Flobsters on Parade

At nighttime in the Griffin Rock Town Square...

People are setting up decorations up for a festival that contains lobsters and technology. Cody and Frankie are looking at the lobster tank "Mmm, I can't wait till tomorrow the lobster dinner is the best part of the festival" Cody exclaimed "No way, Cody. The parade of technology is the best especially my dad's float which did I mention I get to ride on?" Frankie said with a smirk as she and Cody left the lobster tank "Frankie, it's called the Lobster and Technology Festival, not the other way around. Tech's not that important." Cody corrected "Ugh, fine, then the next time you need your computer fixed, call a lobster." Frankie joked as Cody smiles.

Cody and Frankie approached their fathers, who are inflating the parade balloons "Hi Frankie, hi Son, hold this will you?" Chief Burns said as he gives Cody the cable that is connected to the big lobster balloon "We're almost finished inflating these parade balloons, save the biggest for last" Doc Greene explained as he inflated the big lobster balloon as it floats. "Cody, did you tell Frankie about you and the Bots?" Chief asked.

"I get to ride in the parade too with Dad, The Rescue Bots are the guests of honor...and I'm taking my Buddy-Bot too" Cody explained as Frankie scoffs "Robots? Big deal, Griffin Rock's got a million of them" she said as a big wind came. The wind was so strong that caused the cables that is lobster balloon to snap. Doc was standing between the rope that is holding the balloon. As the balloon began to fly, the rope looped Doc's ankle and gets taken away.

Chief, Cody, and Frankie began chasing him as they tried to get him down.  The runaway balloon and Doc passed Chase in his vehicle mode, the kids passed him as Chief stops "Chase, transform and rescue" he ordered as Chase complies. Doc Greene screams as heading towards the statue of Horace Burns, the anesector of the Burns family, and the founder of Griffin Rock, he grabs hold of the statue's head to prevent himself from being taken further "I'm sorry" Doc said to the statue "Help!" he cried as the kids, Chief, and Chase ran towards Doc Greene to rescue him.

Chase jumps over the kids and Chief, Doc began to lose his grip on the statue as Chase was about to take his hand, but he was too late as Doc slipped and the balloon continues fly away. Frankie gasped "Daddy!" she cried. "Help!" Doc cried as the citizens are shocked when they saw Doc Greene and the runaway balloon.


At the Firehouse, the emergency alarm is blaring and the beacons of the Rescue Bots began blinking. The Rescue Bots' beacons are four Rescue Bots insignias in different colors that represent them: bright orange for Blades, green for Boulder, blue for Chase, and red for Heatwave.

Three of the Rescue Bots respond as their partners slide down on the pole "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue" Heatwave said as they transformed into their vehicle modes as their partners entered them, and drove and flew off.



Doc Greene is still being taken by the runaway balloon until he grabbed the roof of a building which is the courthouse. Cody, Frankie, and Chief arrived at the courthouse "Doc, try to get your ankle loose from the rope" Chief said Doc complied as he freed his ankle from the rope. The balloon flew away, Doc still ends up clinging to the roof as he does not want to fall off. Frankie gasped as she covers her eyes. Three of the Rescue Bots arrived as Blades handles the runaway balloon while Heatwave and Boulder handle with Doc.

Graham exits out of Boulder as he transforms into his robot mode, Kade exits out of Heatwave as he transforms into his robot mode "Heatwave, extend your ladder" Kade ordered "Way ahead of you" Heatwave said as bends down as Kade climbs on him "As usual" he muttered "Watch yourself, there are people around" Kade said as he is on Heatwave's shoulder "Heatwave, climb" he ordered "Yes, master" Heatwave said in a robotic voice in a sarcastic tone as he walks on the stairs. Chase puts his servos together as Heatwave steps his ped on it as he is on Chase's shoulders, Kade is on Heatwave's ladder as he extends it as he is close to Doc "Be careful, Daddy" Frankie warned.

Doc gets into Kade's hands as he is still holding on the roof with one hand "I'm all right, Frank--" Doc said as he slips from the roof and Kade quickly grabs his hand, while Kade pulls Doc up. Blades and Dani are dealing with the runaway balloon "Easy now, down a little" Dani said as she and Blades slowly approach the balloon "and..." as Blades caught it with his landing gear "Got it" Blades said as they bring the balloon down.

As Graham and Boulder secured the balloon as Kade and Doc climbed as Doc and Frankie embraced each other "Oh, sorry I gave you a scare, Honey. Sorry, I gave myself a scare" Doc said as he and Frankie released each other from their embrace. Doc turns to Kade "Thanks to you, Kade" he said. Heatwave clears his throat, the Greenes and the Burns heard it as Kade quickly covers it with a fake cough "Sorry, I must have something caught in my throat" Kade said as he looks at Heatwave "Thanks again" Doc said as he and Frankie leave as Kade looks back at Heatwave and raised his eyebrow as Heatwave shrugged his shoulders.

"Cody, might not be a bad idea to have a little brush-up class for the Bots, some of them seem to be forgetting their robot behavior and with all eyes on us tomorrow" Chief said "I'll take care of that, Dad" Cody said.


The next day...

Cody gathered the Rescue Bots and Hot Shot in the garage at the Firehouse "Okay, you guys, remember whenever you're around with anybody other than my family, you have to pretend to be robots, repeat after me" Cody explained "I am a robot" he said in a robotic voice "I am a robot" they said in unison. Then Cody realized that Heatwave isn't with the group "Hey, where's Heatwave? He's the one who needs this refresher" Cody said "Haven't seen him" Blades said "Not even this morning" Hot Shot added "Well, what he did yesterday, don't do, no emotion and you can't react unless we tell you to. Uh--" Cody explained as he noticed Boulder being distracted by a bird as Cody turns where Boulder is looking at the bird.

"Boulder" Cody said as Boulder regains his attention "Oh, sorry, but there's so much to look at" Boulder explained "And I've never been to a parade, I want to see everything" he said "Think of it like a game, Simon says turn to your right" Cody said as Hot Shot and the Rescue Bots turned to their right "Simon says raise your left arm" Cody added as they raised their left arm "Turn left" Cody said as they turned left except Chase and Hot Shot as Blades and Boulder looked at them "Simon did not authorize that last movement" Chase said.

"Right, Chase. Remember, at the parade, you can only do what your handlers tell you to do" Cody said as Heatwave enters the Firehouse "And that's why precisely I'm not going" Heatwave said as Cody turns to him "Pretending to be hardware and obey humans, who end up taking all the credit" Heatwave explained as he approaches Cody "Ah, I'm sitting this one out"

"Heatwave, look I don't blame you, my brother Kade, can be a huge glory-hog, but think of all those little kids who would love to see you and climb onto a fire truck" Cody explained "My point exactly, what do human children put on their fingers anyway? Last time, I let one climb on me, I was sticky for days" Heatwave explained "They don't bother me" Hot Shot said "That's easy for you to say, you are good with human children" Heatwave said "Heatwave, you've seen the poster in the chief's office" Chase said "Oh, you mean the one with the kitten hanging from the branch?" Blades asked "You mean "Hang in there"?" Hot Shot asked "Yes, that one" Blades replied.

"No, the one that says "There's no I in team" we're all part of the Rescue Bots squad, we need to stick together" Chase explained as Heatwave turns to them "You Rescue Bots are my team as Hot Shot is my responsibility, he is my mentee and I'm his mentor. The humans are just my mission, no offense, Cody" Heatwave explained. As they hear the elevator reaching down the garage as Chief Burns and Cody's older siblings exit the elevator "Festival time" Chief said.

"We'll head over in vehicle mode then you'll transform to march in the parade" he explained "We get to march!?! This is going to be great!" Boulder exclaimed. Blades goes to the helicopter elevator and transforms into his vehicle mode as the rest of the Rescue Bots and Hot Shot transformed into their vehicle modes except Heatwave. Cody puts his hands on his hips and looks at Heatwave with a stern expression, Heatwave sighs and transforms into his vehicle mode.

Chief Burns dials the emergency phone transferring to the comm-tab "Emergency call forwarding on"

"Wow, she really has that robot voice thing down" Boulder said as Heatwave is having an engine problem "Why are we waiting? Let's go" Kade said "I'm trying, there must be something wrong with ignition" Heatwave said "Try a little harder" Cody whispered "I am, it's-it's not working" Heatwave said "He's faking it" Hot Shot thought "Well, fine with me. Now, I can enjoy the parade without having to worry about cranky bot" Kade said as he exits Heatwave "Town will sure be disappointed, you know how the little ones love to climb on a fire truck" Chief said as Cody gets on Hot Shot as the Burns and Rescue Bots leave the Firehouse without Heatwave. Heatwave transforms into his robot mode and chuckles.


At the Lobster and Technology Festival...

People were hanging out as the Burns, Rescue Bots, and Hot Shot arrived as Chief Burns, Kade, Graham, and Cody were out of the Rescue Bots, Blades lands and opens his canopy as Dani exits out of him. The three Rescue Bots and Hot Shot transform into their robot mode "Wait, here" Chief said as he and his family enter the Town Square to where the festival is. Cody being the first to enter as he sees Frankie and Doc and approaches them.

"Cody, check it out! My dad's newest invention" Frankie said as Doc inflated a balloon with his new invention "I called it "floatium" after last night's trouble, I realized what the world needs is a synthesized controllable helium" Doc explained as he grabs a balloon filled with normal helium "See a balloon with old helium" he said as he lets go of the balloon as it flies away.

"Gone forever" Doc said "New floatium" he said as he lets go of the balloon filled with floatium as it floats and not flying away "Voila, no more lost balloons, no more unhappy children, and no more clinging for life from the tops of buildings" Doc Greene explained "That is so cool" Cody said "We've already put floatium in the parade balloons, see?" Frankie stated as she points the big lobster balloon filled with floatium as kids jump to touch it "Cody, it's showtime" Chief Burns said.

The parade began as a woman from a beauty pageant stands on a float wearing a crown with lobster claw attached along with a big lobster wearing a crown, the woman smiles and waves, next Doc Greene and Frankie came on their float that presents a hologram of President Chester A. Arthur, an atom symbol, and a big blimp as they wave at the spectators, Mayor Luskey is standing on a car with a balloon attached to it, waving his arms. Then the Burns appeared sitting on a car as they wave too. The Rescue Bots and Hot Shot march in the parade as Boulder is excited "This is incredible" Boulder exclaimed "Shh" Chase hushed reminding Boulder to keep acting like a robot. 

Cody turns to Kade "Heatwave is missing a great time" Cody said as he turns back at the spectators.


At the Bunker...

Heatwave is practicing his fighting skills while he listens the news from the tv "Without a doubt, the big and best lobster and tech fest ever" Huxley explained as Heatwave stops and looks at the tv "Why it just makes you want a bib just watching them, huh?" Huxley explained as Heatwave approaches the tv "and the color, the color them" Huxley said as Heatwave crosses his arms and scoffs "They can't even walk in a straight line without me" he said "Aren't there usually four Rescue Bots? Oh well, the crowd doesn't seem to miss him" Huxley said, much to Heatwave's anger as he growls.



A middle-aged man with brown hair that is graying, a beard, wearing glasses, light skin, pale teal button-up short-sleeved shirt, light brown pants, and brown shoes, he's wearing a white bib with a red lobster on it with red trims and straps. His name is Mr. Bunty, he's looking at the lobster tank as he chooses what lobster he wanted to eat.

He turns to the festival cook "Excuse me, I'd like that lobster please" he said, but the cook didn't pay attention "Excuse me" Mr. Bunty said until he decided to get the lobster by himself. He was about to grab it as he accidently knocked that floatium tank into the lobster tank as it starts releasing floatium, Mr. Bunty puts the shellfish cracker behind his back, and whistles as he walks away to avoid getting into trouble.

After, he left, the floatium effected the lobsters as they are floated out of the tank, the lobster began flying away from the tank, the people were surprised to see flying lobsters. One lobster cuts a tree branch that the bird is standing with its claw. "Come on, Frankie" Cody said after the parade had ended as Frankie gets off of her float "I can't wait to dig into one those--" before Cody could finished his sentence a flying lobster passed him as Frankie saw it "Whoa! Maybe, lobsters are the best part of the festival" she exclaimed as Cody turns around and saw the flying lobsters "Flying lobsters?" Cody said as the lobsters fly above the people's heads as they looked at them in awe.

Cody and Frankie run towards Chief Burns, Kade, Graham, and Dani as they are getting pictures "Dad, flobsters" Cody exclaimed "What are you talking about?" Chief asked "Flying lobsters, look" Cody said as his father and older siblings saw the flying lobsters or flobsters as Chief sighs with relief "Huh, at least, it's not livestock again" he said "Is there anyway we may assist?" Chase asked in a robot voice "Just stay here for now...as robots" Chief said as he whispers that last part "Hot Shot, come" Cody said as Hot Shot complied as he remains in his robot behavior, while the Rescue Bots stay put and remain as robots.

Then a flobster landed on Blades' face, Blades grunts to have his teammates to remove the flobster on his face, Boulder looks at the people to be sure they're not looking at them, as the people were all focusing on the flobsters, Boulder flicks the flobster on of Blades' face, much to his relief "Thank you" he said as he returns to his robot behavior as Boulder does the same.


At the town square...

People were watching the flobsters as Cody and Frankie were playing with them. Chief called Doc Greene and told him about this, Doc arrived as he watches the lobsters flying out of the tank "The lobsters must have ingested the floatium, I had no idea it was effective on living tissue" Doc explained and chuckles "This is even better than my spray-on pants" he exclaimed. 

"But, the floatium will lose potency right, Doc? Peter out the way helium does?" Chief asked as Doc pulls out his quick-draw erase marker "The floatium was designed to last through the parade" he said as he starts doing equations on the lobster tank "plus the time for everyone to take their balloons home divided by the half-life of the helium atom--" Doc explained as he stands up "Two days" he answered "Two days? We're gonna have lobsters?" Chief said "Flobsters, Dad" Cody corrected "Flobsters flying around in Griffin Rock for two days?" Chief stated as Doc grabs an incoming flobster "Precisley, a crustacean infestation" Doc said as he lets go of the flobster.

"That could get a little annoying" Chief said as swats the incoming flobster "I may have a solution, I need to get back to my lab" Doc said "Can I stay here, Dad? These flobsters are fun" Frankie exclaimed as she, Cody, and Hot Shot are playing with the flobsters "Just be careful" Doc warned as he leaves the town square. Cody chases a robot dog that has a flobster attached to its tail "Uh, that's good advise, these things do have claws" Graham agreed as a flobster torn the banner with its claw as it passes Frankie as she ducks. "Hey, watch it you selfish shellfish" Frankie said she gasped as a flobster chases her.


At the Bunker...

Heatwave continues watching the tv as Mayor Luskey being interview "As your mayor, I consider myself the head of the whole Griffin Rock family, so come on down family, enjoy some tech, enjoy some--" before Mayor Luskey could finish his sentence, Huxley ducked as an incoming flobster snatched Luskey's toupee as he ducks too as another came. Heatwave raises his optic brow "Well, there it is. You have just seen it, ladies and gentlemen. Our town is under attack! Hide your children, guard your property, boil some water!" Huxley explained as Mayor Luskey is fighting the flobsters with a broom as one of them pinches Luskey's rear as he yelps "Oh, we can edit that out later, right?" Huxley asked.

Then Hot Shot appeared on the screen "Heatwave, have you seen the news?" Hot Shot asked "Pretty hard to miss" Heatwave replied "You have to help us and the people, are you not bound by your Rescue Bot oath?" Hot Shot asked "You mean the one that I don't turn my back on those who need of rescuing?" Heatwave stated "Yes, that one" Hot Shot retorted "No...maybe?" Heatwave said as he looks at Hot Shot, who is making the cute eyes, Heatwave tries to resist but to avail and groans in defeat "Stupid oath! Cuteness is strong in this youngling" Heatwave muttered.


At the Town Square...

People were running around panicking as Frankie, Dani, and Kade are trying to contain them "Come here you little delicious  crustacean" Mr. Bunty said as he is chasing a flobster with his shellfish cracker, laughing. Then yelps when the flobster pinched him and more of them began chasing him. Cody sees lobster cages as he has an idea. Dani grabs a flobster and shoves it into the lobster tank as Cody runs up to her "Dani, we need Blades" he said as Chief Burns whacks a flobster with a racket "We need all the Bots" he added.

Meanwhile, the Rescue Bots still remained as robots as flobsters are everywhere on them "I'm not sure how much longer I can take this?" Blades whispers "Blades transform" Dani ordered "With sincere pleasure" Blades said in robot voice as he transforms into his vehicle mode. 

After Dani entered Blades, they carried a big lobster cage to catch the flobsters "Steady" Dani said as she pushes the lever as the cage door opens as they caught the flobster "You can fly, but you can't hide" Blades said, they closed the door after catching enough flobsters "Already down here, Sis" Cody said through the commlink as they lower the lobster cage as Kade, Graham, and the lobster catcher put the cage in the lobster tank as Kade detaches the hook from the cage.

"Okay, we'll re-arm and go back for another batch" Dani said as Cody gives Dani a thumbs-up as she and Blades head off to get another cage "Gotta hand it to you, squirt. That was a good idea" Kade said "Maybe, but one trap at a time, that'll take forever" Cody explained "Yes, Mr. Murphy we know about the lobsters, are you in actual danger?" Chief stated as he is on the phone "Uh, hold on. Cody, I'm forwarding the emergency calls to the ComTab. Stay in touch with us, things are going nutty all over town" Chief said as he hands Cody the ComTab as Cody turns on the ComTab as he watches a mother and her daughters fleeing from the flobsters at the park.

Chase steps front and has his servo out "This is the police, put your claws over your head and--" Chase was cut off as flobsters bumped into and one of them ran into his face. Chief Burns opens a door of a shed from the mother and her daughters to hide as he closes it after they entered. Cody changes the call as he sees Mayor Luskey at his car defending himself from the incoming flobsters as he grumbles every time he swings and hits the flobsters "All points bulletin corner of--" Cody explained as he types Luskey's location as a map shows him where he is "Lake and Arsenal, the mayor is under attack" Cody explained as the screen of the ComTab splits showing Graham inside of Boulder "We're close" he said.


At Lake and Arsenal...

Mayor Luskey is defending himself from the flobsters "Shoo! Get away! Don't you know who I am?" Luskey exclaimed as he swings the broom at the flobster as it cuts the cable as sparks fly and landed on the floor. Mayor Luskey didn't notice the incoming cable, Boulder picks up the mayor as the cable landed on his car starting a fire. Mayor Luskey stammered when Boulder saved him unexpectedly "Thank you, Boulder. Now, put the mayor down" Graham said as Boulder complies "And um I...found this" Graham said as he shows Luskey's toupee as the mayor takes it and puts it on his head.


Back at the Town Square...

After, Cody watched the mayor's situation being handled, he sighs " We sure could use Heatwave" Cody said "My thoughts exactly" Kade agreed.

At the Firehouse...

The Emergency alarm is beeping and Heatwave's beacon is blinking as Kade is calling him "Heatwave, I know you can hear me--" Kade said.

At the Town Square...

"get over here, you pile of--" Cody cuts Kade off "Kade, that won't help" he said as Kade sighs as he changes his tone "Hello, Heatwave, can you hear me? It would be so nice if you could drop by you pile of--" Kade's tone changes as Cody interrupts him "Kade! Hey, where's Frankie?" Cody said as he noticed Frankie's absence.


Frankie was getting chased by the flobsters and defends herself as she turns to the flobsters "This is your last warning, come any closer and--" Frankie said as she swings a spatula "I'll be sopping up butter with you" she said as she swings the spatula as the flobsters dodged, then flobster appeared behind her at the corner as she swings the spatula to shoo them. She turns around and gasped as more flobster appeared and one of them took the spatula away.

Frankie screams and runs away as the flobsters chase her, Frankie quickly hides in the telephone box and closes the doors as the flobsters crashed to it as more of them are crawling on the telephone box. Frankie calls Cody as he appears on the screen "Emergency dispatch" Cody said "Cody, I'm over behind the library and--" Frankie explained as Cody cuts her off "Frankie, can I call you back? Because, we're kind of in--" Cody explained as he ducks of an incoming flobster "the middle of something" he finished "You're in the middle of something!?" Frankie yelled as Cody cringed.

More flobsters began to cover the telephone box as Frankie hears glass break as she saw the bottom of the window cracking and gasped as these flobster are desperate to get in. Frankie turns around to hold the doors close "I think these flobsters want a Frankie dinner" she said "Frankie, it's not you they're after, it's your jacket" Cody said pointing the starfish which is on the back of Frankie's jacket "What?" Frankie said "The starfish on your jacket, the flobsters must think it's real, lobsters eat starfish" Cody explained.

As Frankie takes off her jacket shows the starfish image as the flobsters getting closer to it "You're right, but I'm still trapped" Frankie said as Cody types Frankie's location "Hold on" Cody said as he calls the team "Calling all Rescue Bots, calling all Rescue Bots" Cody said.



Frankie holds the doors close as she waits for the rescue team to show up "You think that scares me? You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that" Frankie said as a flobster cracks a window "Okay, that's hard enough, help!" she cried as Heatwave shows up spraying the flobsters away with his water jets as the Rescue Bots and Hot Shot arrived as Cody exits out of Hot Shot as Graham, Kade, and Chief exits out of Boulder and Chase as the two Rescue Bots transformed into robot modes. Chief Burns passes Heatwave as Kade looks at him "Finally managed to get your engine started again, huh?" Kade stated "Just because I don't like parades doesn't mean I'm not gonna do my job" Heatwave explained "There's no "I" in Rescue Bots, right?" he stated "But, there is a "me" in team" Kade added as Cody and Hot Shot glared at him "I'm just saying" Kade defended.

Frankie exits out of the telephone box and ran towards Cody "Cody, I owe you one" she said as she hugs him and releases him as she looks at Heatwave "And thank you too" she added "Looks like you're a hero, Heatwave" Cody said "Just doing my duty" Heatwave said in his robot voice. "Um, guys? Can we do all the thanking and basking after we actually get rid of these things?" Graham said as he swings his tablet at the flobsters as Dani calls them.

"Calling all rescue team members, return to town square, Doc has something" Dani said.


At Town Square...

After, they returned, Doc is holding a device "I just synthesized a new destabilizing compound" Doc explained as he places it into the lobster tank "which will pump into the lobster tank. It immediately starts extracting the floatium from the water" he explained "Then the floatium is emitted harmlessly into the atmosphere through here" Doc said as he pulls out the green tube "and the water returns to normal, see?" he said in a high-pitched voice as the floatium begins to decrease in the water as the flobsters are lower closer to the cage floor returning to normal.

"So the lobsters in the tank have stopped floating, but what about the ones still flying around town?" Graham asked as he grabs a flobster "Excellent thinkery" Doc said as he clears his throat and his voice goes to normal as he grabs a blue hose "We spray the extraction compound directly onto the flobsters, but I only had time to mix one batch, so...we'll have to make the flobsters come to us" Doc explained "How do we do that? We've tried corralling them it's like herding cats" Kade stated "Yeah, they don't seem to be afraid of anything" Dani added "Everybody's afraid of something" Cody said.

Blades, Dani and Cody are using the big lobster parade balloon to chase them "Okay, let's scare us some of flobsters" Dani said as she and Cody see the incoming flobsters. The flobsters saw the big lobster balloon and flew away as they chase them "It's working, Dad. Is Chase ready on your end?" Cody asked "All systems go" Chief replied as Chase holds up the giant lobster prop from the float as the flobsters saw it and turned around, but the lobster balloon is in their way. As they had herded the flobsters "Let it rip" Kade said as he had attached the extraction compound hose on Heatwave as Heatwave sprays them.

As the flobsters were effected by the extraction gas, they began to fall as Boulder catches them with his scoop. When all of them catch, Boulder puts them back into the lobster tank, Boulder picks up the rest of them that are on the ground, the last flobster falls and landed on Mr. Bunty's plate "Oh, goody, that's just the one I wanted" he said as Blades lands and transforms into his robot mode as the townspeople began cheering.


After the flobster invasion was settled everyone resumed celebrating the festival as Mayor Luskey handshakes some of the townsfolks "Hi, hey good to see you, haha. Thanks for coming. Hey, I need your vote" he said as the lobster woman is giving the girl an autograph as Doc Greene approaches the Burns with a lobster on a plate "Who's ready for a lobster dinner?" Doc asked "No thanks" Dani declined "Lost my appetite" Chief Burns said.

Boulder peeks from behind the trees before turning back to Cody, Chase, Hot Shot, and Blades, who is sitting on a rock "Huh, if all parades are like this, I can't wait for next years" Boulder said as Chase looks at Cody "Your planet never fails to fascinate" Chase said "And despite the chaos that the festival was in, it was amazing" Hot Shot added as Blades laughs "What's so funny?" Cody asked "I just got it...flobsters, because they fly, they're--" Blades explained as he noticed Boulder and Chase are not buying it "Okay, never mind" Blades said.

"You know of all the weird things we saw today that has to be the weirdest of all" Cody said as he points Heatwave in his vehicle as kids are climbing on him as Kade helps a kid to climb on Heatwave "Yeah, here you go, buddy" Kade said. One of the kids ice cream dripped on Heatwave as he groans.

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