✰ Elias
n a m e —
elias orion ackerman
a g e —
z o d i a c —
capricorn (dec. 25th)
g e n d e r / p r o n o u n s —
he / him / his
s e x u a l i t y —
f a c e c l a i m —
egor telenchenko
d e t a i l e d - f e a t u r e s —
elias is 5'3 (but don't let his height fool you, he is quite viscous), he has dark gray eyes and hair as dark as night. elias is a stoic individual - he appears devoid of any emotion, and you will rarely ever catch him smiling.
p e r s o n a l i t y — intj
↳ people with this personality type are imaginative yet decisive... ambitious yet like their privacy... curious about everything but remain focused
s t r e n g t h s & w e a k n e s s e s —
☆ quick, imaginative, and strategic minded
— elias prides himself on his mind, and he takes every chance he can get to improve his knowledge. this shows in the strength and flexibility of his strategic thinking ( no wonder he's the captain ). highly curious and always up for an intellectual challenge, elias sees things from many different angles.
☆ high self confidence
— elias trusts his rationalism above all else, so when he decides something, he has no reason to doubt his decisions or insights. this creates an honest, direct style of communication that isn't held back by what others expect of him. when elias is right, he's right, and nothing will change that fact. whether it's a person or a process, he'll hold his ground and have it no other way.
☆ independent and decisive
— this creativity, logic, and confidence form individuals who stand on their own and take responsibility for their actions. authority figures don't impress elias, and neither do social conventions. and no matter how popular something is, if they have a better idea, elias will stand against anyone he must to promote his plan. either an idea is rational, or it's wrong – and he's happy to apply that standard to himself.
☆ hard - working and determined
— if something grabs his interest, elias can be very dedicated to his work. he often puts in long hours and intense effort. elias is goal-oriented, and if tasks lead to something clear and relevant, he will strive to accomplish those tasks.
☆ open - minded
— elias is open to new ideas as long as they're argued well. he will be open to ideas that go against their own if the thinking is sound. he often applies his openness and independence when thinking about matters like alternative lifestyles. mix this with his dislike for rules and traditions, and it's easy to see how elias might lean towards more tolerant social views.
☆ jack - of - all - trades
— skilled at hacking anything life throws his way, elias is able to break down and learn from almost any system. he then uses the ideas found there wherever they're needed.
☆ judgemental
— elias has complete confidence in his thought processes because rational arguments are almost by definition correct – at least in theory. in practice, emotional considerations and history are hugely influential. a weak point for elias is that he brands these factors and those who embrace them as illogical. he often dismisses them as people who think in an inferior way. this can make it all but impossible for others to be heard.
☆ overly analytical
— a repeated theme when discussing the strengths of elias are his analytical skills. but this strength can fail him when logic isn't the most important factor. relationships, in all their complexities, often resist neat explanations. he may be highly critical and sometimes reach a high level of picky thoroughness when dealing with others. at that point, many people – with the exception of extremely loyal and understanding friends – are likely to flee, sometimes not to be seen again.
☆ clueless in romance
— elias hates blindly following ... anything ... without understanding why. he has a great dislike for authority figures who go around forcing others to obey laws and rules without understanding the purpose of the standards themselves. elias is likely not to get along with anyone who prefers how things "have always been." however, by not going along with the standards – even when doing so might not be a big deal – elis can make his life harder than it needs to be. but yeah, this is pretty self explanatory. elias has no clue what to do when someone likes him. he also has daddy issues ( kind of touched on in the backstory ) so yeah.
☆ stoic
— this hoe shows absolutely no emotion. zilch. zero. nada. like, what is he thinking? does he even like you? you'll never truly know.
o t h e r - i n f o —
☆ loves tea
☆ not a fan of the attacker
☆ huge neat freak
☆ often makes the cadets clean as "training"
☆ humanities' "strongest soldier"
☆ "fucker in charge of you fucking fucks"
f a m i l y —
☆ anya ackerman ( mother ; deceased )
☆ james ??? ( father ; alive )
☆ kenny ackerman ( care-taker ; alive )
b a c k s t o r y —
elias' mother, anya, was a prostitute working on the streets. his father, james, was one of her clients. nine months pass and elias was born, but his mother passed away giving birth to him. it was then that kenny ackerman found his sister ( ak anya ... thank god kenny was on her way to see her moments after she gave birth to elias ) dead. he took elias in as his own. kenny taught elias everything about fighting from an early age, and eventually left him to his own devices when he realized he could survive on his own. perhaps this is why elias appears so jaded and cynical to the real world — he had to learn how to survive in it from a very young age. needless to say elias's financial background was shit. he grew up on the streets for a good portion of his life before he found the survey corps ... ( more like the survey corps found him ). it was his first real home ( that wasn't underground ... ) i forgot to mention that elias grew up below the surface — he was in the most impoverished area in this universe. kenny lived down there as well — he had a nice little tent for them to live in. so moving up in the ranks of the survey corps and having an actual house to live in was a big change. other information has been omitted for the storyline of walls.
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