Chapter 20: Turning Tables

Author's Note
Please be aware that some of the content in this book is adult material  and may be sensitive to some readers. Enjoy, comment, vote!

He had waited for twenty minutes before he could no longer hold himself back from stealing a morsel off the platter in front of him. Captain Chaos was late to their dinner for the fourth time that week since they left the Rock Isles. Each day she had sent Reska to entertain him in her absence, in which she did with enthusiasm. But today they were both missing, and Bessa's masterpiece was spread out before him growing cold. There was lamb, a salad of potatoes and beans with steamed carrots on top. And two golden chalices stood filled with wine beside a steaming apple pie.

Myles plucked a diced potato from a bowl in the center and popped it into his mouth, propping his feet up on the chair beside him. Just as he relaxed though, the door burst open and Chesney waltzed in, removing her gloves and throwing them across the room. She sat across from him and took a big swig of wine, droplets trickling down each side of her chin.

"I have good news, son," she said, wiping away her mess with the back of her hand.

"Is it that we can start eatin now?" he asked, eyeing the food.

Chesney smirked and nodded. "Yes, you may dig in," she replied, picking up her own fork and stabbing some carrots. "But that is hardly the good news."

For some time now, she had come to dinner either severely angry or dismissive. It appeared to Myles that her battle plan for the coming war was not panning out as she wanted it to. But today, her liveliness was back, ferocity burning behind her eyes. The two of them shoved some of their food into their mouths, chewing enthusiastically.

"I've decided the course of action to take," she said, swallowing another mouthful of wine. "And this plan is sure to win us the war."

Myles stopped chewing and swallowed a large piece of meat, struggling to force it down. "And you want to share it with me?" he asked, confused. "Ya know, you could just point and tell me where to strike and I'll do it," he admitted with a shrug.

Chesney pursed her lips. "Then aim for the marriage bed, my boy."

The pirate coughed wildly and beat on his chest with his fist, blinking away tears that rushed forward. "You what?" he choked out.

"I want you to be king one day. Not just of the ocean, but of Oren's every corner," his mother explained. "Here's what's to be done." She dragged her chair across the floor to sit closer to him and laid a hand on his back. He was already in a sweat, awaiting the fearful words that came henceforth. "Queen Dimia will receive you at her coronation. You and Trinity will attend disguised as noble siblings--"

"Wait, why me and Trinity?" he interrupted.

"Because you two are the most pretty," she replied, a finger jabbing at the long scar on her face. "Listen now. When you're inside, after she's been crowned, she is required to dance with all the noble men of each house. Since she's already betrothed, it's doubtful that Sir Wyliamme will be in attendance to win her affections. I have it on good authority that he's busy with another matter." She grabbed the other goblet and handed it to Myles, who took it with shaking hands and brought it to his lips. "When it is your turn, you and Trinity will conduct a public kidnapping of her highness. Press a blade to her throat, a pistol to her pretty little head-- whatever you want, but do it in a fashion that leaves no room for her rescue.

"Merida will lead some of the girls to the castle and escort you back to the ship. Once we're out to sea and out of open conflict, we will discuss terms of rightful kingship and force her hand in giving up the crown. With this," she said, pulling a piece of parchment from her back pocket. She unrolled it on the table and pointed to the words. The boy read the first few lines and understood how they would 'force her hand'.

I, Queen Dimia, the fourth of Goldrock rule, do hereby discount my claim to the throne of Oren lands. I further support the claim of another, who is better-suited to run the affairs of the mainland in the coming years, when the threat of war from the New Wave Dratsaci is prevalent on our soil...

Myles blinked. "We'll force her to marry me? And then I'll be..." he gulped. "I'll be King of Oren?" Never in his wildest dreams would he have believed a monarchy of his rule to be a possibility. He was a bilge rat-- a scallywag. Not only was he the most unfit to be king, but he had no interest in affairs of the land. He took another sip of wine to steady his nerves. I'm only seventeen.

"Oh, god no, dear boy," Chesney laughed. "You'll marry her, that's stated further below. She is to be promised to you, but you won't have to marry until the time for you to rule is near."

Myles' brow creased and he leaned over the doctrine again, peering down at the words.

Chesney Chaos, who is to be anointed Lady Chaos of the High Court, is the rightful monarch to the throne. She is a true child of Oren and is equipped with the knowledge necessary to win back the old kingdom's way of life and restore peace to a realm created in Ilia and Ushuros' vision.

I consent to a marriage of her heir, Myles Chaos, and will enter into a union with him when the new Queen so chooses or after her final breaths. This is my wish. This is my decree.

"You?" he accused, more harshly than intended.

His mother ripped the doctrine from his view and rolled it back up. "Yes, I, Myles. I'm the one who knows how this realm should be run. Not that twat on the throne. She and Wyliamme Carac will destroy the pirate league and our way of life as we know it."

"So then why not just target Carac? Once he finds out we've kidnapped his bride-to-be, he'll be on us to see our heads off." Myles pushed himself away from the spread. He had quickly lost his appetite.

"Carac knows that if he goes against royal decree, he is condemning himself and his precious Dimia to death. They will be cast as co-conspirators and by the time he reaches the great city, I will already be seated on the dais in the throneroom, shooting whiskey from her skull. The royal guard will never disobey their oaths to their rightful Queen," she replied, standing from her seat. She walked about the room, her fingers grazing over all of her possessions. "Soon, I'll have more treasures than that oaf, Enigma, and an army at my disposal."

"But what about the New Wave?" he asked. This is madness. She can't truly believe this will work, can she?

"We'll have no disturbances from them, you can be sure of that," she assured, pulling him to his feet. Her arms held him at a distance but her eyes stayed locked to his. "It's time for the mighty to rise at last and for the weak to take their place below us. And I know you can make it happen."

For the first time, she pulled him into a hug, and Myles melted to her. His arms wrapped around her tightly and all his doubts faded away. She really believes in me. This was the first time in his life he'd ever felt a mother's warm embrace, and it differed so much from that of a whore's or Reska's. This was one of unconditional love, one full of promise.

"You are my son and you have great power in you. And when you do this for me, I will make the world a perfect place for you to take once I'm good and dead," she whispered, pulling away from him. He fell into her a bit, but released her from his longing entrapment when he felt a more forceful tug.

She held him at arm's length, looking him up and down, and Myles couldn't help but feel vulnerable. Is she admiring me as her son, or as her weapon? he wondered. He also felt guilty in his childish bliss at first, remembering Evie. But he convinced himself that she had known her mother for a short time, and that was better than nothing at all. They can't be conspiring against Evie if Chaos means to raise all pirates to a higher birth. That would include The Hollow Rovers.

His mind was now at ease, and he let his doubts about his new home float away as he drank and discussed plans with his mother for the rest of the night. The coronation was in two days, and they were close to Ofund and Gruuthar now. Chesney told him she didn't want to arrive too earl, and that their promptness in leaving was essential to a successful escape. When the coronation ball commenced, they only had a minimal amount of time to perform the kidnapping and get the queen to The Halo.

When they were ready to retire, Reska came and retrieved him. They traveled down to his cabin and laid together. They woke up only once from their deep sleep and made love-- a gentler kind than usual-- where Myles forced Reska to give up her dominion over him. He caressed her and kissed her and went back to sleep when they were finished. He was somehow stronger after his dinner, ass though he could actually rise in the crew one day. His feline lover felt warm beneath his arm and she purred softly in her sleep. This is my purpose-- to become a man here. This is the legacy Captain Chaos meant for me. One day, this lowly orphan will be a king...


Something nudged at Myles' leg, and his eyes blinked open slowly. Merida sat in a chair next to him, her legs crossed and arms folded. The boy yawned and scratched his head, sitting up. He glanced behind him, but Reska was already gone. He should've figured, since Merida wouldn't have dared entered when those two were alone together.

"This is a bad idea," she said, nudging him again to get his attention.

"Mornin," he yawned again, stretching his arms. He inched to the edge of his bed and let his legs dangle over the sides. He felt like a man this morning, instead of the cabin boy he had been for the last few weeks.

"Are ye listenin?" the pixie woman snapped. She took out something slim and shiny from her back pocket and flicked it open. A razor's blade glistened in the light that seeped through the boards above them.

Myles flinched. "I didn't know sleepin in got you killed around here..."

Merida rolled her eyes and stood from the chair, pointing to its seat. "Sit down, I'm giving you a cut and a shave," she ordered.

The boy rocked onto his feet, dragging his sheet along with him. He had never put his trousers on the night before, and he was suddenly shy. Who am I kidding, I'm not a man yet. I can't even walk around naked in front of a woman. He waddled over to the chair, draped in the sheet around his waist and sat with his head back. He was flushed with the embarrassment of his indecency in front of the woman, though there was certainly nothing embarrassing about his physique.

Merida set the razor down on the table next to them and removed shears from her pocket next. She laced her fingers through his hair and started clipping. "This whole business smells funny--" she trailed, whispering.

"Well maybe I need a bath but I didn't think I smelled that bad," he said, lifting his arm to sniff his pits.

The woman smacked his arm down. "No, you ninny. I mean this whole business with the queen. It doesn't feel right."

The boy closed his eyes. No, please don't do this Merida. You're my closest friend here, I don't need any doubters behind me. He watched as some of his platinum locks floated down to the floor. It looked like a lot was coming off, but he was probably due for a cut at this point-- it was something Luna the whore liked to do for him on occasion.

"Is this for Queen Dimia's coronation?" he asked, trying to deflect.

"Yes, it's for the bloody coronation, what else? I don't care if your hair grows down to your arse. But Captain Chaos needs you two to look well enough to get into the damned thing if we want to carry out this stupid plan," she hissed. She clipped a few more strands then set down the shears. She circled him, picking up a frothing bowl from the table, and slathered white mush across his face with a spoon.

Chesney's plan must work, or else my so called 'purpose' will be half-fulfilled. I have to convince Merida that this is a good idea. But... she's not easily swayed. The cream smelled sweet and hints of peach wafted into Myles' nose every time the spoon passed beneath it.

Once his face was covered, Merida retrieved the razor and placed the cool steel against his cheek. Slowly, she dragged the blade down, and left a clear, smooth surface beneath it. There wasn't much hair on his face to begin with, as he had never been good at growing any, but the fuzz was wiped clean nonetheless. Each time she moved to another side of his face, he used a finger to stroke the smoothness of his skin.

"I think we need to trust in the plan, and follow the captain's orders. Then everything we'll be residing in Ofund and Gruuthar in no time," he said lightly when she took a break from scraping his chin.

"Myles, you're so naive, it scares me," she said, shaking her head. She put the razor down and used the hem of her shirt to clean up his face. "I've served on this ship a long time, and I've seen some horrors." She crouched and put her hands on his knees. "I've lived my life. You've just begun yours. Don't do something that's going to get you killed."

The boy stared back at the pixie and realized she had come to care for him. Her tone was genuine, the fear in her eyes was no longer a foreign gaze, and he saw her worry. She really believes the plan will fail, and I along with it, he thought.

He was angry, and insulted even, but he knew Merida was acting the role of a mother bear concerned for her cub. He had a mother, though, and she had big dreams and great ambitions that she would only stop chasing once she achieved them. But it occurred to him that her ambitions made her blind to danger. This arrangement, while well conceived and considered, seemed too hasty and was a huge risk for their crew to take; the only one interested in the survival of the others seemed to be his pixie helmsman.

"What do I do?" he asked, staring down at her with pleading eyes. He still needed guidance, though only a few minutes before, he woke up on top of the world, feeling unstoppable.

Merida stood and went over to his wardrobe, removing some finer clothes that Myles hadn't paid mind to since his arrival. She tossed a dark blue silken shirt and black trousers at him. "Try these on," she ushered. "They were Warren's once, when he was a lad."

Myles hesitated but quickly dropped his sheet and pulled on the pants. They were a little loose, given Warren's impressive size, but they looked alright, and the shirt was striking against his skin when he slipped into the sleeves. Merida started buttoning him up.

"You need to talk to the captain. Tell her you're getting a bad feeling about this-- or worse-- that you've had a foreboding nightmare that warned against this evil plot. It'll take some convincing, but she'll listen to you. If you get Reksa on your side, Chaos will definitely open her ear." Merida fastened the top button on his shirt and spit in her hands. With each of them, she smoothened his hair back behind his ears. "I'm afraid that if this doesn't work, we'll be butchered at the docks. And if it does..." she trailed.

"If it does work, that would be a good thing," he finished for her, buttoning the cuffs of his shirt. Even he didn't sound completely sure of what he said.

The woman shook her short, dark locks. "No, I don't think it would, Myles."

"What? Why?" he asked, heading toward the cracked looking-glass above the table. He peered into his reflection and was surprised by what he saw.

With his hair cut neatly, he looked like a regular gentleman. He'd grown accustomed to wearing a shirt these days, but this was different than his usual tattered rags. He looked somewhat clean for once, like he'd been brought up in a decent household. Myles' eyes popped against his tan complexion, and his jaw looked long and sharp. The muscles in his chest gave him a manlier aura under the blue cloth, and his rippling arms filled the sleeves. He wondered why Warren had come across such fine garb in his youth. Myles wasn't sure if they were wedding clothes-- he'd never asked if Warren and Merida were officially bound.

"Like I said, I've been on The Halo a long time," she said, coming to stand next to him in the mirror. She looked so small now when they stood beside each other. "Just convince her, Myles. Make her see that we should be protecting ourselves against other threats-- ones like Wyliamme Carac."

He nodded, unable to look away. He wished for a moment that Evie could see him this way. She would laugh and call him funny names and make light of the whole ordeal; he wouldn't feel so pressured.

Merida left him after a long moment, and Myles stayed looking at himself for several minutes after. He searched his own eyes but came up short. If I'm to be a leader, I must learn to do what's right for the crew. He made to equip his swords, but thought against it. A noble wouldn't be lugging around such magnificent weapons. Instead, he shoved a pistol into his waistband and tried to conceal it with his shirt.

He left his room, his stomach doing flips. When he walked out into the morning air, he felt a chilled breeze that made him shudder. Trinity was sitting cross-legged between a gnarly wrinkle stricken woman's legs. Trin's bright blue hair looked much longer after it was brushed and she looked like she had been given a bath. She wore only small clothes and her petite frame rocked back and forth as her hairdresser pulled roughly at the end of her locks and scrubbed boot polish into her roots.

The crew had been told of the plans, then. At least, some of them had. A gaggle of women sneered and shouted cruel japes at Trinity about her appearance. Slowly, the half-breed's head was being covered in black, and her ocean waves turned to coal on the top of her head. She looked as if she might cry, and when she made eye contact with Myles, she turned down her gaze quickly.

Myles got approving stares, unlike his comrade, and the women aboard whistled and cat-called to him. He normally would've found it amusing, but under the circumstances, he was less inclined to listen to them. Reska was quick to shut them up when she came from below deck, shooting daggers at the raunchy females. She slinked up beside him, her hand traveling up the soft fabric of his shirt.

"You don't look like you," she sighed. Something about her seemed softer this morning, as if his newfound confidence had humbled her.

He swallowed and looked down at himself. "I'm not sure I like it either. I feel--" he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of earshot of the others. "--I feel like this is wrong," he finished, his mouth running dry.

The feline cocked a brow in reply.

Myles cleared his throat and leaned in close. "I have a bad feeling about this. Like-- like it could get a lot of people killed. I think Captain Chaos is being too hasty, and I'm nervous of the outcome. This will bring." He gestured down at himself as if that explained it all.

He wasn't completely lying-- nerves, he had, but not for this plan. He would do anything his captain would ever ask of him. Fighting didn't scare him, and neither did kidnapping. But, yet, his stomach churned and the thought of telling his mother his concerns made him want to fling himself from the ship.

Reska seemed to understand him, by the look of her hooded eyes and sharpened bicuspids biting into her lower lip. "Captain Chaos has thought this through for some length of time," she argued, crossing her arms. "The coronation just finally gave her the chance she needed."

"I don't know," he said, rubbing his forehead. "What if we get trapped at port? It would be slaughter," he urged. "And if Wyliamme Carac does happen to be there--"

"He won't be," she assured. She glanced around, making sure nobody was watching them. "We got word that Queen Alse fled the city. We don't know why, but it was business enough to have Carac running after her." Reska raked her fingers down his chest. "We will be fine. This will work," she purred.

Myles shook his head, and it felt too light without his messy locks flopping around. "No, Res. I had a terrible dream. A dream we would all be killed before we managed to escape," he lied. "For a meta-human to have such a dream would be a bad omen, aye?"

That convinced Reska immediately, when he put it in terms of supernatural abilities and ominous dreaming. Myles attributed it to her fear of Chesney and her power, which enveloped him in guilt that he used it against her. But, it would be the only way to appease Merida and her worries. And to make sure I don't die a swift death before I've had a chance to really live.

The two locked hands and headed toward the captain's quarters, both shaking uncontrollably. It was as if their bodies knew already that Chaos would be unhappy with their plea. Myles knocked, sliding his sweaty palm out of Reska's before the door opened. Chesney stood, a goblet in her one hand, and a pistol in the other. She looked disheveled, with her shirt askew and her trousers unlaced at the top as if she were trying to let pressure off her belly.

She's drunk, Myles realized with terror. He swallowed hard and opened his arms, presenting his new appearance to her. Chesney's twitching eyes shot open and her smile grew into something foul looking, slobber dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"Look at m-my handsome lad. Merida did a good job, I see," she said, slurring. "Come in, have a drink." Chaos turned and staggered back to a lounge chair, where bottles full of ale and wine were drained and left scattered around the floor, and they entered behind her. She threw herself down and took a long drink from her chalice.

"Captain, Myles would like to talk to you about the kidnapping. And I think you should heed his word," Reska said, setting her hands on her hips.

"Oh?" Chesney piped up. "Not happy with your disguise?" she mocked, choking on her wine with drunken laughter.

The boy shook his head. "No, Captain. My business is far more urgent," he began.

His mother sat upright suddenly. "Where's your swords?" he asked, squinting.

"Oh, I... I thought they might be too, uh--" Myles snapped, trying to find the words.

"Conspicuous," Reska offered. Myles nodded enthusiastically.

"What business do y-you have concerning my plan?" Chaos cut off, hunched over on the chair. A hiccup and belch escaped her and she stared up at them with watery, vacant eyes.

Myles shifted from one foot to the other, nervously scratching his scarred palm. "With all due respect, Captain. I don't think this plot to kidnap Queen Dimia is the wisest at this time."

No one said a word. Reska watched both of them, her eyes blinking rapidly. Myles stared only at his mother, who looked at him with a harsh contempt. Her nostrils flared and her breathing hitched. Chesney spit down by her feet and a glob of brown landed on her toe.

"Who the fuck do ye think you are, boy?" she hissed.


"Shut your filthy mouth," Chesney barked. "You're not on this ship to have an opinion. Do ye forget that I took you out of the kindness of my heart into my service despite having a hangin verdict?" She looked at her first mate and pointed to the bottles on the floor.

Reska hurried over and began cleaning up around her captain's feet, piling as many bottles as possible into her arms. But when she picked up the last one with her tail, Chesney smashed her goblet down onto the feline's face, and the glass fell from Reska's arms and shattered all over the floor.

"And you, you mangy whore. You let him come into my cabin with this shit!" Chesney screamed. Her hand smashed down on Reska's face again, and the hybrid cowered on the floor.

Myles rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his lover, pulling her away. "Stop it, Captain! Please, we meant no disrespect!" he pleaded, his fingers lacing in the fiery hair. He pulled Reska's head back and saw she was already swelling at her eye. Blood trickled down her cheek and dripped from her chin.

"No disrespect?" Chaos laughed maniacally. "You come here, without the gifts I bestowed on you, and then you immediately try to persuade me to turn back on my plans when you have no authority to do so in the first place?" She raised the hand with her pistol, her hands quivering on the shaft. Myles felt sickeningly aware of his own gun digging into his hip.

"Please, mother. We are just worried for the safety of the crew. What if we are to be trapped and attacked at the docks before our escape?" Myles tried to shield Reska from another blow, but it surprisingly never came.

He looked up at his captain then, and he saw her staring down at him with a different expression now. She sat back in her chair and rested the pistol on her lap. Myles was afraid to move, not knowing if his mother would strike again. Reska was shaking under his arms, her heavy breathing heating the space between them.

"Why would you be worried about what's going on at the docks?" Chesney said, calmly. "You won't have anything to do with that. What happened to 'point and tell me where to strike and I'll do it'?"

Myles ushered his lover away from them and he kneeled on the floor in front of Chesney. His head hung limply and he offered her his hand to see the truth. But she shook her head and stood, circling him like a hunger-crazed shark ready to kill.

"No, Myles. Tell me from your own lips the meanin of this," she ordered.

"He had a dream... it was an omen," Reska choked from behind them, spitting blood onto the floor. Myles heard her gasp for air as Chesney kicked the cat-woman. It infuriated him not to be able to help, and his mind slowly drifted back to Evie in that moment.

"Out with the truth," Chesney demanded. Her boot caught him between the shoulders and she kicked him down on his hands. Myles looked like a dog, there on all fours in front of her. The humiliation of it was drowning him, and he wondered what had changed in their relationship since the night before, when she seemed to want to give him the world.

Myles held back tears, and cursed himself for being so soft. "Merida asked me to. She thinks this will get us all killed and she asked me to come to ya and beg you not to go through with this," he whispered. The blond looked back to check on Reska, but she was curled on the floor in a threatening way, like she'd pounce on him. Her eyes were full of betrayal as one pulsated shut.

"And you just let her influence you to step out of line?" Chesney asked, yanking Myles by the collar to look her in the eye.

He shook his head. "No, she meant no harm--"

His head whipped around from a stinging slap on his face and the floodgates opened, leaving his tears streaming. Chesney provided him with another slap before she sat back down in her lounge chair and stared off into the distance, sucking on her teeth.

"Moth-- Captain, I beg ya. She's only concerned for the crew. As am I," he said, crawling over the foot of her chair.

"Clean yourselves up and go back to your cabins. The kidnapping will carry on as I see fit," she spat, not bothering to look at her son. "Speak to no one and ready yourselves for tomorrow evening."

Myles weakly stood and hurried to Reska's side. As he tried to help her to her feet, she hissed and swung at him, her claws just missing the delicate fabric of his shirt. She struggled to stand and limped toward the door, holding her ribcage. Myles closed in behind her in case she collapsed. I did this to her. My actions have consequences and I'll forever be punished for my stupidity. He opened the door for Reska, who shoved him away.

"Son," he heard Chesney call softly from behind. He turned to look at her-- she looked just as much at ease as when they had first entered. He bowed his head and hoped for some mercy and forgiveness. "If I catch you talking to Merida again," she continued, "I will rip her guts from her arse and serve it to you for our next meal together."

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