Orlando International Airport
June 18 2018
Orion and Ara just arrive at the airport. When they arrive at the arrival hall, they saw Lyra already there.
"Ara, I miss you so much", said Lyra before hugs her sister.
"I miss you too, lil' sis", said Ara while patted Lyra's back.
"Seriously, you both are being dramatic", said Orion.
"Shut up, Orion", said the girls.
"Okay, then. I guess I should return to Japan now. Bye", said Orion as he turn his back pretending to leaving before Lyra run and jump on his back.
"Don't you dare", said Lyra before kisses Orion's cheek.
"Damn. Don't have to kiss me here", said Orion.
"Why, there's nothing wrong kissing my little brother", said Lyra.
"Only by 5 minutes, okay", said Orion. Then Orion and Ara walked to the parking lot while Lyra still hanging at Orion's back.
"You do love me alot since letting me having a piggy ride on your back", said Lyra.
"I don't have much choice. You're my only twin after all", said Orion. On their way, they meet Cathy Kelley alone.
"Orion...", said Cathy. Orion just nodded at her and about to walk away before Cathy grabs his hand cause him a little bit unstable, gladly he didn't accidently drop Lyra.
"Damn, girl. Do you want me to drop Lyra or what?" asked Orion.
"Well, it's not that she can't walk on her own", said Cathy.
"Well, it's not that you can't ignore me and leave me on my own", said Orion.
"Are you still mad at me?" asked Cathy.
"Who knows. 1 think for sure, I don't want to deal with you anymore", said Orion.
"Look, can we talk for a moment alone?" asked Cathy. Orion about to say no but Lyra drops her feet on the floor.
"Bro, Ara and I will wait you at the car", said Lyra.
"What but I...", said Orion before Ara cuts him off and holds both his hand
"Hey, just listen to her okay", said Ara. Orion sighed.
"Fine", said Orion. Ara smiled.
"That's my little brother", said Ara before she and Lyra walk to the car.
"Okay. 5 minutes", said Orion.
"Look, Orion. I know you still mad at me. I'm sorry I break your heart that time", said Cathy.
"Why?" asked Orion.
"Because that time you're so popular among girl, I thought that you will cheat on me first because you are 7 years old younger than me", said Cathy.
"You think I'll cheat on you because I'm younger? So, you think that I lie when I told you that I love you?" asked Orion before sighed.
"Well, I...." Cathy can't finished her words as she started to cry.
"Cry all you want, Cathy. It doesn't mean anything", said Orion.
"Orion, please don't be so mean", said Cathy.
"Oh, now I'm the one that mean, huh. I left New Japan 2 years ago when I at my peak because of you. I came to WWE because you said it will be a lot easier to us being together and then I found you cheated on me after a few months makes me lose my focus in the match at TLC 2016 and causing me getting injured that kills my momentum in WWE. And now, you tell me don't be so mean?" said Orion.
"Orion", said Cathy.
"Ok, time's up. Goodbye then", said Orion before walks away. He then enters Lyra's car before sighed.
"You don't forgive her, aren't you?" asked Lyra.
"Can we talk later? All 3 of us", said Orion.
"Okay", said Ara. Then Lyra drives her car away.
Later that night at Orion's house;
"So, want to talk now?" asked Ara.
"I guess so", said Orion.
"Okay. Tell us what happen", said Lyra. Orion then told his sisters about Cathy said to her.
"Wow. No wonder you look so stressful when entering the car", said Ara.
"Yeah. She only remember when I being mean to her but she forget what have she done to me", said Orion.
"Huh, look bro. I know it's hard for you but I think if your ex cried just to apologise to you, you should just forgive her and continue to moving on", said Lyra.
"But I already move on though", said Orion.
"We know that. But if you don't forgive your ex and just move on, then, you then gains an enemy. Just like you and Scarlett", said Ara.
"Let the past be bypass, bro", said Lyra. Orion sighed.
"Okay. If I ever meet Cathy and Mayu again after this, I'll try to forgive them but if Scarlett, I don't think I can", said Orion.
"Ooh, I'm telling you. Don't ever forgive her until she really regret it", said Lyra.
"She's that bad, huh", said Ara.
"Oh, yes she is. She's becoming like Summer Rae except that Summer Rae is only like that when in character, but that girl, she's a real jerk", said Lyra.
"You know what. Enough talking about my exes. We're here to spend time together after all", said Orion.
"Orion's right", said Ara.
"C'mon. Let's go out tonight", said Lyra.
"Okay, sure. Let's get ready", said Orion.
30 minutes later;
The Steel's siblings arrive at a lake where many people are there dating. Orion takes a selfie using his phone before upload it on his Instagram.
OrionSteelBC Hangout with @AraSteel and @LyraSteelwwe, the 2/5 of my sisters. Next time, we'll tried to setup a full family reunion with our parent, brothers in-law, nephews and niece. #familyfirst #whosaidiamalone
Later, plenty of comments entering his post;
trishstratuscom oh yes. next time it will be full force of us.
christiestratigeas uuuu, @LyraSteelwwe I miss you so much.
melissastratigeas why did you always make me jealous? 😭😭😭
therealkurtangle 2 great young wrestlers and a 2 times Olympic gold medalist in karate. 3 dangerous siblings in the world.
alexa_bliss_wwe ORIOOONNNN. Uggghhh. Again. Not telling me you're here 😬😬😬
thegoodbadguytamatonga great family. but not better than the tongan 😝😝😝
tonistorm_ 2 cute girls with a bad boy that somehow be my bestfriend 😝😝😝
hariz_prest1ge damn, mate. so fast. i thought you'll stay here for a longer time.
"Damn, it feels so great around here", said Orion.
"Yeah, it's my favourite place in Orlando", said Lyra.
"I can see why", said Ara. Then, after few moment, they left the lake.
On the next day;
Orion is jogging around when he saw Mayu Iwatani giving food to some stray dogs.
"Nante sutekina koto na", said Orion. (What a nice thing to do) Mayu then turn around and saw Orion.
"Orion-kun", said Mayu.
"Yo", said Orion.
"Anata wa koko de nani o shite iru no?" asked Mayu. (What are you doing here?)
"Jogging", said Orion.
"Sokka. Ano. Shibaraku hanashite mo īdesu ka?" asked Mayu. (I see. Ermm, can we talk for a while)
"Tasshka. Issho ni nomi ni ikimashou", said Orion. (Sure. Let's go drink together).
"Okay. Yūkowayo", said Mayu.
Later at the càfe;
"Sore de, naze omae wa koko Amerika ni iru nodesu ka?" asked Orion. (so, why are you here in America)
"ROH tepingu. Anata wa?" asked Mayu. (ROH tapping. You?)
"Ore wa koko de ōrando no Lyra o ane, Ara to issho ni otozurete imasu", said Orion. (I'm here visiting Lyra here in Orlando with my big sister, Ara)
"Sokka. Ano... Atashi wa anata ni ayamaritai. Atashi wa anata no kokoro o ni-do kowashimasu", said Mayu. (I see. Ermm... I want to apologise to you. I break your heart twice)
"Ni-do? Dōiu imide?" asked Orion. (Twice? What do you mean?)
"Saisho ni, atashi wa anata o damashimashita. Soshite, atashi wa anata no sukina sakkāchīmu o in katajikena shimashita. Hontōni gomen'nasai", said Mayu. (1st, I cheated on you. Then, I'm insulted your favourite football team. I'm really sorry). Orion saw Mayu about to cry.
"Ano ne, Tsūjō, ore wa ore ni damasa reta watashi no moto gārufurendo o yurushimasen", said Orion. (You see. Normally, I will not forgive my ex-girlfriend that cheated on me)
"Sokka. Wakarimasu", said Mayu while look down. (Oh, I see. I understand)
"Shikashi, omai no seijitsu-sa ga wakarukara. Ore wa omai o yurusu", said Orion. (But, since I can see your sincerity, I forgive you). Mayu looked up.
"Hontōni?" asked Mayu.
"Ah. Gomen de. Ore wa omai ni kibishi", said Orion. (Yes. I'm sorry. I being harsh to you).
"Sate, Tomodachi ni nareru?", asked Mayu. (Well, can we be friends now?)
"Mochiron", said Orion. (Of course). Mayu smiled.
"Arigatõ, Orion-kun", said Mayu. Then, they keep talking and joking around like a good friend should be. Later, Orion wants to walk home but Mayu insists to send him.
"Arigatõ na, Mayu-chan omai ga ore ni noru no o", said Orion. (Thank you, Mayu-chan for you giving me a ride).
"Mondai janai. Atashitachi wa kekkyoku tomodachidesu", said Mayu. (It's not a problem. We're friends after all).
"Demo na, Sore wa omai ga ore o ie ni okuru hitsuyō ga aru to iu imide wa arimasen", said Orion. (But still, it doesn't mean that you need to send me home). Mayu smiled.
"Tada shinjite, mondai janai. Nē Orion-kun. Chotto o kiki shite mo īdesu ka?" asked Mayu. (Just believe me. It's not a problem. Hey, Orion-kun. Can I ask you something?)
"Mochiron. Kiite", said Orion. (Of course. Just ask it)
"Eto. Kankei wa hontōni dekite imasu ka?" asked Mayu. (Umm... Are you really done with relationship?)
"Imanotokoro, hai ore ga hoshī mono o teniireru made", replied Orion. (For now yes until I get what I want though)
"Seikaku ni nani ga hoshīdesu ka?" asked Mayu. (What exactly do you want?)
"Akirakade wanaidesu ka? Mochiron IWGP Hebī-kyū senshuken", said Orion (Isn't it obvious? IWGP Heavyweight Championship of course)
"Sokka. Gambatte ne", said Mayu. (I see. Good luck then)
"Arigatõ", said Orion. Then, they arrive at Orion's house. After thank Mayu, Orion entering his house where Ara and Lyra already at the living room.
"Bro, who send you home? I heard an engine sound just now?" asked Lyra.
"Oh, it's Mayu Iwatani", said Orion.
"Oh, so you two are good now?" asked Ara. Orion just nodded.
"So, is it mean you're will going for a relationship again?" asked Lyra.
"No, sis", said Orion.
"What's the matter? I thought after you and Mayu are good, you'll be ready for a relationship again", said Ara.
"Not until I get what I really want", said Orion.
"What is it?" asked Lyra.
"IWGP Heavyweight Championship", said Orion.
"I see. Good luck, bro", said Ara.
"Big ambition. My twin has grown up", said Lyra while wiping a fake tears.
"Shut up, you old sister", said Orion.
"By 5 minutes only, fool", said Lyra. Orion stucked his tongue out to Lyra before Lyra chases him around the living room. Orion then hides behind Ara. Ara just laughed.
Later that night;
The Steel siblings are having dinner at one of the famous diner in town. As they make their way out, suddenly they're encounter with Cathy. Orion stunned for a moment.
"Can we talk for a moment?", asked Cathy.
"Bro, we'll wait for you in the car", said Lyra. Orion just nodded as his sisters entering the car.
"Errmm, so what are you want to talk about?" asked Orion.
"I want to apologise to you. I break your heart and yesterday, I accused you being mean. I understand now how did you felt", said Cathy. There's a sign that she's going to cry again.
"You see, in my entire life, I've been through 4 dates. And there's only 1 date ended without nobody's cheating. 3 times get cheated and I'm telling myself there's no way I'll forgive these 3 that cheated on me", said Orion.
"I see. I understand well", said Cathy.
"But you know. Among the 3, I can see only one that is still a bitch and it's not you. So, I'll forgive you, Cathy", said Orion. Cathy looked at Orion.
"You're really mean it?" asked Cathy.
"Yeah, of course", said Orion. Cathy smiled and hugs Orion.
"Thanks, Orion. You just free me away from a big burden", said Cathy.
"Not a big deal", said Orion.
"So, we're good now?" asked Cathy after let Orion go.
"Yes", said Orion.
"Friend?" asked Cathy while offering a handshake with Orion accept.
"Yeah, friend", said Orion. Cathy smiled.
"As a friend, I would like to congratulate you for your big win against Naito at Dominion", said Cathy.
"Thanks, mate", said Orion.
"Can I ask you something personal?" asked Cathy.
"I guess so", said Orion.
"Are you really done with relationship?" asked Cathy.
"Yes, for now", said Orion.
"For now?" asked Cathy.
"Yeah, until I get what I really want", said Orion.
"What is it?" asked Cathy.
"The IWGP Heavyweight Championship", said Orion.
"Wow. I wish you best of luck", said Cathy.
"Thanks. By the way, I should go now before my sisters turn into ice in the car", said Orion. Cathy chuckled.
"Okay, I'll see you around", said Cathy.
"Okay", said Orion. Then they have a quick hug before go seperated way.
"So, you two good?" asked Ara when Orion already in the car.
"Yes", replied Orion.
"So, there's only a real bitch remain now", said Lyra.
"Yeah. Now, let's go", said Orion before Lyra drive the car back home.
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