Reconciliation and Responsibility (Upgraded)

Just gonna get this out there: Vergil is cooler than Dante. Fight me BOI.

(No One's POV)

It's been a day since meeting Jason but that 24 hours things have been anything but quiet to say the least. Both Lady and Trish were surprised and impressed to see how a child managed in the hour to identify Diana as Wonder Woman just by weapon comparison, Morrison was phoning a certain Headmaster about Vergil and Diana adopting Y/N and cashing in a favor they did for him, Diana was ecstatic that she now had a child but how would she tell her Amazonian sisters that they were now aunts and her mother that she was now a grandmother? Even that wasn't the  biggest problem of this. Dante was wondering what Vergil would teach Jason but also very shocked that Vergil would suggest adopting him in the first place, he should confront him about this to find out why. For Vergil he was outside the business with his thoughts about what Jason said. He had called him Daddy, him of all people. While Vergil did remember that Jason's DNA was now altered to be his and Diana's son but still Vergil was still shocked that Jason would call him that so fast, but what really got to Vergil was that Jason saying that gave Vergil a flashback to the day his mother was killed. For so long Vergil believed she had abandon him and for that he had to fend for himself while also harboring hatred for his human half believing it to be weak, but now he starts to remember the years when she was still alive and how she was the kindest woman ever with a smile that can brighten the worst storms and gentle hugs that made a person feel that nothing can ever hurt them. She gave Vergil a real reason to fight, to protect humanity in the first place despite his hatred for his own, she showed him that while power was something needed to protect what is important, compassion is what's also required in order to protect what truly matters to you. Vergil then felt some kind of moisture slowly going down his cheek but when he looked up it was a bright as ever, it wasn't till he touched his cheek that he realized that he was crying. Him the eldest son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda was crying now that he realized that his mother did truly love him.

???:" Vergil?" 

Vergil heard a voice and turning around to see his little brother Dante looking at him with a genuinely surprised look on his face.

Dante*Shocked*:" Your...crying? I never thought I see the day."

 Vergil:*Head down*"Dante, on the day our mother saved you, do you know where I was?"

Vergil:" I was outside training with our father's sword till I heard her scream so when I went to see what happened I.....saw what was left of her and I couldn't find you so I left because now that house only housed memories that I couldn't live in it even if I had nowhere else to go at the time."

Vergil raises his head to where Dante can see Vergil's tears continue to fall from his face while holding the Yamato in his right hand.

Vergil:" I now see you were right all along Dante, she died trying to find me yet I failed to protect her and became the very reason she died. I failed to be her son, I failed to be her savior and I failed to be your older brother. I'm so sorry."

Dante didn't know what to say since he couldn't remember a time he saw Vergil become emotional or mentioned their mother, but seeing his brother in this kind of state Dante said the only thing he could think to say. 

Dante:" Vergil, what happened was no one's fault plus we were too young to fight them when it happened but here's my question to you. Would our mother say the same things you said?"

 Vergil looked at Dante then wiped the tears away to compose himself enough to answer his question. 

Vergil:" No, she would probably smack the back of my head then hug me to tell me that what I said was foolish but there would be something different to happen then all  the other times."

 Dante:" What would that be?" 

Vergil:" I would've hugged her back."

 Dante:" You've failed nothing Vergil, not then and even not now you are a damn good adopted uncle towards Kara, a damn good husband to Diana and a hero to humanity even if they don't know it. You're my brother and nothing will change that and not only that you have two kids that are relying on you now man."

 Vergil gave Dante a genuine smile before remember that now he has a child that due to now being related to his father Sparda will have a target on his back but Vergil knew that this was his second chance at redemption from his past crimes despite Trish, Lady and Nico saying that he already has when he helped kill Urizen and saved the Earth.

 Vergil:" Can you do me a favor Dante?"

 Dante:" Depends on what it is."

 Vergil:" Please be a good uncle to Jason while I be a good parent like ours were." 

Dante was surprised at the rather wholesome request but there was no way in hell he was gonna say no to that.

Dante:" You have my" 

The two smiled at each other before the back door opened to show Diana walking out and saying that they should check on Jason to see if the blood transfer worked.

(Jason's POV)
I knew I was sleeping but instead of feeling wet grass or itchy bark, I felt warm clean sheets around my body while my head was on something equally as soft. I opened my eyes to see that what happened wasn't a dream like I expected but besides that I looked around to see I was in a room with nothing but the bed I was laying on, a mirror hanging from the wall and a closet on the end of the bed. I sat up on the bed to see if I could get a better look around but when I did I noticed how I had different clothes than the rags I always wore and that I was now wearing a set of pitch black shirt and shorts with a pair of retro black and white shoes at the side of the bed that were just laid out. I got out of the bed to put the shoes on but while I did I realized that I didn't feel any pain despite the fact that I had stabbed myself with a katana so I looked to my stomach expecting to see some stitches and bandages only to my shock to see no mark whatsoever as if it never happen but before I panicked I remembered that Diana now as I know to be Wonder Woman and Vergil healed almost immediately afterwards when they cut their hands so I guess I gained a similar ability or they just healed the wound. After putting the shoes on and tying them up I walked around the room to get a layout despite there being almost nothing but then at the corner of my eye I looked into the mirror to see my reflection only to see some changes to it. I looked to see my former H/C hair had become black instead of a piece of white hair in the front, my eyes were different too with my right eye being blue while the left one was still silver so I still had a resemblance to my mother or I guess now former mother but what surprised me the most was that all the scars I had were gone too. I touched my face and torso now fully convinced that everything that happened yesterday really did happen despite how crazy it was. While I was looking at myself in the mirror the door to the room opened to reveal Vergil walking in with his sword on his waist and a cup of something in his hand, he looked a bit surprised to see that I was awake but he still put on that stoic face that showed a battle-hardened man before he walked over and stooped down to my height where he would be at somewhat eye level with me where he handed me the cup. The cup was warm and smelled really good making me wonder what it was since I was so used to just drinking normal water. 

Vergil:" It's hot chocolate, you going to need some sugar in your system since you lost a bit of blood."

 I nodded before drinking some of it to where I felt like my stomach was now in heaven, it was so good! 

Vergil:" Jason, I have something to tell you about what I am and Diana can tell you what she is."

Jason:" Okay, da-I mean Mr. Vergil." Vergil raised his eyebrow before clearing his throat then finally picking me up and sitting us down on the bed I was on.

 Vergil:" Jason I'm not fully human, I'm half Devil which is why I have these powers, not a semblance like most humans have nowadays. What I use is demon magic which my sword has and my physical abilities which I'm sure you have noticed are incredibly superior to humans." 

I couldn't respond to that in anyway with the shock I was in. Vergil was half a Devil and half human?! Then what does that make me now?! Hold on he also said that Diana will tell me what she is, is she a demon too or something else? 

Vergil:" Anyway, the reason I'm half Devil is because of me and Dante's father, The Legendary Dark Knight Sparda while our mother was completely human." 

Jason:" S-Sparda? What made him legendary?"

 Vergil looked at me with eyes that now showed sadness and remorse before continuing his explanation while caressing the katana he had in his hands.

 Vergil:" My father Sparda was a devil that was known for his immense power and skill but 2,000 years ago when the demon king Mundus tried to invade the human world, Sparda rebelled and defeated him along with his army alone and once he was done, using this*Shows His Sword*he sealed the portal between Remnant and Hell, permanently."

 I didn't know what to say, a demon that fought a demon king and his army to save humanity but not only did he manage to win but also prevented something like that to ever happen again all alone. No wonder he is legendary! 

Vergil:" Jason, I understand if you are afraid of me now but just know I will never do anything to hurt you if th-

 Immediately after hearing that he thinks I'm afraid of him I jumped up and gave him a big hug. I can tell that from the way he tensed up that he didn't expect me to do that but not only did Vergil take me in, he also trusted me enough to give me some of his powers and to tell me about his father who seems to be so dang awesome.

 Jason:" No! I can't be afraid of someone who in just the day I met him became my hero! You saved me from having to be alone and you trusted me enough to tell me about your family, please don't think like that." 

I continued hugging him with my face covered by his jacket till I heard something light fall and felt strong arms wrapping around me, I looked up to see Vergil reciprocating the hug with small tears forming from his bright blue eyes before he said something that made me feel like when my mother was still alive.

 Vergil:" Thank you and you are safe now.....My son."

*One Week Later*

It's been one week after the child known now as Jason Redgrave was found and adopted and during that time he found out what having a family was like. Diana fed her child large homecooked meals to try and put some meat on his bones while also giving him a standard workout routine to try and give him some muscle now that he had power mortals could only dream of while Vergil was teaching him about true motivation and how to use it as a weapon to finish battles and come out victorious. Dante showed Jason how to have a good time as Jason wasn't use to having fun as he was forced to focus solely on surviving and foraging so no time for fun but some trips to the arcade where Dante being the rich guy he was in terms of his occupation didn't have a problem allowing Jason to spend hundreds to play the games and win prizes that put stars in his eyes. His aunt figures would give him the motherly love his mother showered him in whenever she was away as Jason had a physical charm that did make him seem attractive and finally his newest best friend and also his only Kara Danvers. She refused to leave her only friend's side no matter what and felt nothing but a powerful connection to him ever since he saved her despite how he didn't have much power when he first met them with Kara going so far as to share a bed with him to protect him until he had the power to protect himself and the pictures of them cuddling like puppies was something Lady and Trish refused to let him live down. Right now Jason was waking up in his brand new room that his mother paid out of her own pocket in the very way he wanted but Jason didn't expect her or his uncle and aunts to go farther by adding things in it for him but it made him feel loved and it was a emotion he hadn't felt in a very long time so it was nice to feel it again. His new father though said he had someone he wanted to meet and was going to pick them up but would have a present when he returned as Vergil also added that this person would be a team mate of his.

(Jason's New Room)

(Just focus on the stand and the TV, ignore everything else)

Jason was still shocked that just a week ago he was living in the woods scrounging for scraps and awaiting cold nights. He smiled though knowing he was free of that life and now can be whatever his father was so that he can protect others and well be a symbol. He got up and grabbed a random soft drink from his mini fridge before going downstairs where he saw a note saying that they left him some breakfast as they had things they had to do and would be back so Jason just shrugged his shoulders and headed to the kitchen where his breakfast was and his mouth watered at the sight of what was his food.

Jason:" Jackpot!"

Jason just down the food and the drink he had with his usually barely if ever satisfied stomach filled with delicious warm food but when he finished and took a shower he realized he was alone so he went back into room and booted up his game on the TV after grabbing another drink and downing where the game GTA 5 appeared on the screen and he started playing the violent game which would be similar to his reality when he gets older. He played for a few hours with a smile on his face knowing he was playing a real video game besides the ones he had in his dreams when he heard a voice that he didn't recognize come from downstairs so he paused his game and walked to the edge of the stairs to listen better.

???:" So what's the surprise pop? A new video game? A new Devil Arm? Oh oh wait maybe a new jacket because I tore up my in a sparring match with momma?"

Vergil:" No but they should be around here somewhere and please just be nice to them."

Hearing his father's voice talking to the mysterious person, Jason snuck down the stairs and once he made it he saw his father with someone by his side. It was a girl around his age looking up to him while holding his hand. The girl had long white-silver hair with bright blue eyes the same shade as his own but suddenly her eyes landed on his with silence being the response. Most would assume she'd immediately ask her father who he was, yell at him or scream in shock or maybe fear but this girl was just surprised by the sight of this boy but was also blushing because of how cute he was. His heterchromic eyes looked back at her before a pink hue appeared on his face when he realized how pretty she was but he just got his father's attention as he had some questions though was able to hide his blush with the girl not faring any better.

Jason*Clears Throat*

Vergil:" Hello Jason sorry for the unexpected mission we had but it was one we couldn't ignore."

Jason:" It's cool and besides I learned to expected the unexpected anyways. So can I know the name of the pretty girl you have next to you?"

The girl blushed a bright crimson at Jason's words and he just blushed a pinker hue when he realized what he said but Vergil just smirked a little and was amused by the blatant words though he just decided to answer the question.

Vergil:" This here is your sister Jason, Neri Redgrave."

Jason:" Holy moly, I have a sister!?!"

Neri:" I finally have a brother!?!?"

Vergil:" Yes." 

Jason was still as a statue at the news but Neri was elated and ran to Jason to pick him up in a strong hug while spinning him with little tears in her eyes.

Neri:" Finally! I finally have my wish!!"

Jason*Confused*:" Wish? What wish?"

Neri*Happy*:" I wished two years ago on my birthday that I would get a brother! And today I finally get what I want, a cute and tall brother! Best present ever!!!!"

Neri continued hugging Jason who hugged back before getting his patted by Vergil who heard a animated gunshot.

Vergil:" I take it you were playing that game called Call Of Duty?"

Jason:" Actually I was playing GTA 5."

Neri:" No way I love that game!!"

Grabbing his hand, Neri ran upstairs to play with him while Jason was trying to keep up with her speed while Vergil smiled seeing the two already getting along when he got a call by his brother that said a village was in trouble with a demonic pack of behemoths have been sighted so sighing to himself he made a portal and went to kill some pests.

Vergil:" I feel more like a exterminator than a demon hunter sometimes."

Taisho Era Secret

Neri was on a mission with a couple of Amazons to kill a Lower Moon demon that was trying to set up a alliance with a lower rank demon knight and succeeded.

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