July 2nd 2018
The Steels arrives at Moscow at 8.00 pm. After checking in their hotel, Orion brings his parent and sisters to dinner at a nearby restaurant.
"Могу ли я принять ваш заказ, пожалуйста?" asked the waitress. (can i take your order, please?)
"Конечно. Я хочу бефстроганов (Sure, I want beef stroganoff) What the rest of you want?", asked Orion.
"Just order anything, son. We don't mind", said David. Alice and Ara just nodded.
"Okay. Я хочу 4 бефстроганов и Оливье", said Orion. (I want 4 beef stroganoff and olivie).
"что-нибудь выпить?" asked the waitress. (Anything to drink?)
"4 стакана воды", said Orion. (4 glasses of water)
"Хорошо. я вернусь с вашим заказом", said the waitress before left. (Okay, I'll be back with your order)
"Seriously, how many language can you speak?" asked Ara.
"6. English, French, Japanese, German, Spanish and Russian", said Orion.
"I don't know to be amaze or surprise", said David. Orion chuckled.
"Don't have to. There's peoples in the world that can speak more than that", said Orion.
"Yeah. But seeing my own son can do it, still amaze me", said Alice.
"Well, mom. When you go around the world like me, it just a common things", said Orion.
"I don't think we can be here without you, bro", said Ara.
"That's why I'm taking all of you with me to San Francisco", said Orion.
"That's my son. Always plan before do anything", said Alice.
"Thanks for bring us here, son. It's been a while since your mother and I going for a vacation", said David.
"No problem, dad. I want to bring the whole family actually but the others can't go, so it just 4 of us", said Orion.
"It's okay. Next time, we will have all of us together", said Ara. Then, their meal arrives and they eat their dinner together before return to the hotel. Orion books 2 rooms. One room have a king-sized bed for his parent while the other room have twin beds for him and Ara.
"Man, it will be better if our room have a king-sized bed like our parent so I can sleep while hugging my sister", said Orion.
"Don't you ashamed sleeping with your big sister when you're nearly 23 years old?" asked Ara.
"Nope. There's nothing wrong with that", said Orion. Ara chuckled.
"One of the most badass wrestler in the world sleep with his big sister? It can ruin your name", said Ara.
"C'mon, sis. Even the bad guy like me have soft spot", said Orion. Ara chuckled.
"Yeah right. I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight, Orion", said Ara.
"Goodnight, sis", said Orion before fall asleep.
Next day;
Orion and Ara wake up early as they planning to go for a jog that morning. After sending message to their parent, Orion and Ara go for jogging at nearby park.
"Damn, sis. You're fast. No wonder you are 2 times Olympic gold medalist", said Orion.
"Same goes to you. Wrestled for 30 minutes? Damn", said Ara. Orion just chuckled. After 1 hour jogging, the Steels sibling return to their room.
Later that night;
The Steels already take their place inside the stadium with the rest of English supporters. Some supporters realised that Orion is with them. Therefore, they take a chance to take photo with him. Later, Orion takes a photo with his family and posted it to his Instagram.
OrionSteel National call and family gathering in 1 picture. #WC2018 #ComeOn3lions #WrestlingOffDay #NationalCalling #EnglandTillIdie
Later, some wrestlers leave the comment at his post.
alexa_bliss_wwe Wow, Russia. Buy me some souvenir or I won't let you land on San Francisco. 😝😝😝
LyraSteelwwe Ugghhh. You make me jealous 😭😭😭
panzerkahn just like Japan, England will lose. That's what you got when insulting Germany 😝😝😝
hariz_prest1ge Damn, it Russia. Always want to go to watch world cup live in stadium but my nation never qualified 😭😭😭 C'mon England!!! Makes the Commonwealth proud
beckylynchwwe Go England!!! Irish supports you 💪💪💪
charlottewwe C'mon Columbia. Bring glory to American continent... Let this bestfriend of mine cried for the lost 😝😝😝
Then, both teams enter the pitch and the national anthem of both country played. Then, the match begins.
Both team keep looking for a chance but it's either of target or being save by the goalkeeper.
"C'mon 3 Lions. You're better than this. We're not coming here way from England just to see you play like shit", said Orion.
"Bro, you're a celebrity. You can't say such thing", said Ara.
"In this situation, it doesn't matter", said Orion. Ara just shook her head and smiled.
Later, it's half time. Both team still 0-0 draw at this moment. Orion check on his phone for a while without realising Ara is taking his picture. He only realised it when he get a notification that Ara mentioned him in her Instagram's post.
AraSteel My brother @OrionSteelBC look so stress during half time. C'mon 3 Lions, don't make my brother more stressful 😬😬😬
Orion also checked the comments section.
LyraSteelwwe Awww, my young by 5 minutes brother is so cute. Of course he is. He's my twin after all 😝😝😝
diana_dunham same goes to Pete. I hope Emma will not be like his father and godfather when she's grown up. 😂😂😂
trishstratuscom Aww, just like @LyraSteelwwe said, he's cute 😂😂😂
ChristieStratigeas Aww, I miss this only brother of mine 😭😭😭
MelissaStratigeas Hey, 3 Lions. Win the match before my little brother lost his smile like Shawn Michaels 😝😝😝
Orion smiled before type his comment.
OrionSteelBC Real funny, sisters. What will I do without all 5 funny sisters I have right now 😝😝😝
Later the second half begins. This time, both team going all out.
"Now, that's what I called football. Come on 3 Lions", said Orion.
Later in 57th minutes, England gets a penalty kick and Harry Kane will be the one that going to take it.
"C'mon, Kane. Score the goal, please", said Orion while Ara is on her phone recording the moment. As the reff blows his whistle, Harry Kane shoot the ball to his right while the Colombia goalkeeper reacts at the opposite way and it's goal for England.
"GOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLL", screamed all English supporters as England takes the lead.
The match then restarted with Colombia holds the ball. During injury time, all English supporters are ready to celebrate their success to go to quarter-final but at last minute of the play, Mina scores the equaliser for Colombia.
"Fuck", said Orion before Ara pulled his ear. "Ouch, what's that for?"
"Language, boy", said Ara.
"C'mon, sis", said Orion.
"No", said Ara.
"You're lucky I love you", said Orion.
"Aww, I love you too", said Ara. Then, the reff blows his whistle for full time. Orion then puts his head on Ara's shoulder while checking on his phone.
"You know. If people didn't know who you are, they might think both of you are lovers", said Alice.
"Doesn't matter. At least they know they can't mess around with any of my sisters", said Orion.
"So protective. Just like a brother should be", said David.
"Well, it's not that anybody will dare to mess with them after all. Among 5 sisters, 2 are pro wrestlers while Ara is 2 times Olympic gold medalist in Karate", said Orion. The rest just chuckled. Suddenly, Orion felt somebody at the back tapped his shoulder. When he turned back he saw 2 girls smiled at him.
"Hi, Orion. It's been a while", said the medium long blonde hair girl while the long brunette hair girl just smiled at him. Orion looks at both girls for a while before realising who they are.
"Kate, Anna. Is that really you?" asked Orion.
"Yes, mate. You seems good", said the brunette hair girl, Anna. 3 of them went to the same secondary school and play football for their school. Those 2 are Orion's best friends.
"Both of you too. Never thought I can meet 2 hottest English women player here", said Orion.
"We thought you forget about us. Congratulation on your win at Dominion", said Kate.
"I not forget. I just don't recognise you two. You both look like girls nowadays despite still playing football", said Orion. Kate and Anna chuckled.
"Men football players can look hot, why can't the women too", said Anna.
"By the way. It seems you and Diana are good now", said Kate.
"Yeah, that's true", said Orion.
"Still funny to think that both of you broke up just because she's insult West Ham", said Anna. Orion chuckled.
"Well, we're just 15 years old that time", said Orion.
"Let's meet up after the game", said Kate.
"Sure", said Orion. Then, all of them refocused to the pitch as the extra time begins. Even after 30 minutes of extra time, both team failed to take the win. This makes the result of this match needs to be decide in penalty shootout.
The standing is now 3-3 and if Dier managed score, England will be play in quarter-final.
"C'mon, Dier. Score the goal", said Orion. Dier is getting ready. He takes a deep breath before shoot the ball and the ball makes into the net followed by the scream of happiness by English crowd as they make it quarter-final.
"Hey, Dier. I don't mind you to be my brother in-law, mate", said Orion.
"Hey", said Ara. Orion laughed.
"Sorry", said Orion. Ara laughed.
"C'mon, let's take our sis-bro selfie", said Ara. Then they take a selfie using Ara's phone.
"Send it to me first", said Orion.
"Okay, in a moment", said Ara before sending the photo to Orion. Orion then quickly post it to his Instagram.
OrionSteelBC Win for 3 Lions. Too bad I have G1 Special at the same day of quarter-final. Great moment for me and my family #WC2018 #hail3lions #familyouting
His post later get response from fellow wrestlers.
alexa_bliss_wwe Don't forget my souvenir, dude. 😝😝😝
harrykane Thanks for coming, mate. Hope you come back for semi-final.
LyraSteelwwe Can't wait to meet you both 😍😍😍
tonistorm_ Sorry, mate but The Storms are cuter 😝😝😝
Later, Orion get notification that Ara tagged him in a post.
AraSteel Win for England!!! My little bro @OrionSteelBC is so happy. Please pray that he will find the girl of his destiny here 😝😝😝 #WC2018 #siblingsphoto
Orion then checked the comment.
trishstratuscom Aww you two are so cute 😍😍😍
ChristieStratigeas Cute but it will be cuter if I'm there.
MelissaStratigeas I feel jealous from this photo 😭😭😭
diana_dunham You siblings always enjoy taking photos together since in school. That's good you know.
Then, they went back to the hotel. Ara takes their parent to the room first while Orion hangout with Kate and Anna at the bar.
"So, mate. Who is your girlfriend now?" asked Kate.
"No one. Want to try?" asked Orion.
"Sorry, mate. You're already in our friendzone", said Anna.
"Yup. Not interested to date you", said Kate. Orion just chuckled.
"By the way, Orion. You have miss many of our school reunion. Don't you think it's time for you to come?" asked Anna.
"Yeah, I know. What can I do. The reunion always during I'm not in England. Maybe next time you both can make video call if I'm not around", said Orion.
"By the way, goodluck in your match against Jericho this weekend", said Kate.
"Will do, mate. C'mon, let's take a picture together", said Orion. Then, they take a selfie and Orion quickly post it on his Instagram.
OrionSteelBC Never thought I will meet these 2, @KateHarrison and @AnnaDavies, the bestfriends of mine since secondary school here in Moscow.
#WC2018 #minireunion
Then, that comment received many comments from his old friends.
davidfletcher95 Hey, @KateHarrison and @AnnaDavies. Kidnap him back to London, please. 😂😂😂
robbieseaman7 hey, mate. contact me next time when you return here. we'll have a party 😎😎😎
diana_dunham what a reunion. come to our school reunion this year, mate. Every year people will asking about you and @LyraSteelwwe.
LyraSteelwwe @diana_dunham I wish I can made it but you know wwe. pack schedule 😭😭😭
"Wow, everybody miss me and Lyra, huh?" asked Orion.
"Of course. 2 persons that never attend our reunion", said Kate.
"I'll coming this year if I'm in London", said Orion.
"You're better or we will drag you out", said Anna. After a while, they left the bar and return to their rooms.
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