
Cas POV and Dean POV

"Castiel if you don't stop fucking walking away from me I'll make sure your ass is redder than a fucking tomato", screamed Dean.

Castiel turned around furiously," you know what fuck you dean. And fuck off I want nothing to do with you!"

"Hey you two !", yelled one of the guards . "Calm down and stop yelling before I throw both of you in isolation ".

Castiel rolled his eyes and hurried back to his cell with dean of course following him.

Dean handed something off to a guard and closed the door behind him , locking both Castiel and dean in the room.

"Castiel take back what you said ", said Dean heated.

"No", said a stubborn Castiel .

"Why are you being such a fucking child", said Dean .

"Why are you being such a slut!", yelled cas back .

Silence etched the room while dean stared Castiel in shock  .

"Slut?! I'm the slut when your over here fucking Blaine every night!", yelled dean . "That no good piece of shit"

"DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT", screamed Castiel shoving Dean into the wall.

Dean was taken back with castiel's sudden emergence of strength .

"There is no sort of relationship between me and Blaine ", Cas said lowly . "Anymore".

Dean pushed cas off of him and says ," anymore ?!"

"Yes anymore dean ", said Cas. "I do not want to talk about it".

"Then what happened last night ? ", said Dean narrowing his eyes .

"I was walking back from showering naked because and I forgot my towel, and woke Blaine up", said cas .

Castiel could swear relief etched Dean's face when he said that .

"Not that I owe you any sort of explanation . Whatever this is that we have is over from the moment you decided to fuck Benny", said Castiel pure jealousy dripping from his tone .

"I didn't fuck Benny . I only marked him because I thought you fucked Blaine ", said dean offensively .

"Well good for you, you can keep him. Now can you kindly get the fuck out of my cell", said Cas angrily .

Instead of leaving , Dean went closer and closer to Castiel. Castiel back up until he hit his bed .

"Dean don't , leave me alone ", said Cas .

"Cas when I said you were mine I meant it. I know we never discussed the terms of this relationship of ours but I am yours as much as you are mine ", said Dean which made Castiel heart flutter and cheeks blush .

No cas you are supposed to be angry

"It doesn't change the fact you kissed Benny" , said cas .

"Castiel all I did was suck on his neck ", said Dean , now straddling Cas.

"That doesn't make it any better ", Castiel said grumpily. "Get off".

"Baby look at me", said Dean .

Castiel looked up , and Dean smashed there lips together . Dean kisses him hard while cas didn't kiss back.

"Kiss me back Castiel", said Dean .

"No", pouted Castiel

"Please", said Dean . "I'm very sorry".

And with that first apology from dean , cas kissed back because he realized he was not going to escape the reigns Dean Winchester had on him. He realized all his crazy feelings towards Blaine were never going to reciprocate because Blaine simply doesn't remember him , and now Dean Winchester has a place in his heart.

The question is now is if dean could really be trusted with it ?


Dean began to unzip Cas's jump suit while Cas palmed Dean's half hard cock through his .

"I want you ", whined cas when Dean started to grind against his ass.

"How much", said dean causing cas to whine more as he grew more impatient .

"So much ", said cas.

"So much what?", said Dean

"Sir", said cas . "So much sir"

"Good boy", said dean smiling .

He removed cas's tunic and parted cas's legs  on his bed so he can stand in between them. He pulled out his fully hard cock and began to bob his head up and down on Castiel's cock .

Castiel let out a surprised moan , this was a pleasant way to find out Dean was a god at giving head . This was the first time Castiel was receiving any type of pleasure from dean without dean receiving it back and damn did it feel amazing.

"Dean-n", moaned cas feeling Dean's big hands move up under his shirt to pinch his nipples. "I'm gonna cum "

And with that dean stopped with a pop on his lips , and Castiel once again whined from the sudden loss of immense pleasure .

"I want to cum together beautiful ", said Dean. "I actually have a surprise for you".

Dean reaches in his little pocket of tunic and pulls out a small bottle of lube and a condom.

"Where the hell did you get those ", said cas.

"I paid the doctor after he checked me for stds ", said dean smirking . "I'm safe by the way".

"That's good ", Castiel said with a soft laugh.

He watched dean squirt some of the liquid onto his hand and apply it to his cock.

Castiel has made up his mind, Dean touching himself is the hottest thing he's ever seen .

Dean then put some on his three fingers and inserted it into cas slowly. Castiel cried out in pleasure when dean started to grind against his prostate and suck on the head of his cock at the same time.

"Fuck me", moaned Castiel his eyes rolling to the back of his head , his hips moving back on Dean's fingers.

Dean loved having Castiel laid out like this, so needy , so spread out,  so hot. All dean wanted was to thrust into his ass but he wanted to make this last.

"Sir please I want to cum so bad", whimpered Castiel.

Dean decided he simply couldn't take it anymore , that he needed cas as much as he needed the air to breathe. He quickly slipped on the condom and lubed it up .

"Yes angel I'll give you what you want ", said Dean.

With that dean's hands keeps Cas's legs spread  while he slowly entered his tight gaping hole.

"Dadddy", moaned cas lowly.

Dean groaned at the new nickname.

"I like that a lot ", grunted dean thrusting hard and deep into castiel's ass.

Every time dean thrusts , he jerked cas's dick causing cas to be blinded by intense pleasure . He wanted to stay in this state forever .

Dean didn't know how much of this either of them can take .

"Ready to cum baby?" Asked dean .

"Yes daddy I want to cum hard for you ", cried cas .

And with that Castiel came hard his orgasm shaking him to his very core while dean was shooting his load inside his condom , moaning loudly.



After dean and cas cleaned up and got dressed again, Dean continued to shower Castiel with kisses whispering sweet nothings in his ear while Castiel wrapped his arms around dean holding him.

"Ahem", a noise interrupted the couples cuddle session.

"So you and Dean ?" , asked Blaine with tears filling his eyes .

"Blaine what is it?" asked Cas.

"I remember"

OooOooOoOoOoh we love a healthy sister

I love you guys

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