
(Jason's POV)- 9 years old

Once again I'm outside looking for food in a random forest I found which I've been doing for 5 years straight since my mother's death. My mom was Summer Rose, the huntress that was the leader of TEAM STRQ the greatest hunter teams to ever have existed which consisted of Raven Branwen, Raven's twin brother Qrow Branwen well as Taiyang Xiao Long, then one day mom went on a mission and from what Raven said one day she completed what she had to do but the cost was her life. Since then Raven and Qrow went their separate ways with Qrow remaining a huntsman, Taiyang retiring to raise his kids which I didn't know he had any while I don't know about Raven. So anyway since then I been on my own since I had no idea who my father was but I did hear he abandoned my mom I didn't care much for him. I continued to walk into the forest where I have no idea where I'm going but after about 15 minutes, I heard voices coming closer to me so I hid behind a nearby tree so I wouldn't be found in case they had bad intentions but while I was hiding I managed to make out the people I was seeing. One was a man in the front with white hair that stood up wearing a dark blue trench coat and a katana on his left hip having a serious stoic look on his face, the man next to him looked similar to him with height, hair color and eye color but his hair was a little longer and he was wearing a red trench coat and had two pistols in his hands while he had a smirk on his face, behind the blue man was a beautiful woman with long black hair in a ponytail, red shirt with a pair of blue jeans and black boots , she had a shiny sword in her right hand alongside a shield in her left and finally was a girl that I think was around my age with golden hair that flowed freely, a white shirt that said Rao whoever that was and blue jeans while she was clinging to the woman so I'm guessing this is new to her. I continued looking at them since I could feel so much power coming off them that it felt god-like and that if I made a single move I would be dead but when I was ready to leave I saw a big group of Beowolves and Ursas show up in front of them all of a sudden though that didn't seem to faze them in the slightest except the girl who hid more behind the woman before they grabbed their weapons and started fighting the pack. They were amazing! I never seen weapons or skills like this before it was like magic, the man with a blue trench coat's sword shot out projectiles that looked like blue slashes while he also managed to use the same sword as a shield, the other man brought out a large sword that I didn't see before that was almost as impressive as the other's sword but his guns were awesome the way they blew up their targets with a single bullet and how they shot out like machine guns I saw from a Atlas military ship before. The woman impressed me the most with how her sword just cut through everything easily, how she used her shield to get the grimm from a distance and how it boomeranged right back to her perfectly and then when a group surrounded her she moved so fast it look like she teleported with the pack gone, these three were like the legends from the books I read on how they were dealing with these grimm but then I saw one Ursa sneak behind the girl and ready to pounce on her and while I don't even know these people I wasn't gonna let a little girl die from something that took away my mother who was everything to me so I jumped out from where I was with my semblance activated which allowed me to create and control explosions so I blew up the Ursa with my current maximum power which did kill it but drained my whole aura since I never really trained much since being orphaned but still had some progress made to try to live up to her legacy. I was able to stay conscious but wasn't able to stand so I collapsed on the ground and just looked up to the wide blue eyes of the girl that I saved before she bent down to pick me up bridal style her strength surprising me before walking over to the trio of adults she was with.

???:" Hey look this boy saved me Uncle Vergil! It was amazing with that explosion and how he was so fast!"

 The man who I presumed was Vergil walked over to her before looking down to me with intense blue eyes before giving me a small smile.

Vergil:" Well child thank you for saving my niece but why are you out here alone? Shouldn't you be with your family?"

 I flinched which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of them before responding. despite how I only met these people in the span of a minute.

 Jason:" I don't have any family Mr. Vergil." 

They looked at me shocked and confused by what I meant and even though I once again only just met these I told them about my life, from my mother who was my inspiration to become a huntsman to her dying to how I didn't even know who my father was to how for 5 years I've been doing random jobs to try to stay alive which ended with me having to starve myself sometimes to also have to turn to crime to get basic living needs. They all but the girl had the same reaction, sympathetic looks with sadness in their eyes clutching their respective weapons tightly while the girl was crying and hugging me while I was still in her arms before the woman decided to break the silence.

???:" Well then child you can't be doing this anymore, you need someone to protect and care for you till you can for yourself and I'm willing to be the one to do that." 

I was shocked by what she said that I can't be doing this anymore which while true was still  was still the only way I could survive until I got older but what Vergil said next shocked me to the absolute depths of my soul. 

Vergil:" She's right child, you shouldn't be living like this so I have a offer for you" 

I just stood there waiting for him to say his offer and when he did, I couldn't help but cry. 

Vergil:" How about we adopt you and train you so you can defend yourself?" 

I teared up and said yes over and over between with the blonde girl hugging me, then red coat man said something.

???:" Hey you know we haven't introduced ourselves to the kiddo."

 Their eyes widened with realization before the woman cleared her throat and started.

???:" Well dear child I'll start. My name is Diana Prince and I suppose your guardian till you become of age."

 Vergil:" As you have heard my name is Vergil Redgrave her husband and your male guardian."

 ???:" Sup kid name's Dante Redgrave, Vergil's much cooler twin brother."

 ???:" Hi I'm Kara Danvers it's really nice to meet you Jason."

I looked at all of them before I realized something about Diana, she looked so much like the vigilante Wonder Woman since her sword, shield and face looked exactly like her's also she had the same physique but I decided to keep my theory to myself for now.

Jason:" Thank you so much but what about my semblance? It's so weak and I don't know how to fight besides surprise attacks. I'm worthless." 

Diana:" No child you are NOT worthless, you simply had no one to train you with what you were blessed so how could you be able to know how to fight without it? Me and my husband will help you to heighten your skills and the powers we will give you so you can be whatever you want in this life." 

Give me powers? What did she mean by that? Can they give me powers? But how?

 Dante:" I know you got questions kiddo but in the middle of a forest ain't the best place for  them. We should head back." 

(No one's POV)
Vergil and Diana nodded before Diana picked up Jason to walk into a portal that Vergil made leading into a building with the smell of pizza and the sound of some kind of rock song but what Jason saw most were two beautiful women and a man wearing a suit standing by a desk, one of the women had long blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing all black leather clothes that showed her midriff, the other woman had short black hair and heterchromia with her left eye being red and her right being a blueish-green he also could see that she had a lot of scars on her body from the small clothing she was wearing and finally the only male was a dark skinned older man wearing a fedora and didn't really look old despite having some gray hair in his beard. The trio looked their way then noticing Jason in Diana's arms and as expected they were confused to why until Vergil went to the front of the group to explain to them the situation. 

Vergil:" Morrison, Lady, Trish this child's name is Jason .Me and Diana are gonna adopt and train him and I'll explain why but just a fair warning, it's not a happy story." 

After around 10 minutes of Vergil explaining to the trio about finding Jason in the woods and his rather tragic situation, the blonde woman walked over to him and gave him a hug when Diana released him from her arms.

Trish:" Don't worry kiddo, you won't have to live like that anymore. Oh by the way my name is Trish as you heard from Vergil."

 Then the black haired woman came towards and now that it was known that the blonde was named Trish then it was a good guess that her name was Lady.

Lady:" She's right kiddo, that life is not for you and you ain't going back to it, also the name's Lady." 

 Morrison:" You know kid, you have to be one of the toughest little kids I've ever met if you survived for so long without anyone or anything to help you, I'm impressed."

 During this Vergil was talking to Diana about something to where she seemed a bit scared and hesitant about it but then looked at Jason with eyes of sympathy before nodding her head to whatever Vergil said to her. 

Vergil:" Now that you know the names of our acquaintances Jason, there is something that me and Diana have to talk to you about before we start your training."

 Vergil's face was so serious that he'd make a clown pass out from fear so Jason slowly nodded his head a bit fearfully before Diana picked him back up and headed towards a empty room away from the others, where all that could be see was a table being two gold wine glasses on top of it but other than that it was a empty room void of even light before Diana turned one on that was above the table though it didn't do much. 

Vergil:" Jason, there is a way that you can become stronger and be what you want to be but it's incredibly risky so the decision is yours, but just know me and Diana will support whatever your decision is." 

Jason looked at him before at Diana who seemed very nervous while he was genuinely scared by what Vergil meant by "incredibly risky" but the boy wanted to hear him out because if he was telling the truth then finally he could live up to his mother's legacy.

Jason:" I'll do anything Vergil so I can live up to my mother's legacy, so tell me what I have to do to get that power. It's my motivation."

 Vergil raised his right eyebrow before nodding at him with a low grunt while Diana had a proud smile on her pretty face.

Vergil:" I like your motivation Jason, let's see if it can help you when you get both me and Diana's powers though, but I need to tell you that it won't be a painless nor easy transition."

 Jason was confused and intrigued that he could get both of their powers but even when he said not painless he didn't care so long as he would live since he wanted to prove himself to his mother and himself but then his eyes went to one of the wine glasses on the table for some reason. Diana followed his gaze and seeing what he was looking at she picked him up and placed him on the table next to it before gently patting his blonde hair.

 Diana:" Sweetie I want you to know that if it doesn't  work, you could die so are you still willing to go through with this because we won't force you to do something your not comfortable with?"  

Jason:" Absolutely because if I can get stronger then I can be a huntsman and honor not just my mother but those that have died so yes I will go through even with the risks." 

They both seemed taken aback by his noble answer till Vergil gave a proud smirk and from Diana a kiss on the forehead but there was something he had to know if he does unfortunately died from this. 

Jason:"Mrs. Prince are you.......Wonder Woman?" 

Diana instead of shock or anger gave him a impressed look.

Diana:" Yes jason indeed I am Wonder Woman, I'm impressed that you found out at such a young age and in such little time." 

Vergil:" You continue to impress me Jason.*somber Look* Let's hope you can do more."

 Vergil then proceeded to walk over to one of the wine glasses and with his now unsheathed sword and his free right hand gripped the top of the blade and swiftly pulled the blade, cutting his hand and letting the blood from it fill half the glass. 

Jason:" Mr. Vergil are you okay?!"

 He then suddenly showed the scared boy his right hand only for him to see it heal like nothing happened, shocking him if he could be anymore shocked. Then Diana walked over to the wine glass and the exact same thing happened, she cuts her hand with her own sword and the wound heals like it never even happened. Then Vergil picked up the two glasses only to slowly tilt so that it drips on his sword before he turned his gaze to Jason before taking a deep breath.

Vergil:" Now Jason, in order for this to work you have to stab yourself with my sword so that your DNA structure can be altered and if you survive then you can gain me and Diana's powers and yes this means that by blood me and Diana will be your new mother and father."

 The young boy just stood there and looked at the now blood stained sword. He would get new blood parents? By stabbing himself with a sword and surviving he would be able to get powers but not be Summer's son anymore? Was it worth it, then what reason would he have to be a Huntsman? Then suddenly a flashback happened with something his mother had said the day before she had died. 'Sometimes in order to get justice or have the ability to gain it, you have to sacrifice what you love.' Jason looked at that sword then in one quick second grabbed it and stabbed it right through his stomach when suddenly blue mist-like energy started appearing around before after what felt like hours disappearing before with all his remaining strength he tore the blade out and fell on the table. Both Diana and Vergil stared at Jason in shock that he went through with it before Diana pulled him gently into a hug while Vergil gently placed a hand on his head with a saddened look. 

Vergil:" I'm sorry if it doesn't work child but I'm proud that you show the bravery and determination of a true warrior."

Despite barely being able to speak, what Jason managed to say shocked Vergil the most that day.

Jason:" Thank *cough* You


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