New Freedom

"Don't worry, pretty thing, we aren't gonna kill ya~..."
At some random dark alleyway, a woman could be seen on the ground, whimpering in fear as she tries to crawl back and away from three looking thugs, who either carried a pipe or large knife as a weapon, they all look at her with a sadistic and evil expression

"But we do expect something in return~..."
The thug then started to unbuckle their belt, which made the woman freak out even more so, however before anything, 'Nasty', could happen, they all suddenly stopped when they heard something behind them all

"Now fellas, is that any way to treat a lovely lady?"
They all quickly turned around and saw someone standing behind them, talking to them all while calmly smoking a cigar

"Ha! Look at this guy's, someone is trying to play Hero, why don't we show him why he won't last long doing that, hehe~"
The thugs then turned away from the woman and started to walk towards the man who wore a white coat, a bowler hat and unfazzingly twirling a cane around his finger, clearly not feeling threatened against these criminals

"I'm not a Hero, my hands are a bit too dirty for that."
He takes another puff from his cigar as he then use his free hand to snap his finger, and in a instant, two of the three thugs shattered like glass, which startled the last remaining thug as they check to see what happened, they looked beyond shock when they saw that their two partners were laying on the ground, completely headless and no doubt very dead, seeing such a sight mortified the thug as they looked at the smoking man with extreme fear

"But I don't mind doing the world a favor by getting rid of people like you."
His one green eye that wasn't covered by his orange hair glared at the thug, who was about to beg for their life, but was quickly 'Hush' by a sword cutting off their head, which it then fell down to the ground with the body, killing the criminal instantly, and once the body dropped, it revealed a short girl who had clothes, hair and even eyes of neopolitan ice cream, in terms of color and style

"Thank you Neo, we might be criminals, but we have standards."
The man walked up to the Neopolitan girl, who was just named Neo, and gave her a praising pat on the head, which made her smile and beam happily from such a praise, once making shorty happier in life, he turned his attention to the woman, who was still scared but for a different reason now, but he ignores her reason of being of afraid and just held out his cane to her

"Don't get the wrong idea, I might steal your wallet after this, but I won't do anything to actually hurt you, that's not my style."
The man was blunt on his intentions, but at least he had class, politeness, and acted like a gentleman while doing so, which was definitely a better experience for the woman and would rather not complain about this kindness she was given

"T-Thank you..."
She grabs onto the cane and let the man help her up, even though she knows she was still gonna get robbed, she couldn't help but feel more relaxed and safe around him... the Neo girl was a different story unfortunately, who just smirks and walks around the woman, she could've sworn she saw her eyes change color

"No problem, now before I take your wallet, mind answering me three questions?"
Once he helped her up, he continues to talk her and seemingly wanted some advice or something from her, much to her surprise

"Um, sure?"
She was still a bit suspicious of what he might ask, since he was still a criminal, but was willing to hear him out and listen to what he has to say

"Thank you, now, my first question is, where are we?"
The first question he asked instantly made her confused, not understanding why anyone would ask that

"W-We're in Gotham."
Despite her confusion on why anyone wouldn't know where they're at, she decided to answer him anyway, it was easier that way

"Gotham huh? Alright, next question, do you know what Vale, Beacon Academy or even Remnant is?"
His next question just confused her even more

"No sir?"
While the words might sound familiar, she was getting the feeling that he was talking about something else and would rather be honest about her clueless than act like she understood what he meant, luckily his just nodded in acceptance

"Interesting... Now then, the last question, do you also see that unbroken moon in the sky?"
He used his cane to point at the night sky, more specifically pointing at the full moon that shines high above

"... Yes."
She was now just lost and decided to no longer question his questions, it was easier that way, especially since her answers seemed to have satisfied him and nods once again in acceptance

"Thank you very much, you may go now, have a safe journey home."
After getting everything that he needed to know, he no longer had any reason to keep the woman around and just waves goodbye to her, she didn't hesitate to leave, she also gave her quick thanks and goodbye to him, but left as soon as she could, which left him and Neo by themselves to think about the situation, well one of them were thinking about it, the ice cream lady just counted the money that she has stolen from the woman before she left

"It has come to my attention that we might no longer be at our old home, in fact, we might even be another world, if the whole moon wasn't an obvious hint to us."
Neo looked away from the cash she just counted and faced towards the smoking man, who just took another puff from his cigar, even though that he has just described, which would make most very upset or even scared if it happened to them, but for him, he couldn't help but just wear a very excited smile

"Which Means We Are Free From That Crazy Fire Bitch And Her Power Hungry Hunting Shit!~"
He then picked up Neo and started to spin around happily, she couldn't help but smile from this, not only from hearing that they no longer have to follow orders from a person she doesn't like, but also because she was seeing someone she like be so happy and holding her with such happiness

"Now Come On, No More Buzz Kill Boredom, Let's Enjoy Our Newfound Freedom!~ "
He then carried Neo on his shoulder and used his hand, that carried the cane, to point at a random direction with such excitement and eagerness, the ice cream lady couldn't help but giggles from this and follow his lead and did the same thing with her umbrella

"Let's Show This Gotham Place, Or Whatever, Why Roman Torchwick, me, And Neopolitan, you, Will Be The New Bosses In Town!~"

"Hands Up! You Two Are Under Arrest For 3 Sets Of Murder!"
Before Roman and Neo could do anything and leave the alleyway, in hopes to have fun with this new life and opportunity that they were given, they were instantly surrounded by over a dozen officers that has just arrived and were already aiming their guns at the two, which made them raise their hands in surrender, the shorty could only glare, eyes changing color again, no doubt wanted to make her '3' into a much higher number, and as for Torchwick, he couldn't help but sigh in annoyance

"No matter where we end up, there will always be pigs that exist one way or another..."
Roman and Neo are villains, wish to make that first part clear, HOWEVER, they're 'Good Villains?' if that makes sense, I mean all they do is just steal money and that's about it, they have no other motives, they have no interest in taking over Gotham, they only kill when necessary, or if you make Neo mad lol, and they have no specific beef with Batman, hell he would rather help the Dark Knight, for self preservation obviously, but also because he dislike how the other villains in Batman are so nasty and such, he might be evil, but he doesn't kill or torture everyone just for the fun of it, again Neo might think differently lol, but anyway what I'm trying to say is that despite being villain, they are tame and might dabble in some heroism, if it requires it, yeah.
(I was gonna do Origin, but that is Batman's personal story, also Asylum will always be the true origin for Batman to me, lol, though if you think I should do Origin instead, let me know~)

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