The morning on January 4th 2019;

Orion woke up early that morning. After puts on his tracksuit, he went for a jogging at the nearby park alone. Then, he came across Mayu Iwatani.

"Ohaiyo, Mayu-chan", greeted Orion. (Good morning, Mayu-chan)

"Ohaiyo, Orion-kun. Hitori de?" asked Mayu. (Good morning, Orion-kun. Just alone?)

"Hai", replied Orion.

"Soredewa, kon'ya no ressurukingudamu ni tsuite wa dōomoimasuka?" asked Mayu. (So, how do you feel for Wrestle Kingdom tonight?)

"Mā, ore wa kōfun shite sukoshi kinchō shite imasu. Ore wa ibushi to umaku ikanakatta kamo shiremasenga, ore wa kare ga resuringu de dorehodo yoi ka shitte imasu", replied Orion. (Well, I'm excited and nervous a bit. I might didn't get along with Ibushi, but I know how good he is in wrestling)

"Soka. Shinpaishinaide kudasai. Kare o taosu koto ga dekiru to kakushin shite imasu. Anata wa kekkyoku, gurōrīhantādesu", said Mayu. (I see. Don't worry about it. I'm sure you can defeat him. You're The Glory Hunter after all) Orion chuckled.

"Son'na koto shitteru. Chotto kinchō suru shika arimasen. Yappari ressurukingudamudesu", said Orion. (I know that. I just can't help but to feel nervous a bit. It's Wrestle Kingdom after all)

"Tōkyō dōmu no ōra?" asked Mayu. (The aura of Tokyo Dome, huh?)

"Hai. Dakara kōfun to kinchō o dōjini kanjiru nodesu", replied Orion. (Yes. That's why I feel excited and nervous at the same time)

"Soka. Kon'ya wa ibushi ni taishite ganbattekudasai", said Mayu. (I see. Good luck for tonight against Ibushi)

"Arigatõ. Sate, ima kara hajimemashou", said Orion. (Well, I'm better get going now)

"Hai. Kon'ya anata o ōen shimasu", said Mayu. (Okay. I'll be cheering for you tonight)

"Thankyū", said Orion before walked away.

Later at home;

Orion is packing up all stuff that he want to bring with him to Tokyo Dome when his sisters making a group video call.

Orion: Hello, ladies.

Ara: Hi, sweetie.

Lyra: Hi, my only twin. What are you doing?

Orion: Well, just pack some of my stuff to bring with me to Tokyo Dome later.

Lyra: Oh, yes. It is Wrestle Kingdom 13. So, how do you feel?

Orion: Excited and nervous a bit. It's Tokyo Dome after all.

Ara: Don't worry. I know you can beat that feminine old man. You're my brother after all.

Lyra: That's true. You got this, my twin.

Orion: Thanks, girls. Really appreciate it.

Ara: So, where are you heading next after Kingdom.

Orion: London, of course. I'm really need a rest.

Lyra: Maybe I shall take a leave too so I can be in London. I miss mum, dad, and both you so much.

Ara: Awww, my siblings are coming home. I'll be looking forward to that.

Orion: Okay, sis. I need to go now. I'll call you later after Wrestle Kingdom is over.

Lyra: Okay, Orion. Take care.

Ara: We love you.

Orion: I love you all too.

Then, they hung up.

Later on;

Orion arrived at Tokyo Dome alone. After managed to avoid the reporters, Orion making his way to the locker room where he saw all his Bullet Club stablemates were there.

"So, boys. Ready for Wrestle Kingdom?" asked Orion.

"Hell yeah", said Tanga Loa.

"This time is bit different. We will kick Omega and his lackeys out of New Japan for good", said Lukas.

"That's true", said Bad Luck Fale. Then, Orion changed into the wrestling gear.

Later on;

Orion is making his way to the stand by area where he came across an old friend of his; Alex Ambrose that just won the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship from Cody.

"Well, well. Nice title you got there, old friend", said Orion.

"Oh, thanks. An American belt deserved to be on the American's shoulder. But damn, I'm telling you this, dude. I can see why did you choose to return here in New Japan. This place have many tough guys. It is so much fun", said Alex.

"I know that. But, WWE is not really bad though. Your mentor is there too", said Orion.

"I know. I might be there sooner or later but who knows when will that happen, right", said Alex.

"That's true. By the way, need to go now. See you later, then", said Orion.

"Okay. Have fun kicking Ibushi's ass", said Alex. Orion just smirked. Then, they're bumping fist before went different way.

Later on;

"Kono shiai wa, IWGP intākonchinentaru senshuken-yōdesu. Mazu, charenjā o shōkai shimasu. Gōrudensutā, ibushikota! ! !" (This match is for the IWGP Intercontinental Championship. First, introducing the challenger; The Golden Star, Ibushi Kota!!!)

Kota Ibushi then climbed up the turnbuckle and looked around.


"Tsugini, IWGP intākonchinentaruchanpion. Gurōrīhantā, orionsuchīru! ! ! ! !" (Next, the IWGP Intercontinental Champion. The Glory Hunter, Orion Steel!!!!!)

Orion then lifts up the championship belt in front of Ibushi's face  before the match official referee separated them. Orion then kissed the championship gold before handed it over to the match official.


The match begins with some chained wrestling by both wrestlers which ended up Orion snapped Ibushi's finger. Then, Orion did a rope run before tried to hit Ibushi with a clothesline but ended up being hitted by Ibushi's drop kick.

Meanwhile in Orlando;

Some WWE Superstars are watching the match through live streaming.

"Oh my god. It's really happening. My twin brother is returning to Wrestle Kingdom", said Lyra.

"He deserved it. After the injury he got here in his first year, he deserved this spotlight", said Karl Anderson.

"That's true. I can see now why did you personally picked him to be part of Bullet Club despite he just graduated from New Japan Dojo that time", said AJ Styles.

"That's true. I actually want to invite him to join CHAOS though but Bullet Club is one second faster", said Nakamura.

"Well, of course we are. He's a great talent after all", said Anderson.

"I'm proud yoh acknowledge my twin abilities", said Lyra.

"Of course they are. He's a great wrestler after all. Too bad he got injured badly while performing here in WWE", said Charlotte.

Back to Tokyo Dome;

Orion is beating up Ibushi outside the ring. After throws Ibushi to the steel's barricade, he sets Ibushi on it. Then, he takes a distance in a few metres, Orion runs before jumped high and hits Ibushi's head with a double stomp. Then, he picked Ibushi up before hits him with a powerbomb to the apron before tossed him back into the ring. Orion then slides back into the ring before tried to pin Ibushi but Ibushi kicked out at 2 counts. Orion is disbelief. He then arguing with the referee and asked him to count faster  Then, when Orion turned around, he was hitted by a dropkick from Ibushi. Then, Ibushi forced Orion to stand up before hits a Falcon Arrow on him. Then, Ibushi climbed up the top turnbuckle before attempted to hit Orion with a Phoenix Splash but Orion managed to roll away before speared down Ibushi. Then, Orion stand by at the corner before taunting Ibushi. When Ibushi is trying to stand up, Orion runs before hits Ibushi's head with his Puskas Kick before covered Ibushi to attempt a pin.



Orion managed to retain his title. The referee then handed over the championship gold back to Orion. Orion took it before left the ring.

Later on;

Orion, Lukas and GOD are celebrating their success to walk out from Tokyo Dome as champions with their stablemate. GOD managed to beat Los Ingobernables de Japon's Evil and Sanada that also involving the Young Bucks.

"What a night for Bullet Club", said Tama Tonga.

"Yes. Not only we managed to retain the titles that are already with us, Lukas managed to defeat Omega CLEAN", said Fale.

"Well, we're Bullet Club after all", said Jay White.

"So, Lukas. How does it feel kicking Omega's arse in the main event of Wrestle Kingdom?" asked Orion.

"It's great. Now that he knows who the fuck I am", said Lukas.

"So, what's next for Bullet Club?" asked Ishimori.

"We will keep dominating New Japan Pro Wrestling. That's for sure", said Lukas.

"Yes.  Bullet Club for live", said Orion. The rest just nodded.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆THE END☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

P/S: Alex Ambrose that made a cameo in this chapter is the OC created by Lokis03277... Check his stories to see more of him. I'll use it in my other stories too. That's all for me. To know what will happen next, please go and check on my another story named Kahn: The Story of A Pro Wrestler. Thanks for reading, lads

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