain such power by transcending their status to higher levels that's beyond most superhumans or by obtaining a source of ultimate power, which can grant them newly found supernatural abilities that surpass all other superhuman beings in their universe.

Transcendent Superior Mystic Human Physiology: The user of this ability either is or can transform into a superhuman mage deity: a superhuman practitioner of magic who has ascended to or always had a godly state. Users have both limitless superpowers and magic/magical abilities and can almost effortlessly gain access to power hardly touched by any other mystic and superpowers.

Transcendent Nephalem Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a nephalem of godly power born from the union of two high-level supernatural entities. Their power vastly surpasses that of other nephalems and most supernatural entities, easily overpowering them even in numbers. Some users are born from the very apex or even prime being of their respective parent species, inheriting the potential to become the most powerful being in existence, with major impact on the world and its power balance.

Primordial Dragon Physiology: Users either are or can transform into a primordial Dragon or the ancestor of all dragons. A Dragon or a Draconic entity that has existed since or even prior to the beginning of time itself.

Transcendent Dragon Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a dragon or draconic being of godly power. The user's power is to be considered utterly fearsome as it's that which no dragon could ever hope to overcome or even equal, making them essentially the absolute pinnacle of all dragons.

Anti-God Physiology: Anti-gods are beings of unlimited power giving them the ability to destroy entire universes; in some cases even compared to the supreme creator, a clash between them could cause the multiverse to be destroyed and recreated. Anti-Gods represent and are the prime originators of all that counters creation, giving it absolute domain over dark powers.

Monotheistic Deity Physiology: The character is a monotheistic deity, one supreme transcendent being that created and rules over absolutely everything. They have complete, absolute power and unquestionable authority over all things in creation and beyond, they are literally God, the strongest and most powerful being in all of existence.

As an archetype, the Supreme Being represents the ultimate in power and dominance in the universe shown in most cases as a compassionate and benevolent being/entity/spirit who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and everywhere, also often the creator of the universe/s and everything in it/them since the Supreme Being in question is believed by followers to be the driving force behind all of existence.

In some cases, the Supreme Being also comes in many forms over many different cultures and realities, with his most common form as that of a wise elder humanoid male. However, this is not always the case, with the Supreme Being appearing as a female humanoid type, a Goddess if you will, or a type of animal, or even formless since it is an all-powerful being it can be whatever it wants anywhere it wants.

Trinitarian Deity Physiology: The user either is or can become a Trinitarian Deity, an interpretation of a Monotheistic God found in the Abrahamic religion, Christianity. The user is The One True God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial persons, Three distinct persons sharing one essence. In this context, the three persons define who God is, while the one essence defines what God is.

This is a result for example of combining Cosmic Otherness (symbolized by the number of division 3) with Unity (symbolized by the number 1). Each part of the Trinitarian God is akin to the Body, Soul, Spirit (or Id, Ego, Super Ego), each are completely divided from each other, yet one. The Tri-Unity.

Unlike Triple Deities that revolves around three normal Gods as a simple group, and with the rest of the Triple Gods being three as one group though it might not guaranteeing Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. The Monotheistic Trinity God, also consists of three subjects as one singular being, but the biggest difference, is that the user, is guaranteed to have all the three aforementioned powers. Another difference is that, according to Abrahamic religion doctrines, the three aspects are what'll make the sole representation of the user as a whole, for example The Holy Spirit, God The Son, and God The Father consisting of God as a whole.

Abrahamic Diety Physiology: As an archetype, an Abrahamic deity is a deity in a setting who is based off an Abrahamic religious theme or a deity who has the traits of The God of Abraham, God in this sense is the conception of God that remains a common feature of all Abrahamic religions who is conceived of as one, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and the creator of all existence, heaven, humanity and all matter of spiritual beings such as angels.

They are predominantly male gods in history who represents or is associated the Abrahamic faiths; Christianity, Islam and Judaism. This type of deity or deities were important among ancient civilizations and now current civilizations as well since coming to being.

Also of note, the Abrahamic deities were also have been thought of as a female deities (goddesses) by some of its modern followers, and even asexual to others. This pantheon of gods is usually made up of three gods in-one: God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. However within this culture there are other known entities that are considered "Deities" or "Deity-like" within the various versions of this religion which include patron saints and and the highest of all angels.

Satanic Deity Physiology: As an archetype, a Satanic entity in a setting who is based off Satanic religious theme or the traits the entities within the Satanic faiths, including atheistic satanism, satanism and theistic satanism, as well as the offshoot faith of luciferianism. Other cultures that have satanic figures as well like the Demiurge from gnosticism, Angra Mainyu of zoroastrianism, and Baphomet from thelema mythology, and of course the main figures of this faith the Devil "Satan and/or Lucifer", as well as the prophesied son himself, the Antichrist from christianity.

Satan in this sense is the conception of Satan that remains a common feature of all satanic religions who is conceived of as one, eternal (because God won't destroy him), nigh-omnipotent and nigh-omniscient, and the creator of all sins, and even certain spiritual beings such as demons and the reining master of hell along with demonic rulers. This faith is still considered modern but is a direct opposition to the abrahamic faiths which has been around much longer.

Unlike satanic incarnation, an evil being known in various cultures and religious traditions especially Christianity, achieved by either being chosen or possessed by Satan himself or other Malevolent-type force, or also not to be confused by the Devil who is merely the title of the main high-ruler and master of Hell. Whereas satanic entities are the beings themselves who come from Satanism and/or similar satanic-like faiths.

Supreme Diety Physiology: The user either is or can transform into a supreme deity, a god/goddess who unquestionably upholds divine sovereignty between its pantheon, and is associated with higher divine powers and abilities, and are considerably far more powerful by reason of being controllers of other divine spirits, gods/goddesses, and the universe which they rule over. Making them the alpha deity among the others.

Supreme Deities are characterized as the top leader of their respective pantheons, ruling them as high kings and queens over lesser lords. They also shouldn't be confused with the "one true god", known as the Monotheistic God who is considered to be perfect, as much as the stories detailing the supreme deities misadventures, whereas the monotheistic god who is not only stated to be absolutely perfect and powerful in every way and has no true equals in it's own singular species, being the only one deity of it's kind and are much more powerful then most if not all beings in every universe.

Supreme deities hold firm leadership among their pantheons and higher divine powers, not only varying authority like the divine lords possess. Some cases, even when between them all the supreme deities are truly the most powerful, but aren't necessarily rulers; here, many of them took the mantle briefly, or were ousted in their mythologies due to pride or loss of interest and can lose their status and rulership to the next most powerful deities under them, to whom become divine lords if they weren't divine lords already.

Supreme deities are commonly seen in mythology ruling over many divine lords and minor deities under them, and were very important among ancient and current civilizations for its impact.


Anti Christ: The user is the Antichrist, an anti messianic archetype associated or aligned with malevolent forces; commonly viewed or portrayed as an avatar who is born from satanic origins who represents or is associated with the Devil as his incarnation/physical manifestation on earth, yet the designation isn't exclusive for demonic sources. They are at times believed to be the child of the devil or some other powerful demon/fallen angel. Antichrists are extremely dangerous and are fundamental as bringers of the Apocalypse.

Prophet: As an archetype, prophets are individuals who are regarded as blessed seers and speakers in contact with divine entities and are said to speak on behalf of those entities, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from supernatural sources to others from the visions they gain from the divine. The visions/messages that the prophets convey are called prophecies.

Prophets are highly coveted seers by religious organizations and can often be founding members of their own spiritual paths in certain circles. However, prophets are not always Messiah-type figures and sometimes just seers with the divine gift of sight.

Messiah: The user is a messiah; a person who is portrayed as a savior who has come to save, redeem and liberate others, whether the things they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity, offering the ultimate gift of Salvation to the world, if not the universe. Their whole role in being is to save others from terrible tragedies, be it self-condemnation, cruelty of tyranny, supernatural damnation or anything else that brings others and themselves unimaginable suffering that they cry out to be delivered from.

Messiahs are the most noble, compassionate, kind and wise people who are said to be either anointed ones or self-chosen people who are here to use their miraculous powers to save the world and overcome all the evils within it. As they liberate the wrongfully oppressed, save/restore condemned souls, set wrongs right to the atoning and so on, those who are against messiahs are basic adversary who are brought to absolute justice for the transgressions they committed to the people that the messiahs were sent to save, as they ultimately end up being defeated.

At the pinnacle of their roles, users can take on a grand to global events where users are at the brink of changing/saving everything in the known world as either temporarily or permanently renewing it as paradisal world. At this final stage, users will ultimately make events happen where they take on their final role by heart-bleeding heroism so that they can move the hearts and minds of everyone who witness such saviors as anything they need them to be for sake of everyone regardless of what happens them.

Should they complete their destiny, users are free to find their own way in life; should they are ever needed once again, they'll ultimately return at the brink of people's greatest desperation/finality.

Basic Powers( She's basically a combination of The biblical god, Satan, the antichrist, and Jesus. Also, the supreme archetype from the Cthulhu Mythos.):

Afterlife Lordship: Since they happen to be of godly status, Transcendent Nephalems tend to rule both Hell and Heaven, allowing them to balance both domains.

Heaven Lordship: As it was already discussed they not only rule Hell for the sake of balance, but especially Heaven.
Angel Lordship

Hell Lordship: As of explained earlier, Transcendent Nephalems rule both Hell and Heaven for the sake of keeping the said afterlife planes in balance.
Demon Lordship

Angel Manipulation: Manipulate angels to do as the user commands.

Demon Manipulation: Manipulate demons to do as the user commands.

Divine-Demonic Force Manipulation: Manipulate vast amounts of both holy and unholy forces and powers.

Angelic Force Manipulation: Manipulate vast amounts of power that's divine in origin known as angelic powers.

Angelic Telekinesis/Demonic Telekinesis: As both an angelic and demonic being, the user can manipulate anything using their angelic and demonic energies.

Divine Element Manipulation/Demonic Element Manipulation: Manipulate elements that are filled with divine and demonic essence.

Hell-Fire Manipulation: Manipulate the mystical flames of hell.

Holy Fire Manipulation: Manipulate holy flames, which embodies the purifying aspect of fire.

Divine-Demonic Magic: user is capable of wielding a special form of magic that combines divine and demonic forces. Due to the diametrically opposed natures of the constituent mythic essences, the user is capable of particularly powerful mystical abilities.

Soul Absorption: Transcendent Nephalems may also be capable of absorbing the spiritual selves of evil beings, such as Fallen Angels and Demons for instance to augment their existing powers drastically.

Soul Destruction: Sometimes if they are unable to siphon souls, they may also have the power to obliterate a malevolent being's very spiritual body, like a Demon soul in consequence of making them incapable of returning to the cycle of being reincarnated back to Hell.

Supreme Divinity: The user possesses the highest form of Divinity, rendering him truly supreme.

Angelic Divinity/Demonic Divinity: Possess the true essence of divine and demonic forces.

Light Divinity/Dark Divinity: Possess divinity that's both light and dark in origin.

Magical Divinity: Possess the magical form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane.

Ethereal Physiology: Possess a body made of the Aether and Nether.

Absolute Change: Change everything and anything.

Absolute Command: Can impose absolute commands upon any existence, even reality itself.

Absolute Condition: Have an unlimited degree of physical/mental attributes that only a god can possess.

Absolute Beauty: Possess divine, unrivaled beauty.

Angelic Beauty: Posses Angelic Beauty that is unspeakable and unrivaled

Absolute Immortality: Possess an eternal mind, body, and soul.

Absolute Invulnerability: Be immune to all forms of harm.

Absolute Invincibility: Be unable to be defeated in any way.

Absolute Spirituality: Possess absolute spiritual power.

Absolute Transcendence: Transcend all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, personal status, etc.

Absolute Will: Impose one's will upon anything that exists.

Absolute Wish: Grant any rule free wishes for others or oneself.

Autopotence: Control all aspects of ones' own existence.

Balance: Be in perfect balance with the universe and its forces.

Divine Presence-Demonic Presence: Emit a transcendent presence or aura that can cause supernatural effects.

Expanded Presence: have a presence that encompasses all.

Warping Presence: A presence that warps existence itself.

Weatherly Presence: A presence that alters the weather.

Energy Perception: Perceive the energy that binds the universe together.

Etherius Warping: Manipulate Aether, a powerful, primordial element that was used to create the universe itself as well as Nether, the chthonian element, that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead.

Extrasensory Perception: Acquire information by means independent of any known senses or previous experience.

Godly Incarnation/Satanic Incarnation: Be a manifestation of and/or have the traits of the true God, Devil or both.

Halo Generation: Manifest a halo of light or archaic design.

Higher Consciousness: Gain a new state of development.

Horn Protrusion: Aside from having a Halo above their head, they could also have horns.

Hybrid Soul: Possessing a soul belonging to an angel & demon.

Hybrid Vitality: Possess augmented abilities thank to the user's nephalonic heritage.

Limitation Transcendence: Able to overcome the limitations/weaknesses, whether personal, from the angel & demon race, becoming either more resistant or completely immune to said weaknesses.

Omicron: Be the alpha and the omega of both the angel & demon race.

Omnifarious: Able to alter their malleable structure to an unlimited degree.

Omnilock: Exist outside of everything.

Perfection: Be perfect in all aspects.

Supernatural Genetics: Possess the genetics of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.

Supernatural Bodily Aspects: Possess the bodily aspects of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.

Angelic Arm/Demonic Arm: Possess the arm of an angel and demon.
Spiritual Blood: Possess spiritual blood of nephalonic origins.

Supernatural Cells: Possess the cells of a race that is naturally supernatural, known as the dragons and another naturally supernatural species or ones that aren't like the human race.

Supernatural Flesh: Possess the flesh of an angel and demon.

Supernatural Horn: Possess a horn that belongs to a nephalem.

Supernatural Organs: Possessing internal organs belonging to an angel and demon.

Supernatural Tail: Manifest a tail or multiple tails in the form of hybrid race tails or separate race tails.

Supernatural Traits: Possess the genetic traits of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.

Supernatural Wings: Manifest wings in the form of hybrid wings or separate race wings.

Unity: Possess a body made of the totality itself.

Beyond-Dimensional Physiology: Possess a body that transcends the concept of dimensions.

Totality Embodiment: Possess a body that embodies absolutely anything and everything.

Metapotence/Ultipotence/Irrational Indeterminacy: Because of the high level of control over both the Aether and Nether forces, the wielder can possess limitless amounts of power.

Nigh-Omnipresence/Omnipresence: Be present everywhere or nearly everywhere.

Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience: Possess knowledge so huge that the knows all or nearly all.

Omni-Manipulation: User can effortlessly manipulate everything with their mind.

Absolute Force Manipulation: Control all forces.

Almighty Magic: Utilize and control all forms magic/magical forces with absolute levels of power.

Existence Manipulation: Control all existence.

Omni Healing: Heal numerous people.

Higher-Dimensional Manipulation/Meta Space-Time Manipulation: Alter high levels of space & time from everywhere and anywhere.

Omni-Element Manipulation: Control all elements around them to a degree that allows control of their environment.

Reality Warping: Warp reality to any level that the wielder wants.

Meta Resurrection: Revive deceased individuals no matter how long.

Meta Power Manipulation: Conjure/Control supernatural energies that can empower chosen individuals.

Twilight Physiology/Twilight Dragon Physiology: Nephalems have biological & spiritual essence that are both light & dark in origin and could be somewhat different than just simple light & darkness.
Twilight Embodiment: Nephalems could be a representation of both light & darkness just like how angels are usually thought of as embodiments of light and demons as embodiments of darkness.

Twilight Force Manipulation: As a being of light and darkness, nephalems are capable of manipulating twilight power.

Twilight Manipulation: Nephalems possess power from both Light and Darkness, allowing control over the element of Twilight.

Light-Dark Force Manipulation: As already mentioned, Nephalems possess the power to manipulate and combine both light and dark power.

Light-Darkness Manipulation: Gain a hybrid ability to control the elements of light and darkness to a wider degree.

Primordial Darkness Manipulation: Control the original darkness.

Primordial Light Manipulation: Control the dawn of creation

Omnineutrality: While regular nephalems are neutral, transcendent nephalems must see the value of true neutrality.

Most notable Powers:

Khaos:embody the primordial beginning.

All Apocalyptic Powers

Abyss Lordship: The user has authority and duty over the abyss, the realm where souls go into an eternal void to endure absolute isolation from everything in existence. Some would call this a fate worse than even Hell itself, as souls are forever doomed to wallow alone without love or peace, forever losing bits and pieces of who they are into eternal darkness until they become nothing. Some users gain control over a certain part of the abyss where they command everything and everyone in the area and gain a lot of power whenever they are in the void itself.

Absolute Soul Manipulation: The user is able to create, shape and manipulate the souls, spirits and ghosts of all aspects, of all places, realities, dimensions/realms, times, universes, etc., regardless of their location such as those in a higher dimension/plane, heaven, hell, or a metaphysical/conceptual one (i.e., a dream/dream world, an illustration, a complete void, in-between or outside fantasy and reality, an illogical/paradoxical world), The user will be able to create, shape and manipulate any and all forms of soul forces at an absolute level, gaining unimaginable power and great abilities involving all the forces of souls in the multiverse and everything connected to them.

Calamity Hell: Users can acclimate a ton of existential crises and discharge them in accumulative numbers, hurling one end game scenario after another out at the enemy at the drop of a hat.

Perfect Storm: Users can cause a perfect storm, meaning to cause major or absolute Destruction at any time. Most likely, this power occurs as a surprise. As lots of things can occur, the user may control it, but it may be hard to handle, even for the most experienced one.

A very powerful user could unleash a storm containing all kinds of natural disasters, including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, blizzards etc. causing immense destruction and chaos.

Such a storm would be impossible to stop once it started, even for Storm Negation.

The Perfect Storm is also called The worst Case Scenario because it has the potential to annihilate and destroy everything in its path. Power and destructive objects are the users main attraction as they use it to cause more and more destruction; they could be an Anti-God.

Meta Disaster Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate the limitless and ultimate disasters. No matter what happens or who tries to "save the day" it is completely and utterly hopeless, absolutely nothing can stop this from happening, just like real death, tragedy will strike in the bitter end.

This can be either the work of a Supreme Being bringing forth a harsh and unstoppable judgement upon their creation, an Anti-God doing their job by bringing utter misfortune and misery upon creation or an author ending a story with a completely hopeless and dark ending.

Unlike Apocalyptic Force Manipulation, this power isn't solely about controlling the final force that causes the end of all existence in a universal cycle, but bringing forth absolute ruin and tragedy that's beyond all hope of stopping, whether it is the end of everything or not.

Omega Reality: Users can create, shape and manipulate with absolute authority the Omega Reality, the one encompassing the conclusion/finale to all realities and where all concepts end. Meaning they decide what happens to them all, such as whether or not they cease to exist, become something entirely new, where things all end up, where conflicts are all resolved, etc.

If the Alpha Reality is the origin for all realities and where they start from, then Omega Reality is where they all end up after their purpose has been served.

Celestial Divinity/Negative Divinity

Old God-Patron God

Almighty Cosmic Entity Physiology: Users either are or can transform into transcendent primordial beings that predate the universe/multiverse/omniverse or someone who has ascended by inheriting the powers of Type 3 Cosmic Entity.

Their power is so great in power they affect the entire multiverse and beyond and have authority over other cosmic beings and could either be a pantheon or a single entity taking on the responsibility of a collective group instead. They're known to be mysterious and powerful beyond mortal comprehension, existing as myths to the oldest species in the universe/multiverse/omniverse.

Chaos Deity Physiology: User with this ability either is or can transform into a chaos deity, a god/goddess or godlike beings who represents or is associated with chaos, havoc, discord and strife. Chaos deities can be found throughout recorded history.

Primordial Deity Physiology: The user either is or can transform into a primordial deity, a god, deity or divine being that has existed prior to or since the beginning of time.

Absolute Prime Source: The user is/can become the binding source of all existence forever bound and representing the infinite cosmos in creation that binds existence together by its primordial power/energy/force, and all things that emerges from the source such as the components of reality, both physical and metaphysical all the same. The users have indisputable dominion over totality, and so that as long as they exist, all that is and everything connected to all things does as well.

Prime sources are a vital power source of the universes they were manifested into, sometimes they can be interpreted as physical manifestations of a Supreme Being, in which the entirety of creation courses in and out from it acting as a literal supply keeping everything running perpetually, being the living source of totality and sheer authority for being the origin of said totality.

Chaos Derivation: The user is the source of absolute/perfect/primordial of chaos in every living being everywhere, directly to cosmic/universal scales. Users being the binding existence together by the force/energy of chaos, strife, discord, and havoc. This gives the users instant and total dominion over all the powers of the forces pertaining to chaos, allowing them to bring down laws and cause strife thus destroying the order of reality.

If the possibility exists that users ever were to die or be killed, then everything about strife and chaos would cease to exist alongside the user, thus bringing existence without free will.

Creation-Destruction Manipulation: The user can manipulate events that deal with the beginning or end of universes/multiverses and how they happen, such as the Big Bang, Big Bounce and Big Melt for the beginning of universes and the Big Crunch, Big Freeze and Big Rip for the end of universes. They can manipulate the acceleration or expansion of universes, and thus Dark Energy as it deals with that.

The user can affect the size of these events, so that they can affect the size of universes at the beginning or if anything is left at the end of it. They can create universes/dimensions inside another of smaller sizes, or create mini big crunches to destroy parts of universes.

Death Derivation: The user is the source of absolute/perfect/primordial death in every living being everywhere, directly to cosmic/universal scales. Users being the binding existence together by the force/energy of death. Giving the users instant and total dominion over all the powers of death, the dead and the dying. As long as they exist all that is death and everything connected to it does as well.

If the possibility exists that a user ever were to die or be killed, then everything about death would cease to exist alongside the user, making everyone incapable of dying, everywhere.

Universal Derivation: The user is the source of the absolute/perfect/primordial universe and every living being everywhere, directly to cosmic/universal scales. Users are the being binding existence together by the force/energy of the universe and the cosmos; giving the user instant and total dominion over all the powers of the universe, the cosmos, reality, time, energy and concepts. As long as they exist all that is the universe and everything connected to it does as well.

If the eventuality did exist that the user ever were to die or be killed, then everything about the universe would cease to exist alongside the user, making everything everywhere spiral into oblivion.

All Chaotic Powers

Primordial Chaos Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate primal chaotic forces in the universe, allowing them to manipulate probability or manipulate and shatter reality. They are able to change, manipulate, create and destroy anything and everything. This type of chaos is the one that gave way to Creation and Destruction, as such the user has infinite power over Creation, Destruction and Change.

All Dark Powers

Primordial Darkness Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate the darkness of an ancient primordial nature. As opposed to regular Darkness Manipulation, users of this power are often deities, avatars, or living embodiment of air, in many cases able to override other forms of Darkness Manipulation as darkness is the domain of the user. Due to its primordial nature it goes beyond concepts of good, evil, and even neutrality. Similar to other primordial elements, the raw potency and primeval nature of this power enables the user to easily overpower immunities & resistances to dark-based abilities.

Primordial Powers

Primordial Reality Manipulation: User can create, shape, and manipulate the primordial reality, the reality before reality or before the concept of reality. This allows them to control the original reality and blueprint/template/drawing board for what reality would become after the creation of existence, including the principles, concepts, laws and forces that would later come to define existence.

Since this is a form of reality that both transcends and came before time, the same laws/rules that govern existence may not/do not apply to users of this as nothing was properly defined yet.

User of this can overpower and even surpass both normal and even advanced reality warpers, as they have access to things that haven't existed since before existence and even undo any/all changes warpers make by using the original blueprint of reality to fix things.

Primordial Water Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate water of an ancient primordial nature. As opposed to regular Water Manipulation, users of this power are deities, avatars, or living embodiments of water. As such, they can cause natural water effects such as tsunamis, monsoons, and whirlpools to manifest. In many cases users of this power will be able to override other forms of Water Manipulation as water is the domain of the user. Similar to other primordial elements, the raw potency and primeval nature of this power enables the user to easily overpower immunity to water based abilities.

Void Embodiment: Users embody void, nothingness and nonexistence. At the most fundamental level, users would possess key physical characteristics and/or personality traits related to the concept they're personifying. Most users that embody nothingness would possess abilities and traits related to destruction, erasure of existence/life, or emptiness.

All Void Powers:

Primordial Nothingness Manipulation: Users can create, shape and manipulate the nothingness of an ancient primordial nature, or the nothingness that existed before the existence of the universe or all of reality itself to anything. Similar to other primordial elements, the raw potency and primeval nature of this power enables the user to easily overpower Erasure Immunity.

Tetralogy: The user has the ability to use the combined forces of science, magic, divinity and philosophy, giving the user potentially unlimited power over the four concepts. This power encompasses the four aspects that define reality and are used by any being to understand the universe and God itself.

The user can balance their powers and achieve masterful achievements in four areas. The user can adjust the power scale between four areas; For example: The user can use magic one time and psionics another time. When to use which power is an option up to the user. The user can also use these powers in concert, rather than individually.


Almighty Ascension: The user can ascend into an absolute version of themselves and gain virtual omnipotence, capable of surpassing cosmic entities, deities, supernatural beings and many other forces by using several means to achieve unparalleled power. Through such an ascendency they can become the most powerful being in the known universe as they possess ultimate power beyond any other as near-omnipotent being, inheriting forms and physiology that are unique to the user alone.

Almighty Magic: Users possess and can use magic of omnipotent nature, entailing omnipotence, but in what we know as magic and everything associated, related and branched out from it. This includes the esoteric, mystical and supernatural. Essentially, the user is an Omnipotent being, which means the caliber of magic possesses surpasses all the rules. Magic, for the most part, is about feeling and gaining power from one’s emotions; this is why magic is the counter-balance to science.

While Almighty Science users may need to understand the fields of science to control their vast powers, Almighty Magic users do not possess that limitation, they are simply able to do as they feel. This does not mean that Almighty Magic users cannot be omniscient; however, for the most part their emotional state won't change as much as a science manipulator's, even when they possess vast knowledge.

Despite their great power and knowledge, most Almighty Magic users will still possess noticeably human emotions, like anger and joy, or the need to be entertained; some may even become the embodiment of all magic, or the embodiment of the universe in which they reside. Regardless, the only real explanation you will ever get as to how these almighty users are able to accomplish such amazing feats of grandeur is "because it's magic".

Almighty Mind: Users possess an omnipotent mind, capable of doing anything and everything. They have supreme dominion over everything similar to an omnipotent being, but solely through their mind or mental abilities. They can control everything, be unkillable, transcend everything, etc. This power is the mental aspect of omnipotence.

Almighty Science: Users can manipulate and understand a level of science/knowledge that only an omnipotent being would possess. This power allows the user to achieve limitless and beyond the impossible results due to being so advanced and complex that it cannot be measured or equaled, let alone understood.

Most users use this unique type of science to enhance or bestow others. With omnipotent powers that can bend, break or even rewrite all laws of physics, create omniverses and warp realities/reality without limit.

Despite their great power and knowledge, most Almighty Science users will still possess noticeably normal emotions, like anger and joy, or the need to be entertained; some may even become the embodiment of all that is science or the embodiment of the universe in which they reside. Regardless, the only real explanation you will ever get as to how these almighty users are able to accomplish such amazing feats of grandeur is "because it's science".

( There are more, but if you want to know the powers of the Anti-God, Monotheistic Deity, etc, look it up. It's basically just every power ever.)

Weapons: Has every weapon, but she has her favorites.

Wrath of Heaven:

Fury of Hell:

(Left) Hand of God & (Right) Claw of Satan:

Sword of Eternity:

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